A wish for the future of PvP

Hello, i know we are expecting something pvp related in the last quarter, but i really suggest ESO to pay more attention to pvp.

I enjoy more big scale pvp rather than small scale pvp. Cyrodiil gave me some of the most fun pvp i had in any game for years, but it turned monotone after years of playing the exact same content without any update, or changes to cyrodiil in years, i would love to see regular updates/changes to cyrodiil to keep it fresh and bring new players to the pvp scene.

We may not be the biggest community within ESO, but we the pvp players are faith to the game and we also spent lots of dollars in crown store and all the love from the yearly updates always only goes to pve players while we are left behind.
Edited by Punitio on June 26, 2024 7:01PM
  • Erickson9610
    I hope that the new non-Cyrodiil PvP update in Q4 is a new mode of PvP, like maybe a large scale "last man standing" PvP mode. I don't expect a new Battlegrounds mode or map, or anything to do with the Imperial City, so ideally it wouldn't be another small scale PvP mode.

    Here's hoping this new PvP feature is enough to last us a while! Maybe it'll even get continual updates over time?
    Edited by Erickson9610 on June 26, 2024 9:46PM
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • JustLovely
    We don't need a new mode or type of PvP. We need what we already have to work properly with much, much higher population caps. Anything other than fixing what we already have will be a distraction and a disappointment.
  • Erickson9610
    JustLovely wrote: »
    We don't need a new mode or type of PvP. We need what we already have to work properly with much, much higher population caps. Anything other than fixing what we already have will be a distraction and a disappointment.

    I disagree. A brand new PvP mode could revitalize the PvP scene and draw in new players to partake in ESO's PvP content. If it's a PvP mode/genre which is popular in other games, then it could be marketed to outside audiences and they might give ESO PvP a try, and maybe even try out the other PvP modes like Cyrodiil in addition.

    I disagree with the notion of new content being "distractions". Many people say this about brand new content in other areas of the game, such as Tales of Tribute. Yet, there are still active and dedicated players for that new content, who might not be as interested in other aspects of the game as much.

    It's particularly odd that players cite Battlegrounds as the last major PvP content, but then say that new PvP content is unwanted. Do most PvP players want new content or not? Do they only want it for Cyrodiil and nowhere else? Cyrodiil may not be everyone's favorite PvP mode, so I think it's important to give this new PvP feature a chance.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • LPapirius
    JustLovely wrote: »
    We don't need a new mode or type of PvP. We need what we already have to work properly with much, much higher population caps. Anything other than fixing what we already have will be a distraction and a disappointment.

    I disagree. A brand new PvP mode could revitalize the PvP scene and draw in new players to partake in ESO's PvP content. If it's a PvP mode/genre which is popular in other games, then it could be marketed to outside audiences and they might give ESO PvP a try, and maybe even try out the other PvP modes like Cyrodiil in addition.

    I disagree with the notion of new content being "distractions". Many people say this about brand new content in other areas of the game, such as Tales of Tribute. Yet, there are still active and dedicated players for that new content, who might not be as interested in other aspects of the game as much.

    It's particularly odd that players cite Battlegrounds as the last major PvP content, but then say that new PvP content is unwanted. Do most PvP players want new content or not? Do they only want it for Cyrodiil and nowhere else? Cyrodiil may not be everyone's favorite PvP mode, so I think it's important to give this new PvP feature a chance.

    Most PvP players want Cyrodiil to have performance improvements and population cap increases. We don't need something new, we need what we already have to work like it used to.
  • Desiato
    The reason this game will likely never have a large PVP following that would justify significant financial investment is because progress in PVP is tied tightly to PVE in terms of skill lines and gear.

    Most true fans of PVP games are going to play games in which they can spend their time PVPing. The idea of grinding maarselok or bedlam for dozens of hours would be repulsive to them.

