Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

I Hope ESO will be able to keep up with other MMO's

  • Sakiri
    Sakiri wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    I don't care what they add
    I've attempted FF XIV on 4 different occasions. Everytime I went to do research on things, I goy the same answers.
    "everything speeds up after level 50"
    I slogged through 20 and was bored to tears so I quit. Here's combat: aim fire coooooool dooooowwwwnnnnnn aim fire coooooooool dowwwwwwwwwwn
    you have to finish 50 levels just to be able to get to a point where its more like Normal combat?

    Not to mention their housing is impossible for a new player to obtain


    I actually let my sub expire after a few years.

    I lost a house. I don't care. lol A house I put tens of millions of gil into.

    Housing in FF XIV was/is my big disappointment in the game. I lost a house as well and the couple of times I've gone back to play I decided to not get back on that treadmill. I've always been fine with instanced housing and will say one of ESOs better points is I don't lose my houses if I'm not playing.

    I have walk through videos of my houses. I got one in Empyreum first, then moved to Goblet because I wanted a green lawn. I dumped millions of gil into furnishings, even though it was just a small house. Was easy to get though because no one wants a house in Goblet, but my first one took a few lotteries to get(you buy tickets for the lot and it randomly draws a number, the winner gets to buy it).

    Housing is a huge draw to me in games, and here in ESO it's fantastic.
  • colossalvoids
    Not sure ESO needs that, as their target audience is more likely not an average mmo player but a casual tes fan that is interested in more Tamriel and beyond before next Scrolls comes out, MMO part bein secondary there. Sadly, for many of us.
  • Uvi_AUT
    Nihilr wrote: »
    LAST gen consoles, DECADE old consoles need to have support shut off for them so the game can be remade. That should be a big part of the 10 year global reveal event.


    People keep saying the game needs graphical updates, and the devs said in multiple interviews that we can't get new weapons/skills due to console limitations.

    100% because we aren't dropping the deadweight that we are limiting the potential of this game.

    Thats why I HATE consoles. Cyberpunk had the same problem. They messed up the release because they had to cater to PS4 and what other consoles are out there that have less Power than a 2023 Phone.....
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • ADarklore
    ESO can never compete with FFXIV or WOW. The numbers are just not there globally. WOW has been around forever, and has a very loyal fanbase, although many jumped ship to FFXIV when all the lawsuits and negative press started hitting Blizzard a couple years ago- yet most of them eventually returned to WOW.

    ESO was released on an ALREADY OUTDATED game engine, and the only way to replace the engine is to completely re-write the game... which I don't think ZOS has the funding or development team for. ZOS is also working on a new game, which I'd guess is taking resources from ESO. At this point, as long as ESO is making some profit, it will continue it's current course. In other words, don't expect any major breakthroughs, advancements or investments coming to ESO. Let's also keep in mind that DCUO has been going longer than ESO, is supposedly one of Daybreak's most profitable games, and they have only a couple thousand active players. So don't believe that an MMO needs 'active player' count to determine it's continuation... all it needs are profits.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Rasande_Robin
    "in my opinion ESO blows those other mmos out of the water"

    Fun fact, since we're yet to discover water! ^_^.
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • Panderbander
    "in my opinion ESO blows those other mmos out of the water"

    Fun fact, since we're yet to discover water! ^_^.

    Well if our mounts would stick around when they get their toes wet maybe we could discover water!
    Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • ClowdyAllDay
    ff has limited voice acting aka 1990s style rp aka zelda style dialogues.... ewwwww....

    imagine all the quirky fun dialogue from caldwell without the voice acting that accompanies it. The voice acting is what lifts this game up and makes it distinct.

    Or Jangenplume or whatever he's called. all of thems without the voice acting. the clever thoughtfulness of what a talking crow sounds like makes this game unique.

    Which is also why changing stibbons voice over the years is a huge turn off, at least for me. what would you do if the crows all started sounding like stibbons in high isle... ewwww.

