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Game time counting down already?

So I activated my account to be ready for the end of early access. But I've noticed it's already removing days from my time even though this is "free early access"
Will I have this time refunded to me or am I getting cheated out of my own paid for time? Also note the servers are still down... haven't been able to log in for 2 days due to "login timed out" every time same for 3 people I'm with on skype. Answers please? :smile:
  • SuperiorSpiderman
    One of the moderators said that once you subscribe, "extended" early access ends.
  • Soothy
    One of the moderators said that once you subscribe, "extended" early access ends.

    Something that would have been really useful to include in the original announcement.

  • Time4Adventure
    I could not access these forums WITHOUT adding the sub.
    (could log into my ESO account but not move past my account page - each time I tried to access forums I was redirected to "add your sub" page)

    My sub countdown is at 29 days already! Before I paid (20 minutes ago) it said 30 days...and I was in the 5 day early access club so it shouldn't be counting down at all yet. Curiouser and curiouser.
  • Pyroglacious
    Well that's lovely... would think that'd be posted a little more open, say near the "activate"????????? Oh well, *** happens. I just paid for it to happen this time lol..... Maybe they'll still let me play my Extended access :smiley:
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hi, folks. The Early Access period has ended, as ESO is officially live. Once players activate their Game Codes on their accounts, they will see the timer begin counting down. This timer is currently counting down the 30-days of unlimited free game-time that all players receive with the purchase of ESO. After that time hits zero, the paid subscription will kick in.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Time4Adventure
    Thank you for the speedy reply @ZOS_TristanK
    Lesson learned for me.

    Back to Tamriel it shall be, then!
    Where I shall imbibe copious amounts of Skooma in the company of a Lusty Argonian Maid to ease my indignation.
  • ArcheKnight
    Hi, folks. The Early Access period has ended, as ESO is officially live. Once players activate their Game Codes on their accounts, they will see the timer begin counting down. This timer is currently counting down the 30-days of unlimited free game-time that all players receive with the purchase of ESO. After that time hits zero, the paid subscription will kick in.

    I'm not quite as happy about this as the previous poster. So it was made to seem that there were going to be an extra few days for early access players due to technical issues and the lack of play time. But the announcement was so vague that most people assumed that it WAS a bonus for losing that time. But instead, you are trying to trick people into thinking they get extra time, but they only get it if they don't sub until that time runs out. Ohhhh mannnnn shady business practices are never welcomed in MMOs and you just tricked an entire player base into thinking Zenimax wasn't a complete PoS. This will definitely come up in any conversation I have about this game and I hope others get this info out as well.
  • XavierCrutch
    This really is not a pleasant way to start launch. People shouldn't be losing out on game time because they didn't put off entering their game key as long as possible. Especially when no effort was made to inform them of this until after the fact.

    I'm really hoping they will reverse this poor decision and make the extended early access universal regardless of entering your key. It may only be like a dollar of game time (based on a 14.99 per month sub), but it could put a bad taste in players mouths and cause unnecessary bad publicity.

    I've played other MMOs which extended early access or added grace periods, and it never cost the players time no matter when they entered their game keys. Disappointing.
  • Stiler
    Extremely disappointed that the 2 extra days only applies if you do not enter in your game code, so the people who decided to wait two days get an extra 2 days but those of us who didn't think it'd count down until those 2 days (to be fair to everyone) instead get knocked out of two days of play time.

    IMO it should apply to everyone that had early access.

    I would have waited had I known.
  • Kyran
    Yup. As I said in another thread, long story short, this will be in the back of my head EVERY single time I consider paying my subscription from now on.

    It's just a few days. A few cents off a sub, really. But it's the principle of the matter. I got 2 of the 5 days of early access. Was promised bonus grace period. But nothing was made clear about it. I couldn't access the forums and the client told me I needed a subscription. So I added one. Now I lose out on said bonus time?

    Thanks Zenimax.
  • XavierCrutch
    Kyran wrote: »
    Yup. As I said in another thread, long story short, this will be in the back of my head EVERY single time I consider paying my subscription from now on.

    It's just a few days. A few cents off a sub, really. But it's the principle of the matter.

    I feel exactly the same way. It's really unfortunate, because I like this game a lot, but unless they do the smart ethical thing and reverse this it is going to be nagging at me, even if the actual financial loss is trivial.

    Hopefully this was just an oversight from a first-time MMO publisher (as far as I'm aware), and someone up the ladder will realize it would be the smart business move to correct this and avoid possible negative feelings and publicity toward the game.
  • ArcheKnight
    Kyran wrote: »
    Yup. As I said in another thread, long story short, this will be in the back of my head EVERY single time I consider paying my subscription from now on.

    It's just a few days. A few cents off a sub, really. But it's the principle of the matter.

    I feel exactly the same way. It's really unfortunate, because I like this game a lot, but unless they do the smart ethical thing and reverse this it is going to be nagging at me, even if the actual financial loss is trivial.

    Hopefully this was just an oversight from a first-time MMO publisher (as far as I'm aware), and someone up the ladder will realize it would be the smart business move to correct this and avoid possible negative feelings and publicity toward the game.

    The way I see it, the free 2 days WAS an attempt to correct some of the negative publicity they had received from the down time of early access, but it really looks like it will just blow up in their faces!
  • Publius_Scipio
    Wait I'm confused. So we don't have until Sunday 8 am EST to play without starting the 30 days?
  • Publius_Scipio
    Stiler wrote: »
    Extremely disappointed that the 2 extra days only applies if you do not enter in your game code, so the people who decided to wait two days get an extra 2 days but those of us who didn't think it'd count down until those 2 days (to be fair to everyone) instead get knocked out of two days of play time.

