Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Game time counting down already?

  • Zaggolf
    again could have been abit clearer and said that on there pop up or anything.I mean when I have been given this situation in many other games they don't start the billing till that time(sunday) why would anyone not want 3 days? Just seems silly on mine and there part.Hey you guys are so awesome I want to start paying now :o
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • dionysos_tomasb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    This is not a valid andswer from Zenimax : I ll not need a second lesson : 30 day will be the longuest time I will stay in !
  • maganny
    Just said no to free game time as well. :(
  • Zaggolf
    Wish I could have warned ya :(
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Stiler
    Midgardian wrote: »
    Wait I'm confused. So we don't have until Sunday 8 am EST to play without starting the 30 days?

    Technically, the extended early access was to benefit those who can't get the game until after launch day, because retailers are shipping slow. It was NEVER about lost play time, as many people have claimed.

    I've been pointing out for a while that they announced the extended early access before early access even began, because it's mean to benefit those who have to wait for the mail.

    So, you actually haven't lost anything since extended access wasn't promised to you. You already got the game.

    Except it was, look:

    "and also gives anyone in early access who purchased digitally MORE early access time."

    It no where states "more early access time, if you do not enter in your key until Sunday."

    It's clearly worded to imply that they are extending early access two days for everyone who has early access, PERIOD. With the whole "who purchased digitally" (and thus will NOT have to "wait" for the mail).

    There was no way to know that if you entered your key you lost these two days (unless you found out from those of us that put in our keys and found out the hard way).

  • Midgardian
    "It no where states "more early access time, if you do not enter in your key until Sunday.""

    As I pointed out, that's not true. It says "before" you transition your account to live. Putting in the game code is "Transitioning to live."
  • Red
    Once players activate their Game Codes on their accounts, they will see the timer begin counting down.

    But instead, you are trying to trick people into thinking they get extra time, but they only get it if they don't sub until that time runs out.

    Exactly, and it's working just how they wanted. Sure, it only comes out to maybe a dollar worth of free time lost for each person that redeems early, but if 100,000 people fall for it that more than pays for a year's salary on somebody to do PR damage control.
  • Capn_Winston
    i could not play with out giving sub info then i got billed 78$
    before my 30 days begun i was down a day please contact me as i chose the highest sub and got billed 80$ before game out?
    spoke too soon got an email sayiong its an error
    they respond quick love the game
    but i needed that money for munchies

    Edited by Capn_Winston on April 4, 2014 8:17AM
  • Capn_Winston
    Midgardian wrote: »
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    But why didn't they say don't sub till sunday or we will start they timer on ya????

    Because you got the game. They are trying to be nice to people that can't get the game, not people who already have it and just want to mooch.

    If you want to work the system, you have to figure it out on your own.

    Edit: Also, the announcement clearly says "You can now activate your 30 days of play time."
    so i buy early access then get billed because i cant play unless i sub?
    80 for 30 days free time?

  • Midgardian
    Midgardian wrote: »
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    But why didn't they say don't sub till sunday or we will start they timer on ya????

    Because you got the game. They are trying to be nice to people that can't get the game, not people who already have it and just want to mooch.

    If you want to work the system, you have to figure it out on your own.

    Edit: Also, the announcement clearly says "You can now activate your 30 days of play time."
    so i buy early access then get billed because i cant play unless i sub?
    80 for 30 days free time?

    That's an entirely different issue. As far as I've heard, you aren't actually getting billed. It's just an "authorization," and should be refunded to you very quickly. You shouldn't be charged that amount until after the free 30 days.

    However, every subscription service requires you give them your credit card info before signing up for free time. I'm not agreeing with the authorization, though, but, as I said, that's a separate issue.
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Stiler wrote: »

    Except it was, look:

    "and also gives anyone in early access who purchased digitally MORE early access time."

    It no where states "more early access time, if you do not enter in your key until Sunday."

    It's clearly worded to imply that they are extending early access two days for everyone who has early access, PERIOD. With the whole "who purchased digitally" (and thus will NOT have to "wait" for the mail).

