Swallow who? Oh Swallow soul.

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Another patch goes by, and swallow soul still irrelevant, as we get yet another concealed weapon buff. Can we remove swallow soul and just make it a heal skill only? Actually just delete swallow soul and replace it.

I get ppl mad about nightblade being strong, but come on folks, its been 6 years since Swallow soul was usable.
  • TybaltKaine
    Go pair it with War Maiden and Sergeants and enjoy the 20k crits on a spammable.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • FoJul
    Go pair it with War Maiden and Sergeants and enjoy the 20k crits on a spammable.

    Maybe on a target dummy, lol
  • TybaltKaine
    Challenge accepted, Gimme an hour.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • ItsNotLiving
    Swallow Soul sucks so they should buff Concealed Weapon to give you 100% more damage done when you tab target someone
  • TybaltKaine

    I'm only hitting around 16 to 17k on this WB with an unoptimized build (not all divines, not all gold)

    I died in the video, because I wasn't trying to win, just show the skill in action against a DLC WB. It cooks in a solid rotation and has made life infinitely easier for a guy with bad arthritis trying to play his favorite class.


    Jump to 4:22 to see the fight.
    Edited by TybaltKaine on February 5, 2024 5:50PM
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    The fact that most Cyrodiil Nightblade gankers are using Crushing Shock/Force Pulse as their spammable should be enough to indicate that Nightblade's ranged spammable is trash.

    Weapon abilities should be, at most, side grades to class abilities.
  • FoJul

    I'm only hitting around 16 to 17k on this WB with an unoptimized build (not all divines, not all gold)

    I died in the video, because I wasn't trying to win, just show the skill in action against a DLC WB. It cooks in a solid rotation and has made life infinitely easier for a guy with bad arthritis trying to play his favorite class.


    Which this build is fine for gathering crafting nodes and treasure chest. But for any real end game content, Swallow soul in general is a joke.
  • TybaltKaine
    Don't move the goalposts man. It's usable. If I finish the build and crank the pen for end game content I'm doing solid damage. This is on an unfinished build with blues and purples pure solo. With group buffs and all gold/traited it does better.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • FoJul
    Don't move the goalposts man. It's usable. If I finish the build and crank the pen for end game content I'm doing solid damage. This is on an unfinished build with blues and purples pure solo. With group buffs and all gold/traited it does better.

    I'm trying my best to not be rude or anything, but that build is unusable in anything outside of questing/ farming mats.

    Realistically try to parse 100k on a dummy, or 50k in a actual trial, with swallow soul.

    If you really wanna see the lack of power, make a pvp build and go and try to fight with it.

    It really ain't it brother.
  • TybaltKaine
    I've shown my hand. You wanted to see it hit those numbers and I showed it to you. Go put the build together yourself and see what you parse. Tweak it to be a two bar and watch the numbers go higher. The reality is I'm hitting 17k crits on a DLC WB with 6k pen and arthritis with no rotation and not actually trying.

    When I do use the skill in endgame content (as a healer) I'm still getting those same 17-20k pops on Trial bosses. Imagine if I was actually a competent DPS with a full build for it.

    Think outside of the box and stop sipping the meta kool-aid. The skill is viable, I've shown my work.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • CameraBeardThePirate

    I'm only hitting around 16 to 17k on this WB with an unoptimized build (not all divines, not all gold)

    I died in the video, because I wasn't trying to win, just show the skill in action against a DLC WB. It cooks in a solid rotation and has made life infinitely easier for a guy with bad arthritis trying to play his favorite class.


    Jump to 4:22 to see the fight.

    16k - 17k for a crit spammable in PvE is not a lot lol. Sure it gets the job done in Overland, but that's because Overland is mind-numbingly easy.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on February 5, 2024 6:14PM
  • soulus42
    While I know Swallow Soul needs buffing, I still like using it. But I also like playing necro, so you could say I just enjoy suffering.

    Still, would be nice for Swallow Soul to get some attention in the future.
  • Tyrant_Tim
    Why run Swallow Soul when you can just throw on Concealed Weapon and hit harder than an Uppercut on an instant cast skill that sets enemies off balance and gives you Minor Expedition?
    Edited by Tyrant_Tim on February 5, 2024 6:15PM
  • TybaltKaine
    Y'all are so entrenched in your positions that acknowledging anything beyond them is impossible. Fine, swallow soul is trash. Sure.