    Therefore this game has few of them. IMO, most players who currently PVP in ESO aren't the kind of players who would main a PVP game. They're more into playing with their new toys from the PVE side of the game in Cyrodiil than actual competitive PVP. Many would probably quit if Cyrodiil and BGs were more competitive.
    Edited by Desiato on June 27, 2024 4:46PM
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • Destai
    I'm not a big PVP'er. I did Cyrodiil enough for the skyshards and Tamriel Hero achievement. But as a fan of the game, I recognize that PVP is a major part of the community supported by a passionate community. My biggest hope right now is for the new feature to land well. I feel like there'll be way worse feedback if the new PVP feature doesn't land well, or is buggy. Hopefully, it fixes Cyrodiil too. I can only imagine how much backlash there'll be if not. Like this community has been waiting years, so I hope they see that.
    Desiato wrote: »
    The reason this game will likely never have a large PVP following that would justify significant financial investment is because progress in PVP is tied tightly to PVE in terms of skill lines and gear.

    Most true fans of PVP games are going to play games in which they can spend their time PVPing. The idea of grinding maarselok for dozens of hours would be repulsive to them.

    The best thing they could is move to a Guild Wars 1 gear creation model. You have it unlocked, you create it free of cost for use in that session. I think it'd be way better to have PVP and PVE completely divorced.
    Edited by Destai on June 27, 2024 7:55PM
  • darvaria
    I want something that is timed. Something like Winter Grasp in WOW. 30 v 30 , 40 v 40 or 50 v 50. Something with 2 sides that is on ONE level. I hate all those levels at the BG's A simple capture the fort. You could have 2, 3 or 5 forts. Arathi Basin would be a good model. Or AV.

    Something like BG's where you don't have to chose factions. That is timed. Like once ever 2 or 3 hours. WOW had pretty good success with an event Blood Moon but it had too many players during prime time and the map was too big. It was every 3 hours and only lasted 30 minutes.

    And with transmutes, I don't see where grinding PVE gear takes much time. Plus there are many overland and even PVP sets. And with the gold vendor, I have almost every set in game. If I need dungeon gear, you simply get on a class that can heal and slot a resto and que as a healer (or tank if you CAN tank) on normal. Plus the fact that gear is Account bounded in ESO and saved in your sticker book makes getting more gear in ESO very easy. With the exception of trial gear, almost any gear is obtainable with almost no effort.
  • darvaria
    Players are tired of Cyrodiil because they are sick of 3 sides and the map is too big. Too hard to find PVP. And the LAG. A smaller map, without a lot of dead hiding spaces would create more PVP. And something that has a timer on it.
  • divnyi
    As BG enjoyer I mention that we didn't have any new BG maps in ages.
    Like, maps. Not even modes.
  • GooGa592
    JustLovely wrote: »
    We don't need a new mode or type of PvP. We need what we already have to work properly with much, much higher population caps. Anything other than fixing what we already have will be a distraction and a disappointment.

    Yep. We just need Cyrodiil to work like it used to with triple to quadruple the population cap we have today.
  • reiverx
    If they add something new that has got nothing to do with Cyrodiil then I would surmise that Cyrodiil is not getting any more updates, ever.

    I really hope it doesn't come to that. Cyrodiil has got so much potential.
  • Bammlschwamml
    A couple of months ago someone asked about new pvp content in an interview. Rich said there was nothing planned until the performance problems and bugs weren't fixed. Because they don't want to add new "broken stuff" to a big pile of "broken stuff" (the forum rules don't allow me to quote exactly what Rich said, but I think it's pretty much what he meant).

    So what does this mean? Did they finally fix something critical to pvp? Can they finally give us their full vision of pvp now and implement all the cool ideas they had to put on ice many years ago? Or were they just pressured somehow to release something new anyway? Did they even know what it's going to be when they announced that pvp players should keep their eyes open for Q4?

    We still don't know what's going to happen. We don't even know for sure if we get something new, or if they just want to take something away and get rid of this sad story of neglect, disappointment and failure.

    So a little hint would be nice. To calm the nerves and keep pvp players in the game. Because the way i see it at the moment: with the developments over the past years, there is a big chance that there won't be enough pvp players left on some platforms to keep pvp alive.
  • Punitio
    Yea for me, BG is boring, all small scale pvp is boring, i only play cyrodiil and has been years im waiting for new update to cyrodiil to keep it fresh.
  • Erickson9610
    divnyi wrote: »
    As BG enjoyer I mention that we didn't have any new BG maps in ages.
    Like, maps. Not even modes.

    I'd love new Battlegrounds maps and modes. It'd also be nice if the AP payout of Battlegrounds was increased, but that's a separate topic entirely.