    There was no way to know that if you entered your key you lost these two days (unless you found out from those of us that put in our keys and found out the hard way).

    You're wasting your breath. There's just some people who for some reason seem to identify with organisations and just have to blindly defend anything and everything they do.

    I'm a big fan of this game and have subbed. But this (which is no big deal) and the not bothering to tell us about down-times recently and culminating in the asinine decision to schedule EU maintenance to a weekend morning has handily opened my eyes.

  • Zaggolf
    yea there billing is all messed up..People have to buy game cards to activate there 30days free if not having a CC.. Tricky wording to sucker in us people that have faith in companies to do right by the customers that pay the bills. Gamers like me will be happy to take the 80 dollar loss to not pay them a 160 a year over 12 yrs( like I did in my last mmo)..They really need to rethink there PR and fast as it lacks a lot in the way of customer support.This isn't the only and last MMO.
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Midgardian
    Stiler wrote: »

    Except it was, look:

    "and also gives anyone in early access who purchased digitally MORE early access time."

    It no where states "more early access time, if you do not enter in your key until Sunday."

    It's clearly worded to imply that they are extending early access two days for everyone who has early access, PERIOD. With the whole "who purchased digitally" (and thus will NOT have to "wait" for the mail).

    There was no way to know that if you entered your key you lost these two days (unless you found out from those of us that put in our keys and found out the hard way).

    You're wasting your breath. There's just some people who for some reason seem to identify with organisations and just have to blindly defend anything and everything they do.

    I'm a big fan of this game and have subbed. But this (which is no big deal) and the not bothering to tell us about down-times recently and culminating in the asinine decision to schedule EU maintenance to a weekend morning has handily opened my eyes.

    I'm probably the farthest thing from someone who will "blindly defend anything and everything [corporations] do" that you will find.

    However, the original reason for extended play time was never about down time, and, to be fair, it was a nice thing Zenimax Online was doing to make sure those who couldn't get the box still got to play.

    Now, people just want as much free time as possible, which I'm not totally against, but no one is entitled to that. Yes, the servers have been down a lot (and I've criticized that), but game launches are generally like that, and technically no one has paid for early access. (Yes, you bought the game, but you obviously didn't buy the game just to play during early access for free, since that'd be a huge waste of money).
  • Midgardian
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    yea there billing is all messed up..People have to buy game cards to activate there 30days free if not having a CC.. Tricky wording to sucker in us people that have faith in companies to do right by the customers that pay the bills. Gamers like me will be happy to take the 80 dollar loss to not pay them a 160 a year over 12 yrs( like I did in my last mmo)..They really need to rethink there PR and fast as it lacks a lot in the way of customer support.This isn't the only and last MMO.

    EVERY subscription service that offers free time requires you give credit card information first. Netflix. Amazon Prime. Other MMOs. That is pretty much just a given. And you can just cancel when your free time is over, so it's not affecting anything.
  • Zaggolf
    BUT they don't make you buy a game card to play them 30 days and if they do it is stated on the box or on there website....And I do know about canceling as it has been on my mind since I bought the game.I didn't beta or I probably wouldn't be here..And if I just wanted to canel after my 30 days so it wouldn't effect anything I wouldn't have bought the game to begin with..
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    And when Netflix said you get 3 days free I got 3days..Not charged when I put my CC in but was after that 3 days...SUNDAY at 8pm in this case.......
    Edited by Zaggolf on April 4, 2014 8:32AM
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    Again why would anyone want to pay when there is a option not to???????????????????????????????????
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    And to be honest you probably haven't started your 30 days and are happy..I have and I am unhappy.This is why I am here on the forums.To express to them how I feel.Now its there job to make me happy or I am sure someone else will..
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Mememe
    People were saying this yesterday. When lots of people came to the forums with issues. You literally had fanboys falling over themselves to tell people with complaints..."Look two days compensation free access". They were determined to beat the drum so hard, to drown out the posts of negativity this is what people heard. Every complaint thread I saw had posts jumping on the op "Stop QQ Zenimax are giving us two free days they are sooooo awesome".

