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Dueling In ESO?

  • crimsonBZD
    I love would to see a small dueling ring in major cities with bets and everything, that would be great!

    entertainment that, lets be real, is lore-friendly in any situation cause people always having contests of strength, especially during times of war.

    in addition, i duel players all the time DURING A ZERG FIGHT.

    just stick to the edges of it.
    Edited by crimsonBZD on April 17, 2014 1:08AM
  • nudel
    I would love to see 1v1 duels added to the game as well. The main arguments I see cropping up against it are
    ---I don't want to field hundreds of duel requests
    ---Go back to wow and stop bringing your features here
    ---It will look silly seeing people dueling in town
    ---This isn't a priority when the game is so buggy

    ---Make blocking all duel requests a toggle in options. Have it on by default if you like.

    ---WoW did not invent dueling. In fact, dueling is a mainstay of many skill based multiplayer games, including a lot of fps games. It's used to pass time with friends. It's also really useful for testing builds or even just testing single abilities.

    ---Probably true. Oblivion had an arena. Not saying we need full on arena combat, but small 1v1 duels could probably be moved to areas like that. Alternatively you could simply move all dueling to Cyrodiil, as in have a small fenced off enclosure at the faction gates where people of the same faction could duel eachother when there isn't much action.

    ---Agreed. I don't think anyone is arguing that this should be in the next patch or even the next few months' patches...at least they shouldn't be. It's definitely low on the priority list, but I don't agree that it should be so low that it never gets implemented. Maybe 6-9 months from now after more bugs have been fixed.

    Honestly if it's a toggle and it's area specific, it shouldn't be a problem. I don't care for speech bubbles and would probably never enable them, but if they're toggleable I'm not going to begrudge someone else a function that does not affect me.
  • lmxru
    I find it comical that there are actually arguments apposing duels. There is no argument. Many of the players coming to this game come from a game like WoW. The huge AvAvA thing is one form of PvP. That doesn't mean no other form will exist, despite what any developer may say. An arena type setting, or anything on a much lower scale than siege combat promotes one's skill choice/reaction time more than group play with or without siege tactic added. A dueling option, assuming it's not going to "remove time to fix bugs" should be an extremely simple option to implement. I don't claim to understand anything about the game's mechanics or code, but adding, for instance, a zone where players are allowed to spawn in with a group and fight each other, or just simply dueling in the open world, should not be a time consuming option to add to the game.
    Edited by lmxru on April 18, 2014 8:42AM
  • UnknownXV
    Precisely. Even the argument that it should be low priority isn't very strong, since I highly doubt it would take much time at all to implement. Perhaps I am wrong, I know little about coding, but it would seem strange if it was really that difficult.

    I've yet to see one serious reason not to have optional duels.
  • Lanatireb17_ESO
    I already love the massive siege warfare and random battlefields of the PvP in ESO but I was also kind of wanting a dueling system implimented. I like having friendly, 1v1 battles with friends too. My question is, do you think they might impliment Dueling as in interaction in the future? Is anyone else interested in this?

    Only if its possible to disable duel request in the options. Sick and tired of pvp fanatics running around spamchallenging everyone to show how big their epeen is.
  • PF1901
    Looking forward to the "*cry* I always lose in duels, pvp is unbalanced, nerf class x now" threads.
  • nudel
    @PF1901‌ Those already exist. Just remove 'in duels' from your statement.
  • Reymas
    Dueling is a fundamental part of the game and especially the experience Zenimax want to convey that we are all involved in a massive war. What do warriors do to train in down-time? The spar each other. Also RP sucks without the ability to actually fight someone.

    Zenimax: first don't call it dueling, call it sparring. Second, install an auto-deny-all-spar-requests check-box in the Gameplay options. Third, give the abilities for groups to spar groups and guilds to spar guilds. Fourth, make sure there are no in-game rewards for such things whatsoever.
    Edited by Reymas on April 18, 2014 9:55AM
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
  • lmxru
    I already love the massive siege warfare and random battlefields of the PvP in ESO but I was also kind of wanting a dueling system implimented. I like having friendly, 1v1 battles with friends too. My question is, do you think they might impliment Dueling as in interaction in the future? Is anyone else interested in this?

