Ask yourself this: Do you want ESO's PvP to force you to play non-stop and thus have "no-life" simply to obtain the Emperor's title? If not, read on...
The current system rewards players who AFK, ninja-loot, or otherwise join a raid and let them do all the killing. Getting rid of the 20 kill quest is a start but this problem remains. For example: The people leading the /zone channel action (the "true leaders") are forced into doing things simply as duty of leader that may not even give them many points. Things like capping resources, scouting, going between raids to lead battles... these are all things that drain time which in this game is a currency.
As a result the people in your raid group (or A raid group) that have more AP then you wouldn't have that if it wasn't for your efforts organizing the server to wipe the other side in the first place. As a result this rewards player AFKing/Ninja-ing and not leadership.
The current system also rewards suicide tactics such as intentionally losing in order to grief the server, pulling aggro to a seige in order to farm upon seige defense, "scroll trolling" an Elder Scroll without bringing it home, and other undesirable tactics. If the point of AP is to reward "leadership" (hense the Emperor Title), then the point system needs to be restructured in order to do that. Else, the good players have no reason to play, and thus everything falls apart. Granted this is a tall order but a few things can be done at least:
1. Points for kills that you do not engage in are way too generous. You only should be getting points for your own kills not for the entire raid group. I can just stand there for example in a keep and get a boatload of points for being a good spectator.
2. There appears to be no point bonus or a small one for capping objectives. The whole point of the game is to capture keeps and own the map and not to kill the other players. Thus if you are playing at a time when not many others are online to "farm them" you will fall behind the AP point system even if you own the entire map.
3. The capture quests have less AP reward then the 20 kill quest (at 1000). This is not logical... there should be a large point bonus for capture as it is far harder to do. Furthermore "scout" quests are usless at 250 points. It would be advised to simply just get rid of all quests because they are useless in the end and thus adjust the AP/EXP system accordingly.
4. Points are just way too generous in this game. There are points given away for everything combat-related. As a result if you are a new player you have no chance in the AP system if you dont play from the start every day. The total amount of points should be far fewer, rarer, harder to get in order to give them meaning. As a result cost for seige gear should be adjusted.
There is also the matter of whether a AP point system means anything. "Winning" is supposed to be about controlling the map not farming points: Leaders don't just "farm points" to lead they actually have to do something. The PvP in this game isn't a short term 15-min 10-40 player style gameplay: Points are not the objective.
In real world, or Tamriel even, a Emperor gains his power by taking over things. He does this by raising armies and having them conqure. If someone in this game can win the title by never saying a single word then what value does being Emperor reaaly have?
Thus I thought of an way to get around this. Guilds. At the end a guild structure is needed to win anyways so shifting the Emperor rating system from player to guild is the answer. How does this work?
1. Whatever guild "wins" in this system gets to choose their emperor (likely guild leader). Thus it becomes like a House. This makes guilds worth something and almost replicates the RP nature of Emperor title.
2. The way to figure "the winning guild" is to combine all the AP of the guild's members (as they earn it as a guild member not historically) and not just a single player. Thus single AFKers that are unguilded cannot exploit the system but yet the AP system doesn't have to be radically redesigned. Else another method could be acceptable. Because players can be in 5 guilds at once... an option to "Represent" a single time at a time will allow bonuses/AP points to be applied to/from only one guild at a time.
3. Once obtained, a emperor can be overthrown by his own faction if certain condition are met. For every Keep (the 6 used in ratings) that is lost as Emperor the guild in control LOSES points. When they fall below another guild they are deposed. In contrast, the longer any of the 6 keeps are held, the more points the Emperor's guild gets.
4. Place a cap on the amount of times an Emperor can change within the same faction per unit of time. Currently the number 1 ranked, if leaves the server, hands the control to number 2 ranked player. In order to prevent a rotation, a limit such as one per day, needs to be placed. If this were to be broken, the faction would loose Emperor power, and the situation reset for a period of time.
5. Give players in the "Emperor Guild" bonuses as well. What this would be is undefined. This would encourage the guild to help its Emperor and make the title less "selfish".
6. A "Guild Alliance" system. No single guild, well mabye no single guild, can be everywhere and there should be a way both for PvP and outside for guilds that choose to do so to work together. Thus adding more depth to gameplay.
7. If technically possible... an Alliance's AP would be pooled. This could be weighted so that big guilds couldn't merge and own the map thus allowing smaller guilds who normally would not be able to obtain the Emperor title a chance to do so. Else: Lowering the guid population cap would stop big guilds from existing thus solving the problem. The perfect limit is undefined but 100 seems fair. Granted PvEers might not like it but there can be ways around this if that is a problem; such as making guilds locked into a "PvP" or "PvE", or only allowing 100/500 guild member's score to count and the like.
Not only is this system epic... but the rewards will encourage players to do what they need to do to organize to make the PvP system work in the first place. I know that this proposal will take time but I look forward to it no matter. There many be some small issues remaining so please feel free to post on the matter.
Edited by TheGrandAlliance on June 8, 2014 11:50PM Indeed it is so...