    ESO has this gem of voice acting but sometimes forgets how to use it properly. MOstly though they are very smart about it.
    Edited by ClowdyAllDay on January 12, 2024 4:04PM
  • HappyTheCamper
    WoW is WoW, and generally all other mmos follow it due to its history and size.

    As for FFXIV, I respect it’s popularity and community. It sounds like a cool game. But I do not like JRPGs, I do not like anything from FromSoftware, and I do not like anything from Final Fantasy’s universe (except Crystal Chronicles on the Game Cube. That game slapped as a kid if you had 4 friends and 4 gameboys.)

    Also ESO has better aesthetics IMO. Wow is very cartoony, and I hate how semi-sexualized things can be in FFXIV and BDO with silly and ridiculous girl outfits. ESO handles this stuff aesthetically way better. I actually have a friend who played all different mmos and they appreciate how little “fan service” ESO has in the mmo realm.

    I like Elder Scrolls waaaaaaay better than FF stuff. This is my own opinion, and this doesn’t really matter, but still. ESO has its own things that make it special. Could it take *technical* stuff from those games? Yes. But not a lot.
  • Udrath
    ESO PVP is probably one of the few MMO’s where the PvP itself is the experience without worrying about rewards. Win or lose it’s usually always a good time and there’s no other game that has such a fun combat system. New World feels like a washed down version of it, and since playing ESO I really dislike tab target lock on games lol
    Edited by Udrath on January 12, 2024 4:08PM
  • aspergalas4
    Nihilr wrote: »
    LAST gen consoles, DECADE old consoles need to have support shut off for them so the game can be remade. That should be a big part of the 10 year global reveal event.


    People keep saying the game needs graphical updates, and the devs said in multiple interviews that we can't get new weapons/skills due to console limitations.

    100% because we aren't dropping the deadweight that we are limiting the potential of this game.

    This is one of the less discussed but arguably most important issues ESO faces going forward, consoles are the millstone around the games neck. They really need to either split development between PC and console platforms or drop console entirely whilst providing an account transfer service to PC (which really shouldn't be difficult to execute, just take a snapshot of someone's account, clone on PC platform and then grant access).

    The game needs new weapons, equipment, spells and other systems to stay afloat if they are insistent on the 1-2 zones and dungeons a year model going forward.
  • Starlight_Knight
    It feels like ESO always looks at the short term, its never talked about long term ideas or visions or had any sort of progressive story line. there is no passage of time in ESO.
    This imo creates a kind of "ive completed it" mindset amongst ESO players, and many long term players like myself struggle to find any reason to play newer zones or chapters and story, because its pointless.

    It would be nice to see the same kind of content care being added into ESO that other MMOs seem to get, quality over quantity, so much new zone story bloat and rewards locked behind the crown store.

    ESO has a lot of unfinished systems that really need sorting out with one big overhaul, before it gets to much..
    CP system is old and unfinished, was a bandage that became permanent.
    Pet system tease when the warden came out with pet skins.
    Reward system, non existent, everything is in the crown store.

    The last bunch of years ESO has felt very neglected, i think its because the focus is on new players every update, where as games like WOW have a loyal fanbase who have been playing for 20 years - ESO just seems to churn though new players like a meat grinder although probs great for business in the short term, its a fare concern to have that it wont keep up with other games.

    Without a competitive environment for older players to play in, ESO has no retention, this is why vet players are asking for pvp updates, but really we could have a lot more, territory wars, guild housing and guild pvp and more reasons to be social and interact with other indirectly... but we dont even have working leader-bords on the game modes we have, never mind worthwhile reward structure.

    TLDR: ESO is a great game but I hope they start looking to the future and spend less time catering to new players, finish and repair some of the systems we have and hopefully work on giving us a competitive environment for end game players.

  • Warhawke_80
    WoW is the best it's been in years. I full stop quit a while back and swore it off for good, but after giving it a try about a year ago it's brought back so much of what was fun before.

    ESO on the other hand... it really feels stagnant to me. The new class was fun for a minute (until they gave crux a timer), IA held my attention for about a week and a half, but in the end I'm finding that there isn't really a compelling reason to stay for me. I was just logging in and standing around for a while.

