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The sad fact about the subscription

Even EA gave players an extra 5 days grace period when amazon had a delay with swtor...
  • Vivec
    It's your problem that you bought the game through Amazon instead of digitally, not ZO's.

    I'm hardly one to defend ZO's business decisions with TESO given all the poor choices they've made, but this one isn't their fault. It's Amazon's, and yours.
  • drwoody44b14_ESO
    You know how fanboyish that sounds to blame someone for buying the copy from one of the recommended retailers? You know, one that they told us to buy from?
  • Shimond
    This doesn't appear to be a question needing answering.
  • nerevarine1138
    Stopped reading after "fanboy". You always take a risk when you order a physical copy that needs to be shipped. Early Access grace periods were already extended, and you can't blame ZO for needing proof that you actually bought the game.
  • drwoody44b14_ESO
    Stopped reading after "fanboy". You always take a risk when you order a physical copy that needs to be shipped. Early Access grace periods were already extended, and you can't blame ZO for needing proof that you actually bought the game.

    Thats a great thing to say. I'm sure the 100's of people having this issue would agree with you.

    Also, you should check this.

    Pissing off a lot of people is a great way to start your mmo career and ensures they'll stick around for a long time!
    Edited by drwoody44b14_ESO on April 6, 2014 1:28PM
  • thilog
    I do have proof that I bought the game, I have the box code. Why do I need to add a subs plan now.. it has nothing to do with ZO needing proof.
  • morgueanna
    Stopped reading after "fanboy". You always take a risk when you order a physical copy that needs to be shipped. Early Access grace periods were already extended, and you can't blame ZO for needing proof that you actually bought the game.

    There would not be a risk if Zenimax offered the physical copies themselves. They instead chose to rely on 3rd party distributors. And speaking of those 3rd party distributors, how many times have you heard of Amazon being late with a delivery? It almost never happens unless there is a problem with them receiving the item to ship to you.

    Considering Gamestop, Best Buy and Amazon are all shipping the physical copy late, one must assume the problem is on Zenimax's end for supplying the boxes late.
  • nerevarine1138
    morgueanna wrote: »

    There would not be a risk if Zenimax offered the physical copies themselves. They instead chose to rely on 3rd party distributors. And speaking of those 3rd party distributors, how many times have you heard of Amazon being late with a delivery? It almost never happens unless there is a problem with them receiving the item to ship to you.

    Considering Gamestop, Best Buy and Amazon are all shipping the physical copy late, one must assume the problem is on Zenimax's end for supplying the boxes late.

    Have all the retailers had delays? So far, I've only heard complaints about Amazon, and they had an issue with the pre-orders a while back, too. I'm prepared to bet this is another Amazon issue.
  • Audigy
    Even EA gave players an extra 5 days grace period when amazon had a delay with swtor...

    And those 5 days were deducted from the free 30 days ;) If you talk then tell the full story and not just the half. ;)
  • narcolepticjedi
    You know how fanboyish that sounds to blame someone for buying the copy from one of the recommended retailers? You know, one that they told us to buy from?

    Ok then, how's this. Did you pay for rush shipping to ensure you'd get it on launch day? No? Well, you're fault for cheaping out then. I know, in you're opinion it's still everyone else's fault. But I know two people who ordered the physical box copy, from Amazon, and already have it.
  • Behrwulf
    You know how fanboyish that sounds to blame someone for buying the copy from one of the recommended retailers? You know, one that they told us to buy from?

    Ok then, how's this. Did you pay for rush shipping to ensure you'd get it on launch day? No? Well, you're fault for cheaping out then. I know, in you're opinion it's still everyone else's fault. But I know two people who ordered the physical box copy, from Amazon, and already have it.

