Quest level raising faster than our level, and so many forced solo missions..

For an MMO, we're being forced into solo missions quite often and I don't see the purpose for it.

My girlfriend and I have been playing together since 5 days early access began, and after level 12 or so, we're always lower level than the quests and the quest rewards that we are doing. Many quests give such small amount of EXP reward, it's like the zones were laid out during a time in which players got more experience for doing stuff than they do now. We'll get a solo only quest, where we get put into an instance and can't see each other and it's frustratingly hard to do alone when the mobs are 3-5 levels above you, combined with all the latency issues with mobs warping around and such. We just finished every quest we found in Deshaan and got the quest to move on to the next zone. We have much of the zone mapped and made it a point to visit the structures and things that looked like towns to pick up the odd random quests here and there. We seem to be done in the zone, killed Vox and did all that and we're just level 20. We still can't use quest rewards from half way through the zone we got when we were level 16 and 17. Many quest EXP rewards don't seem to have much to do with how hard or long they are, with long chains sometimes giving no more than ones that took 4 minutes.

The Mara pledge doesn't seem to be helping much, and doing low level quests doesn't seem to be a feasible way to catch up as the bar often scarcely moves at all.

Why are we being forced to do many of the more difficult quests alone in an MMO?? Why, despite intentionally seeking out random quests about the zone, are we falling behind? In all the many MMOs I've played, I can honestly say I've never encountered this problem before.

Where can we go at level 20ish to catch up? Judging from quest reward level requirements, it seems like you are expected to be level 23-25 when you finish Deshaan.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein
  • SMW1980b14a_ESO
    Doesn't help that we keep running into bugged quests that we can't complete... :(
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein
  • kirrasha
    There really is some serious problems with many quest rewards. As you say, it seems like they were done in a time where doing other things more XP than now.

    I still recall the 2 quests I did in the exact same spot... A level 10 story quest, and just a level 10 side quest.

    Story quest reward: About 1100 xp.
    Side quest reward: less than 80 xp.

    That is just wrong.
    Edited by kirrasha on April 6, 2014 1:08AM
  • Eventiine
    Yea. I would like to see an answer here as well. As soon as I get around 11-12 most of the quests I have left are 3 levels ahead of me. And after mousing over the entire map I see that I have saved the day everywhere. This really needs to get fixed. Very frustrating.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Have you been going into all the public dungeons etc? Anchor Events?
  • Ojustaboo
    As you do the obvious quests, are you also going off the main track and exploring? Not just going to where it looks like a town might be.

    There should be many hidden quests and dungeons to find that will be at your level.

    I'm just level 10 (got to level 15 in beta) and if anything, I feel I've got too much xp and the level 12 mobs I'm killing to fill my soul gems, are no real challenge at all.

    Just in case anyone doesn't realise, those areas on the map with the skulls on them are meant to be much harder than normal mobs of their level.

  • Sharakor
    There's more than 100 quests in Auridion, doing the main quest line will only get you so far. Explore I'm level 17 and I think I only have about 1/2 of the quests in Auridion.
  • Brockxz
    I think you just didn't explore everything in zones (go every public dungeon, do every anchor etc) because I actually have other problem. I level way too fast for zones I do quest and all quests are already 3+ levels lower than my level. And that's when I try to avoid kill anything that isn't quest objective and gives me exp. I think exploration exp gains are way too high.
  • Medwin
    I've been doing every quest, public and regular dungeon, as well as dark anchors and have been pretty on point with level. Heck I think I'm over leveled currently.
    Please read through and comment on my incredibly comprehensive Vampire guide. :)
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  • ml_182b16_ESO
    Sharakor wrote: »
    There's more than 100 quests in Auridion, doing the main quest line will only get you so far. Explore I'm level 17 and I think I only have about 1/2 of the quests in Auridion.

    Actually there are about 50 quests in Auridon.
  • Sakiri
    If youre only 20 after finishing the Vox line you messed up somewhere and missed a lot.

    I just finished Deshaan at 24. Check your zone achievement and see your quest count. I got that just before I killed vox.
  • obnxsh
    I'm nearly level 18 leaving Auridon, I pretty much did everything possible. Explore more imo.
  • Ryoshi1
    Personally a 3-4 level disadvantage/advantage shouldn't be an impact. Turning diablo mode on for some mob farming is healthy too.

    /purples can drop loot 2.0
  • atwon23
    Most of the time Im 2 to 3 levels above what Im supposed to be for any given quest. But Im easily distracted and tend to explore every nook and cranny.
    Edited by atwon23 on April 6, 2014 7:30AM
  • mayhemmike83
    Soul Shriven
    I still dont understand the forced solo. The point of mmo is to group up and play together and yet still be able to solo if one chooses to. Grouping up to do missions has become tedious and irritating. Half the time you dont even get in the same instance as the other players in the group. If want to play single player only then I will play Skyrim.
  • Laura
    some people complain that there isn't enough solo content but i'm with you guys I think everything should be groupable if you want to

    I think the falling behind thing is quest bug related, however, this hasn't been an issue for me I seem to be a level or two ahead at all times
  • Frimbertrips
    I am also having trouble in the Ebonheart Pact Starter (stonefalls) area. I also explore and do a lot of side-quests and I'm leveling so slowly (even when my friend is offline) that its tedious and irritating. I dont think exp should be cut if you are only grouped with one other person, but since her game barely runs due to a server-side/internet issue I haven't been playing with her at my side much anyway and it seems that the leveling is just. Flat out. Tediously annoying. In this area at least.

