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God of Schemes

Am I missing some thing here, how is this quest even remotely solo-able?
Brave New World.
  • randomaffliction66
    *** needs to be nerfed
    Brave New World.
  • Ioana
    Soul Shriven
    It's not too difficult. A lot of the game difficulty goes into what you spend your skill points on. If you focus on a few things you can accomplish a lot and the game becomes easier at higher levels. I notice I am doing quests that are several levels above me because I am not grinding, rather questing and they are not that difficult. Sorry you are having those issues though! Hope it gets better for you.
    M. If you don't know, you will soon.
  • Terminus
    Not everything needs to be nerfed.
    In fact, this WAS nerfed.

    Try changing the tactics you're using, you need to think differently.
  • randomaffliction66
    Terminus wrote: »
    Not everything needs to be nerfed.
    In fact, this WAS nerfed.

    Try changing the tactics you're using, you need to think differently.

    I love hard games, and I beat with no issues after maintenance, it seems he we bugging when I initially fought him and was actually spawning the mobs multiple times rather than just once. After seeing that it was bugged when I made this post, it's not really that hard lol
    Brave New World.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    The fact of the matter is that the devs pride themselves on play your way, yet when the last boss in a supposedly solo quest requires you to play a certian way, it breaks the game, you can no longer play your way, you either play a certian way our you cant access veteran zone content
  • spareme
    Soul Shriven
    This is not a play it your way quest and is, for me, not fun and a reason I wont continue with the game. My healer is just not up to the task of killing a 38k boss in a dungeon filled with mobs. I wont get to see Veteran areas because this quest stops me. For those that love the challenge, great go for it and enjoy, but remember there are us carebears out here who do not want to be forced into the challenge.
    Open the content at 50 without a need to beat Molag and the problem is solved
  • ArgonianAssassin
    what happens if i release mannmarco, i did it once before but this time i opted to just skip right past him, I thought maybe he'd help me in the fight but he doesn't, is there something he does after you fight molag bal or does he just vanish?
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • Naguur86
    Since when does the ability to "play your own way" mean that I can beat everything without any challange or effort? You can play however you want but some ways are not able to beat some mobs alone.

    If i would devide my Skillpoints evenly to every skillline than that would be my way but do I have to be able to beat everything without a problem with this (not very optimal) build? No.

    If I would max out every single crafting skilline and put only some points in combat skills to be able to fight at all, should I be able to beat every mob as a pure crafter? No.

    The ability to play your own way does not mean that you can actually beat anything.
  • ArgonianAssassin
    Well a crafter isn't a fighter, any fighter build should be able to solo content that's made specifically to be solo'd, yes. Should it be challenging, yes, should it be ridiculously hard, no. If I make a build with no self-healing, I should be able to solo content that's made to be solo'd, if I make a build with low damage, and high self healing, I hsould be able to solo content made for soloing, if I make a crafter build with little to no fighting capability, then I shouldn't be able to solo, but I should be able to bring friends to help me because that's what we call a support build. (:
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • Noth
    Well a crafter isn't a fighter, any fighter build should be able to solo content that's made specifically to be solo'd, yes. Should it be challenging, yes, should it be ridiculously hard, no. If I make a build with no self-healing, I should be able to solo content that's made to be solo'd, if I make a build with low damage, and high self healing, I hsould be able to solo content made for soloing, if I make a crafter build with little to no fighting capability, then I shouldn't be able to solo, but I should be able to bring friends to help me because that's what we call a support build. (:

    I'm pretty sure any build can beat Molag Bal simply because blocking gets rid of the titans and all I did was run in a circle around Molag spamming light attacks and using a heal every once in awhile. Nothing more after the titans.
  • AlchemyDevil
    I think the difficulty of that fight was fine, if you are having a problem or had problems then my suggestion would be your build was not set up right for that particular fight. If they nerf these things then this game will follow in the footsteps of others that conformed to the unskilled/casual masses and become a child's game. I for one appreciate the challenges that this game poses and continues to get more and more difficult as I progress further into the content.

    At last a game that makes you feel like you have accomplished something after a glorious battle instead of merely mashing buttons until the mob is dead. Please don't nerf this game.
  • ArgonianAssassin
    Yeah I beat him when I found out blocking reflects the damage back to the titans, after that it was a piece of cake.
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • jgaston1030ub17_ESO
    The fact of the matter is that the devs pride themselves on play your way, yet when the last boss in a supposedly solo quest requires you to play a certian way, it breaks the game, you can no longer play your way, you either play a certian way our you cant access veteran zone content

    Amen I refuse to break character just to beat an op boss that needs some SERIOUS tweaking. I mean I don't mind dieing in battle but when the battle resets every time you die it gets extremely irritating.
  • SMVegas83
    This fight isn't that difficult... and if you're an immersionist or an RPer, you can still do the final fight. The biggest problem in that fight, for me at least, was the Titan transition. If you just keep moving and avoid the ground fire, while staying blocked, you will easily solve that problem. If you want other tips, Id be happy to provide them. Good luck!
  • TotterTates
    I enjoyed the difficulty... as a main spec tank I don't really dish out damage and the fight lasted ~15 minutes. Having to time my potions/green dragon blood, keeping expert hunter and molten weapons up, and blocking/roll dodging really gave me that sense of accomplishment. Plus it didn't help that my equipment was badly damaged :p

