Avran_Sylt wrote: »Renowned Pugilist's Gloves:
With no weapons equipped, gain the following
- Gain Empower.
- Your Light Attacks deal [x] Additional Damage and cost [y] Stamina
- Your Bash Attacks set enemies Off-Balance.
- Dodging or Blocking an Attack, or completing a fully charged Heavy Attack grants [y] Weapon and Spell Damage for 5s.
It should be noted that this Mythic "consumes" 3 slots compared to the normal 1. So the Bonuses should consider that. Builds probably would have a Monster set, 5pc, and fill out the last two slots with 1pc sets (Druid/Trainee).
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
i think they could feasibly make this a mythic weapon, it would be the first mythic weapon, but it would make more sense than eating the equivalent of 3 gear slots of set bonuses
or allow you to equip a weapon for some of the passive bonuses, but you cant actually use the weapon to attack or any weapon skills (like you could proc the enchant with your fists and benefit from the trait/weapon dmg)
Avran_Sylt wrote: »
Mythic Weapon can be Back-bar/Front-barred and would then need to be balanced according to its use with a 2 5pc 1 monster setup, likely making it interesting or blatant powercreep for end-game builds, but underwhelming for less optimized setups. It's also kinda counter-productive to the "use fist" thematic if you're also using weapons and min-maxing stats with weapon stats/passives in mind.
I don't think this Mythic should try to be a generalist gear item, but rather a self-contained "unarmed class" utilizing the LA/HA/Block/Bash as "skills".
I do think that it consuming 3 slots would make it more interesting to build around than just another "Build it like a Master Weapon" or "Build it like the rest of the mythics", but if that's too much of a concern I can certainly see it just making a Necklace and a Ring count as two of their respective sets.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
im not sure how a mythic weapon could be implemented, but i think its possible they could make it work
a mythic being front/back barred, you would still be limited to having 1 mythic equipped at any one time, and you would still be losing 2 slots like an arena weapon
they could also do something else such as the mythic taking up the front and back bar weapon slots, or disallowing weapon swap while still allowing bar swap (though these 2 solutions might be a lot more dev work than just a balanced mythic weapon)
Avran_Sylt wrote: »
I'm not against the idea of a mythic weapon, but a mythic that focuses on unarmed combat should be about unarmed combat. Not swapping between weapons and punches.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
well being unable to weapon swap would mean you couldnt use your back bar weapon (without limiting skill bars)
and there are probably people who might want to use a unarmed + weapon build too, so even if they didnt disable the weapon swap, you could just not equip another weapon on the other bar and still be unarmed, though obviously weaker without the mythic
really all depends on how they would implement it
Erickson9610 wrote: »I doubt that we'll ever get Mythic weapons. Only one Mythic can be equipped at a time, so that means it can only be used on one bar. Plus, what happens if you equip a Mythic weapon, bar swap, then try to equip a jewelry/body piece Mythic? Surely the game won't allow that, because then you could bar swap again and get the effects of two Mythics.
Besides, we have Arena Weapons, which are functionally like Mythic weapons, with the caveat that they modify the effect of some Weapon skill. Maybe ZOS should make a Hand-to-Hand (weaponless) Weapon skill line and make a new Arena Weapon for each of the 5 new Hand-to-Hand skills.
That aside, we should get a true Unarmed (armorless) Mythic, which not only disables set bonuses, but also disables all effects of the armor weights themselves (including defense gained, Undaunted Mettle, and all Armor passives and skills). That is, an Unarmed Mythic would make it as if you wore no armor at all, and a Hand-to-Hand Mythic would make it as if you had no weapons equipped at all.
If it is only a visual change than they could also make it a just cosmetic like there is also free face or costumes that overwrite your complete look.gariondavey wrote: »Make it mythic gloves.
You still keep 4 and 5 pc stat bonuses on front bar and back bar of your sets
It replaces your weapon visual with just your hands
Avran_Sylt wrote: »A larger list of potential ways to amplify base combat abilities through this mythic
- Light Attacks cost [x] Stamina and deal [y] additional Damage
- Heavy Attacks grant [z] Weapon and Spell Damage to Martial Melee Attacks for 5s (So this should exclude things like NB Concealed Weapon/Surprise Attack and mainly buff just LA/HA)
- Bash sets enemies off-balance, grants Empower for 10s, and deals an additional [y] Damage while you don't have Empower.
- Blocking an Attack grants Major Courage.
- Roll-dodge deals [m] Damage and Stuns enemies you come into contact with
- Activating Crouch causes you to dodge the next attack, this can occur once per second.