Any addon to auto-learn a motif?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I realize this would be risky (which is why I would want it limited per character) but I would love to have my main auto learn any motif she doesn't know. Any addon to do that?
  • Dack_Janiels
      How to Use:
      [*]Basic Command: To use this feature, simply type the /cklearn command in the chat. This will automatically teach your character about all the items they are eligible to learn based on their current priority level.
      [*]Character Priority: It's important to note that items are learned based on the character's priority. This means that if you have multiple characters, lower-priority characters won't learn about items that are unknown to your higher-priority characters. This is to ensure that the most important characters learn about the most crucial items first.
      [*]Overriding Priority: If you want to bypass the priority system and have all your characters learn about every unknown item in their inventory, you can use the /cklearn all command. This tells the system to ignore priority levels and share knowledge across all characters, regardless of their standing.

    • FlopsyPrince
      So you have to actively tell it to learn things, right?

      I already have the addon, I just have been manually learning things.

      Thanks for the information!
      Edited by FlopsyPrince on April 7, 2024 8:25AM
    • FlopsyPrince
      I didn't see the /cklearn command on the addon's page, but I will try that next time I have a bunch to learn.

      It would be great if it could work with PA_Banking which I use to put motifs and recipes into my bank, except for my main who takes them out.
    • Masteroshi430
      I didn't see the /cklearn command on the addon's page, but I will try that next time I have a bunch to learn.

      It would be great if it could work with PA_Banking which I use to put motifs and recipes into my bank, except for my main who takes them out.

      PA Loot has:
      - Option to auto-Learn looted/newly acquired recipes
      - Option to auto-Learn looted/newly acquired motifs
      - Option to auto-Learn looted/newly acquired style pages

      @Masteroshi430 PC/EU (old French guy playing in English & addon author/maintainer) My addons
      Deshaan Honeydew Hors D'Oeuvre <<< FIX THAT TYPO GODDAMMIT!
    • code65536
      I didn't see the /cklearn command on the addon's page, but I will try that next time I have a bunch to learn.

      Sorry, I've been very lazy about updating the main addon page. I should probably go do that.

      /cklearn is a relatively new command and it was documented in the changelog.

      And, no, it doesn't auto-learn things. Loot Log has auto-bind for unknown set items, but the main reason for adding that is because of item set curation; collecting an item as soon as you got it, instead of at the end of whatever activity that you are doing, will prevent duplicates.

      But since recipes and motifs are not curated, there is no pressing need to learn things as soon as they hit your inventory, which is why I did not bother with coding up an auto-learn feature.

      If it doesn't auto-learn, then what's the point of /cklearn? It's to speed up learning multiple items. I was making a new crafter and teaching it all of the spare recipes and motifs that I pulled from my guild bank was very time-consuming and click-heavy. I had to click on each motif individually and then dismiss the page that pops up on my screen. But with /cklearn, I could learn 40 motif pages in just one second without wearing out my mouse button.
      Edited by code65536 on April 23, 2024 11:39AM
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    • FlopsyPrince
      code65536 wrote: »

      Sorry, I've been very lazy about updating the main addon page. I should probably go do that.

      /cklearn is a relatively new command and it was documented in the changelog.

      And, no, it doesn't auto-learn things. Loot Log has auto-bind for unknown set items, but the main reason for adding that is because of item set curation; collecting an item as soon as you got it, instead of at the end of whatever activity that you are doing, will prevent duplicates.

      But since recipes and motifs are not curated, there is no pressing need to learn things as soon as they hit your inventory, which is why I did not bother with coding up an auto-learn feature.

      If it doesn't auto-learn, then what's the point of /cklearn? It's to speed up learning multiple items. I was making a new crafter and teaching it all of the spare recipes and motifs that I pulled from my guild bank was very time-consuming and click-heavy. I had to click on each motif individually and then dismiss the page that pops up on my screen. But with /cklearn, I could learn 40 motif pages in just one second without wearing out my mouse button.

      I would still like an autolearn function, but it is not critical. It is just a pain during something like the recently completed anniversary event when I was learning a high number. Not horridly bad mind you, just annoying. I do use an "auto bind new unknown gear" now.

      I wish those functions were in the game as well either way, so I would also get them on the PS5!

      Thanks for your work either way!

      I do flip-flop between making some sales and spreading the learning. I have plenty of gold on the PC, but more gold is always nice.
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