The Emperor AP System is Broken: Move to a Guild-Based Title

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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  • TheGrandAlliance
    RoyalPain wrote: »
    Leaders will lead but the problem is everyones a leader right now... Nobody knows who can really lead and who pretends, this will be learned in the next few months.

    Just dont forget that if you can get the cats herded you have something because theres a heck of allot more cats out there than there are owners.

    Indeed. But this is a natural process that has to happen in order for large scale PvP combat to engage. I suggest players who want to try to lead go on an empty server and build your way up from nothing.
    Indeed it is so...
  • illipthgore
    yea I suppose things would be different if I actually liked any of the chars ive made, I just find them all very boreing and lack of any options abilty/skill wise that I cant get into it and im an altaholic in most other games,

    Hell I had every or nearly every race/class on mid/hib/alb in DAoC to 40+playing 3 diff servers b4 toa BS screwed it up, but in all the games apart from SWG wee I just had one ive had as many as been allowed to have.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    yea I suppose things would be different if I actually liked any of the chars ive made, I just find them all very boreing and lack of any options abilty/skill wise that I cant get into it and im an altaholic in most other games,

    Boring? IDK... story wise and even visually it is epic: Females actually LOOK like females (I cannot say the same for WoW's Alliance races).

    The combat system is another issue... however Nightblade's are epic.

    Indeed it is so...
  • RoyalPain
    yea I suppose things would be different if I actually liked any of the chars ive made, I just find them all very boreing and lack of any options abilty/skill wise that I cant get into it and im an altaholic in most other games,

    Hell I had every or nearly every race/class on mid/hib/alb in DAoC to 40+playing 3 diff servers b4 toa BS screwed it up, but in all the games apart from SWG wee I just had one ive had as many as been allowed to have.

    I thought the same thing at first but these characters that were playing have allot more options then you first see...

    and yeah I came from UO, EQ, DAOC, WoW, Warhammer Online, age of conan, Darkfall, GW2, to name a few this RVR PVP is amazing so far the scale of it and the general lack of any lag with the ammount of people involved...

    Its just getting started things will be implimented, generally you know right away if a games going to fail or not, thinking this ones going to be around a long time, Hopefully the end game content will be solid.

    Edited by RoyalPain on April 3, 2014 8:27PM
  • illipthgore
    i just feel like im trying to play a xbox with a mouse/kb nothing feels natural, i don't care what looks are or the story as long as the game mechanics are good you can play anything.

  • TheGrandAlliance
    i just feel like im trying to play a xbox with a mouse/kb nothing feels natural, i don't care what looks are or the story as long as the game mechanics are good you can play anything.

    I get you... but if you played other TES games it is not as bad. You do have to play first person mode though because third mode is trash for combat/targeting.
    Indeed it is so...
  • illipthgore

    Boring? IDK... story wise and even visually it is epic: Females actually LOOK like females (I cannot say the same for WoW's Alliance races).

    The combat system is another issue... however Nightblade's are epic.

    no offence but if WOW was your first i can understand how youd feel, but to me WOW wasn't worth pi ss ing on to put out,
    But my first MMO was meridian59 and that was so epic and still is despite the old 2d fps erra gfx, its just a shame theres not enough ppl playing it anymore to make use of all its niceness and then came UO AC and DAoC EQ SWG and by the time i tried WOW it was ok for a month but the PvP was so lame i couldn't play any more.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    RoyalPain wrote: »
    and yeah I came from UO, EQ, DAOC, WoW, Warhammer Online, age of conan, Darkfall, GW2, to name a few this RVR PVP is amazing so far the scale of it and the general lack of any lag with the ammount of people involved...

    Indeed...I am supprised a game with the "twichy" combat that loads of "traditional MMORPG players" complain about actually works in terms of internet issues.

    Indeed it is so...
  • illipthgore
    theres a lot of ppl crashing all the time in cyro i couldn't play half the day and i was trying chars in multydiff locations, hell i must have done 15-20 crash reports in 5 mins or so across 3 toons and still not a word from zen about it just auto responces.
  • TheGrandAlliance

    Servers that are locked have issues from what I am aware but the lower population servers or battles that have less then IDK 100 players are usually smooth.

    I only had crashing happen if a big horde of 50+ came charging after me but even still in generally works.
    Indeed it is so...
  • RoyalPain
    Going to crash until they work things out but whats impressive is the lack of lag and freedom of movement that you generally have. its like playing a single player game at times. and theres Hundreds online in an area.
  • Karner
    It's a problem with the groups. I've had -no- problems when Solo.
    I must not lose my resolve. I will march forward even if I have to do so... Alone.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Karner wrote: »
    It's a problem with the groups. I've had -no- problems when Solo.

    Exactly... Whenever a player enters a group (on invite usually; sometimes upon reconnect) it freezes the game sometimes. If near full party it can /wipe the raid (and as a Raid Leader I am /guiltyascharged for the /wipe). This doesn't always happen though so it is probably some server-side bug that needs to get addressed.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 3, 2014 8:45PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • illipthgore
    yea only one char was in cyrodiil the other 2 were in other indoor locations one was in guild of mages the other was harbourage not aslot of ppl zerging there :}
  • TheGrandAlliance
    yea only one char was in cyrodiil the other 2 were in other indoor locations one was in guild of mages the other was harbourage not aslot of ppl zerging there :}

    Well in your case might be your computer's scripting crashing because the computer is too slow to keep up (weak processor).