    The "non-Cyrodiil" PvP update could be anything. I doubt it's related to the Imperial City, because that's physically located in Cyrodiil (although it's a separate PvP mode from it) and I doubt the hype over a new PvP feature would be something added to Battlegrounds, dueling, or Tales of Tribute PvP. People have joked about it being related to the Companions releasing at the same time, but I highly doubt that's the case — the Companions were only pushed back because Scribing took up so much development time.

    I'm placing my bets on a new PvP mode, or at least something for Battlegrounds. I'm really excited for it, regardless — we just need to get past Q3!
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • opalcity
    It'll just be a shiny distraction with no substance. Everyone will get hyped and then underwhelmed.
  • Jaraal
    Punitio wrote: »
    Yea for me, BG is boring, all small scale pvp is boring, i only play cyrodiil and has been years im waiting for new update to cyrodiil to keep it fresh.

    I also spend most of my time in Cyrodiil. If the new PvP update is something like ranked dueling tournaments, new BG maps, etc, I won't be very interested. If it's new mechanics for Cyro, a condensed Cyro map, or an entirely new map with Cyrodiil type play and larger population caps, then I'll be all over it.

    Based upon the trend to delete long standing parts of the game to make room for new content, I'm not optimistic for the Q4 update. What are we going to have to give up this time to get something new? If it's cancelling Cyrodiil because of the inability to improve performance there and replacing it with some non related small scale PvP thing, then a lot of us are going to be quite unhappy.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    Punitio wrote: »
    Hello, i know we are expecting something pvp related in the last quarter, but i really suggest ESO to pay more attention to pvp.

    I enjoy more big scale pvp rather than small scale pvp. Cyrodiil gave me some of the most fun pvp i had in any game for years, but it turned monotone after years of playing the exact same content without any update, or changes to cyrodiil in years, i would love to see regular updates/changes to cyrodiil to keep it fresh and bring new players to the pvp scene.

    We may not be the biggest community within ESO, but we the pvp players are faith to the game and we also spent lots of dollars in crown store and all the love from the yearly updates always only goes to pve players while we are left behind.

    I absolutely love Cyrodil PVP and actually think it is probably the most dynamic part of the game - far from the stale experience you seem to be implying it has become. If Cyrodil needs updates, I think it is probably most needed to have updated servers, as server performance is unplayable when there are more than 60 combatants in a particular area, which is actually fairly common during prime time hours.

    Massive improvements to the pvp/cyrodil server would be a huge welcome, and then I would welcome a few things to make it fresh:

    1) seige specialist sets that increase effectiveness with seige at the cost of dismounted player fighting capabilities.

    2) Mounted combat - especially now that we have dual mounts

    3) new offensive/defensive structures to deploy, such as seige towers, angled spikes, etc. that are designed to obstruct your enemy or channel your enemy movement on the battlefield

    4) Dynamic daytime/night time changes in Cyrodil which will increase/decrease stealth effectiveness

    Just a few things that could shake things up.
  • ProudMary
    opalcity wrote: »
    It'll just be a shiny distraction with no substance. Everyone will get hyped and then underwhelmed.

    Sad but true. ZOS won't even talk about PvP right now. And if you ask about PvP you'll be told to shut it and wait 5 months to bring the issue up again.

    Edited by ProudMary on June 28, 2024 4:03PM
  • katanagirl1
    Punitio wrote: »
    Hello, i know we are expecting something pvp related in the last quarter, but i really suggest ESO to pay more attention to pvp.

    I enjoy more big scale pvp rather than small scale pvp. Cyrodiil gave me some of the most fun pvp i had in any game for years, but it turned monotone after years of playing the exact same content without any update, or changes to cyrodiil in years, i would love to see regular updates/changes to cyrodiil to keep it fresh and bring new players to the pvp scene.

    We may not be the biggest community within ESO, but we the pvp players are faith to the game and we also spent lots of dollars in crown store and all the love from the yearly updates always only goes to pve players while we are left behind.

    I absolutely love Cyrodil PVP and actually think it is probably the most dynamic part of the game - far from the stale experience you seem to be implying it has become. If Cyrodil needs updates, I think it is probably most needed to have updated servers, as server performance is unplayable when there are more than 60 combatants in a particular area, which is actually fairly common during prime time hours.