    IMO it should apply to everyone that had early access.

    I would have waited had I known.
    Ahhhh ok now I understand after scrolling up and reading this post. When I read the announcement I did not do anything with my account subscription, just kept playing. But then again I pre-ordered from the ESO website and there are no codes for me to enter, everything was/is automatic.

    But why do you guys jump the gun with things? If indeed ZOS post was vague I am sure they will do right by you guys.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on April 4, 2014 5:18AM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Stiler wrote: »
    Extremely disappointed that the 2 extra days only applies if you do not enter in your game code, so the people who decided to wait two days get an extra 2 days but those of us who didn't think it'd count down until those 2 days (to be fair to everyone) instead get knocked out of two days of play time.

    IMO it should apply to everyone that had early access.

    I would have waited had I known.

    Yea. That is a sleazy trick. Right up there with scheduling the Eu maintenance for Sunday mornings. Distinctly unimpressed. Good game but the same old same old cold contempt for the paying customer that sadly appears to be standard for Mmo companies.

  • wiz12268b14_ESO
    You guys are surprised by this?

    People said t was a straight up cash grab game months ago. But everyone said how much ZoS loved and cared for their players.

    LOL keep telling yourself that.
  • Zaggolf
    I will not settle for that response as you said it does not start till sunday..You take 3 days away from me because I set up my sub to not have to worry about it on sunday..No other game has ever done this..My sub never started till early release( which u gave us till sunday) was over..So you really mean to tell us that everyone that don't sub is fine till sunday then it will start but mine started already??????????????????????????????????NO.. that's wrong in so many ways.Yea and with the nice post with this we are giving everyone extra time for being so patient was taken away because we set up or sub to save the trouble of doing it on sunday???
    Edited by Zaggolf on April 4, 2014 7:12AM
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Midgardian
    Wait I'm confused. So we don't have until Sunday 8 am EST to play without starting the 30 days?

    Technically, the extended early access was to benefit those who can't get the game until after launch day, because retailers are shipping slow. It was NEVER about lost play time, as many people have claimed.

    I've been pointing out for a while that they announced the extended early access before early access even began, because it's mean to benefit those who have to wait for the mail.

    So, you actually haven't lost anything since extended access wasn't promised to you. You already got the game.
  • Zaggolf
    But why didn't they say don't sub till sunday or we will start the timer on ya????
    Edited by Zaggolf on April 4, 2014 7:14AM
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Midgardian
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    But why didn't they say don't sub till sunday or we will start they timer on ya????

    Because you got the game. They are trying to be nice to people that can't get the game, not people who already have it and just want to mooch.

    If you want to work the system, you have to figure it out on your own.

    Edit: Also, the announcement clearly says "You can now activate your 30 days of play time."
    Edited by Midgardian on April 4, 2014 7:17AM
  • Zaggolf
    Didn't know I had to work the system to be honest..
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    I had the game 5 days ago as I went digital..and I didn't have to put my card in till sunday..Why wasn't that stated? Sorry rant off it is only 3 days that 100's of thousands of people get for working the system
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Midgardian
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    I had the game 5 days ago as I went digital..and I didn't have to put my card in till sunday..Why wasn't that stated? Sorry rant off it is only 3 days that 100's of thousands of people get for working the system

    Let's put it this way. If you order a vase, and the retailer offers a refund if it is broken when it arrives, you can work the system and claim you got a broken vase, when you didn't. But if you tell the company the vase wasn't broken, they aren't going to then suddenly give you the refund because other people are getting it.
  • Zaggolf
    Again I guess I don't think that way..Its my bad and I have learned a lesson.I still wont let a company make me think of cheating people out of a vase
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Linaleah
    Midgardian wrote: »
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    But why didn't they say don't sub till sunday or we will start they timer on ya????

    Because you got the game. They are trying to be nice to people that can't get the game, not people who already have it and just want to mooch.

    If you want to work the system, you have to figure it out on your own.

    Edit: Also, the announcement clearly says "You can now activate your 30 days of play time."

    1. the announcement does say that those 30 days will start immediately (and count down to 29 minutes after registering.
    2. extended early access meant for people... already in early access. which means they DO already have the game it was just meant for them to have uninterrupted access to said game. or so we thought.

    I can't say I'm surprised by this development, more like resigned. pretty damn typical. but lets be honest, no MMO company can afford to create ill will among its customers at this point, especially this early into release.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Midgardian
    Yes, everyone has the game. Except, to continue AFTER early access ends, you have to have the code from the retail version you bought. If you bought the digital download from ESO, you already HAVE the code.

    The extra early access is for those who don't have the code yet, like me. I will get mine tomorrow, delivered from Amazon. Some people can't get it until next week.
    Edited by Midgardian on April 4, 2014 7:31AM
  • Zaggolf

    We want all of you to know that everyone who was part of Early Access will be granted an extended grace period until Sunday at 8AM EDT/12PM (noon) GMT before being required to transition your account to live. This will cover those who purchased ESO from an online retailer and won't be getting your box shipped in time and also gives anyone in Early Access who purchased digitally more Early Access time.

    did you see the ALSO in that dev post
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaggolf
    Now that was straight from a dev what am I suppose to think
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Midgardian
    "We want all of you to know that everyone who was part of Early Access will be granted an extended grace period until Sunday at 8AM EDT/12PM (noon) GMT before being required to transition your account to live" already transitioned your account to live. Did you see the "before"?
  • Zaggolf
    And I did buy from there site so again I ask why is the pr all over the place
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
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