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Patch 9.3.0 is a complete mess


First of all status effect changes. Why? What for? Someone asked for it? Is there really not a bigger issue than rebalancing a system of secondary effects? But fine You wanted to make status effects strong but why it was done in such a blatant way without considering how it will and how it could impact the game.

Now let's go the main issue which is how completly unreasonable and lacking changes to classes are.

Arcanist. Seriously that's it? Minor damage nerfs to beam which will be partially compesated anyway by changes to status effects considering arcanist have the best passive connection to status effects. Arcanist DPS will barely even budge. No changes to absurdly high arcanist defense and utility? ZoS really thinks that having so many shields and heals scaling from HP and so many controlling effects is just fine? Do they even realize there are 45-50k HP, 35-40k resists unkillable bash arcanists in BGs getting the top dmg done in a match just by spamming bash, because they're getting majority of the offense and whole defense from their high resistances and HP? And does Flail really need to be so overloaded. it made PvP so much more horrible experience because every few seconds You're just being immobilized. It's abilities like this one that make people not want to come into PvP because it's a tedious horrible experience where You are being stunned or immobilized passively all the time by abilities that are packed with stuns or immobilizes as secondary effects.

Dragonknight. Were these changes really needed? DK is in really ok spot atm and buffing his dmg and sustain will propably just change that and make it unbalanced once again.

Necromancer. Is this really all You have to offer to the class that was neglected for so long and is considered as the weakest in PvP and in PvE is considered viable only because of the ult and the fact it synergizes well with one support set? What is the even idea behind blastbones change. You stripped class from the main source of DPS and main source of burst just to change it into some DoT class. Necromancer had such a big potential to fit into new status effects changes. This is the class with the biggest array of different damage types. It have 6 damage types in his class kit and somehow arcanist that have only 3 damage type is his kit gets the best status effect passive in the game.

Nightblade. Now this is just a joke. Class that for quite some time was getting lots of buffs that made it basically one of the strongest if not the strongest PvP setup recives even more buffs that will make it even stronger in PvP. At the same time being the weakest DD in PvE nightblade recived close to no real buffs that would help him to change this situation and debilitate even recived a nerf that can cause this ability to deal less dmg than it used to. Literally every minor drawback that class still had in PvP was covered with this patch and of course it wasn't just slighlty covered it was covered with a bang by introducing yet another strong features to a class already full of them. All of that while the stealth playstyle once again recived zero direct drawbacks. It's so silly to look at classes like sorc that have plenty of drawbacks in their class kit to offset streak existance while nightblade have literally zero drawbacks in his kit and all half baked counters to cloak are being forced into other players making them weaker against everyone else just to have a chance to deal damage to a nightblade that with current buffs will just shrug these damage off. With arcanist a new feature of abilities working passively on both bars was added and not long after, nightblade is sudddenly a class that have the highest amount of abilities like that because after 9.3 patch he will have 4 of these when other classes are happy to have 1. It's like devs have no limits when it comes to buffing the nightblade and they will throw anything just for this class to be overpowered and easy to play in PvP. Easy mode nightblade archers that are now flooding PvP and ruining any fun with a snipe spam will be ruining it even more. [Snip]. I do realize that stealth archer was the most popular skyrim build and many people have crave that power fantasy but come on, PvP shouldn't be about fulfilling roleplayer's wishes, it should be about balance between all setups

Templar. Seriously? No changes at all? [Snip] While I can see that from PvE DD perspective this is a understandable decision because templar is actually not in that bad spot, class itself have issues in basically every other area. It's for example a meme tank in PvE and in PvP it boils down to beeing boring and annoying javelin and beam spammer which is very problematic since knockbacks are known for causing notorius desyncs and if that wouldn't be enough being unblockable, knockback on javelin makes BGs with one shot edges so much less fun.