    Dude you're an ass!!! I paid for the rush shipping, but amazon still doesn't have it in and I preordered 3 collectors editions the day the were announced. And when we put the early access code in over a month ago, our account page shows we have purchased the game. So no its not on us, its on Zenimax for not being able to set up a website to accept subs. Even though they know we purchased the game.
  • nerevarine1138
    Behrwulf wrote: »
    You know how fanboyish that sounds to blame someone for buying the copy from one of the recommended retailers? You know, one that they told us to buy from?

    Ok then, how's this. Did you pay for rush shipping to ensure you'd get it on launch day? No? Well, you're fault for cheaping out then. I know, in you're opinion it's still everyone else's fault. But I know two people who ordered the physical box copy, from Amazon, and already have it.

    Dude you're an ass!!! I paid for the rush shipping, but amazon still doesn't have it in and I preordered 3 collectors editions the day the were announced. And when we put the early access code in over a month ago, our account page shows we have purchased the game. So no its not on us, its on Zenimax for not being able to set up a website to accept subs. Even though they know we purchased the game.

    But they don't know if you've returned/cancelled your order. The early access codes don't indicate that you actually kept the order.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    Even EA gave players an extra 5 days grace period when amazon had a delay with swtor...

    The answer to the question you clearly are answering is to never by an MMO before launch through Amazon.

  • Alyrn_Grey
    thilog wrote: »
    I do have proof that I bought the game, I have the box code. Why do I need to add a subs plan now.. it has nothing to do with ZO needing proof.

    The checking your credit card before allowing you to use your free time is a fairly standard thing with subscription MMO's.
  • JohnD212
    This just proves people will *** and moan about anything. Just go play the game. It's launched if you hadn't heard.
  • redwoodtreesprite
    Sigh, some posters are so callous. We learned the hard way twice to never depend on retailers for codes, once with LOTRO with Mines of Moria. Never did get our preorder cloak code/package from Gamestop, and thousands of other players didn't either. Years later, those code packages are still being sold at Amazon. Same with another time, never getting preorder codes. So now, we always buy direct from game company.

    BUT, not everyone has already been burned like that, and they trust that if they order something, it will be delivered. I am a big Amazon supporter, as they seem the safest place to buy things online, but they can mess up bigtime too. I suspect they took in more preorders than they ended up receiving to ship. That may be part Zenimax's fault, if they didn't give Amazon and other retailers a set number of preorders they could take.
  • Frosthawk
    @redwoodtreesprite How things have gone so bad where ever you are, don't you have anykind of consumer Protection making sure that customers product get shipped before deadline?
    EU - Adlmeri Dominion
    Sanquin's tester
  • KaosProphet
    Stopped reading after "fanboy". You always take a risk when you order a physical copy that needs to be shipped. Early Access grace periods were already extended, and you can't blame ZO for needing proof that you actually bought the game.

    Thats a great thing to say. I'm sure the 100's of people having this issue would agree with you.

    Also, you should check this.

    Pissing off a lot of people is a great way to start your mmo career and ensures they'll stick around for a long time!

    Whether they agree with him or not, it's a fair point.

    Blaming ZOS for issues created by Amazon isn't any better than blaming the customer for buying from Amazon instead of from ZOS.
  • redwoodtreesprite
    Frosthawk wrote: »
    @redwoodtreesprite How things have gone so bad where ever you are, don't you have anykind of consumer Protection making sure that customers product get shipped before deadline?
    Problem is, the game company blames the retailers, and often does nothing when thousands do not get their codes or limited edition. And the retailers blame the company. Both saying, "Deal with the other", we have no control over it. End result, customers are almost always the losers...
  • Kinsaven
    I've heard of multiple cases involving Amazon and delayed deliveries when it comes to other games as well. There seems to be something wrong here with Amazon and the way they conduct their business. It seems more of a case of they sold more copies than they had available and now they can't deliver.