    Only if its possible to disable duel request in the options. Sick and tired of pvp fanatics running around spamchallenging everyone to show how big their epeen is.

    I see this being the only real deterrent to duels. But even this is an extremely small nuisance. I never saw this being a giant problem in WoW. Dueling was limited to areas, which helped avoid these situations quite a bit. With the option to disable the request present, or having the dueling mechanic implemented in a different way like teleporting players to a different zone, phasing, duel-only areas, would remove any of the "annoyance" of duel requests.
  • KingRebz
    JUST ADD DUELS. IF PEOPLE DONT LIKE DUELS THEY WONT PLAY IT. WONT AFFECT THEIR GAMEPLAY AT ALL. thank you. I told yall in the forums from DAY 1 i sensed a majority that would be ignorant for adding stuff in the game. lol...
    Edited by KingRebz on April 18, 2014 4:05PM
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • Mucera78
    mutharex wrote: »
    Why is it that people want the crappiest wow features in this game??

    First, hey all :)
    Actually it might have well been in WoW, i dont know, but it definately wasnt done in WoW first.
    It goes way, WAY back.
    I also enjoyed dueling in DAoC, we made toons just for that and met up with 10 or more people to hold dueling contests, it was fun. You watched a few duels, chatted with people, had a few yourself and socialised.
    If someone was a jerk about it people would just not duel them anymore.

    Also, auto-reject duels option, there, no more problems if you dont feel like doing them.

  • Korah_Eaglecry
    If they wish eso to be taken as a serious pvp-game they absolutely need to implement duels. It's true that you can duel in Cyrodil, but if I am to experiment using new builds, simply practice my pvp-skills or do intensive testing to figure out JUST the right setup for me roaming around in an open world is extremely inefficient time-wise, in addition there is more learning to be had if you are constantly talking with whoever you're fighting (like a guildmate).

    Yup because nothing says 'Not really a serious MMO then a lack of 'dueling''
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • fabianff
    Soul Shriven
    Dueling is essential, hate all you want but the fact is that no NPC AI will ever be able to challenge you the same as a player can. Even if it's off by default. ZOS either need to turn this into an MMO or an ES game, because at the moment it's neither. Chat bubbles are another lacking feature of an MMO, and some form of player housing is missing from an ES game (hearthfire / oblivion castle thing).
    Edit: Another possible idea is to have an area in each capital dedicated to dueling, similar to how RuneScape had it. That way, you only get bugged by duelers if you wish to.
    Edited by fabianff on May 6, 2014 10:18AM
  • dccharacter
    I never played WoW and I'm kinda lazy to reed all three pages of previous post, but not lazy to write a few words. I wouldn't want duel as "per request", but I would totally want an arena where I can go and fight other players. Here are my issues with current system:
    1. You have to run sometimes for 5-10 minutes to find anyone you can fight with
    2. You will most probably die at spot as you were running, your stamina is zero and you are half of your health as you were ambushed while running. Takes just a few finishing moves really.
    3. If not, there will most probably be a few sneaking anemies around who will see you to the grave.
    4. Fights are too quick to learn.

    So yes, when I'm part of zerg swarm or I'm ambushing, I get a few minutes of fight time. But if I'm up against a player who sees me as I see him, I suck.

    Again, I realize this, I suck! A few days ago, I encountered the same guy like six times. I couldn't even hurt him - he was so great dancing around me switching from bow to sword and using abilities - I never had a chance. He was a lower level, too. I kept dying and running back. It's like he knew where I will come from and what my next move will be. I bet he wasn't even laughing coz I was pathetic.