Sorcerer. [Snip] Arcanist have shown beyond any doubt how broken shield with heal can be and instead of nerfing that feature on arcanist ZoS is just adding it to another class but even stronger? One of the main issues with the PvP are overloading defensive abilities and now yet another overloaded defensive ability is being added. Many experienced sorcs was complaining for so long that sorc being forced into max magicka stacking is outdated system that is heavily limiting build diversity on the class and instead of changing that, ZoS is now just making it stronger to push people even more into this playstyle? There was so many other ways to make sorc more viable, ways that would include both mag and stam sorc. Instead they preffered just broken buff to a magsorc while leaving stamsorc with nothing and I mean literally nothing because stamsorc will be now the only setup without reliable spammable instant cast source of defense. Stamsorc that is already one of the most skill requiring setups in the game, that will notice some nerf in effectiveness after master DW changes. Also not giving sorc connection to concussed status effect seems like a missed opportunity.

Warden. So this is it? Polar wind spam on high HP setups is officially acknowledged as balanced? Many people leave BG the moment they see there will be 40k+ HP warden healbot in it because it drains all fun out of the match but it seems ZoS finds it fine. Both morphs of warden burst heal are completly busted making defense on that class one of the easiest in the game while polar wind makes it also impossible to kill everyone standing near the caster. Oh and yeah 50% dmg buff on northern stom, what can go wrong with that when group of tanky wardens will just fire of few of these at once.

[Snip]. Barely any of the most notorious paint points adressed by playerbase were touched and those that were touched were improved in some [Snip] ways that people didn't ask for and didn;t want. [Snip] It's pretty sad that after 10 years

[Edited for bashing]
Edited by ZOS_Volpe on January 31, 2024 7:40PM
  • xylena_lazarow
    Galeriano wrote: »
    First of all status effect changes. Why? What for?
    And after they told us "no more major combat changes" ... just kidding, here's an entire system rework.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Tyrant_Tim
    I think they meant no more combat changes for Templar. 😂
  • Necrotech_Master
    i like the changes to the status effects, they were either too weak or just plain boring before, now they have actual impactful effects

    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Galeriano
    i like the changes to the status effects, they were either too weak or just plain boring before, now they have actual impactful effects

    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless

    I am not saying I dont like them I just find them completly not needed considering how many other issues combat in the game is already facing. Devs are spending time on things that are less important, ignoring whole pack of elephants in the room. That status effect rebalance feels like the only part of this patch that was actually thought through.
  • IncultaWolf
    Necromancer is STILL the only class in the game without major brutality/sorcery, and it's a paid
  • DrNukenstein
    I mean they totally gutted the ranged blades by taking Major Berserk off concealed weapon. That's actually a great change. Now they'll have to decide if they really want to use 1/5th of their one bar skill slots for minor expedition.

    Then compared to how leeching/siphoning strikes is today, those are nerfs. It is so sick when that buff expires when you need to refill your pool, and it feels good to re cast at the end of the buff cycle. They took the need to weave away for that skill, but you still have to weave for spec bow. The healing is the same, and the resource return is less (but hybrid)

    The status effect changes are good. They make other status effects competitive to burning and poisoned which is not the case on live.

  • OtarTheMad
    Necromancer is STILL the only class in the game without major brutality/sorcery, and it's a paid

    Necro has much bigger issues than this though. I’ve never understood the big push for this because it wouldn’t change anything for necro besides where we get that buff, our damage wouldn’t increase.

    For me I would probably still use the mages ability that has this buff because I need a dot that sticks to the target since necro has no sticky dots. Tethers, boneyard and even wall of elements are nice dots but even for NPC’s are pretty avoidable so I need some guaranteed dot damage. It’s not a great ability but what else do I have for a guaranteed dot? Soul trap? Same ability basically lol. Basically, at least for me, if necro had this buff my bars wouldn’t change, my damage wouldn’t change so I am just not seeing why it’s needed.

    Necro needs lots of attention and patch by patch they only get like 2 things adjusted, usually nerfed. This is an obvious pattern now and I would rather ZOS use one of those two changes necro always gets to something that really needs attention.

    Edited by OtarTheMad on January 30, 2024 6:38PM
  • Uvi_AUT
    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless
    No it isnt. Its an awful skill and the reason the class sucks mechanically. Casting a spell every 3 skills with abysmal tracking and the need to have a target is why the rotations feel so clunky.
    I agree there need to be other changes, but this one is definitely the most needed.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • Galeriano
    I mean they totally gutted the ranged blades by taking Major Berserk off concealed weapon. That's actually a great change. Now they'll have to decide if they really want to use 1/5th of their one bar skill slots for minor expedition.

