i preordered the the physical imperial edition. got early access. played beta, early access and everything, thought that i could just get my game on launch day, get the physical map, statue, book and stuff and just enter my explorers pack codes, and 30 days free code. no. they give me DISCS. 4 discs. WHY WOULD I DOWNLOAD A GAME THEN GET DISCS FOR IT LATER??? WHY? doesnt make sense! furthermore, i didnt even GET a 30 days free code and my explorers pack code says i need to buy the game first. WTF!?!? bethesda, why...?? Shor's Bones! its a great game, once you actually can play. the customer support and billing system has BS written all over it. not impressed, at all. WHERES MY FREE MONTH??? ITS NOT IN MY EMAIL! NOT ON A CARD! WHY???? every other mmo ive played never did this! i used to be a ESO pre orderer like you, then i took a imperial edition to the knee. IMPERIAL EDITION BUYERS BONED