    So I'd like to go to arena and spend some time just practicing fighting against real ppl, not stupid mobs. Currently I'm just a slight support to my group mates and die at first occasion.
  • KariTR
    Dueling is the single most important feature to make this game keep a good pvp-scene, everyone isn't playing it for the pve features. Without duels there is no way for newer players and perfectionists to practice their pvp. It makes for an extreme learning curve that may demotivate new players from pvping, and it will frustrate the more serious actors as they won't get a proper arena to test new things.

    People can test builds in open PvP combat. In fact, I'd argue that testing a build in 1v1 duel is misleading and a waste of time. Just because your build is successful in that context doesn't mean it will work well in actual AvA PvP. That's like testing a new car on a climate controlled indoor track and expecting it to perform identically in the real world in a blizzard. Test your car in a blizzard and find out how it really performs.

    While you definitely have a point, in that NOTHING beats the actual scenarios, the point of duels (from my point of view, and the way I would use such a system) is that they are easily accessible (you just need ONE person from your guild to be online to duel), making a great source of quantity practice. I know there's an age-old saying that says "quality before quantity", but I say why not both?
    The second, perhaps more important aspect that you have completely missed is that duels make coaching possible, but at this point I am only repeating myself.

    Until such time as duelling is an option, couldn't you go to Cyrodiil with a guildmate's character from another faction? (We all have them don't we?). I went there at L10 simply to harvest higher level materials and it isn't difficult to find an out of the way spot where you won't be disturbed.

    As you said yourself, you use voice comms to communicate, so not being able to talk to each other in zone chat isn't an issue.
  • NordJitsu
    There is no legitimate argument against dueling.

    The one legitimate complaint is getting spammed with duel requests. Auto-ignore toggle handles that perfectly.

    The lack of dueling should be considered a bug. They forgot to write a bunch of lines of code. Its an error. Its not new content. It should have been in the base game from the beginning. It should have been in the early beta stages.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • collin
    Soul Shriven
    We should be able to duel in this game, it's much less fun to not be able to. In Cyrodiil, you still can't duel players of your own faction.

    If certain players don't want to receive duel requests then they should be able to checkmark an option to not receive duel requests like so many other MMO's--that would solve the problem and everyone would be happier.
  • dante339
    Soul Shriven
    I would love for them to add dueling, having more options is never a bad thing. dueling will give players a chance to test out their builds before having to step into cyrodil. Even for Rpers this would be awsome instead of having word based fights we can finally fight it out.
  • Romo
    Ah! a NECRO thread!

    But the answer is:

    Wait for it...

    No.. just no.
  • jizzmoh69
    Soul Shriven
    Bottom line is everyone who is against dueling is clearly not into pvp and also not playing with friends. While cyrodil can be fun, at launch it was literally a giant lagging mess, with little to no direction about what is going on. Small group play? Prepare to get *** because if you aren't willing to lose all sense of individuality and soul and blindly follow the masses of lemings then you will be alone with your 5 friends and you will have to walk around for 40 minutes or more before you can find anything even close to a reasonable fight. And even then, odds are you'll just get spotted by the lemming horde and get smashed.
  • Ley
    I understand the opposition to open world dueling, players following you around harassing you to duel them can be quite annoying. I could imagine a lot of arguments amounting to this, "come and duel me then !*#@?"

    I don't see why having some sort of very simple 1v1 arena in the capitol cities would be a bad thing though. I don't see how it could affect people who are not interested in dueling negatively. It doesn't have to have any rewards or incentives, just a place for players to hone their skills or put their money where their mouth is.

