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God of Schemes

  • OtarTheMad
    I am not ashamed to say that this quest is giving me problems at the moment. I got him down to 20% health once but then my ultimate glitched out and I couldn't fire. No excuses though I should have beat him.

    I don't think this quest should be nerfed, despite being ticked off right now. I just didn't make my character build well enough for this fight, that's my fault. I split att's between health and magicka and primarily use storm call and dark magic, some destro staff skills. Honestly some can say I'm a bad player but I've beaten a few of those bosses at the skull locations by myself without much trouble at all.
  • Jermu73
    I am sorcerer and can't beat him. I think i may have problem with quick slot bar cause i can't use healing potions correctly i mean if i use it once and it get stuck, nothing happed when i try press "Q" again after cooltime. I also have used some of my skill points on two handed and bow too cause i think some low level bosses just can't beat without them but i guess i'm off to skyshard hunt.
    Edited by Jermu73 on April 23, 2014 5:45AM
  • Sakiri
    Ioana wrote: »
    It's not too difficult. A lot of the game difficulty goes into what you spend your skill points on. If you focus on a few things you can accomplish a lot and the game becomes easier at higher levels. I notice I am doing quests that are several levels above me because I am not grinding, rather questing and they are not that difficult. Sorry you are having those issues though! Hope it gets better for you.

    When one talks about where skill points go, I just spoke with a friend of mine today. I had no issues with this quest and I have around 50 points in crafting....
  • Hoylegu
    I just beat him after my second try. Here is the loadout I used on my Sorc with Resto Staff:

    Rapid Regeneration I
    Endless Fury IV
    Explosive Curse IV
    Destructive Clench IV (though I never used it, maybe swap in a shield/buff)
    Lightning Flood III (again, I never used it, buff/shield here would be better)

    Always move. Always. 2, 3, 1, light attack till 2, 3, 1...etc.

    Block the titans, and that's that. It takes a while, but it really was quite easy after you find the right build/rotation/kite pattern.

    Hope this helps.
  • Xerothn
    Im a vamp, so the fire killing me i can understand but no, he stuns me and melee oneshots me all the time. I just cant dodge it or get out of the stun before he melees me. So something is bugged. My main has been stuck for a while.
  • permeusb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    NightBlade and after meny deaths i have just beaten him

    im running a magicka build but sadly haven't leveled the healing staff yet so after at lest 20 deaths and different things tried i went for Strife and soul trap as they were my highest damage skills and Strife seemed (with help from Stealth) to be the winner it's morphed to Swallow soul and is level 2, the stealth is to help me regen stam.

    what i did start with a sneak attack this actually stunned him for a bit (odd considering no other cc works on him) hit him with strife and soul trap then leg it, try to keep half the map between you and him and keep hitting him with the two spells i also had mist form to help me run for it but i dont think you need it.
    then the titans land Block like you life depends on it (and as im a vamp the fire balls can two shot me) because it does :) when they're dead (he landed before i killed the last one, that caused me to panic) back to cast strife and soul trap and run, my hp did not drop below 80% so ied say its a good strat to try.

    im in crafted green and blues 2 heavy (chest and legs) and 5 light all gear is level 50 (as am i) i have 4 enchs of hp and 4 of stam(from the shop) weapon was sword and board (both blue and lev50) i haven't said traits as there all training.

    i Hope this helps any body that was having problems with this fight (i know i dam well was thats how i found this page:) )
  • Matrinka
    Soul Shriven
    How do you beat this? When I try to free Mannimarco a whole freaking undead army is upon me. I mean come on 25+ mobs on just me? That seems like a lot to ask of anyone.
  • Yankee
    spareme wrote: »
    This is not a play it your way quest and is, for me, not fun and a reason I wont continue with the game. My healer is just not up to the task of killing a 38k boss in a dungeon filled with mobs. I wont get to see Veteran areas because this quest stops me. For those that love the challenge, great go for it and enjoy, but remember there are us carebears out here who do not want to be forced into the challenge.
    Open the content at 50 without a need to beat Molag and the problem is solved

    With respect, I do not get this logic. It just seems so stubborn.

