Leaders will lead but the problem is everyones a leader right now... Nobody knows who can really lead and who pretends, this will be learned in the next few months.
Just dont forget that if you can get the cats herded you have something because theres a heck of allot more cats out there than there are owners.
illipthgore wrote: »yea I suppose things would be different if I actually liked any of the chars ive made, I just find them all very boreing and lack of any options abilty/skill wise that I cant get into it and im an altaholic in most other games,
illipthgore wrote: »yea I suppose things would be different if I actually liked any of the chars ive made, I just find them all very boreing and lack of any options abilty/skill wise that I cant get into it and im an altaholic in most other games,
Hell I had every or nearly every race/class on mid/hib/alb in DAoC to 40+playing 3 diff servers b4 toa BS screwed it up, but in all the games apart from SWG wee I just had one ive had as many as been allowed to have.
illipthgore wrote: »i just feel like im trying to play a xbox with a mouse/kb nothing feels natural, i don't care what looks are or the story as long as the game mechanics are good you can play anything.
TheGrandAlliance wrote: »
Boring? IDK... story wise and even visually it is epic: Females actually LOOK like females (I cannot say the same for WoW's Alliance races).
The combat system is another issue... however Nightblade's are epic.
and yeah I came from UO, EQ, DAOC, WoW, Warhammer Online, age of conan, Darkfall, GW2, to name a few this RVR PVP is amazing so far the scale of it and the general lack of any lag with the ammount of people involved...
It's a problem with the groups. I've had -no- problems when Solo.
illipthgore wrote: »yea only one char was in cyrodiil the other 2 were in other indoor locations one was in guild of mages the other was harbourage not aslot of ppl zerging there :}
joshisanonymous wrote: »\There's a premium, currently, only killing players, and that's how it should be. I don't want to play a game where the best use of my time is taking undefended keeps.
TheGrandAlliance wrote: »Well IDK then... unless you are running mods of course. Just hope the fix whatever is your problem indeeed...
TheGrandAlliance wrote: »@illipthgore
Yea I play on a small(er) server that is (relative) balanced so IDK about how the top servers feel about the game. I do know that the 2 players ranked above me on my faction did use this zerg tatic of the quests and now they are unreachable (40K above) as long as they continue to play.
TheGrandAlliance wrote: »Wabbajack (assuming you mean EU) had 3 bars Pact... 1 bars everyone else player population. They preety much farmed the map. That is not a "normal" situation in either case.
No, I'm talking about the NA version of Wabbajack, which during peak times is three bars or locked for all factions. It's one of the two highest pop campaigns in the NA server. The top player is adding 200k to his score every day. That's about 3k kills per hour for 10 hours a day.
TheGrandAlliance wrote: »...even if this is so... A system that gives points for Farming, and not Winning, is a Worthless on Indeed...
Plus consider, what happens if the current Emperor leaves the campaign? From my reading it would seem that the title passes to the current person at the top of the list, opening up abuse of quit campaign feature.
If the current ruler abdicates, the center ring of forts should all revert to default ownership.