    Then compared to how leeching/siphoning strikes is today, those are nerfs. It is so sick when that buff expires when you need to refill your pool, and it feels good to re cast at the end of the buff cycle. They took the need to weave away for that skill, but you still have to weave for spec bow. The healing is the same, and the resource return is less (but hybrid)

    The status effect changes are good. They make other status effects competitive to burning and poisoned which is not the case on live.

    I wouldn't say the "totally gutted" them. Ranged archer nightblades are among the highest dmg dealing setups atm. And for the cost of loosing that dmg they recived buffs into sustain, survivability and mobility. Pretty beneficial trade off if You ask me.

    Siphoning strikes were buffed. Healing is better since it no longer requires light attacks weaving but just dealing damae and resource restore is also better since now You can restore both resources at once. Combining that ability with healthy offering just seems like some glitch in the matrix. Imagine situation when You go low on resources. You just go into the corner and start spamming 2x siphoning attacks 1x healthy offering and You're regaining resources basically for free because healthy offering will outheal what 2x siphoning attacks took and it will cost You 3,5-4k magicka while You will regain 5,2k magicka and stamina.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless
    No it isnt. Its an awful skill and the reason the class sucks mechanically. Casting a spell every 3 skills with abysmal tracking and the need to have a target is why the rotations feel so clunky.
    I agree there need to be other changes, but this one is definitely the most needed.

    Sorry, but Stalking Blastbones is the best skill Necro has. The tracking is completely irrelevant in PvE, and in PvP it works to the skills advantage giving it a much needed buff to its damage.

    How is casting it every 3 seconds any different than casting a spammable over and over again? What's so hard about Blastbones > ability > ability > Blastbones? Is that really any different than DoT > DoT > Buff > Spammable > Spammable > repeat?
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on January 30, 2024 7:02PM
  • Galeriano
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless
    No it isnt. Its an awful skill and the reason the class sucks mechanically. Casting a spell every 3 skills with abysmal tracking and the need to have a target is why the rotations feel so clunky.
    I agree there need to be other changes, but this one is definitely the most needed.

    The thing is if they wanted to go with that changes they could target stamina morph that is less used not the magicka one that majority of people is using. Fact that blastbones were not pleasing for everyone also doesn't mean they had to turn it into some 20 sec buff. They could do many different things with it that would be more pleasing and fitting. Just out the top of my head they could for example make it an explosion that deals less dmg than currently but applies lets say 10 seconds DoT and a debuff that works similarly to the buff they added. That debuff could work for all DoTs even those applied by allies, giving necro additional edge in the support area.
    Edited by Galeriano on January 30, 2024 7:02PM
  • DrNukenstein
    Galeriano wrote: »

    I wouldn't say the "totally gutted" them. Ranged archer nightblades are among the highest dmg dealing setups atm. And for the cost of loosing that dmg they recived buffs into sustain, survivability and mobility. Pretty beneficial trade off if You ask me.

    Siphoning strikes were buffed. Healing is better since it no longer requires light attacks weaving but just dealing damae and resource restore is also better since now You can restore both resources at once. Combining that ability with healthy offering just seems like some glitch in the matrix. Imagine situation when You go low on resources. You just go into the corner and start spamming 2x siphoning attacks 1x healthy offering and You're regaining resources basically for free because healthy offering will outheal what 2x siphoning attacks took and it will cost You 3,5-4k magicka while You will regain 5,2k magicka and stamina.

    Except the archer builds are usually one bar, and now they have to decide if constant minor expedition is worth a slot, let alone the fact that one bar builds don't usually have room for siphoning/leeching. They also lose Major berserk. If concealed weapon won't actively be used on a 2 bar build and it doesn't give damage, what does that minor expedition compete with?