    There are plenty of points by 50 to have at least 2 weapons sets and some DPS skills even with a healing focused character. Thats what my Templar was who got through MB the second try during beta on the PTS. Heck I just pulled out an old bow with 1 point in poison arrow and whittled him down.

  • Argoniawind
    This end fight is insane, I felt I died more times in this fight than I did in total in dark souls 1 and I still haven't beaten Molag Bal and not to mention the only way to visit the other factions provinces is to beat him.. So basically we are forced to be landlocked until you beat this? If thats the case that is not a true Elder Scrolls way... For those 5% of you that did beat this I give you props. For me im done playing until they fix this and other problems that need to be addressed.... I'm off to play Morrowind and Oblivion again!!
    "Live Another Life In Another World"
  • Yankee
    For those 5% of you that did beat this I give you props.

    Statistics for this fight are not available, but of those who get to the quest I am thinking it is closer to 95% who complete it. As long as it does not bug out, that is.

    Still, hate to see a player leave because they cannot get past it and I would certainly help you if it was not solo.
    Edited by Yankee on May 1, 2014 1:51AM
  • Jermu73
    Yankee wrote: »
    For those 5% of you that did beat this I give you props.

    Statistics for this fight are not available, but of those who get to the quest I am thinking it is closer to 95% who complete it. As long as it does not bug out, that is.

    Still, hate to see a player leave because they cannot get past it and I would certainly help you if it was not solo.

    I think that when majority of players get to that point there will be more complaints. Personally i didn't get past him aswell. I think that i have a latency issue because he hit me everytime even i'm out of the red area.

    Edit: Actually i just beat him only with my resto staff, summoned Clanfear and self healing.
    Edited by Jermu73 on May 1, 2014 1:46PM
  • SirBilldozer
    Soul Shriven
    Xerothn wrote: »
    Im a vamp, so the fire killing me i can understand but no, he stuns me and melee oneshots me all the time. I just cant dodge it or get out of the stun before he melees me. So something is bugged. My main has been stuck for a while.

    I had this same problem, every time I tried to block his heavy attack, I just got stunned and he'd one-shot me.

    I had a lot of trouble with this fight as a melee fighter, but once I swapped to my resto staff, I just ranged him and healed when I got low, which made it incredibly easy. The fight doesn't need to be "nerfed," but it's not suitable for certain classes or for certain styles of playing. So it can be difficult for some people, and extremely easy for others.
  • Rhoric
    They should nerf the mobs you have to go thru to even get to him. I keep dying when I try to go thru them as I keep getting hung up and get hit with the aoe coming down on you.
  • Demira
    I have had so much difficulty with this quest ....first of all I have medical problems with my hands and arms ..and especially with handling the mouse that with so much movement with it that is causing from the neck down I having severe pain and numbing.
    Please, some how make it where people can opt out of doing this quest and still be able to get to the veteran area.
    It's not friendly to the handicapped individual.
  • rochlin_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am a vampire mage and I am a veteran online MMO RPG player. I have been playing these games since 98 and have beta tested every major mmo that has come out. I am an expert mage player, I do not quit or give up and I know how to build a mage and how to play one. I was doing quests 4-5 levels above me almost the entire game. But God of schemes is IMPOSSIBLE for me to beat as a vamp mage. They nerfed vamp and so many of you who are being snarky and saying how easy it was probably did it pre nerf. I can get through the rooms with no issues I can kill the titans, again no issues. I have a 1000 fire resist ring on too. The problem is he one shots me, does massive fire damage to my stage 2 vamp and my spell of protection only last 3 seconds instead of 17 in that room... I cant defend myself let alone go on the offensive. His red circles take me down 1/4 to 1/2 health and stuns me. I have no spells that do damage that I can cast besides the aoe fire spell [when i use silver bolts the messge says he is too powerful for that-- same with mist, cant turn into mist form either and my heal pots only work sometimes when I hit q. and I need to be near him for that and if I am near him he does so much physical damage I die immediately. I have died about 25 times and gone through soul gems food and a pile of healing pots. this fight is not hard, its geared towards melee classes. I know about reflect but that only works on titans and if I stand still to long he one shots me so I cant cast anything that is not instant. for the mages who did it-- how many were vamp mages and how many have done it since the vamp nerf? I like my mage build and up until this one quest it has served me very well for 50 levels in this game. Molag bol is simply not a mage solo quest. I don't understand the people who think they are speaking for zenimax and telling you that you have no right to expect to be able to access the vet content because you don't play the game right or their way. I am not a gimp crafter build. I know how to play a mage. As I said I soloed 50 levels of this game and almost every quest, every solo /public dungeon and had no issues. I now have nothing left to do in this game and I am shut out of new content because I cant solo this stupid OP boss. This is not a challenge it is a miserable waste of my time and I play to play this game to have fun. Frankly I really don't care how easy it was for anyone else, for me it is game breaking and I am not spending anymore money to respect or get rid of vamp-- I happen to like playing my vamp. how about a puzzle quest option instead, something more suited to a mage character? Or a different mob for a mage character so they can keep playing the game. What's my incentive to stay right now? I am gone if this is not fixed very very soon.
  • Jermu73
    Yes i think that biggest problem is they should not do solo quest this hard that you have to build "right" build these quest's. People just leave the game and come back if they know they can beat it. Eso have diffuculty max all the time even mudcraps are level 50+ really? So you have the be carefull all the time. My opinnion is that this is way too hard and im vet 1 almoust vet 2.
  • Magdalina
    Rochlin, are you a sorcerer?
    I'm not a vampire, but as a mage sorcerer I didn't seem to have much troubles there. Pretty much the only abilities I used were Conjured shield(or ward or whatever it's called, last one in the Daedric summoning skill line) and Crystal shards for attack(anything else ranged would probably work just as fine I think). Oh, and Bound armor. And maybe a potion or two. Shield and armor gave me enough time to cast a spell without being afraid of dying while doing it, then run away and repeat til MG dies. Took a while and was very boring and tedious but easy. Oh, and I always forget I can block with staff, too, so I didn't xD