    Dunno why I bother to engage in the first place, it's like talking to wall.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Y'all are so entrenched in your positions that acknowledging anything beyond them is impossible. Fine, swallow soul is trash. Sure.

    Dunno why I bother to engage in the first place, it's like talking to wall.

    Dude idk why you're being so hostile all of a sudden.

    Swallow Soul is objectively worse than almost any other spammable in the game.

    Your video did nothing but prove that.
  • FoJul
    I've shown my hand. You wanted to see it hit those numbers and I showed it to you. Go put the build together yourself and see what you parse. Tweak it to be a two bar and watch the numbers go higher. The reality is I'm hitting 17k crits on a DLC WB with 6k pen and arthritis with no rotation and not actually trying.

    When I do use the skill in endgame content (as a healer) I'm still getting those same 17-20k pops on Trial bosses. Imagine if I was actually a competent DPS with a full build for it.

    Think outside of the box and stop sipping the meta kool-aid. The skill is viable, I've shown my work.

    If anyone is sipping the meta Kool-aid, it deffinetely is not me. Every single build i have is far from meta. When they made the concealed buff change to give 10% unique damage i made a rangeblade work with SSC. BUt that was before flame staff was nerfed/ the concealed buff was changed to the same buff SSC gives.

    heres MY video.


    This was almost a full year ago. A lot of nerfs to this build specifically made it unusable.
  • FoJul
    I've shown my hand. You wanted to see it hit those numbers and I showed it to you. Go put the build together yourself and see what you parse. Tweak it to be a two bar and watch the numbers go higher. The reality is I'm hitting 17k crits on a DLC WB with 6k pen and arthritis with no rotation and not actually trying.

    When I do use the skill in endgame content (as a healer) I'm still getting those same 17-20k pops on Trial bosses. Imagine if I was actually a competent DPS with a full build for it.

    Think outside of the box and stop sipping the meta kool-aid. The skill is viable, I've shown my work.

    Regarding pve, the only way to really make nightblade work is in the sets and not the spammable, as swallow soul is like atleast 30% worse than concealed and like 35% worse than silver bolt.
  • Tyrant_Tim
    …Swallow Soul is objectively worse than almost any other spammable in the game.

  • TybaltKaine
    There is zero hostility. I'm a bad player hitting those numbers. The idea that people who are actually skilled can't do better is absurd. That's my position. If I can hit that with a hastily put together build and bad hands, better people should be doing more.

    My position is that the skill is fine. Clearing 15k on a spammable without a rotation and an incomplete build is somehow garbage though.

    EDIT: Like seriously, 15k pressing a single button is now bad? What skills are y'all using that aren't executes/stacks hitting more than 15k on a single cast? Tell me, I seriously want to know.

    I mean, we have people who aren't clearing 20k DPS with full rotations and I can hit it with one button. How is this a bad skill?
    Edited by TybaltKaine on February 5, 2024 6:26PM
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • IncultaWolf
    soulus42 wrote: »
    While I know Swallow Soul needs buffing, I still like using it. But I also like playing necro, so you could say I just enjoy suffering.

    Still, would be nice for Swallow Soul to get some attention in the future.

    Sounds like me :relieved:
  • Tyrant_Tim
    There are only three niché areas of the game where Swallow Soul is used, and those are…
    • Solo Arenas
    • Groups without Healers
    • Asylum Sanctorium

    You could honestly bundle “Solo Arenas” into “Groups without Healers” and even every niché, the skill is not optimal, and more of a training-wheels option.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    As long as it keeps its sap/siphoning theme (health mechanic of some sort), I'll take any buff to swallow soul.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Major_Toughness
    Yeah even with Soulcleaver which gives it 18% more damage, it is still less damage than Concealed on a normal build.
    PC EU > You
  • Zodiarkslayer
    FoJul wrote: »
    Which this build is fine for gathering crafting nodes and treasure chest. But for any real end game content, Swallow soul in general is a joke.

    Show me one ranged spammable that is competitive dps!
    They are designed to not be competitive! There is a standard for ranged spammables in ESO and Swallow Soul follows it to the letter.

