The Emperor AP System is Broken: Move to a Guild-Based Title

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  • Rancunier

    No what happens is that if the current emperor looses all 6 keeps AND then either dies/logs/zones THEN the title is lost. However an Emperor doesn't have to stay online 24 hours a day otherwise.

    No, what I mean is if the current emperor quits the campaign, i.e. he changes his home campaign to another campaign. Based on what I have seen from Zenimax this could be used to abuse the system by rolling emperor-ship from one player to another.
  • TheGrandAlliance

    Well...that isn't a bad thing always currently. It just means that the number 2 becomes Emperor and so on. I could see how if everyone did this then everyone would be Emperor at least once but this is unlikely to happen as is.

    That is the current system. In terms of the proposal I suggested to change things simply putting a limit on how many changes within a faction over a period of time would prevent any potential abuse of the system. Thank you for pointing this out it took me several days to figure it out.

    Too much time in PvP nukes your brain after a time INDEED...
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 13, 2014 2:53AM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Hestia
    <Alatreon> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required.

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  • Hestia
    Also, I would like to add that choosing the emperor based on what the guild wants is unfair. I believe that they should have guild perks, but not to the point where someone can choose who can be emperor - in a guild or not. Being an emperor should be EARNED, not chosen.
    <Alatreon> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required.

    Recruitment Thread & Website
  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    problem with emperor rank is you are rewarded for defense and not offense, the difference in AP for sitting back spamming oil and then running around with repair kits fixing everything compared to actually grabbing 3 resources and taking a keep is massive. if you want emperor there is no reason to ever go O.
  • Thechemicals
    You can place each unit in pvp in a classification and they get bonuses for doing what they are classified to do. Lords,infantry, scouts, defender, capturers. While everyone gets a flat rate of AP, the ones doing the job of what they are classed to do, get more. Worked really well in Battlefield with Class kits like medic,engineer,special forces, and so on. Each kits had its points for doing its job. Medic was a bit lame though since they healed everyone for points even though you might not want to be ressed lol.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • TheGrandAlliance
    Hestia wrote: »
    Also, I would like to add that choosing the emperor based on what the guild wants is unfair. I believe that they should have guild perks, but not to the point where someone can choose who can be emperor - in a guild or not. Being an emperor should be EARNED, not chosen.

    ...It is earned by virture of guild members staying in the guild. IF the Emperor is someone players dont' like, they will simply bail the guild, and the guild will loose Emperor. Thus a Check/Balance of power is made.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 14, 2014 10:46PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Hestia
    Emperorship should NEVER be chosen on what the guild wants. It should be EARNED. There will be a HUGE FIGHT on who should be emperor.

    Once again, emperorship is a title that deserves to be earned.
    <Alatreon> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required.

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  • Igolbug
    This doesn't really help when I can't actually see what guild people are in.
    V10 R20 Nightblade Ebonheart Pact
    WABBAJACK since day1!
  • Pryda

    The whole point of Emperor title is to take keeps. Killing players is secondary.

    Furthermore there isn't ANY premium to killing players hense the AFKing I mentioned in main post. Everyone in a raid gets ponts no matter what they end up doing. With so many points around the game is just a "who can be online longest" race.

    You couldn't be more wrong about taking keeps. If you want AP, you need kills and you shouldn't care about Keeps.

    Anyway this whole Emperor system is pointless until servers and people are ready for PvP
    Sorcerer on Auriel's Bow EU - & (1-50 & VR leveling guides + PvP Videos)
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Pryda wrote: »
    You couldn't be more wrong about taking keeps. If you want AP, you need kills and you shouldn't care about Keeps.

    Exactly which is the problem! My post you site above was referring what it SHOULD be not IS be. Right now: Capturing doesn't get you much AP but farming AP from kills does.

    My wording on that post my not have been clear alas no matter...

    Indeed it is so...
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Igolbug wrote: »
    This doesn't really help when I can't actually see what guild people are in.

    No... but it would be assumed that whatever guild that you "represented" at the time for AP gain would be listed with your name.
    Indeed it is so...
  • frozenchicken
    Having such an alteration leads to certain interesting options with the 'Former Emperor' skills, in that they could give sizable bonuses depending on whether your guild is winning, but it would have to be carefully examined, in order to make sure it doesn't get gamed.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Having such an alteration leads to certain interesting options with the 'Former Emperor' skills, in that they could give sizable bonuses depending on whether your guild is winning, but it would have to be carefully examined, in order to make sure it doesn't get gamed.

    Indeed... having guild based option would give many options to "former" as well as "current" emperors. What that is of course can be whatever one wishes........
    Indeed it is so...
  • Oblongship
    No no no no no no no

    I remember for instance ins WoW when a guild called Local Defense ruled who got Grand Martial...

    Absolutely no...

    This would be the worst mistake ever.
    Edited by Oblongship on April 22, 2014 3:56PM
  • Kolur
    40K unreachable?
    Mist, I went outside Cyro for a WEEK to get to lvl 50.
    You were ranked 5 when I returned. (Me having dropped from top 10 to rank 126.)
    4 days later I was above u on leader board. And you had still not left PvP for levelling or anything.
    While I had indeed left PvP for 7 days to get to lvl 50 and pick up all the Skyshards and then boost people In guild In every dungeon between lvl 12 - 50.
    40K can be done within 2-3 hours on peaktime.
    I think your main trouble Is the fact you are In USA. playing on EU servers.
    Have you even experianced the times we are facing 400+ vs 100-200 situations when both DC and AD are fighting us?
    At those time you are getting around 500-1000 AP each minute.
    AP Is best gained In a small group of 10 guys that organize, then just flank them with a well placed group. Incredibly effective way of grinding.
    + just planting 1 oil pot will give u so much.
    I was doing It the other day. Got 700-900 AP with each load of Oil.
    Got 11K from that 1 pot. God I love peak time PvP.