    What ever hybrid sustain is gained is lost by removing "Reave" from incap, and you lose the ability to get double the sustain and heal by doing a heavy attack (Example: from cloak). And what nightblade isn't weaving, especially if ranged? The siphoning/leeching change really is a mild nerf, it just doesn't look like one because it has buzz conditions like "both bars" and "while slotted".
  • Necrotech_Master
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless
    No it isnt. Its an awful skill and the reason the class sucks mechanically. Casting a spell every 3 skills with abysmal tracking and the need to have a target is why the rotations feel so clunky.
    I agree there need to be other changes, but this one is definitely the most needed.

    thats what i mean, confusing in the fact they overhauled this skill without any other real major changes to actually make it more useful

    i didnt really like blastbones either because of that full skill lockout while the skeleton was still alive, but none of the other skills are really effective
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Zastrix
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Nightblade. ... At the same time being the weakest DD in PvE nightblade recived close to no real buffs

    They got a nerf. A 10% damage nerf to be exact.
    110-114k Stage 4 Vamprie Magblade u39
    Aldmeri Dominion did nothing wrong in Shadowfen.
  • Uvi_AUT
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    i would agree at least the necromancer changes are extremely confusing, they chose to rework the 1 skill that was actually moderately OK instead of half of the skills which are underpowered or downright useless
    No it isnt. Its an awful skill and the reason the class sucks mechanically. Casting a spell every 3 skills with abysmal tracking and the need to have a target is why the rotations feel so clunky.
    I agree there need to be other changes, but this one is definitely the most needed.

    The thing is if they wanted to go with that changes they could target stamina morph that is less used not the magicka one that majority of people is using. Fact that blastbones were not pleasing for everyone also doesn't mean they had to turn it into some 20 sec buff. They could do many different things with it that would be more pleasing and fitting. Just out the top of my head they could for example make it an explosion that deals less dmg than currently but applies lets say 10 seconds DoT and a debuff that works similarly to the buff they added. That debuff could work for all DoTs even those applied by allies, giving necro additional edge in the support area.

    I have no problem with another solution. I am open to it. As long as we dont have to cast the spell every third time and as long as it doesnt have to be targeted to be cast.
    But I personally LOVE the new variant. A Buffskill like that opens op so many cool ways to play. Like an Affliction Warlock in WoW or a Necromancer in Guild Wars 2.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • Uvi_AUT

    Sorry, but Stalking Blastbones is the best skill Necro has. The tracking is completely irrelevant in PvE, and in PvP it works to the skills advantage giving it a much needed buff to its damage.
    You really dont feel the Tracking is a problem in PvE? Its so frustrating to have to Aim a skill every three seconds while maintaining a rotation. One flick of the wrist with your mousehand and you mess up your whole DPS.
    I cant talk about PvP. Havent touched that one in a decade.

    Edited by Uvi_AUT on January 30, 2024 7:45PM
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »

    Sorry, but Stalking Blastbones is the best skill Necro has. The tracking is completely irrelevant in PvE, and in PvP it works to the skills advantage giving it a much needed buff to its damage.
    You really dont feel the Tracking is a problem in PvE? Its so frustrating to have to Aim a skill every three seconds while maintaining a rotation. One flick of the wrist with your mousehand and you mess up your whole DPS.
    I cant talk about PvP. Havent touched that one in a decade.

    It is irrelevant, because most of the abilities you cast are already aiming at the boss/target. With that logic, a "flick of the wrist" will mess up almost any skill in your rotation.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on January 30, 2024 7:53PM
  • Galeriano
    Galeriano wrote: »

    I wouldn't say the "totally gutted" them. Ranged archer nightblades are among the highest dmg dealing setups atm. And for the cost of loosing that dmg they recived buffs into sustain, survivability and mobility. Pretty beneficial trade off if You ask me.

    Siphoning strikes were buffed. Healing is better since it no longer requires light attacks weaving but just dealing damae and resource restore is also better since now You can restore both resources at once. Combining that ability with healthy offering just seems like some glitch in the matrix. Imagine situation when You go low on resources. You just go into the corner and start spamming 2x siphoning attacks 1x healthy offering and You're regaining resources basically for free because healthy offering will outheal what 2x siphoning attacks took and it will cost You 3,5-4k magicka while You will regain 5,2k magicka and stamina.