    Far as the trash mobs go, I'm not sure what problems people have with them. I specifically tried and a single LIGHT attack of a destro staff takes any of these monsters down. Any aoe attack used just a couple of times should blow all of them apart, I used Impulse, they pretty much disappeared before I saw them. Titans didn't, but they also disappeared very quickly(plus, ppl say blocking reflects their damage to them which should make it even easier).

    Personally, I'm disappointed. Not to offend anyone, but I found it long, boring and too easy. The way it is done also makes any more complicated strategy than "hit and run" impossible - pets die in one hit(Atronach died in 2), MG is immune to all the fancy effects(which makes sense I suppose) and while you can heal, healing is rather sad when there's no one to do damage for you while you heal, not even pets, making it even more boring and I guess complicating it for some people.
    Edited by Magdalina on May 15, 2014 1:46PM
  • SBR_QuorTek
    It is not difficult at all, it all come down to be there when stuff happens, like anything else in this game, you have to pay attention and react to what is going on... it is one of the things I really like with ESO... you just don't rush in and beat the crap out of everything, sometimes you gotta stop and find out why the thing murdered you and then chose a different approach, each new way learned will only benefit one in ESO unlike alot of other MMOs... that simply just get boring.
  • Demira
    I finally beat the quest yesterday!
    But I had to level my healing staff up from 24 to 38 to unlock force siphon and used the lightning attack on him in between dodging and weaving.
    I am dreading it with my templar! lmao
  • jbender1995ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'm VR 1 Sorcerer with all dark magic and daedric summon abilities and get killed every time I fight this guy, I didn't think I had to have ant resto for a pure DPS char, what the hell?? I even tried the resto staff, walking backwards trick with no luck, and the pots are not powerful enough or the CD takes too long
    but I cannot progress anymore without killing him?? WHY?? I don't think I should have to alter my play-style just to beat a mini boss. Ive not had too many problems up until now beating others, and whats with the respeccing skills costing 11k gold whats up with that?? im not a farmer, just a casual player who would like to be able to do more in this game. if something dosnt change soon Im going to go back to WOW,
    and to those who've beaten him props, but I don't have all the time in the world to play this game, I actually work a full time job so if some one who knows of a build that can help please let me know.

    P.S. im out of skyshards because I've gotten all that I can and Im not a PVP player so yea Im out of options
  • jbender1995ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Yankee wrote: »
    For those 5% of you that did beat this I give you props.