    I have mained a MagBlade ever since I started ESO and I love this ability.
    Swallow Soul is a fine and staple SOLO ability, that has its place in PvE and PvP. Not at the top, but also far from at the bottom.
    The heal comes in between 6k and 9k on my build. How is that not awesome?
    If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

    Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
  • CameraBeardThePirate

    Show me one ranged spammable that is competitive dps!
    They are designed to not be competitive! There is a standard for ranged spammables in ESO and Swallow Soul follows it to the letter.

    I have mained a MagBlade ever since I started ESO and I love this ability.
    Swallow Soul is a fine and staple SOLO ability, that has its place in PvE and PvP. Not at the top, but also far from at the bottom.
    The heal comes in between 6k and 9k on my build. How is that not awesome?

    Crushing shock/force pulse is definitely competitive.

    Venom Skull (in PvE) is 100% competitive because the tooltip on it is insane.
  • FoJul
    There is zero hostility. I'm a bad player hitting those numbers. The idea that people who are actually skilled can't do better is absurd. That's my position. If I can hit that with a hastily put together build and bad hands, better people should be doing more.

    My position is that the skill is fine. Clearing 15k on a spammable without a rotation and an incomplete build is somehow garbage though.

    EDIT: Like seriously, 15k pressing a single button is now bad? What skills are y'all using that aren't executes/stacks hitting more than 15k on a single cast? Tell me, I seriously want to know.

    I mean, we have people who aren't clearing 20k DPS with full rotations and I can hit it with one button. How is this a bad skill?


    This was on a target dummy with trial buffs.


    This was on a target dummy with trial buffs aswell.

    The biggest difference here, is that with the concealed build it is NOT optimized and is in Order's Wrath and relequin/Maelstrom 2h , as my swallow soul Build is fully optimized and is in Relequen/Whorl with Maelstrom inferno.

    The Swallow soul build is also in kilt and the Concealed build is non mythic.

    The concealed build is in a imperfect build/Swallow Soul is literally as BiS as BiS can get for PvE that is.

    Even with blue jewlry with arcane traits and mostly purple armor on the body, Im still seeing a big difference in the DPS numbers.

    My unoptimized thrown together melee nightblade, did more dmg and higher parse ~ for the record than my fully optimized Swallow soul build.


    This was on a Trial dummy, my highest parse on nightblade, this was the fully optimized stamblade. 106k dps my PR (AKA the proc BiS stamblade pve)
    Edited by FoJul on February 5, 2024 6:51PM
  • FoJul
    Dekrypted wrote: »

    (Quoting the image because lol it's so bad too)
    Is this thread about PvE, PvP, or both?

    both/ Swallow soul in all content is bad. minus solo gathering nodes lol
  • TybaltKaine
    We clearly have different definitions of the word bad. I'll take 1/4 of an enemy's health and healing myself for 10K on a single button press any day of the week.

    Y'all go ahead and cook though.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • FoJul
    We clearly have different definitions of the word bad. I'll take 1/4 of an enemy's health and healing myself for 10K on a single button press any day of the week.

    Y'all go ahead and cook though.

    You can do that with any button in the game LOL. Your talking about mobs out in the world, I can Heavy attack and chunk them to 10% hp my guy. Stop trolling, respectfully.

    Edit: Also your not healing for 10k per tick. maybe 10k over 30 seconds.
    Edited by FoJul on February 5, 2024 6:53PM
  • FoJul

    Show me one ranged spammable that is competitive dps!
    They are designed to not be competitive! There is a standard for ranged spammables in ESO and Swallow Soul follows it to the letter.

    I have mained a MagBlade ever since I started ESO and I love this ability.
    Swallow Soul is a fine and staple SOLO ability, that has its place in PvE and PvP. Not at the top, but also far from at the bottom.
    The heal comes in between 6k and 9k on my build. How is that not awesome?

    Its definitely at the bottom. Almost all Nightblade (ranged specs) are using either crushing Shock or ele weapon.Some even using Snipe LOL. The only reason i still use Swallow, is because apparently I like suffering to a degree it angers me. Then i refuel on my anger of the class and swap to dk and dominate.

    Sure, I can make swallow work, but it still doesn't change the fact it sucks. The heal is the only excuse holding it up higher than what it really is. But the heal is unreliable. Mainly cause it scales off of damage, and the skill does no damage.

    For the record I've also played Ranged Magicka Nightblade, from almost Day 1.
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