Was this game actually tested?

Pretty dumb tbh the amount of quests that you have to either relog or just move on because they don't actually work? Sure the servers might be fine which is good for an MMO launch, but I really think it's pretty bad of a company to launch a game when main quest lines can't be finished because the quest doesn't work.
  • Shivalock
    This happens in EVERY MMO launch I've ever played in (and often in games that are still going 10+ years later). For a prelaunch/launch, this has honestly gone better than any MMO I've seen.
  • Nidums
    I've played countless MMO launches and not once had problems where main quest lines just didn't work at at all, EVER.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Shivalock wrote: »
    This happens in EVERY MMO launch I've ever played in (and often in games that are still going 10+ years later). For a prelaunch/launch, this has honestly gone better than any MMO I've seen.

    I am going to have to disagree with you slightly.

    I know bugs are quite common, especially on launches, but i've NEVER encountered so many quest chains crashing and burning like they have here.

    I'm not raging against the game, the game is fantastic, but I have to admit these bugs are starting to ruffle my jimmies a little bit.
  • jaytrill11ub17_ESO
    Buddy if you think this is bad thank Talos you weren't here for the beta......This launch is way smoother than I expected and I went into early access expecting to have limited play time as they iron out the remaining bugs as far as Iam concerned this is all going well. Of course we would all like less down time so that we may play but I rather them get all this together now before 4April when the masses stream in.
  • Greevir
    This game had a lot of beta testers. Unfortunately, Zenimax saw fit to ignore people on the beta weekends and only listen to the PTS testers. These quest issues didn't happen on the PTS. It only seemed to happen on the weekend betas because of the number of people in it.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Nidums
    I played the beta and yea it was terrible way more quests were bugged. The last beta was like 2weeks + ago? and the nonstop closed beta? did they just ignore all the tickets or something?
  • jaytrill11ub17_ESO
    Trust me I hear your frustration an even share in it with you. But my dear ESO brother did you honestly not expect this during earl access? I mean to us the bugs that needed fixing were all bleeding obvious, but behind the curtains we have no idea what other game breaking things were being worked on that took priority over boxes not spawning fast etc...
  • Nidums
    No I didn't expect quests to be completely messed up, I expected server problems, I mean there isn't even an EU server so it's not even worth complaining about server lag yet.
  • ThatTwiztGuy
    I agree with Shivalock, this has been really smooth and almost the best prelaunch of a MMO ive every played, ("PRELAUNCH") of course there is going to be bugs and glitches, Elders Scrolls first online MMO i think they did pretty darn well. Also not all quest chains crashed for everyone for instance the BA quest with the crates i was able to complete while others were bugged. It may have crashed a few times during day 1 with the Imperial Launch but after that no crashes, then it crashed again for the Pre Order release due to so many people in same zones and logging at one time I can almost guarantee that it will crash again during World Release, but thats no biggy they had it back up and running moments later. Also so far i havent had a problem with main quests at all and im just about to hit 30 so it could just be yours @Nidums
  • Dagrion
    The bugs are to be expected. Those of us in the beta testing saw it much worse, and it is still early access. It is a massive game on a huge server, we should expect bugs. Yes the quests that crash are annoying and interrupt the gameplay, but the game overall is damn good. I expect the developers are working through a lot more than even we have seen, and hopefully they are able to work out the questing bugs. Unfortunately when the game launches there will most likely be more problems, and we will have to play through them. It is a game still in progress, but it is going to be incredible when the developers get to the tickets
    "Now leave, before I decorate my Throne room with your innards." - Sheogorath
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Nidums wrote: »
    I mean there isn't even an EU server so it's not even worth complaining about server lag yet.

    That's odd ... i'm playing on an EU server.

    It wants me to download the entire game again if I want to play on the US ones so it's a good job I don't.
  • Nidums
    Nidums wrote: »
    I mean there isn't even an EU server so it's not even worth complaining about server lag yet.

    That's odd ... i'm playing on an EU server.

    It wants me to download the entire game again if I want to play on the US ones so it's a good job I don't.

    EU megaserver is hosted in america, might want to read about.

  • Ventroff
    All these things were found and reported on as early as last September from stress test weekend testers.

    I really got the sense that they didn't really care for stress test weekend feedback early on. The feedback survey they sent out after every weekend was the same every time and never asked any questions regarding bugs encountered.

  • Brayton
    I'm not sure about all MMOs, but the quests I've encountered are pretty complex compared to the ones I've experienced in other MMOs. As such, I am not so worried about bugs as long as they get fixed in the long run.
    As far as I can tell, and I hope it continues to be so, this game is much more about drinking in the atmosphere and exploring as well as progression. I'm in no hurry to get through all the quests in 5 days of early access.
    I want this feeling of discovery, fun and sometimes fear of the unknown to go on as long as possible.
    Loving it in spite of the bugs. This is the MMO I have been long waiting for.
  • Kangas
    I have tested since January reporting every bug I encountered in detail.

    Many, many, many fixes and changes have occured.

    If you think Beta feedback was ignored consider that the most drastic changes and fixes I can think of were actually as a result of Beta weekend feedback than PTS.

