ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »-Hint at Elder Scrolls 6 coming out soon (and possibly us receiving an expansion that aligns with it, or invitations to beta test it)
plus the roadmap mentions a housing spotlight for May
dcam86b14_ESO wrote: »I am hoping it's related to the housing month, maybe they are giving out more houses this month lol
The bit about "hinting at something special" immediately made me think of its name: Sword-Singer's Redoubt. New class or maybe skill line for next year? Not holding my breath on either of those since we got Arcanist last year and the Scribing skill line this year, but hope springs eternal and all that.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »For those saying TES VI
You do realize that is a single player game right? many of the players in ESO are MMO players who couldn't care less about a single player game which I guarantee you will be a smaller game then ESO with much less content and a protagonist who lacks the ability to revive themselves.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »For those saying TES VI
You do realize that is a single player game right? many of the players in ESO are MMO players who couldn't care less about a single player game which I guarantee you will be a smaller game then ESO with much less content and a protagonist who lacks the ability to revive themselves.
LukosCreyden wrote: »@spartaxoxo you had me with those first eight words tbh. I agree.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »For those saying TES VI
You do realize that is a single player game right? many of the players in ESO are MMO players who couldn't care less about a single player game which I guarantee you will be a smaller game then ESO with much less content and a protagonist who lacks the ability to revive themselves.
VisitHammerfell wrote: »There are far more people who played Morrowind Oblivion or Skyrim before picking up ESO or ESO first players interested in TES VI then there are people who are playing just to play an MMO. Why do you think people get so excited for nostalgic things,, it's bc they played other games first.