AcadianPaladin wrote: »As @Northwold alluded to I don't really care about new chapters. If Nords are the focus though, please tone down the overdone stereotype portrayal of Nords as drunk imbeciles.
Araneae6537 wrote: »How about somewhere new that did not feature in previous TES titles? It makes no sense to me that human cities would look so much the same hundreds of years later — some buildings or parts of a city, sure.
My favorite area so far in the Skyrim region is Blackreach as it is interesting to explore and has wonderful bioluminescent flora.
Araneae6537 wrote: »How about somewhere new that did not feature in previous TES titles? It makes no sense to me that human cities would look so much the same hundreds of years later — some buildings or parts of a city, sure.
My favorite area so far in the Skyrim region is Blackreach as it is interesting to explore and has wonderful bioluminescent flora.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I am surprised people are asking for Winterhold over Whiterun, ESO is almost 10 years old and yet the most iconic city from Skyrim is not even in it besides "Whiterun Hold" could connect Western Skyrim and the Reach to Eastmarch and the Rift without having to go through Blackreach.
It might be next years chapter as that will be the 11th anniversary of ESO and we all know about Skyrim and how it was released on the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year of the millennium.
And this is how I feel, haha. But I'd be a bit worried about how Zenimax would handle Breezehome or if they'd even release it at all since in Markarth with Greymoor they didn't bother to do their own take on Vlindrel Hall.VisitHammerfell wrote: »But I would be most excited about Whiterun and owning Breezehome-
I want this, just with Whiterun. I think it's long overdue for Zenimax to update werewolf especially and I think it's such a waste that they don't bother to expand upon current skill lines. I'll always be salty that Zenimax didn't use High Isle as a chance to expand/update the Mages Guild line and that vampires were not updated properly in Greymoor (didn't bother to update their appearance outside of skill VFX+animations and the changes were just not very good in general).edward_frigidhands wrote: »Finally an opportunity to revisit and update Werewolves, Fighters Guild and possibly maybe even Vampirism.
we'll likely get all of Tamriel eventually.
but i hope we'll get Winterhold and the Pale first, i really wanna see Dawnstar in ESO.
in TES V we can go to Solstheim via Dawnstar so i can see it being available in that potential chapter too.
though any Skyrim chapter would very likely have more Blackreach too so im not sure if that would all fit in a Winterhold chapter.
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »we'll likely get all of Tamriel eventually.
but i hope we'll get Winterhold and the Pale first, i really wanna see Dawnstar in ESO.
in TES V we can go to Solstheim via Dawnstar so i can see it being available in that potential chapter too.
though any Skyrim chapter would very likely have more Blackreach too so im not sure if that would all fit in a Winterhold chapter.
Would be amazing to see what happened to the college of Winterhold, or see what it was like pre-incident if the ESO timeline doesn't fit with the lore.
Arizona_Steve wrote: »Lydia as a companion
Erickson9610 wrote: »I personally think Solstheim (and The Hunting Grounds, if applicable) would be good candidate zones for some sort of factionless/teamless free-for-all PvPvE experience. In ESO's time, hardly anything is there, so it's pretty much just an extremely hostile wilderness. If anywhere, those places are the most fitting for a "survival of the fittest" sort of experience, so it'd be great to have some new PvP and difficult PvE content there.
I don't really think Solstheim is particularly fitting for a Nord-themed Chapter, because from what we've seen of the island in TES III and TES V, it's been more of a Nord/Dunmer/Imperial place. I'd rather see Solstheim in ESO call back to the Bloodmoon DLC in TES III, possibly serving as a prequel to those events the way the Gates of Oblivion storyline was a prequel to the events in TES IV.
Especially if it comes with an inventory capacity upgrade. She is, after all, sworn to carry our burdensArizona_Steve wrote: »Lydia as a companion
Erickson9610 wrote: »In ESO's time, hardly anything is there, so it's pretty much just an extremely hostile wilderness.
Y'all are forgetting that we won't be getting zone dlcs any more....