CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »The fact that most Cyrodiil Nightblade gankers are using Crushing Shock/Force Pulse as their spammable should be enough to indicate that Nightblade's ranged spammable is trash.
Weapon abilities should be, at most, side grades to class abilities.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »The fact that most Cyrodiil Nightblade gankers are using Crushing Shock/Force Pulse as their spammable should be enough to indicate that Nightblade's ranged spammable is trash.
Weapon abilities should be, at most, side grades to class abilities.
That's weird, because my Swallow Soul tool tip is slightly higher than Force Pulse.
Of course you get secondary benefits with FP, but the same could be said for SS.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »Crushing shock/force pulse is definitely competitive.
Venom Skull (in PvE) is 100% competitive because the tooltip on it is insane.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »
When I parsed on my StamCro last week I tried Skull with a Bow and it hit for 16k non crit. On the same setup Bloodthirst (Furry) hits for 24k non crit.
Even if you count the bonus 50% damage cast, you'll neither sustain it, nor get it consistently.
Very competitive. Indeed.
TybaltKaine wrote: »We clearly have different definitions of the word bad. I'll take 1/4 of an enemy's health and healing myself for 10K on a single button press any day of the week.
Y'all go ahead and cook though.
Cominfordatoothbrush wrote: »
the definition people are using is in relation to the damage that other skills do. if you're in a trial or something, why would a nightblade ever use swallow soul over concealed weapon, silver shards, rapid strikes, ele weapon, etc?
TybaltKaine wrote: »We clearly have different definitions of the word bad. I'll take 1/4 of an enemy's health and healing myself for 10K on a single button press any day of the week.
Y'all go ahead and cook though.
This. Swallow Soul is the optimal skill in Imperial City for me, because keeping your health topped off while farming an IC boss is important. I have moved all but one of my Siphoning skills to the front bar, making Soulcleaver a single-bar set, which results in a flexible build. Healing double dips in the buff from that set. This isn't as dramatic as it sounds, but it does up Swallow Soul healing to 44% of damage done, last I looked. While Crushing Shock is better PvP pressure for oh so many reasons already mentioned, Swallow Soul suits a more Brawler-like playstyle, where you're aiming to stay in the the fight for longer as you match the healing of, not all, but more other builds. Nightblade frequently gets mentioned for having one of the strongest burst heals, but burst heals are only an emergency tool at the end of the day. They don't lend themselves well to staying in a fight without cloaking. Swallow Soul is IMO decent as an all-round skill, while not being particularly good at any one thing. I do find that makes it a good compromise for IC, however. Since the arrival of Soulcleaver, I am also using it in Cyro.I wouldn't say no to a 10% buff to Swallow Soul(/Funnel Health) tooltip damage to offset the damage loss from no longer having Major Berserk from Concealed, but ranged magblade right now isn't exactly as terrible as people make it out to be.
The thing you need to make it good (on Live, with the Major Berserk) is the Soulcleaver class set and you've got yourself a good tooltip damage (around 10% higher than Concealed) ranged spammable with a fast travel time that provides you a heal over time and is extremely cheap on top of it.
I wouldn't say no to a 10% buff to Swallow Soul(/Funnel Health) tooltip damage to offset the damage loss from no longer having Major Berserk from Concealed, but ranged magblade right now isn't exactly as terrible as people make it out to be.
The thing you need to make it good (on Live, with the Major Berserk) is the Soulcleaver class set and you've got yourself a good tooltip damage (around 10% higher than Concealed) ranged spammable with a fast travel time that provides you a heal over time and is extremely cheap on top of it.
Another patch goes by, and swallow soul still irrelevant, as we get yet another concealed weapon buff. Can we remove swallow soul and just make it a heal skill only? Actually just delete swallow soul and replace it.
I get ppl mad about nightblade being strong, but come on folks, its been 6 years since Swallow soul was usable.
While I know Swallow Soul needs buffing, I still like using it. But I also like playing necro, so you could say I just enjoy suffering.
Still, would be nice for Swallow Soul to get some attention in the future.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »Why run Swallow Soul when you can just throw on Concealed Weapon and hit harder than an Uppercut on an instant cast skill that sets enemies off balance and gives you Minor Expedition?
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »
Show me one ranged spammable that is competitive dps!
They are designed to not be competitive! There is a standard for ranged spammables in ESO and Swallow Soul follows it to the letter.
I have mained a MagBlade ever since I started ESO and I love this ability.
Swallow Soul is a fine and staple SOLO ability, that has its place in PvE and PvP. Not at the top, but also far from at the bottom.
The heal comes in between 6k and 9k on my build. How is that not awesome?
Its definitely at the bottom. Almost all Nightblade (ranged specs) are using either crushing Shock or ele weapon.Some even using Snipe LOL. The only reason i still use Swallow, is because apparently I like suffering to a degree it angers me. Then i refuel on my anger of the class and swap to dk and dominate.
Sure, I can make swallow work, but it still doesn't change the fact it sucks. The heal is the only excuse holding it up higher than what it really is. But the heal is unreliable. Mainly cause it scales off of damage, and the skill does no damage.
For the record I've also played Ranged Magicka Nightblade, from almost Day 1.
VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »Imagine Concealed Weapon being a 15m single target dagger throw. A shorter range version of Hidden Blade, but with the current Nightblade effects.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »The fact that most Cyrodiil Nightblade gankers are using Crushing Shock/Force Pulse as their spammable should be enough to indicate that Nightblade's ranged spammable is trash.
Weapon abilities should be, at most, side grades to class abilities.
CrazyKitty wrote: »
NB is S tier in PvP. They're way OP with the biggest burst heal and biggest burst damage at the same time. Not to mention the most complete toolkit of skills to work with..oh, and cloak.
Shadowbinder7 wrote: »Hey ZOS_All Devs if you look back at this thread I have a recommendation
Add 5/10% buff to Magic damage and maybe also disease damage to one of the passives in the Nightblade class if you are scared to buff swallow soul
This may help boost them in PVE for damage dealing
I wouldn't say no to a 10% buff to Swallow Soul(/Funnel Health) tooltip damage to offset the damage loss from no longer having Major Berserk from Concealed, but ranged magblade right now isn't exactly as terrible as people make it out to be.
The thing you need to make it good (on Live, with the Major Berserk) is the Soulcleaver class set and you've got yourself a good tooltip damage (around 10% higher than Concealed) ranged spammable with a fast travel time that provides you a heal over time and is extremely cheap on top of it.
DrNukenstein wrote: »They already tried strong ranged magblade and took it away. They took it away because no one but the ranged magblades dug the vibe.
DrNukenstein wrote: »The concept of "ranged brawler" does not make sense. If you are shooting your kit from up to 40 meters away from the fight that is the opposite of brawling.
A little pedantic don't you think? Especially when range in the game is a Non-factor with the plethora of cheap speed and gap closers available. Not to mention hybridization. Charging at someone and getting gunned down before you reach them is a learn 2 play issue not a range is too powerful issue. I have zero problems sticking to targets as melee, cause I slot major Expedition and a gap closer. I also know to retreat to LOS if a range gets the jump.
Even my mag sorc I'd say plays like a brawler. I'm shield stacking and streaking offensively if I'm actually in the fight. Why I've defended streak so many times other places when people cry about it. Magblade was only oppressive in the past because it didn't have to survive damage cause of being able to avoid it so well with shade and cloak to reset the fight and try the gank combo again. Take away that combo and I think there is plenty of counter play. Call it a skirmisher build if it makes you feel better, my point was that it would be susceptible to taking damage and counter play.