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leveling alchemy, enchanting, and jewelcrafting

Nocturne Saint
Nocturne Saint
So I am having trouble leveling these three professions. i have deconned glyph after glyph, ring after ring, and for alchemy i run out of ingredients (flowers) really fast. i use them faster than i can farm them cause i can only harvest 1 mat per node.

would like some advice on how to level these.
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 10:11AM
  • katanagirl1
    Enchanting and jewelry just take a long time, not much to do about that.

    Alchemy can be very fast if you have the ingredients. Since alchemy mats are not limited by rank like other mats, you can farm them all yourself but that takes time too. The other option is to buy from guild traders.
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  • freespirit
    Enchanting - you need glyphs to decon that were NOT made by the character who is leveling, if you have alts make them on them and give them across to the other character, or buy glyphs from traders, or get a friend to make them for you. Purple high level glyphs are the fastest.

    Alchemy - make poisons uses less mats, every few levels you will be able to make higher level poisons, spend the skill point to open that up and then make those, rinse and repeat.

    Jewelry - use intricate traited items for decon, buy a few every day, it will get there.

    Do your daily crafting writs, you will get some surveys, they help with material supply. 🙂

    Edit:- Learning the four traits of each alchemy mat helps with leveling and similarily identifying each runestone does too and do your jewelry research too.
    Edited by freespirit on March 17, 2024 8:02PM
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • katanagirl1
    I forgot to mention there are several alchemy leveling guides out there online that will help you efficiently use your mats.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
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    PS5 NA
  • ShadowPaladin
    freespirit described it perfectly :smile: .

    The only thing I can add from my experience is one thing regarding Jewelry.

    For farming jewelry to be deconstructed for leveling the crafting skill, I do recommend doing some Dolmen runs - eg. in Auridon or Alik'r. Through doing dolmens you will get the following things:
    • jewelry items to deconstruct (green, blue and purple)
    • the mats from those rings and necklaces (especially the refinement mats)
    • additional loot to sell or deconstruct
    • XP for leveling levels and later CP
    • XP for leveling the Fighters Guild Skill line (by killing Deadra and Monsters)
    • XP for leveling different Skills - eg. Class Skills or Weapon Skills (I used dolmen runs to level those until I was able to morph them)

    Another thing you could do would be to ask a friend or guildmate who has jewelry at 50 to craft you white CP150 jewelry, which you than deconstruct. For this you would need some resources your friend/guildie could use or some gold, which you can use to buy those resources. I am not sure, but I think you will need around 500 of those white CP150 jewelry items to get from lv 1 to lv 50.
    Edited by ShadowPaladin on March 18, 2024 5:05PM
  • Zodiarkslayer
    All crafting skill lines level fastest with the help from friends and guild mates. Preparation and stacking as many bonuses to inspiration as possible are key.
    IF you already have a completly levelled crafter character, you can do it yourself. The thing is, that you only get a fraction of inspiration from deconstructing a glyph, that your character crafted itself.
    The same principle goes for all crafts, btw.

    Enchanting Get a guildie to craft you a 100 glyphs with Denata and a 100 with Rekuta. Deconstruct the Denata first and the Rekuta after that. Assuming a nominal amount of bonuses, this should be enough to get one to lvl 50.
    There is no need to spend skill points for levelling.

    Alchemy Aquire several 4 times a hundred ingredients, that will create a potion, meaning two each will have to share at least one effect. Also, get 100 clear water or ichor (lv10 potions/poisons)
    and 100 terbenthine or filtered water (lv40).
    At base you'll be able to create lv10 potions, they award more inspiration per potion. A 100 of them will get you to skill rank 30ish, depending on how many inspiration bonuses you have active.
    Then you'll need 3 ability points to unlock lv40 potion crafting. With those it'll be between 65 to 100 potions to level out Alchemy.

    Jewelry Crafting there is sadly ni trick to fast levelling this skill line. Just deconstruct everything you get your hands on.
    Crafting is not as efficient as deconstructing intricate lv50 cp160 gear. Especially from lvl30 on.
    Until you get to lvl30 you can craft stacks of rings in pewter, silver, etc., but the return is greatly diminishined by skill rank, which you have to raise in order to unlock higher tier crafting.