    The quests are complex and network/load is having an impact. I have seen many bugs pop up that only occur under load and never on PTS. These are going to be the hardest to address but now that the live load is constant I expect these tough remaining bugs to get fixed quickly.

    Previous to launch there was a triage of bug fixing. The most important vs easy to fix were plowed through the fastest.

    I hope you all look to the long term as this launch was actually really smooth and the play will get smoother as time goes on.

    It has already beat the launch of every mmo I can think of in stability.
  • ramladu_ESO
    Can't believe how many people are ok with this many bugged quests. Comments like "it's early access" or "it was buggier in beta" don't offer much of an excuse.

    It's a released product, early access or not. Most if not all of these bugs were well known and experienced by hundreds or thousands of people during stress tests, yet they released knowing many of them were still unresolved. These aren't minor problems either - the way the experience curve works (at least at low levels), you have to be something close to a completionist or your quests will start to outlevel you.

    I might be critical, but I'm still having fun with the game. I just don't understand how anything thinks that 'early access' is a usable excuse in this case.
  • Yellowbone97ub17_ESO
    This isn't a console game fool.. This is an MMO, there's bound to be bugs and glitches at launch. Stop crying.
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    The sad part is most of the bugs related to quests were reported in every stress test going back to November, so it is quite sad to see them persist. This NA downtime might have been prevented had zenimax been proactive.
  • Schmuck
    Nidums wrote: »
    Pretty dumb tbh the amount of quests that you have to either relog or just move on because they don't actually work? Sure the servers might be fine which is good for an MMO launch, but I really think it's pretty bad of a company to launch a game when main quest lines can't be finished because the quest doesn't work.

    It is difficult to predict issues that will be had at launch until it actually launches. I have yet to see a game that does not have unforeseen issues at launch that require a solid month of patches. It's not like there isn't plenty for you to do while waiting for other fixes to be in place.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Welcome to the hidden beta test were pre orderer are used as lab rat to check out non beta tested quest for the people who will join in 1 week :smiley:

    Suffer well sisters and brother because this is only the beginning
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Schmuck
    Welcome to the hidden beta test were pre orderer are used as lab rat to check out non beta tested quest for the people who will join in 1 week :smiley:

    Suffer well sisters and brother because this is only the beginning

    Kinda hit the nail on the head there. I'm enjoying this game more than any other MMO I've played. I think TES fans are able to look past the opening issues. We're not overly concerned w/ just grinding out quests.
  • rangerluna375
    Yes it was tested. But there are always bugs and issues in games like this. It's been that way since video games were first invented.
  • KiroElmarok
    Lol. You should have been in the last beta.

    If you think 2-3 bugged quests is a bad thing... imagine EVERY quest that has you interact with an object OR walk/talk/fight with an npc.... you wouldn't be saying that at all.

    I've been in 5 betas and 8~ mmo launches.. and this launch takes the cake for smooth/ nonbuggy release.

    (Did have the fall through the ground 2nd day and I have got stuck in structures. That's the 2 main bugs for me and its my pcs fault. Its loading error bugs.)
    Daggerfall Covenant - Dunmer - Dragon Knight

  • whardisonb14_ESO
    You're always welcome to stop playing - it's likely we won't miss you.

    I'm honestly baffled at how many people are experiencing quest 'bugs'. I've only encountered two, one of which was cleared with a single relog and the other is, sadly, as of yet unresolved.

    Are you sure it's the game? ;)
  • WhiteQueen
    I think the most potentially annoying thing is that, in beta, they should have let us test the most recent client and not a client two releases behind. We would have spotted most of the bugs then (at least for the early areas). And then they could have had two weeks to fix them rather than 24 hours (which is when the server went down the first time.)
    Edited by WhiteQueen on April 2, 2014 5:45PM
  • KiroElmarok
    Also, patch notes. Check them ALWAYS.
    Daggerfall Covenant - Dunmer - Dragon Knight

  • robacooperb16_ESO
    Really starting to get sick of the sad little whiners bemoaning the state of a such a larger game at launch. Either they a) have never played a game at launch, since I can't recall one MMO that launched without hic-cups, or b) they are so spoiled and entitled that I'm sure their mommy still helps them go to the bathroom...
    The only negative experience in ESO is those that make it negative.
  • Yellowbone97ub17_ESO
    They're console heroes new to MMO's
  • aesmodienb14_ESO
    The game was tested and a lot of the current bugs were reported since day one of the second beta. Sadly people defended Zeni and said it would be fixed before early access and now those same people are saying before release and will continue to drink the kool-aid. People seem to forget that as a consumer you have the right to hold companies accountable for not producing a quality product. This is an MMO and it's understood that bugs will exist and maintenance times will happen. Patches will break things etc. However, that does not excuse blatant disregard for bugs reported a year ago that remained broken like this game has.
  • Yellowbone97ub17_ESO
    Saying they want a *finished* product like if it's a single player game.
    Edited by Yellowbone97ub17_ESO on April 2, 2014 5:53PM
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