    *edited for a misplaced "so"*
    Edited by TotterTates on April 16, 2014 1:46PM
    • Imperial Dragonknight (Tank)
    • Pre-TG vMA Score: 459,636 [55:36, 0 Sigils, 0 Deaths] (Stamina)
    • Post-TG vMA Score: 537,328 [53:36, 0 Sigils, 0 Deaths] (Stamina)
    Bäby Spice
    • Altmer Sorc (DPS)
    • Dunmer Dragonknight (Healer/DPS)
    • Argonian Templar (Healer)
    Moon Moon
    • Khajiit Nightblade (DPS)

    My Twitch Channel: TotterTanks
  • noahstephens1997b14_ESO
    I am a vampire and all that is going on is im getting one shotted or running out of stam and can't dodge power attacks.
  • madmacb16_ESO
    well that's me leaving this game then - so subscribing to rage quit fodder
  • philzouk
    I am stuck on the final part of this quest, due to a bug. But as for the boss fight, I was able to 1 shot it without much hassle, a few close calls. But to call for a nerf, is just simply over the top.
    It is 100% solo-able, in fact its fairly easy for the final boss in the main story.

    I am a light armor sorc, so i am very squishy. But if you dodge correctly and use some type of healing ability its fine.
    I used crit surge as my main heal, with potions.
  • Lanatireb17_ESO
    This is not really one of the hardest fights. I play a very squishy build that got his ass kicked by several bosses a lot of times, but this one is doable as long as you dont forget to keep healing yourself.
  • Daenerys
    learn your builds! I beat MB last night on the first try without dying once. please stop calling for nerfs.
  • scneedl_ESO
    No, this does not in any way need a nerf...Doshia was tougher than Molag Bal and that's a pity. I was expecting a difficult fight and was even concerned because I had no health pots. I am a sword and boarder with 5 hvy 2 light and use a full skill bar of fighter's guild skills. With the buff you get, the trash goes down in one or two hits, and with Molag Bal it was just a matter of staying out of the red...he was dead before I knew it and barely touched my health. If anything this fight needs a buff, not a nerf. Vet content trash mobs take longer to kill than Molag Bal did...ZOS would have to nerf all of the content after Bal if they nerfed him any more.
  • Ysne58
    Just requiring people to do some of these quests solo is so far away from "play it your way". I'm disabled and so far am completely unable to defeat any of the harvesters, with any character and after trying many different play styles with much advice from other players. I really do wish the devs would allow grouping. I'm not the only one here who has so much difficulty completing some of these. Gutstripper has been nerfed so badly he is almost easier than regular clanfears now..
    Edited by Ysne58 on April 19, 2014 7:09PM
  • RastSekyd
    I'm a Nightblade vampire and was able to take down Molag Bal with few issues, despite being somewhat squishy.

    I swapped to a destro staff for the fight, and picked up the Fighter's Guild passive Slayer(bonuse damage to undead/daedra) and Silver Bolts. For skills, I took Mist Form(Elusive Mist), Funnel Health, Silver Bolts, Summon Shade and Leching Strikes. Essentially had to kite around restoring stamina/magicka with the staff while spamming Silver Bolts. Used Funnel Health to help stay alive, and Summon Shade for a little constant damage while dodging.

    I actually had more trouble dealing with the waves of 15+ Lv.50 enemies before the fight. This was compounded by the fact that after spawning they detect and attack you even if you're "Hidden".
  • kliddleb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    exactly how the hell is a vampire sorc suposed to take out 10 titans auto attacking me immediately in unison? there is no build to fix that, *** needs to be nerffed, not tuned only for tanks to do
  • xaboo68
    sorcerer glasbomb - totally storm - not able to defead molg bal - have to reset skillpoints -
    - ITS NOT THE WAY - you can play every build you want -
    - let the people go to veteranareas without killing molagbal mainquest will fix it

    go and patch it thx
  • kliddleb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    not completing the questline is not the answer, there needs to be some sort of pause to enable us to heal a little bit or something, non taking classes cant take the constant dps.
  • kliddleb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    entropy is the answer.
  • Quaesivi
    People who are having trouble with Molag Bal, just a simple suggestion, BLOCK!. I mean seriously, use the features given to you by the game, I'm not a tank, I had like 1k HP when I went to fighting Molag Bal (yes I dumped my points into magicka/stamina), all I did was blocking and constant running around, HP didn't even go down more than 90%.
  • Sergeant_Novak
    I got through without any deaths. Though if I didn't have a back up healing staff, I suppose that wouldn't be the case. Anyways, through the fight you have to find some way to sustain, whether that be class abilities (I used blood magic passive), back up heals staff or potions. Other than that make sure you have some AOE abilities to deal with the incoming titans and avoid the "stupid" from Molag Bal's attacks.
    Kol Blakmarc - Dwemer Archeologist, Mage, Not such a great dancer
  • blahgameblahb14_ESO
    SMVegas83 wrote: »
    This fight isn't that difficult... and if you're an immersionist or an RPer, you can still do the final fight. The biggest problem in that fight, for me at least, was the Titan transition. If you just keep moving and avoid the ground fire, while staying blocked, you will easily solve that problem. If you want other tips, Id be happy to provide them. Good luck!

    The titans threw me. I don't move around the way I used to (aging) and I am playing a 1H&Shiled build. Mainly crafting and slow killing templar (for survivability). The Titans just did me in completely 1st round. Couldn't see how it would be at all possible for me to kill MB before they popped. Dies 3 times trying different options.

    Read this (this thread) and went back and killed him. Took me maybe 5 minutes. When the Titans popped, I backed against the wall and waved my shield around while blocking. Killing MB was a long process but all done and on my way.

    TY all in this thread who offered suggestions, particularly the quote above.
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