    Except the archer builds are usually one bar, and now they have to decide if constant minor expedition is worth a slot, let alone the fact that one bar builds don't usually have room for siphoning/leeching. They also lose Major berserk. If concealed weapon won't actively be used on a 2 bar build and it doesn't give damage, what does that minor expedition compete with?

    What ever hybrid sustain is gained is lost by removing "Reave" from incap, and you lose the ability to get double the sustain and heal by doing a heavy attack (Example: from cloak). And what nightblade isn't weaving, especially if ranged? The siphoning/leeching change really is a mild nerf, it just doesn't look like one because it has buzz conditions like "both bars" and "while slotted".

    They're not "usually" a one bar and constant minor expedition is worth a slot for someone who wants to keep a distance and relies on mobility. That major berserkl was nice addition but minor expedition is still worth a slot. Also being one bar is not something You're being locked with. Those who use oakensoul can easily change to two bar setup, oakensoul can be even a drawback if oakfather retribution would become one of the meta sets.

    Reave on incap had the same issue that siphoning attacks which is LA requirement making it way less efefctive in real enviroment compared to new passive 200 mag+stam restore for just dealing damage on new siphoning attacks. New siphoning attacks charge more resources passively than reave combined with LA portion of old sip[honing attacks combined and those two requires to actively do light attacks. Reave combined with siphoning attacks currently can restore 200 mag and 100 stam when new siphoning attacks will be restoring 200 mag and stam. Time it takes to charge fully charged heavy attacks is enough for 2 or 3 ticks of new siphoning attacks to proc so where You get currently 300 mag and 100 stam with fully charged heavy after patch it will be 400-600 mag and stam passively wteher You use or not a HA.

    Majority of nightblades population is super bad at weaving. This is propably the reason why these changes were made in the first place. Changes to siphoning strikes are a noticable buff.
  • Uvi_AUT
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »

    Sorry, but Stalking Blastbones is the best skill Necro has. The tracking is completely irrelevant in PvE, and in PvP it works to the skills advantage giving it a much needed buff to its damage.
    You really dont feel the Tracking is a problem in PvE? Its so frustrating to have to Aim a skill every three seconds while maintaining a rotation. One flick of the wrist with your mousehand and you mess up your whole DPS.
    I cant talk about PvP. Havent touched that one in a decade.

    It is irrelevant, because most of the abilities you cast are already aiming at the boss/target. With that logic, a "flick of the wrist" will mess up almost any skill in your rotation.

    No, because BB is the only skill you have to cast every 3 seconds with an enormous impact on overall DPS. Plus you have to Barswap very quickly after firing it. So in worst case you didnt fire it but already swapped. No other skill feels like this in the whole game.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • katorga
    Galeriano wrote: »
    I mean they totally gutted the ranged blades by taking Major Berserk off concealed weapon. That's actually a great change. Now they'll have to decide if they really want to use 1/5th of their one bar skill slots for minor expedition.

    Then compared to how leeching/siphoning strikes is today, those are nerfs. It is so sick when that buff expires when you need to refill your pool, and it feels good to re cast at the end of the buff cycle. They took the need to weave away for that skill, but you still have to weave for spec bow. The healing is the same, and the resource return is less (but hybrid)

    The status effect changes are good. They make other status effects competitive to burning and poisoned which is not the case on live.

    I wouldn't say the "totally gutted" them. Ranged archer nightblades are among the highest dmg dealing setups atm. And for the cost of loosing that dmg they recived buffs into sustain, survivability and mobility. Pretty beneficial trade off if You ask me.

    Siphoning strikes were buffed. Healing is better since it no longer requires light attacks weaving but just dealing damae and resource restore is also better since now You can restore both resources at once. Combining that ability with healthy offering just seems like some glitch in the matrix. Imagine situation when You go low on resources. You just go into the corner and start spamming 2x siphoning attacks 1x healthy offering and You're regaining resources basically for free because healthy offering will outheal what 2x siphoning attacks took and it will cost You 3,5-4k magicka while You will regain 5,2k magicka and stamina.

    Massive NB buff, imo.

    NB is so unbelievably bar space efficient that my live ranged build has room to slot concealed just for minor expedition and blinding flare just for major protection. I have three flex spots on my skill bar today.

