Impervious Runeward: Reduced the size of this morph’s shield after the 1 second window by ~56%.
Runeguard of Freedom: Reduced the healing granted by this morph by 50%. Increased the Armor granted to 3300 at rank IV, up from 3000. Increased the duration of the Armor and Crowd Control Immunity granted to 7 seconds. Fixed an issue where the Crowd Control Immunity failed to apply until after the Armor effect ended.
Impervious Runeward: Reduced the size of this morph’s shield after the 1 second window by ~56%25%.
Runeguard of Freedom: Reduced the healing granted by this morph by 50%25%. Increased the Armor granted to 3300 at rank IV, up from 3000. Increased the duration of the Armor and Crowd Control Immunity granted to 7 seconds. Fixed an issue where the Crowd Control Immunity failed to apply until after the Armor effect ended.
Major_Mangle wrote: »Arcanist changes are long overdue, class has way over the top survivability that needed to be adjusted to appropriate levels.
Major_Mangle wrote: »Arcanist changes are long overdue, class has way over the top survivability that needed to be adjusted to appropriate levels.
Adjusted, yes.
But as I noted above the 2 changes together seem to be overdone.
As someone in my PVP guild pointed out, Arcanist is lacking in tools related to healing over time. If the damage shield and reactive healing are over-nerfed, the class will have a weaker kit than others.
I don't PVP but the fact in most dungeons it feels like 50% of players are Arcanists, then it feels like this adjustment is fair.
And this is coming from someone who's main favorite RN is an arcantist.
Major_Mangle wrote: »Arcanist changes are long overdue, class has way over the top survivability that needed to be adjusted to appropriate levels.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Arc is the most overrated class in PvP, talked up by players who drink laser because they don't move or press buttons. They're nothing more than a group shield bot, their already bad offensive PvP kit ate a massive unjust nerf last patch with Flail, and now their survival is being hit harder than Sorc (Hardened Ward deserves the sledgehammer not the scalpel).
Joy_Division wrote: »Major_Mangle wrote: »Arcanist changes are long overdue, class has way over the top survivability that needed to be adjusted to appropriate levels.
Class survivability is too strong for PvP. Class offensive kit is unsuitable for PvP. Adjust one and not the other, typical ZOS.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
Very strong into players who don't move or press buttons. Sorc laughs at Arc.Major_Mangle wrote: »And those pressure proc vessels (and bash arc, which is honestly one of the stronger setups in the game)
Major_Mangle wrote: »xylena_lazarow wrote: »
And those pressure proc vessels (and bash arc, which is honestly one of the stronger setups in the game) is why arcanist isn´t as overrated as you claim them to be. You can´t conveniently say that "class offensive toolkit is bad" while it has the best survivability in the game (if sorc didn´t have streak arc is easily #1 in terms of survivability) and some of the best sustain, which allows it to get it´s offensive from sets/procs. With scribing and buffed vamp spammable, arc has access to a good offensive toolkit, maybe not from it´s class skills, but it still got access to it.
It´s the same reason why stamsorc has never been in a bad spot since it became a thing. The only thing that ever dictated if stamsorc was S-tier or A was whether [insert proc set here] synergized well with the class. The exact same thing can be said about arcanist.
The defensive adjustment to arc next patch are more than justified. Just wished zos could make the class somewhat interesting to play in PvE (outside of spamming tentacle and beam).
Major_Mangle wrote: »xylena_lazarow wrote: »
You can´t conveniently say that "class offensive toolkit is bad" while it has the best survivability in the game (if sorc didn´t have streak arc is easily #1 in terms of survivability) and some of the best sustain, which allows it to get it´s offensive from sets/procs. With scribing and buffed vamp spammable, arc has access to a good offensive toolkit, maybe not from it´s class skills, but it still got access to it.
Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
BananaBender wrote: »Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
That's just not true. There is a reason why pretty much all raid groups are stuffed full of arcanists.
BananaBender wrote: »Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
That's just not true. There is a reason why pretty much all raid groups are stuffed full of arcanists.
Dk is pulling more dps than arcanist at the highest end people use arcanist because it has a very low skill ceiling and is incredibly easy to use effectively compared to the other classes eso logs is going to show majority arc because that's what everyone is using why put more effort into playing the content when arc can get good enough results with far less effort
BananaBender wrote: »BananaBender wrote: »Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
That's just not true. There is a reason why pretty much all raid groups are stuffed full of arcanists.