    It was pointed out time and time again to these people who kept giving duff information out, it was not compensation. It was not new, it was always in there as a grace period to allow smooth transition for those who have retail copies. Once you enter your key. EA finishes.

    Zenimax should've been clearer, they also should've stopped the almost embarrassing posts jumping on peoples complaints with duff compensation information.
    Edited by Mememe on April 4, 2014 8:40AM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Because I could not access the forums without a valid sub according to the pop up message when I tried. And having been given the extra days I assumed that meant the countdown would start at 31 not 29 anyway.

    not that I care about the 2 days. I care very, very much about Sunday daytime maintenance though.
  • Ojustaboo
    I know I've posted this in another couple of threads on the same topic, but anyway....

    When I read the initial announcement I posted that it was very very confusing and that if it works how I think it might, loads of people are going to be fuming.

    How hard would it have been for them to post a much clearer message along the lines of

    ""to compensate those players still waiting for their retail codes and to give early access a few extra days, please do not set up your subscriptions until Sunday as we have allowed the game to be played without one for an extra couple of days.

    Note, as soon as you take out a subscription your 30 days start counting down"

  • Zaggolf
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    I know I've posted this in another couple of threads on the same topic, but anyway....

    When I read the initial announcement I posted that it was very very confusing and that if it works how I think it might, loads of people are going to be fuming.

    How hard would it have been for them to post a much clearer message along the lines of

    ""to compensate those players still waiting for their retail codes and to give early access a few extra days, please do not set up your subscriptions until Sunday as we have allowed the game to be played without one for an extra couple of days.

    Note, as soon as you take out a subscription your 30 days start counting down"

    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    Bumping to help those that don't know they shouldn't add there CC till sunday at 8pm or the 29 days starts ticking
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • tengri
    I highly suspect that "grace period" does not mean a free 2 days... so when you enter your billing on Sunday, you jump down to only 28 days available like the rest of us.
  • Zaggolf

    We want all of you to know that everyone who was part of Early Access will be granted an extended grace period until Sunday at 8AM EDT/12PM (noon) GMT before being required to transition your account to live. This will cover those who purchased ESO from an online retailer and won't be getting your box shipped in time and also gives anyone in Early Access who purchased digitally more Early Access time.

    That's from a dev
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    also gives people with the digital copy MORE EARLY ACCESS TIME.If you wait to put your CC info in till sunday your time will not start..
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • tengri
    Read it carefully again.
    That's a nice sugar coated marketing speech - there is no promise whatsoever that it equals 2 additional free days. Yes, it might. Or it might not. From that info we can not know for sure yet.
    - All you can take for sure is that you can continue to play until Sunday with the early access code. And then you will see...
  • foster_smb16_ESO
    The grace period was already planned, they didn't extend anything. Just Zenimax trying to spin it to make themselves look good since so many were complaining about the downtime.

    Unfortunately so many people decided that meant we were getting 2 days extra game time added to our accounts and went posting it around the forum and other sites.

    Turns out Zeni should've clarified it further and they didn't give any kind of compensation for all the downtime after all.

    Somehow this doesn't surprise me, they have not been handling this launch well when it comes to communication with the customers. Makes me worry about the future of the game.
  • XDem
    Drama, drama everywhere.

    It was always very clearly stated as being a grace period. Never did any dev mention "free" time or "compensation" of any kind.

    I'm also pretty certain people holding until sunday to enter their code will be greeted with "27 days left" once they do.

    I understand it's easier to follow the bash train, but if you don't understand basic MMO terms, it's your own fault.
    Edited by XDem on April 4, 2014 9:53AM
  • Zaggolf
    what??? It says more early access time..How can you read that any other way?
    what you see iss more early access time but we will take it back when you sub???
    You working for there PR or something lolol.
    Edited by Zaggolf on April 4, 2014 9:55AM
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
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