    Massive improvements to the pvp/cyrodil server would be a huge welcome, and then I would welcome a few things to make it fresh:

    1) seige specialist sets that increase effectiveness with seige at the cost of dismounted player fighting capabilities.

    2) Mounted combat - especially now that we have dual mounts

    3) new offensive/defensive structures to deploy, such as seige towers, angled spikes, etc. that are designed to obstruct your enemy or channel your enemy movement on the battlefield

    4) Dynamic daytime/night time changes in Cyrodil which will increase/decrease stealth effectiveness

    Just a few things that could shake things up.

    I love Cyrodiil too, and I usually disagree with any suggestions for change that I see here because they are calls for radical change.

    I actually like these ideas, they are small changes that could make PvP more interesting.

    RDIT: especially option #3
    Edited by katanagirl1 on June 29, 2024 1:37AM
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • kyle.wilson
    A functional pvp server
  • blktauna
    Just remember they call that stupid card game PVP. I am sadly not expecting much :(
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    blktauna wrote: »
    Just remember they call that stupid card game PVP. I am sadly not expecting much :(

    I expect the Q4 "PvP whatever" to be something along the lines of ToT. They said it wasn't Cyrodiil related, so we already know it will be a disappointment and a distraction from the real PvP ESO was designed to support.
  • Erickson9610
    blktauna wrote: »
    Just remember they call that stupid card game PVP. I am sadly not expecting much :(

    I expect the Q4 "PvP whatever" to be something along the lines of ToT. They said it wasn't Cyrodiil related, so we already know it will be a disappointment and a distraction from the real PvP ESO was designed to support.

    The "real PvP" also includes Imperial City and Battlegrounds, which were designed after the Cyrodiil mode was made. What's wrong with getting a new PvP mode as long as the others are supported?

    We just got Cyrodiil QoL with stackable siege and combined repair kits. What other gameplay feature should Cyrodiil be given?
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • Punitio
    blktauna wrote: »
    Just remember they call that stupid card game PVP. I am sadly not expecting much :(

    I expect the Q4 "PvP whatever" to be something along the lines of ToT. They said it wasn't Cyrodiil related, so we already know it will be a disappointment and a distraction from the real PvP ESO was designed to support.

    The "real PvP" also includes Imperial City and Battlegrounds, which were designed after the Cyrodiil mode was made. What's wrong with getting a new PvP mode as long as the others are supported?

    We just got Cyrodiil QoL with stackable siege and combined repair kits. What other gameplay feature should Cyrodiil be given?

    Maybe incorporate new content into cyrodiil such as new siege weapons, make more voldendrull style weapon events, etc.
  • Karma2Burn
    The 4th quarter PVP update is youll be able to use cat banker in cyro. Enjoy and see you in 10 years!
  • gronoxvx
    Spoiler. The Q4 pvp update is just a fix for the stuck in combat bug and will be hidden behind a paywall.
    Edited by gronoxvx on July 2, 2024 7:02AM
  • ValueDrift
    gronoxvx wrote: »
    Spoiler. The Q4 pvp update is just a fix for the stuck in combat bug and will be hidden behind a paywall.

    A consumable fix, "get out of combat" tokens.
  • johnjetau
    The PVP will most likely be a Dueling arena in Craglorn, either a 1v1, 2v2 etc.
  • Photosniper89
    I hope that the new non-Cyrodiil PvP update in Q4 is a new mode of PvP, like maybe a large scale "last man standing" PvP mode. I don't expect a new Battlegrounds mode or map, or anything to do with the Imperial City, so ideally it wouldn't be another small scale PvP mode.

    Here's hoping this new PvP feature is enough to last us a while! Maybe it'll even get continual updates over time?

    ZERO disrespect to you - this is exactly what most people do not want.

    When people say PvP they mean Cyrodiil. Period.

    They haven't touched Cyrodiil in 7 years (anything of real value added I mean.. they have removed a ton of stuff to help "fix" the lag).
  • Photosniper89
    gronoxvx wrote: »
    Spoiler. The Q4 pvp update is just a fix for the stuck in combat bug and will be hidden behind a paywall.

    And to be honest I know 95% of people who play in Cyro would buy this.
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