    It's very easy to just keep selling them and then point fingers at Zenimax when the copies can't be delivered, as they know that's who the people will turn to first. Perhaps it was miss-communication, but seeing as it has happened before with multiple other games, I don't think the game companies are to blame here.
  • redwoodtreesprite
    Thing is. sometimes the game companies should step in, like when Game Stop and many other retailers did not give preordering customers their packet with the special codes for Mines of Moria. At the very least, customers should be able to get a code from the company itself if they can prove they preordered it. But sadly, that is a rare thing for a game company to do...
  • Kinsaven
    Thing is. sometimes the game companies should step in, like when Game Stop and many other retailers did not give preordering customers their packet with the special codes for Mines of Moria. At the very least, customers should be able to get a code from the company itself if they can prove they preordered it. But sadly, that is a rare thing for a game company to do...

    True, but giving out codes to people so they can play is a bit of a sensitive thing. Because if (or when) the order they placed with Amazon finally comes through, those players will have two codes for the price of one.

    I understand it's a really rough situation for a lot of people, but I can also see why it puts Zenimax in a bit of a bind.
    Edited by Kinsaven on April 6, 2014 9:39PM
  • Lalai
    Title of the thread is greatly misleading. Anyway.. the fault lies on the feet of Amazon. They messed something up and over-sold. Zenimax, however, could do some stuff to help lighten the blow as it is ultimately their player's that are being blocked from the game. In the past, when massive shipping issues were seen, games have extended the grace period to apply the codes, but not the free subscription period (so the 30 days included with purchase would begin today, but people could still play). Given the situation, and the number of people affected, that would probably be a good option here.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • drwoody44b14_ESO
    I love all the "amazon oversold" comments when clearly I mentioned that my CE has shipped.
  • nerevarine1138
    I love all the "amazon oversold" comments when clearly I mentioned that my CE has shipped.

    When a company oversells a pre-order, only some people don't receive their product.
  • Lalai
    I love all the "amazon oversold" comments when clearly I mentioned that my CE has shipped.

    From what I've read on the issue, the reason that the large majority shipped late was because of the over-selling issue, and Zenimax is now working with Amazon to get more stock to them and all that fun stuff. So some people are going to have late ships, and some aren't going to get the retail CE edition. It's a crappy situation, but it is still Amazon's fault.

    That doesn't mean Zenimax can't do anything though. Which is why I said in my last post that it would be a good idea to extend the grace period, but not the actual free play time.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Deadeyemouse14_ESO
    I'm having the same issue with Best Buy. To all those saying we should have purchased digital, screw you, I wanted the really cool special edition swag that only came with the retail edition. I love the stuff that is included, and wanted to support them with the highest priced edition.

    At this moment, I'm not getting my shipment until the 9th, and I didn't get any sort of game registration code emailed. I've been off and on the phone with Best Buy trying to get this worked out, and they had no idea there was supposed to be this second code outside the early access. I've talked to three people, none of them had any idea, each put me on hold to talk to a supervisor that has had no idea it was needed either. Something is stupid messed up with this whole ordeal, and those that had to go through retailers to get this edition are getting screwed.

    To get those special edition items, we couldn't go through Zenimax directly. That wasn't an option.
  • Thete
    thilog wrote: »
    I do have proof that I bought the game, I have the box code. Why do I need to add a subs plan now.. it has nothing to do with ZO needing proof.

    It is odd making people arrange their subscription now when every still has a month to go before it would be a problem. I could understand a gentle reminder so nobody ended up being logged out 30 days hence because they forgot to set it up, but making you seems strange.

    That being said, I have been able to play today without having to set up the subscription plan. Is it something they're only making physical copy owners do (I got mine on digital download)?
  • Seraseth
    I checked mine, 30 days remaining, and no sub setup. Mine was also a digital direct from ZOS.
  • Emira
    All of these flames to each other, and answers pulled from our asses is doing nothing.
    Point is-Ball dropped, and the people who should be able to fix it, or at least give answers and make people happy, are out at the park with Ray Charles and Helen Keller.
    Edited by Emira on April 7, 2014 1:40AM
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