TheGrandAlliance wrote: »
No what happens is that if the current emperor looses all 6 keeps AND then either dies/logs/zones THEN the title is lost. However an Emperor doesn't have to stay online 24 hours a day otherwise.
Also, I would like to add that choosing the emperor based on what the guild wants is unfair. I believe that they should have guild perks, but not to the point where someone can choose who can be emperor - in a guild or not. Being an emperor should be EARNED, not chosen.
TheGrandAlliance wrote: »
The whole point of Emperor title is to take keeps. Killing players is secondary.
Furthermore there isn't ANY premium to killing players hense the AFKing I mentioned in main post. Everyone in a raid gets ponts no matter what they end up doing. With so many points around the game is just a "who can be online longest" race.
You couldn't be more wrong about taking keeps. If you want AP, you need kills and you shouldn't care about Keeps.
frozenchicken wrote: »Having such an alteration leads to certain interesting options with the 'Former Emperor' skills, in that they could give sizable bonuses depending on whether your guild is winning, but it would have to be carefully examined, in order to make sure it doesn't get gamed.
40K unreachable?
SwampRaider wrote: »After viewing this thread, I had to ask one thing: So you are saying, that a person with No guild, but plays a lot should not get emperor? What if there is literally a guild of ONE person, who has the most AP, can he not be emepror according to this threads logic? If Emperorship is awarded as a guild based system....I'm going to see a lot of guild masters hoarding titles.
The current Emperor mechanic is fine. It awards those that spend hours in cyrodiil
Here is my problem with your whole idea. You just want guilds to have something, and you are trying to take emperor. You are cutting out any chance an unguilded player has of getting the top position.
Well saidTheGrandAlliance wrote: »
Unguilded players, other then skilled afkers, won't ever be anywhere near the top position anyways so this isn't a problem.
Furthermore... an "unguilded player" can simply start their own guild: Problem solved.