    Quests and loot are often times above my level and I usually have to battle groups of them at a time. Also I want to know if exp is cut even with your group buddy offline? Because I dont de-group because she's offline, yet my exp still comes to me like rations in a prison camp.
  • brodieradiob14_ESO
    Odd. I'm always over-levelled. Everything SHOULD in fact be groupable (what's the point of an MMO if it isn't?) but I've not once ran into a problem with being underleveled for any particular quest or instance.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Odd. I'm always over-levelled. Everything SHOULD in fact be groupable (what's the point of an MMO if it isn't?) but I've not once ran into a problem with being underleveled for any particular quest or instance.
    Was playing with someone tonight that was the same level as me but far farther in the quest chain. I was halfway thru deshaan and he was partway thru with shadowfen. Here's where the difference was, I had been going and hit the exploration points and the public dungeons and killing everything I came across as I walked around. He was just hitting the quests and galloping past mobs on his horse. The problem is other mmo's have trained us to quest quest quest for xp fast, and to zerg the quests. Doing that here gets you underleveled and you start running into a wall.
  • N373r
    Soul Shriven
    I'm level 26 and most of level 25 I had to do level 28-30 quests. Now there's only level 33 quests left. Not too easy.
    So basically without levelling in Cyrodiil one just doesn't have a chance?

    I'm from Daggerfall Covenant.
    Edited by N373r on April 9, 2014 2:35PM
  • Recoba86
    i have this problem too
    im level 22 and most of quest than i can get is level 30!
    i cant beat them!
  • Endolith
    I just finished Stonefalls and my level was appropriate. I think I did most, if not all, of the quests in the zone. I agree people are missing content, whether due to the player or the game being set up so it is easy to miss.
  • Maestro_Sartori
    Same Issue with me.
  • Aenima_pt
    Lockpicking chests gives you nice xp, when im exploring i always open them, so i end up being always on level with the quests im doing. I also do group and public dungeons and a lil bit of pvp if im in mood so all adds up some extra xp.
  • Maxium
    Not sure how you're having this issue. I've done every quest (that's completable) and I'm right on par with the levels of mobs I'm doing. Sounds like you're missing a lot of side quests. Are you doing the Fighter and Mage guild quests? Sounds like you're not exploring either.
  • merwanoreb17_ESO
    I hate being forced into all these public zones, and some don't make any sense either. Why the hell is other players in some of those dream sequences. This game could do with more solo stuff.

    I have not gotten very far, I am about lvl 25, and so far i am 2 levels above all my quests.
    Edited by merwanoreb17_ESO on April 14, 2014 7:46PM
  • psychounz
    I'm not finding this problem, really.

    Sure, at level 12 I have a level 14 quest, but I also had two levels 8s still that I hadn't done. Now, I don't run around and do non-quest stuff, at this point. I literally pick up a quest and will do all the quests I have in the order of lowest level to highest.

    I really haven't felt under-leveled because by the time I get to the area of the map that the level 14 quest is, I'll probably be 14 or even 16 by that point.
  • scruffycavetroll
    i feel the same. i'm only level 19, and for the last several levels i feel like i'm completing quests at least a few above mine.

    quests for level 17 for example is putting you up against level 20+ mobs.

    I feel like i'm going to hit a wall at some point and not be able to go anywhere.
  • BigDumbViking
    I think the problem is that it is really easy to miss a quest. If you don't explore every nook an cranny or you see a quest marker show up but you get busy and forget where you saw it, you can miss a massive story line quest. There isn't really any flow to where you pick up the quests. One quest doesn't necessarily send you to areas where you will find more quests. And sometimes there are large quest lines that are way out in the middle of nowhere, where no other quest would bring you close enough to even see the marker.

    I had that issue in Shadowfen, I hit level 28 and searched the entire area and couldn't find another quest to do, I tried grinding and finally gave up and went to Eastmarch and got slaughtered because I was too low. So I went back to Shadowfen and found 2-3 quests in the middle of nowhere. One of them happened to be a major story plot and I had completely missed it because none of the other quests sent me near the area.
    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • psychounz
    ...I haven't encountered that, either. Maybe I explore too much, but it's pretty easy to see that even though you're heading north toward your current quest objective, a new objective to the west pops up, so you might as well go and grab it. Nine times out of ten, it's a level appropriate quest for you to do, so by the time you make it to your original goal which may have been a few levels higher, you're right where you should be.
  • Turelus
    I have been playing every quest in each zone and doing anchors, public dungeons and exploration as well and found that all quests are yellow or green for me and I have managed to get through them solo with relative ease.

    You may just need to spend more time running around killing some trash or doing anchors or other special content to just get some extra XP.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
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