  • DrNukenstein
    Galeriano wrote: »

    Majority of nightblades population is super bad at weaving. This is propably the reason why these changes were made in the first place. Changes to siphoning strikes are a noticable buff.

    Thing is they lost a lot of damage, and now have things that compete with that formerly very dense skill slot.

    Actually after reading the change closer, it sounds like the leeching/siphoning heal will proc off dots so it may trigger in cloak too (unless it breaks cloak). That would be kind of silly.
  • Galeriano
    Galeriano wrote: »

    Majority of nightblades population is super bad at weaving. This is propably the reason why these changes were made in the first place. Changes to siphoning strikes are a noticable buff.

    Thing is they lost a lot of damage, and now have things that compete with that formerly very dense skill slot.

    Actually after reading the change closer, it sounds like the leeching/siphoning heal will proc off dots so it may trigger in cloak too (unless it breaks cloak). That would be kind of silly.

    They lost less than 10% from already way too high values. They will be more than fine considering how many buffs they got instead.

    Of course it will be healing from DoTs and of course it will heal in cloak.
  • DrNukenstein

    katorga wrote: »

    NB is so unbelievably bar space efficient that my live ranged build has room to slot concealed just for minor expedition and blinding flare just for major protection. I have three flex spots on my skill bar today.

    Cool, do you currently have shade on your bar? Because that's the primary thing that I think would compete with constant minor expedition and should be preferable.
    Galeriano wrote: »

    They lost less than 10% from already way too high values. They will be more than fine considering how many buffs they got instead.

    Of course it will be healing from DoTs and of course it will heal in cloak.

    What other special big % bonuses do they have if they aren't going into melee to drop an incap/soul harvest?

    As a main I have 0 faith that the siphoning/leeching heal won't break cloak when it procs off dots. In fact, it's probably going to force a choice between using any dots (NOT EVEN A FIRE ENCHANT) or using cloak which would hurt those low morals archers who like to use poison injection with syvaras scales and another dot proc the most. Another secret nerf to the ranged blade. Will test on PTR later and confirm because that is the $14.99 question. Will this change potentially lock cloakblades out of using dots?
  • Theignson
    Necromancer is STILL the only class in the game without major brutality/sorcery, and it's a paid

    Necro has neither Major brutality nor major savagery .

    NB gets free major savagery on both bars just for having cloak on their bar, cloak ALSO is one of the most powerful defensive/offensive abilities in the game, gives major resolve, gives 300 wepaon damage (from vamp passive) and gaurantees crit..

    NB gets major brutality from power extraction, which ALSO gives minor courage and applies minor cowardice.

    Now NB gets 20% increased damage from concealed weapon, which ALSO now gives miner expedition both bars (equivalent to wild hunt in combat), and ALSO sets enemy off balance

    Its inexplicable why some classes like NB get all the buffs and Necro gets none.
    Quakrson, Stam DK, Grand Overlord
    Trackrsen, Stam Warden, Grand Overlord
    Quakrsen, Mag DK, Overlord
    Tolliverson, Stam NB, General
    Farfarel, Stam Necro, Praetorian
    Spencerson, Templar, Prefect
    Phosphorson, Mag Sorc, Brigadier
    Phosphorsen, Stam Sorc, Tribune
    Glimson, Arcanist, Major
    All EP/ PC NA
  • DrNukenstein

    Will test on PTR later and confirm because that is the $14.99 question. Will this change potentially lock cloakblades out of using dots?

    Just tested, leeching/siphoning change heal does not seem to break cloak. Which it really should.

    Tested on a 108k Bull netch with rending slashes. Lowered health as much as possible by spamming this health cost skill before test.

    That's a big missed opportunity for PVP balance, would be a great way to force NB's to pick dot's or cloak. Elemental sus ticks already disrupt cloak and crouch for the caster disincentivizing cloakers from using what is the actual best skill in the game, which also slated to get one of the biggest proportional buffs ever seen in any video game shortly after being turned into the actual best skill in the game.