Dk is pulling more dps than arcanist at the highest end people use arcanist because it has a very low skill ceiling and is incredibly easy to use effectively compared to the other classes eso logs is going to show majority arc because that's what everyone is using why put more effort into playing the content when arc can get good enough results with far less effort
There are fights where DK can compete with Arcanist and even do better damage, but in majority of the fights, it's just not the case. The theoretical/potential damage on DK is higher, but apart from literally the top 5 groups or so, people are not going to reach the potential limit of their class, and in those situations arcanist is just better. The fact is that right now arcanist doesn't have a weakness and its kit is stuffed with insane passives. If you just look at parses and some individual pulls on esologs where someone managed to do insane damage on a class other than arcanist, you are going to miss what actually makes arcanist so good right now. The class gets a ton of free penetration and crit damage, which means that organized groups can provided the required penetration and crit damage with just Tremorscale and Lucent Echoes. And in this situation you are just worse off on literally any other class, because you have to commit extra resources from you CPs and gear to cover the missing stats that Arcanist gets for free. What arcanist also doesn't have to worry about is the boss moving around or having to switch targets, because only a tiny portion of their damage is tied to ground AoEs, unlike other cleave classes like DK and Necro. They also get the benefit of being able to do damage at range, which is insanely valuable in fights like Ansuul HM, where the fire attros can be cleaved by arcanist without ever dropping damage on the main boss. Aaand of course there is the elephant in the room which is their extremely cheap and strong ultimate, which allows for ST and AoE burst damage that no other class can match. By dropping and ultimate (Eye or Destro ult) in the beginning of the fight, then receiving a Pillager and full Cryptcannon, Arcanist can drop another ultimate straight away resulting in a 20-ish second damage window where no other class comes even close to competing on damage. And on top of all this they can choose to get a massive shield on their main damaging skill, which you can refresh pretty much for free. I'm not even going to go on about how they also have the most flex slots of any class giving them even more flexibility and utility choices.
Part of the popularity is definitely Arcanists ease of use, there is no doubt about that, but it is also just so damn strong and versatile class in general where you really need to think hard to find fights where it isn't the best class to go with. All of this rambling results in a graph that looks like this ↓
BananaBender wrote: »BananaBender wrote: »Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
That's just not true. There is a reason why pretty much all raid groups are stuffed full of arcanists.
Dk is pulling more dps than arcanist at the highest end people use arcanist because it has a very low skill ceiling and is incredibly easy to use effectively compared to the other classes eso logs is going to show majority arc because that's what everyone is using why put more effort into playing the content when arc can get good enough results with far less effort
There are fights where DK can compete with Arcanist and even do better damage, but in majority of the fights, it's just not the case. The theoretical/potential damage on DK is higher, but apart from literally the top 5 groups or so, people are not going to reach the potential limit of their class, and in those situations arcanist is just better. The fact is that right now arcanist doesn't have a weakness and its kit is stuffed with insane passives. If you just look at parses and some individual pulls on esologs where someone managed to do insane damage on a class other than arcanist, you are going to miss what actually makes arcanist so good right now. The class gets a ton of free penetration and crit damage, which means that organized groups can provided the required penetration and crit damage with just Tremorscale and Lucent Echoes. And in this situation you are just worse off on literally any other class, because you have to commit extra resources from you CPs and gear to cover the missing stats that Arcanist gets for free. What arcanist also doesn't have to worry about is the boss moving around or having to switch targets, because only a tiny portion of their damage is tied to ground AoEs, unlike other cleave classes like DK and Necro. They also get the benefit of being able to do damage at range, which is insanely valuable in fights like Ansuul HM, where the fire attros can be cleaved by arcanist without ever dropping damage on the main boss. Aaand of course there is the elephant in the room which is their extremely cheap and strong ultimate, which allows for ST and AoE burst damage that no other class can match. By dropping and ultimate (Eye or Destro ult) in the beginning of the fight, then receiving a Pillager and full Cryptcannon, Arcanist can drop another ultimate straight away resulting in a 20-ish second damage window where no other class comes even close to competing on damage. And on top of all this they can choose to get a massive shield on their main damaging skill, which you can refresh pretty much for free. I'm not even going to go on about how they also have the most flex slots of any class giving them even more flexibility and utility choices.
Part of the popularity is definitely Arcanists ease of use, there is no doubt about that, but it is also just so damn strong and versatile class in general where you really need to think hard to find fights where it isn't the best class to go with. All of this rambling results in a graph that looks like this ↓
And the nerfs are not PvE related at all. I think the class will be the next Necro in PvP for the next 1-2 years.
BananaBender wrote: »BananaBender wrote: »BananaBender wrote: »Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
That's just not true. There is a reason why pretty much all raid groups are stuffed full of arcanists.