    Else with me "epic" self-built for Window's 8 2012 computer (i3770K) I have it works fine... most of the time.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 3, 2014 8:50PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • illipthgore
    i wish it was a simple hard/software update but alas my rig can run 4 instantances of ESO and still have enough to make my bed and refill coffe machine.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Well IDK then... unless you are running mods of course. Just hope the fix whatever is your problem indeeed...
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 3, 2014 9:22PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • joshisanonymous
    I have basically no opinion on your suggestion but I do feel that your complaints for how points are awarded are all really bad. There's a premium, currently, only killing players, and that's how it should be. I don't want to play a game where the best use of my time is taking undefended keeps. I also don't mind if I can't become Emperor because someone else plays 24/7. I mean, really, I understand that it's generally better to make it so that time played is not automatically determine your success in game, but the point of Emperorship is that it's really really difficult to get and therefore extremely valuable. I don't really care if I never become Emperor, honestly. I would kinda prefer that only a small portion of the population ever actually achieves this.
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • TheGrandAlliance
    \There's a premium, currently, only killing players, and that's how it should be. I don't want to play a game where the best use of my time is taking undefended keeps.

    The whole point of Emperor title is to take keeps. Killing players is secondary.

    Furthermore there isn't ANY premium to killing players hense the AFKing I mentioned in main post. Everyone in a raid gets ponts no matter what they end up doing. With so many points around the game is just a "who can be online longest" race.

    Indeed it is so...
  • swids2010
    Soul Shriven
    They need to give you a job and get some of your ideas into action.
  • illipthgore
    Well IDK then... unless you are running mods of course. Just hope the fix whatever is your problem indeeed...

    No mods im on N/A server and now I cant log in my PVP toons atall lol, they are working on it tho so just have to wait and see, already canceled my account will see were they are at when its due but with my whole guild pulling out of the game for now atleast not sure ill bother.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    swids2010 wrote: »
    They need to give you a job and get some of your ideas into action.

    Indeed it is so...
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 5, 2014 9:53PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Rancunier

    Yea I play on a small(er) server that is (relative) balanced so IDK about how the top servers feel about the game. I do know that the 2 players ranked above me on my faction did use this zerg tatic of the quests and now they are unreachable (40K above) as long as they continue to play.

    40k is nothing. We had players in Wabbajack earn 200k yesterday.

  • TheGrandAlliance

    Wabbajack (assuming you mean EU) had 3 bars Pact... 1 bars everyone else player population. They preety much farmed the map. That is not a "normal" situation in either case.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 5, 2014 9:52PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Rancunier
    Wabbajack (assuming you mean EU) had 3 bars Pact... 1 bars everyone else player population. They preety much farmed the map. That is not a "normal" situation in either case.

    No, I'm talking about the NA version of Wabbajack, which during peak times is three bars or locked for all factions. It's one of the two highest pop campaigns in the NA server. The top player is adding 200k to his score every day. That's about 3k kills per hour for 10 hours a day.
  • Karner
    That's mental. I do wish that the dailies around cyrodil gave benefits for you. Ie; finishing all the Burma dailies gives you 1000 AP and 5% Max Health increase for 2 hours or something.
    I must not lose my resolve. I will march forward even if I have to do so... Alone.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Rancunier wrote: »
    No, I'm talking about the NA version of Wabbajack, which during peak times is three bars or locked for all factions. It's one of the two highest pop campaigns in the NA server. The top player is adding 200k to his score every day. That's about 3k kills per hour for 10 hours a day.

    ...even if this is so... A system that gives points for Farming, and not Winning, is a Worthless on Indeed...

    I mean come on: I retook an Elder Scroll and got 2 others. What AP did I get for that? 750 each (if I had the quest)? Come on this point system rewards failure it is stupid. Why would anyone do anything but farm if WINNING doesn't actually mean you WIN in the end.

    Note: Later that day the scrolls buged and MAGICALLY teleported back to the other side (DC). Also guild keeps were reset because my claim to Arrius was reset and I would have to let it be overrun in order to reclaim it. Doesn't help WvW is BUGGED like this. You know how many hours I spent on Fri/SAT trying to do this? Pushing blue all they way back and taking everything they had (save resources; I didn't care abou them)? (I did file /bug)

    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 6, 2014 3:09PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Rancunier
    ...even if this is so... A system that gives points for Farming, and not Winning, is a Worthless on Indeed...

    Yes, this was part of my point. The current criteria for gaining AP is broken in a number of ways and very prone to abuse (and the quests are not really the problem).

    Plus consider, what happens if the current Emperor leaves the campaign? From my reading it would seem that the title passes to the current person at the top of the list, opening up abuse of quit campaign feature.

    If the current ruler abdicates, the center ring of forts should all revert to default ownership.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Rancunier wrote: »
    Plus consider, what happens if the current Emperor leaves the campaign? From my reading it would seem that the title passes to the current person at the top of the list, opening up abuse of quit campaign feature.

    If the current ruler abdicates, the center ring of forts should all revert to default ownership.

    No what happens is that if the current emperor looses all 6 keeps AND then either dies/logs/zones THEN the title is lost. However an Emperor doesn't have to stay online 24 hours a day otherwise.

    Edit: This post regards the current system... not my proposed one.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on April 13, 2014 2:51AM
    Indeed it is so...
  • LadyBravora
    Love the thread, I agree completely. I've added it to the ESO Improvement Megathread.
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