    Making the siphoning heal break cloak would be a great way to double down on this probably unintentional method of balance. The idea could be you pick 2: insane healing+sustain, annoying dots, or cloak but never all 3. I'm actually disappointed that this of all things does not break cloak.
  • MashmalloMan
    Hard disagree, I like most of the changes they made, to even classes I don't main.

    As a Sorc main, even if I'm salty they basically made Siphoning Strikes a 2 for 1 lesser version of Crit Surge + Dark Deal, I'm overall happy for them because it's a really cool skill that opens up versatility for all NB players.

    The status effect changes are really cool. I swear, I think some people forget this is a video game sometimes. It's meant to be fun.

    Yeah it sucks that Templar and Necro weren't really helped this patch, I feel for you guys, but we're dealing with devs that take years to address major concerns and even when they do, they don't do it in the exact way everyone asks for.

    Example, they made a point of addressing Sorcs this patch and they made some good, new skills to play around with, but 1 of the main points was to help no pet sorc (ideally for pve too) and they didn't. Nothing will change for pve sorcs, we're still forced to use pets because our non pet sorc skills can not replicate the dps that Daedric Prey + pets can give. So, thats a big fail on their part to not adjust any skills and just slap a % stam/mag bonus on us, the weakest damage stat in the game.

    Mages Fury? Lightning Flood? Haunting Curse? Overload? All these skills need some small adjustments to make them worth it enough to use over pets, many changes that wouldn't effect pvp, but they didn't even try.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on January 31, 2024 12:17AM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • MashmalloMan
    Theignson wrote: »
    Necromancer is STILL the only class in the game without major brutality/sorcery, and it's a paid

    Necro has neither Major brutality nor major savagery .

    NB gets free major savagery on both bars just for having cloak on their bar, cloak ALSO is one of the most powerful defensive/offensive abilities in the game, gives major resolve, gives 300 wepaon damage (from vamp passive) and gaurantees crit..

    NB gets major brutality from power extraction, which ALSO gives minor courage and applies minor cowardice.

    Now NB gets 20% increased damage from concealed weapon, which ALSO now gives miner expedition both bars (equivalent to wild hunt in combat), and ALSO sets enemy off balance

    Its inexplicable why some classes like NB get all the buffs and Necro gets none.

    Not that I don't disagree with you that NB/DK has some weird bias behind the scene with the devs because they seemingly get improved in 1 way or another every patch, despite being a focus or not.. however, the 20% damage bonus is misquoted. It's 10% for the skill itself and another 10% from stealth, where as major berserk use to effect everything they did before from expedition and stealth. It's a nerf to their overall kit, but a small buff to the skill itself. I wouldn't get too upset about that.

    The minor expedition part does suck, it used to be Sorcs unique tool until they gave it to NBs instead of them getting a unique % movement speed bonus for just stealth. I appreciate they made it more flexible, but now that it works on either bar and they can get Major Expedition on a different skill, feels like they spat in Sorcs face, yet again for the 15th time. It's bad enough we have a worse version of Grim Focus, we also have 2 abilities that do what 1 does for them now (to a lesser degree). Idk, feels like they can't help, but copy/paste Sorc and NB tools on to each other when we want to feel unique.

    Power Extraction is pretty overloaded, but most NBs hate using it because it's impractical. Instead of a self buff like Crit Surge, it's an attack. Most NB's don't use it, it's more for brawler NBs.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on January 31, 2024 12:23AM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Tannus15
    the status changes are good.

    certain damage types were better simply because of the status effect. it's nice to no longer be punished for not having enough flame or poison in your class kit.
  • MashmalloMan
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    the status changes are good.

    certain damage types were better simply because of the status effect. it's nice to no longer be punished for not having enough flame or poison in your class kit.

    Very true, I appreciate that and it will make Scribing much more fun to play around with instead of every single player slotting "insert flame damage skill here".

    The one thing they will never address is DK having an obvious advantage against every Vampire in the game... which because of Undeath, is basically 90% of the pvp population right now.
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Uvi_AUT
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    the status changes are good.

    certain damage types were better simply because of the status effect. it's nice to no longer be punished for not having enough flame or poison in your class kit.

    It would be nice if they also looked at Poisons. I feel like no one uses those anymore. And if they do they only use the doubledamage-poisonone.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
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