Dk is pulling more dps than arcanist at the highest end people use arcanist because it has a very low skill ceiling and is incredibly easy to use effectively compared to the other classes eso logs is going to show majority arc because that's what everyone is using why put more effort into playing the content when arc can get good enough results with far less effort
There are fights where DK can compete with Arcanist and even do better damage, but in majority of the fights, it's just not the case. The theoretical/potential damage on DK is higher, but apart from literally the top 5 groups or so, people are not going to reach the potential limit of their class, and in those situations arcanist is just better. The fact is that right now arcanist doesn't have a weakness and its kit is stuffed with insane passives. If you just look at parses and some individual pulls on esologs where someone managed to do insane damage on a class other than arcanist, you are going to miss what actually makes arcanist so good right now. The class gets a ton of free penetration and crit damage, which means that organized groups can provided the required penetration and crit damage with just Tremorscale and Lucent Echoes. And in this situation you are just worse off on literally any other class, because you have to commit extra resources from you CPs and gear to cover the missing stats that Arcanist gets for free. What arcanist also doesn't have to worry about is the boss moving around or having to switch targets, because only a tiny portion of their damage is tied to ground AoEs, unlike other cleave classes like DK and Necro. They also get the benefit of being able to do damage at range, which is insanely valuable in fights like Ansuul HM, where the fire attros can be cleaved by arcanist without ever dropping damage on the main boss. Aaand of course there is the elephant in the room which is their extremely cheap and strong ultimate, which allows for ST and AoE burst damage that no other class can match. By dropping and ultimate (Eye or Destro ult) in the beginning of the fight, then receiving a Pillager and full Cryptcannon, Arcanist can drop another ultimate straight away resulting in a 20-ish second damage window where no other class comes even close to competing on damage. And on top of all this they can choose to get a massive shield on their main damaging skill, which you can refresh pretty much for free. I'm not even going to go on about how they also have the most flex slots of any class giving them even more flexibility and utility choices.
Part of the popularity is definitely Arcanists ease of use, there is no doubt about that, but it is also just so damn strong and versatile class in general where you really need to think hard to find fights where it isn't the best class to go with. All of this rambling results in a graph that looks like this ↓
And the nerfs are not PvE related at all. I think the class will be the next Necro in PvP for the next 1-2 years.
I think they are, just not DD related. Arcanist was the tank with by far the most survivability and I was surprised it took them this long to nerf it tbh. I guess the game doesn't have enough tanks to begin with so ZoS didn't want to drive away the few that started tanking thanks to arcanist.
Runeguard of Freedom
We're toning down the effectiveness of this morph from being a straight upgrade morph into more of a conversion morph, since the Crowd Control Immunity effect adds a tremendous amount of potential in PvP
BananaBender wrote: »BananaBender wrote: »BananaBender wrote: »Lol no arcanist need to be nerfed way more especially in PvE. The real question is why zos is taking so long to balance the game.
Arcanist is probably the weakest single target class in the game and somewhere in the top 3 for cleave dps at least for pve it really didn't justify a defense nerf it's just super easy to play similar to the old heavy attack meta situation
That's just not true. There is a reason why pretty much all raid groups are stuffed full of arcanists.
Dk is pulling more dps than arcanist at the highest end people use arcanist because it has a very low skill ceiling and is incredibly easy to use effectively compared to the other classes eso logs is going to show majority arc because that's what everyone is using why put more effort into playing the content when arc can get good enough results with far less effort
There are fights where DK can compete with Arcanist and even do better damage, but in majority of the fights, it's just not the case. The theoretical/potential damage on DK is higher, but apart from literally the top 5 groups or so, people are not going to reach the potential limit of their class, and in those situations arcanist is just better. The fact is that right now arcanist doesn't have a weakness and its kit is stuffed with insane passives. If you just look at parses and some individual pulls on esologs where someone managed to do insane damage on a class other than arcanist, you are going to miss what actually makes arcanist so good right now. The class gets a ton of free penetration and crit damage, which means that organized groups can provided the required penetration and crit damage with just Tremorscale and Lucent Echoes. And in this situation you are just worse off on literally any other class, because you have to commit extra resources from you CPs and gear to cover the missing stats that Arcanist gets for free. What arcanist also doesn't have to worry about is the boss moving around or having to switch targets, because only a tiny portion of their damage is tied to ground AoEs, unlike other cleave classes like DK and Necro. They also get the benefit of being able to do damage at range, which is insanely valuable in fights like Ansuul HM, where the fire attros can be cleaved by arcanist without ever dropping damage on the main boss. Aaand of course there is the elephant in the room which is their extremely cheap and strong ultimate, which allows for ST and AoE burst damage that no other class can match. By dropping and ultimate (Eye or Destro ult) in the beginning of the fight, then receiving a Pillager and full Cryptcannon, Arcanist can drop another ultimate straight away resulting in a 20-ish second damage window where no other class comes even close to competing on damage. And on top of all this they can choose to get a massive shield on their main damaging skill, which you can refresh pretty much for free. I'm not even going to go on about how they also have the most flex slots of any class giving them even more flexibility and utility choices.
Part of the popularity is definitely Arcanists ease of use, there is no doubt about that, but it is also just so damn strong and versatile class in general where you really need to think hard to find fights where it isn't the best class to go with. All of this rambling results in a graph that looks like this ↓
And the nerfs are not PvE related at all. I think the class will be the next Necro in PvP for the next 1-2 years.
I think they are, just not DD related. Arcanist was the tank with by far the most survivability and I was surprised it took them this long to nerf it tbh. I guess the game doesn't have enough tanks to begin with so ZoS didn't want to drive away the few that started tanking thanks to arcanist.