    I suppose if they ever introduce the pvp element into the justice system, like they talked about doing, you'd have somewhat of a way to duel players.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • Ballzy321
    I don't get why people are against dueling. All pros and zero cons. Most mmo games I played give you option to ignore duel invites. Which is wut I am assuming people are scared of. Other than that fear of being spammed dueling invites there is not a single thing I can think of to why anyone would not want dueling?
  • SafiyerAmitora
    Ahh... The implementation of the ability to request a duel/a PvP arena would make life being in Legend soooo much easier... /sigh

    Edited by SafiyerAmitora on March 27, 2015 4:45PM
    Legend || Mizery Records || Black Market Wares
    Aeilith ~ AD L50 Khajiit magicka NB dps/max crafter (NA)
    Naraiya ~ AD L50 Altmer magicka Sorc dps (NA)
    Dont Die Like I Did ~ DC L50 Khajiit magicka Templar heals (NA)
    Bring The Pain ~ AD L50 Dunmer magicka DK tank (NA)
    An Achílles Heal ~ AD L50 Breton magicka Templar heals (NA)
    One Two Gank A Few ~ EP L50 Bosmer stam NB dps (NA)
    Your Lást Mistáke ~ DC L50 Altmer magicka NB dps (NA)
    Rekts All Noobs ~ DC L50 Redguard stam DK dps (NA)
    Reaper of Salt ~ EP L50 Khajiit stam Sorc dps
    The Réktoning ~ AD L8 Dunmer magicka DK dps
    Avaraiya ~ AD L25 Altmer magicka Warden tank
    Nafatiri ~ EP L24 Argonian magicka Warden heals
    Once Upon An OP Magden ~ EP L3 Altmer magicka Warden dps (NA)
    Updated: 08/01/2018
    759 Champion Points || ESO Member since Apr 2014
  • Danikat
    WoW invented duelling? Did I imagine it in Ultima Online then?

    Personally I have absolutely no interest in duelling what so ever. But I wouldn't mind it being in the game as long as (like many people already said) it's possible to disable requests, and ideally it's restricted to certain areas. That could be as simple as 'anywhere outside towns' so you don't get a mass of people duelling right outside the bank, but I actually think it would be better to add designated areas. Some could be small, like training grounds outside the Fighters Guild or on the edge of town. Some could be big arenas.

    Having said that wouldn't the Enforcer system basically add duelling? One person sets themselves up as an enforcer, the other one kills a chicken, off they go.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • HungerCity
    Havn't read thru all this but if you want to duel their are groups that duel in cyrodill Meet up duel get rezzed, Just gotta find one of these guilds and your good to go.
  • Makkir
    Slightly unrelated but in a way related question...under the current Justice system....do players grouped with someone who is KOS to guards also KOS? If you heal a player that is KOS to guards will you draw aggro and become KOS? If the answer is yes, then I can see this being abused to grief others.

    Otherwise I really don't have anything negative to say about dueling. I would think that would be in this game like so many other MMOs.
  • Xvorg
    I've always wanted something like:

    "Good people of the Imperial City, welcome to the Arena! For this match we've got some fresh meat, two brand new Pit Dogs! So let's not waste any time, lower the gates!!!"

    Your char is captured by imperial forces, then sent to imperial city, and after that you have to fight the gladiators of Blue/Yellow team in PVP, to get freedom. it can be 1v1 or 5v5. Your faction has nothing to do there, so a tag team of a Nord and a Khajit against a Breton with a Bosmer can be possible.

    I know Craglorn arena is good, but I'll even pay for Imperial City Arena
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Hayuru
    I really want this. Maybe one day!
  • knifeintheribs
    I also would love to see a dueling system implemented in the game. That way, rival guilds within the same alliance could fight each other for supremacy.
  • Medieval3D
    Would be really cool have duels in ESO, because you would prove your friends and your self, would be really enojayable, I imagine people meeting in some reunion point telling everyone: "Here, come here, will be a duel right now, come", do everyone would come and make a circle, and with the idle animations of the game would be a real party, I meant sometimes in ESO are parties where people meet and dance or talk and is really fun

    Other thing would be cool, but I dont know If could be added, is gambling or betting, so you would bet "this character" will win, like in the elder Scrolls Oblivion, where was the Arena and you could gambling, was really cool

    I say Thanks to Developers for consider the Lore of Elder Scrolls and respect the fans :), I really love Elder Scrolls
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