    The entire progression is intended as a race against your own gold reserves. If you are not willing to invest gold, you'll have to invest time. It's the hard truth. I am sorry to say that.
    If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

    Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
  • Khressandra
    one thing I learned about crafting jewelry for alts:
    just make cp150 rings. Improving them, or making necklaces, or moving up to cp160 are all a waste. But it will still take hundreds of platinum ounces to level even one character. If you have lower level ounces, you can create rings of those types to get the level up a bit before dipping into your platinum.
  • ADarklore
    You can level Jewelry super quick by running dolmens- which is where you get mostly jewelry drops. If you are level 50, you should be getting max level gear drops- which make deconstruction of jewelry level the skill line very quickly.

    Alchemy, there are guides out there which tell you exactly what ingredients and the proper order to level it quickly.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • redlink1979
    For jewelry leveling, run the Alik'r dolmens and decon everty piece of jewelry. You will also be able to level Fighters Guild line.

    To gather some alchemy mats, if your pockets aren't deep enough to go to traders, just run for a while in starter zones (Khenarthi's Roost – Aldmeri Dominion · 2. Stros M'Kai and Betnikh – Daggerfall Covenant · 3. Bleakrock Isle and Bal Foyen - Ebonheart Pact). Resource nodes respawn faster in those zones.
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  • DoofusMax
    There isn't much you can do about Enchanting. I refused to pay for glyphs through traders, so just had to grind and grind and grind to get up to Level 50 in Enchanting on my first character. For later characters and because I generally do not let any node go unharvested, I made a bunch of glyphs for them to decon using Essence runes that I had in abundance (Deni, Makko, and Oko, mostly) and trying to knock down the piles of Denata and Jejota I'd accumulated. Daily writs only need Ta and Master Writs ask for Kuta or Rekuta, so those two glyphs weren't doing anything useful and I burned a lot of them on having characters level up Enchanting. You don't get much inspiration from deconning runes you make, but another character on your account counts as another character.

    Alchemy needs two things. You can quickly level up to the mid teens just learning reagent effects (there's an Alchemy walkthrough for that over on Acast's site). Once you know those and have put a point into Laboratory Use (3 reagents), it's crafting a lot of multi-effect potions using the most plentiful reagents you have and the highest-level solvent you can use (have some skill points available so you can slot a point for better solvents as you level up). Those potions are pretty much useless, but you can recoup some of the expense by selling them to NPCs when you're done and they get better prices because they're multi-effect. For the harvesting, make sure you're doing your daily Alchemy writ. You'll get survey reports as reward drops, so those will be six high-yield nodes to harvest and they are instanced for you alone; don't worry about other players at the same location, they're harvesting their instances.

    Jewelry is tough. It's not a real common gear drop (except at dolmen), but you still get most of your inspiration through deconning. My first character just endured the grind and bought some Intricate-traited stuff that had been listed for cheap. For second and later characters, I had them decon Ornate-traited stuff (I figured the bit of extra inspiration was worth the gold loss) and I gave them high-level jewelry (Robust, Healthy, and Arcane-traited) that I crafted specifically so they could decon it. I wasn't doing Master Writs at the time, so the mats cost wasn't a huge factor, but I also didn't improve any of the the stuff I made for them.

    Provisioning was reasonably striaghtforward: make a bunch of the highest-level and highest-quality foods/bevs that I could swing with the recipes I knew and ingredients I had. The biggest pain was making sure I had skill points to slot and the gold to buy new recipes when needed. I can't remember whether I sold or destroyed that stuff, but I didn't keep it.
    I'm fresh out of outrage, but I could muster up some amused annoyance if required.
  • katanagirl1
    Blue quality glyphs drop from the geysers so now would be a good time to grab those and level up.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
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    PS5 NA
  • ElderSmitter
    So I am having trouble leveling these three professions. i have deconned glyph after glyph, ring after ring, and for alchemy i run out of ingredients (flowers) really fast. i use them faster than i can farm them cause i can only harvest 1 mat per node.

    would like some advice on how to level these.

