Error 200 and 201

Soul Shriven
Since the NA server maintenance I have been trying to log and getting the above errors. Does anyone have a solution? Can I do anything at my end?

A lot of my friends are not experiencing these error.
  • torstenb16_ESO8
    I have the same problem :(
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hi, folks. Would you folks mind attempting the below steps for us?
    1. Close both the game and the launcher
    2. Open the game installation directory
    3. Open the folder named "Launcher"
    4. Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData"
    5. Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup"
    6. Open the launcher and download update
    7. Click "Play"

    Please let us know if this helps to resolve the issue!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • knowthisname
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, no this did not work and I got a 210 error when trying to launch. Any fixes yet?
  • ZOS_TristanK
    If the above steps do not work, we recommend that you try and repair the client by using the below steps:
    1. Highlight the title of the game client that needs to be repaired by clicking on it
    2. Click on "Game Options" (near the center of the launcher)
    3. From the "Game Options" drop-down, select "Repair"
    4. Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game
    5. If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • knowthisname
    Soul Shriven
    Problem solved, thanks.
  • markus.konradb16_ESO

    the same problem occurs for me since I downloaded the update this morning.
    I tried both solutions TristanK suggested but the problem (always 201 error a second after I click 'Login') persists.

    Also in the client it says: Could not retrieve announcements. Not sure if that does matter in some way...
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Thanks for letting us know, @markus.konradb16_ESO. We recommend that you first please try running ESO as administrator. Next, we recommend that you add the game and our account website ( as exceptions to your firewall and anti-virus programs.

    Please keep in mind that if you are using an internet connection at a business or university, they may have another firewall in place on the network. If this is the case, please come back and let us know.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • markus.konradb16_ESO
    Hi TristanK,

    thanks for the quick response.

    I already had all exes in the ESO folder set as exceptions in Comodo Internet Security Premium. After changing the parameters from user-defined settings that worked before to "allowed application" the game seems to run now.

    In case further problems occurs I'll let everyone here know.

    All best.
  • Reprise
    Soul Shriven
    I am also experiencing error 200. I've tried all of these solutions, but still not working for me. I haven't been able to access the game since downloading the client a few days ago though. Any ideas? Also, I'm on Mac.
    Edited by Reprise on April 3, 2014 10:56AM
  • MehmetCan
    Hi, folks. Would you folks mind attempting the below steps for us?
    1. Close both the game and the launcher
    2. Open the game installation directory
    3. Open the folder named "Launcher"
    4. Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData"
    5. Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup"
    6. Open the launcher and download update
    7. Click "Play"

    Please let us know if this helps to resolve the issue!

    This one seems to fix the update issue I had. I hope game works after wards.
  • MrNelis
    Soul Shriven
    My girlfriend has the same error. 2 pc's 2 accounts my account works fine on my pc, her account works on my pc. Both our accounts generate the 201 (7:1:1016:1006) error when trying to log in on her pc. Also i've noticed that when i start the client, my client status (shown in bottom left corner) will say "complete" on her pc the client stays on "initializing".
    When i start the game on the log in screen i have an announcement displayed (the in-game mail one) when i start the game on her pc it will say "could not retrieve announcements".

    I've tried swhitching router ports (were both on the same network) and rebooting, Even with only her pc connected, no results. So im kinda ruling out my connection.
    I've tried several repairs without succes.
    I ran the program as admin, virus scanner/firewall etc disabled. No succes.

    Ohh and the game on my pc thats working has version is the same as on my girlfriends pc, so i dont think its an update problem.

    Update: the client on her pc now also has the "complete" status in the bottom left corner, but still "could not retrieve announcements" and the same loging error in-game.
    Also i have tried the "programdata" suggestion, without succes unfortunately.
    Edited by MrNelis on April 3, 2014 12:27PM
  • BlackcatNZ
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Mine was a firewall issue that has now been fixed by adding exceptions. Thanks again
  • raphaeldixonrwb17_ESO
    I'm on a mac and keep getting the same error. Error 200.

    Repaired twice, no love.

    Any ideas?
  • jeromedezwaanb16_ESO
    i got the error 201 by log in in. i tried fixing the launcher and i followed the steps that you gave me but did not work. can you help me out?
  • MrNelis
    Soul Shriven
    Look in this post
    For most people it turns out it is a firewall issue or a commodo anti virus (sandbox mode) issue. Hope it helps
  • BennyS
    Soul Shriven
    repair in the launcher options worked for me
  • Valkyriaza
    Tried all the suggestions. I finally get to login and within 5 minutes the game kicks me out. After I try to get back in, it gives me errors 200 or 201. This is getting ridiculous.
    "The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. " - Terry Pratchett
  • Lokov
    Another one facepalm for zos =\ Impossible to login with same stupid reason
    error 201
    Gimme my subscriber day back =\
    Edited by Lokov on December 26, 2015 9:06PM
    Captain Org As More |Mag Blade| DC
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    Welcome to my TWITCH in Russian
  • Heindrich
    Hi, folks. Would you folks mind attempting the below steps for us?
    1. Close both the game and the launcher
    2. Open the game installation directory
    3. Open the folder named "Launcher"
    4. Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData"
    5. Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup"
    6. Open the launcher and download update
    7. Click "Play"

    Please let us know if this helps to resolve the issue!

    This fix worked for me.
  • alvehyannab14_ESO
    This did not work for me...when trying to log in, alternates 200 and 201 errors after typing in login/pass
  • Halrloprillalar
    dc'd in the middle of a skyreach run, tried to get back in - error 200

    running as admin did not fix
    repair did not fix
    program data rename did not fix
  • Zeraphan
    Soul Shriven
    I was playing for several hours earlier today. I logged out to get some lunch, came back, and error 200. I have tried all the steps in these posts, nothing works.
  • sweetxavya
    Soul Shriven
    I was playing this morning and everything was working, came back a few minutes again and the launcher is unable to get the announcements and I get the Error 200 and I am unable to log in. I have tried all the fixes above and none have worked.
  • Jollygoodusername
    Able to log in now without error, proving once again that my hardware stands the test of time, my patience in dealing with BS however...
    Edited by Jollygoodusername on April 22, 2017 10:41PM
  • Corsair
    I keep getting error 200, but only on NA server, I just tested EU and it works. Also PTS works fine. Already tried all the fixes in this thread, nothing works =\
  • DSwatloski
    Soul Shriven
    200's followed by 108's. Let's see it fixed and then compensation for the subscribers. Ridiculous for a game out this long, even for a game in Beta. NA Server for PC.
  • Delegator
    Yup getting a mix of 108s and 200s with different subcodes here. Validate my account, renamed the ProgramData directory, etc. -- nothing helps.
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this thread is from three years ago we will be closing it as a necro. There were recently server issues over the weekend that would have caused login issues. If you are still having issues logging in, please start a new thread.
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