    Or like Nero once told me how he got most of his AP.
    They just ganked. (100-1000 AP per kill cause there was just the 2 of them)
    (ofc, that Is a bit hard. But for V1+ It's quite Easy to just gank together and wipe out un organized ppl. As they aren't on TS or anything and can't therefore communiacte fast enough.)
  • Humanistic
    It's geared towards hardcore pvper's, plain and simple. Getting 2400 rating in WoW isn't any easier. The only thing that helps you there is time played and learning all the classes. Same thing. Emperor shouldn't be easy, and it shouldn't just be handed out.
  • Gisgo
    I wish people stopped caring about emperorship. Get over it.

    Its for nerds, most of us semi-casual will never achieve it.
    Its not important, it doesnt matter, you are not less of a player for not being emperor.

    Edited by Gisgo on April 22, 2014 5:38PM
  • SwampRaider
    After viewing this thread, I had to ask one thing: So you are saying, that a person with No guild, but plays a lot should not get emperor? What if there is literally a guild of ONE person, who has the most AP, can he not be emepror according to this threads logic? If Emperorship is awarded as a guild based system....I'm going to see a lot of guild masters hoarding titles.

    The current Emperor mechanic is fine. It awards those that spend hours in cyrodiil
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • thestonyb16_ESO
    200k AP a day is supposed to be alot? i was doing 500k+ on good days - and no, you won't do that by afking in a random raid group. but if you believe afking in a random raid is the most effective way to gain points i can't really help you anyway.

    the only problem with the emperor system is people take away your title while you sleep. Seitan - PvP Rank 32 - Prefect
  • Pryda
    An Emperor shouldn't sleep anyway!
    Sorcerer on Auriel's Bow EU - & (1-50 & VR leveling guides + PvP Videos)
  • sgtalexinsidpreeb18_ESO
    emperor title is given to most tenacious B*****d on the faction... i like the way it is no reason to mix quilds in it
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO
    The curent emperor sistem will reward above all else the ability to spend more time in game then other people and/or the abuse of a flawed sistem many times even make the player work against the factions goals just so they gain more AP.

    Being a better leader or a skilled PVP-er in general will not yield more AP so why would the emperor be decided by it? Why not make it even more absurd and award the Cyrodiil emperor by the number of mudcrabs killed in PvE zones? (yes, this is sarcasm)

    Now i wouldnt care that much about the broken mechanics if it was just the title but these so called emperors have the ability to take down raids on their own (this is arguable that it could work against organised groups but the bonuses are insane and noone can deny they turn the emperor into a one man army). What is even more sad and infuriating is that those players will gain a permanent stat bonus even after their rulership is gone.

    Please find a way to award the emperor title to people who actualy deserve it and make it so that the emperor sistem is not abusable else on the long run i see alot of exploiting and cheating involved in gaining that perma bonus, heck, i can think of at least 2 ways of abusing the sistem withouth breaking the TOS and until this matter is looked into simply make the emperor a honorary title with no benefits whatsoever.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Kolur wrote: »
    40K unreachable?

    What I mean is that... if you/your rival are always online same time you will never catch up to them at 40K difference. They will always stay around 40K ahead of you.

    Is it catchable if you someone is offline? Yes... but top players are ALWAYS online for a reason.
    Indeed it is so...
  • TheGrandAlliance
    After viewing this thread, I had to ask one thing: So you are saying, that a person with No guild, but plays a lot should not get emperor? What if there is literally a guild of ONE person, who has the most AP, can he not be emepror according to this threads logic? If Emperorship is awarded as a guild based system....I'm going to see a lot of guild masters hoarding titles.

    The current Emperor mechanic is fine. It awards those that spend hours in cyrodiil

    Being an Emperor (in real life) is about forming a "coalition of the willing" of sorts... an amry and the supporting logistics in order to rule. There is no such thing as a "one man emperorship".

    This is a game of course.... however to suggest my logic is not based upon reality is incorrect. Furthermore: If players don't like their GM's then they can simply walk off and leave and go somewhere else. The Emperor's power vanishes overnight.

    Making this a game about "who grinds AP the best" only serves to reward actions that are suicidal to winning and thus defeat the reason behind Emperor existing.

    Indeed it is so...
  • Izzban
    I would like to suggest that ESO save themselves time and money and just change the title, "Emperor" to "Manslayer". Now most of your problems are solved, Grand. You keep on about an emperor having an army, being a leader, and the best way to get AP. Now you can relax about all of it since Manslayer title conveys no sense of leadership, and since killing others is the best way to get it....

    Here is my problem with your whole idea. You just want guilds to have something, and you are trying to take emperor. You are cutting out any chance an unguilded player has of getting the top position. Why don't you just ask for guilds to have some kind of notoriety? That is your ultimate goal, why do you have to take something already established and change it? Ask for what you want, don't take from someone else. Ask for something for guilds!
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Izzban wrote: »
    Here is my problem with your whole idea. You just want guilds to have something, and you are trying to take emperor. You are cutting out any chance an unguilded player has of getting the top position.

    Unguilded players, other then skilled afkers, won't ever be anywhere near the top position anyways so this isn't a problem.

    Furthermore... an "unguilded player" can simply start their own guild: Problem solved.
    Indeed it is so...
  • Karner

    Unguilded players, other then skilled afkers, won't ever be anywhere near the top position anyways so this isn't a problem.

    Furthermore... an "unguilded player" can simply start their own guild: Problem solved.
    Well said
    I must not lose my resolve. I will march forward even if I have to do so... Alone.
  • Recap
    Soul Shriven
    Good post man, hopefully they take some of this and use it.
  • maholi
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