    The game is meant to take time. So be Patient and Enjoy levelling. Don't make it a Job! Enjoy it!

  • code65536
    Oh my goodness, there is so much misinformation about alchemy leveling in this thread!

    make poisons uses less mats - No, that's wrong!

    crafting a lot of multi-effect potions - No, that's wrong!

    get 100 clear water or ichor (lv10 potions/poisons) and 100 terbenthine or filtered water (lv40) - No, that's wrong!

    Alchemy leveling is just like provisioning leveling in that the amount of XP that you get is dependent entirely on the LEVEL of potion or poison that you craft. It does not matter if you craft potions or poisons, and it doesn't matter if you craft something with one, two, or three effects.

    You also get a small amount of bonus XP for each trait that you discover for the first time, but this amount is, in the greater scheme of things, mostly insignificant.

    So the most important thing, to maximize efficiency, is to swap to crafting a new level of of potion or poison as soon as you are able. The person telling you to craft at level 10 potions/poisons until you're able to do level 40 potions/poisons is basically telling you to waste alchemy mats.

    So, to level alchemy, craft level 10 potions or poisons (does not matter which) using the two cheapest reagents that you can find until you reach alchemy 10, at which point you can put a skill point in to craft level 20 potions or poisons. Then craft level 20 potions or poisons until you reach alchemy 20, at which point you switch to level 30 potions or poisons. Then at alchemy 30, you swap to crafting level 40 potions or poisons. At alchemy 40, you can craft CP 10 potions and poisons, at which point you can keep going until you reach max level.

    At alchemy level 48, you unlock CP 50 potions and poisons, and level 49 unlocks CP 100 potions and poisons, but unlike the earlier levels, the amount of XP that you get per craft is the same for CP 10, CP 50, and CP 100, so you can continue using CP 10 materials until you reach max level, and it's not absolutely necessary to switch to CP 50 and CP 100 materials (though you can choose to, if those materials are easier or cheaper for you to acquire, but there's really no other advantage).

    A few additional notes:
    • The amount of XP is determined by the number of crafting actions you take. So crafting a potions with zero points in Chemistry (yielding a single potion) will give you the exact same XP as crafting a poison with max points in Chemistry (yielding 16 poisons). So the amount of stuff that you get out of the crafting action is irrelevant (as long as it's not zero, since you don't get XP for a failed craft). That having been said, there is one advantage to getting more out of each craft: when you vendor all the junk you created while leveling alchemy, having more junk to sell will mean slightly more gold that you get back. This is why I prefer to craft poisons rather than potions, because you get 4x more junk to sell at the end. But the vendor value of these things aren't that high, so availability is more important; e.g., if costs you 100g to buy Terebinthine (level 40 poison oil) but you already have Filtered Water on hand (level 40 potion solvent), just use the water instead of the oil since cost of that oil exceeds the amount of gold that you could recover by vendoring the stuff you create.
    • The XP from learning traits is, again, insignificant. But it's still a good idea to learn them, because it'll increase the chances of getting Master Writs later on. Usually, I don't bother with learning traits until I get to level 40 alchemy. At that point, I will have the Laboratory Use passive that lets you use three reagents, and this can make it easier to learn the some of the traits. For example, since there are three reagents that have the Cowardice trait, you can fully learn Cowardice in a single craft action, rather than having to use two separate craft actions. So I'll use a mix of 2- or 3-reagent crafts during the trait-learning phase, depending on the trait that I'm trying to learn. And some reagents are so expensive (Columbine, for example), that I won't learn their traits until I've reached max alchemy level, at which point I'll learn those traits by crafting actual useful potions, so that I'm minimizing the waste of expensive mats.
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  • DoofusMax
    code65536 wrote: »
    Oh my goodness, there is so much misinformation about alchemy leveling in this thread!

    Well, dang! There went a good chunk of my unicorns and fairies. LOL!

    Seriously, though, there was quite a bit of new info for me in there. Much appreciated.
    I'm fresh out of outrage, but I could muster up some amused annoyance if required.
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