    Statistics for this fight are not available, but of those who get to the quest I am thinking it is closer to 95% who complete it. As long as it does not bug out, that is.

    Still, hate to see a player leave because they cannot get past it and I would certainly help you if it was not solo.

    I think that when majority of players get to that point there will be more complaints. Personally i didn't get past him aswell. I think that i have a latency issue because he hit me everytime even i'm out of the red area.

    Edit: Actually i just beat him only with my resto staff, summoned Clanfear and self healing.

    Im still trying to figure out how to self heal with a pure DPS Sorcerer pots don't work for me for some reason or they are just not powerful enough
  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    I've found that spamming 'Entropy' from the mages guild skill line works really well for this fight. It was crucial for my sorc, who couldn't otherwise self heal without being rendered immobile.
  • Flashygrrl
    Did they nerf him or something? I'm a Nightblade Dual-Wield and I facerolled him on the first try. Mannimarco was harder!
  • Adryssa_Joneley
    I guess i am another player that won't have access to any more content due to a ridiculously difficult solo quest. It saddens me greatly because I've enjoyed the game, and this one quest is stopping me from progressing. I have exhausted my tactics, and am now out of ideas. I play a NB, i have tried doing ranged as well and its a no go. I am constantly slowed down and suffer huge amounts of damage just trying to keep away from him, and then he summons a room full of bad guys. Like, what the heck????? COME ON!!! Not everyone is an uber player. Give us average players a break too will ya.
  • Ysne58
    Matrinka wrote: »
    How do you beat this? When I try to free Mannimarco a whole freaking undead army is upon me. I mean come on 25+ mobs on just me? That seems like a lot to ask of anyone.

    I managed to drag each one away after the first time I died and kill them one by one.

  • Sallakat
    It really is not hard, like seriously, not trying to talk down to people who are struggling or anything.

    What is good to have in your skill bar is one big dps skill and a DoT skill. I personally on my sorcerer used the Mage's Fury from Storm Calling tree and World Skill line skill that you can fill in the soul gems; it's cheap and you can spam it quite a lot while running.

    Apart from those 2 skills, I only did a billion times of heavy attack on my lightning destruction staff while kiting him like a crazy person :D need to avoid the red on the floor ofc ;)

    And like it's been said, just nicely keep your right mouse button down (really nothing else is needed) when the big adds come, they go down easy piecy.

    I also had my twilight matriarch out but it died quite fast, so forgot about it fast and just focused on staying out of *** and doing heavy attacks.
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Arklem
    Soul Shriven
    I am a Sorc. in light armor, destro staff etc. I just cannot get past this part. I have tried my best for the last week but the health pots do not do enough and with his melee attack he takes around 1/3-1/4 of my life every hit. I do block, dodge etc. but it does not matter. There is no reason why this quest should be a solo quest. Congrats to everyone who has completed this quest but I am done with it. I am tired of dying constantly, resetting my build and attempting it again. Light armor individual? Yeah, we are screwed...
    Edited by Arklem on June 18, 2014 10:57PM
  • GreySix
    Simple fix: Allow those who want cooperative play to group and move on. Allow those who want the challenge of solo play to do so and revel in their victory.

    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • yelloweyedemon
    Seriously people? That was hard? I beat him 1st try lvl 50 NB (just dinged V1, no V gear) and my health did not go down below 25%

    I didn't even had HoT abilities in my bar (like swallow soul etc)
    Just DW/assassination/shadow abilities and 1 fighers guild.

    Used 3-4 pots yeah, but seriously of all the forum doom n' gloom I expected it kinda more difficult.

    It is definatelly a build/playstyle issue if you can't beat him.

    No they should not make him facerolling easy, they should keep his difficulty as it is. This is probably the only MMO I've seen where solo main quests are not 100% facerolling easy, yet people cry -.-

  • nagarjunna
    I beat him first try and neither this fight or the Mannimarco fight was hard. I am playing a Sorc with Restoration staff equipped in full light. However for MB I ran around in a circle pattern, strafed heavy attacks and laid down Rapid Regen whenever I was below 80% health. I would occasionally fire off Mages Fury/Velocious Curse.

    No need for a nerf...
    Edited by nagarjunna on June 25, 2014 3:31AM
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
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