Hello everyone,
new to the forum and I came across an interesting bug/error/ability... I don't know exactly what it is but I play a DK dual wielder... every once in a while, Ill come across a mob and attack it and immediately after I attack... I can no longer swing my sword, activate any of my abilities (even though they are highlighted) and all the while the mob is continuing to attack me... usually this happens when there are multiple mobs in the same area it seems but that could simply be a coincidence... its not lag (trust me I thought the same thing, but it didn't add up because if it was lag, there would be no action at all on my screen.. the one thing I can still do when this happens is move.. unfortunately each time I try to run away I usually get killed (not a big deal but definitely annoying). It also not a paralysis because I have seen paralysis before and usually what happens is all my abilities get grayed out ... this is not the case... what is even weirder still is when I do die and res, I sometimes am stuck moving slowly as if I was walking. I tried toggling the run/walk on and off... nothing happened... the only thing that got me out of this little sequence was attacking something.. that seemed to reset whatever it was that was holding my character at a snails pace. Has anyone else run into these issues? if so, please post, any information would be helpful in figuring out what this is... and if someone knows some kind of fix for this I would be heart-fully appreciative. thanks.