    I love TES and want ESO to do well but they really could learn a thing or two from their competition when it comes to upgrading or refreshing their game.

    Meh I dunno...

    All I got from WoW when I tried it a couple weeks ago was cringy Voice Acting and Yu-gi-oh dragons ( and what is with the obsession with Mythic +? it's like that small group is the only folks the devs care about?) I was told I had to give it fifty or so hours before I could make an informed thanks.

    Edited by Warhawke_80 on January 12, 2024 4:54PM
    ““Elric knew. The sword told him, without words of any sort. Stormbringer needed to fight, for that was its reason for existence...”― Michael Moorcock, Elric of Melniboné
  • wilykcat
    WoW is the best it's been in years. I full stop quit a while back and swore it off for good, but after giving it a try about a year ago it's brought back so much of what was fun before.

    ESO on the other hand... it really feels stagnant to me. The new class was fun for a minute (until they gave crux a timer), IA held my attention for about a week and a half, but in the end I'm finding that there isn't really a compelling reason to stay for me. I was just logging in and standing around for a while.

    I love TES and want ESO to do well but they really could learn a thing or two from their competition when it comes to upgrading or refreshing their game.

    Meh I dunno...

    All I got from WoW when I tried it a couple weeks ago was cringy Voice Acting and Yu-gi-oh dragons ( and what is with the obsession with Mythic +? it's like that small group is the only folks the devs care about?) I was told I had to give it fifty or so hours before I could make an informed thanks.

    I do agree the WoW devs only focus on those who are very popular (<1%) of the player base. I didn't understand the obsession either. Even know mythic+ dungeons were a fun and all, unfortunately the ranking system is awful.
    in WoW, the ranking/scoring system has required players to have a certain score inorder to do more dungeons, never ending grinds to get a perfect score and then it resests every 3 months, play the game 24/7 to get good, buy certain stuff, to do most end game content, and finally be existant to blizzard ( only those 0.001%) have the worlds highest score)) In reality most players didn't ask for it.

    I'm very glad that eso is more consistent with listening to the playerbase while also listening to the >1% (popular players/content creators) at the same time. They know it's best to get suggestions, feedback, and information from everyone.

    Also there isn't any major grinding ranking/scores for most end game content here, the ranked stuff in eso is more relaxed, I can play what I want, the graphic quality is better (not so much on animation and physics quality), and there are playable cat people.

    Eso is perfect for me and is a good alternative to WoW.
    Edited by wilykcat on January 12, 2024 5:33PM
  • Brakkish
    GooGa592 wrote: »
    The PvP community is praying for a decent alternative to ESO. We don't care about anything but combat and mechanics. One or two games come out with decent PvP and ESO will see a significant loss of players.

    CP2332 +3100 hrs spent in BGs. US PS5 - Nine PVP Tanks - toons named variations of "Combat Medic" I like long walks on the beach. What's PVE?
  • SilverBride
    ESO doesn't need to keep up with any other MMO. All it needs to do is keep bringing fresh content, which it has been doing a very good job of with things like the new Arcanist class and Bastion Nymics and the Infinite Archive, all in the past year.

    I don't care what these other games are doing. I like what ESO is.
  • xclassgaming
    Both FFXIV and WoW get massive new features. FFXIV even gets an entire Graphics overhaul. Everything looks like it did before but better with enhanced Graphics, more depth, better shadows and lighting. Oh and THREE new classes/Jobs, one limited. WoW Gets Soloqueue Rated Battlegrounds, a new Flying System for old AND new mounts, Warbands, Class Hero Talents or Paths like Lightweaver Paladin or Mountain Thane Warrior. (ESO does not have a flying System at all). Just a few things from what the other big players in the industry will offer beside the usual stuff in their next expansions.

    A new Zone, 2 Dungeons, 1 Raid, new Story and 2 new companions won't cut it anymore.
    I really, really hope we get something Amazing to see on the next Chapter reveal.

    it will.
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • Twohothardware
    Other cross platform MMO's like FFXIV has Crossplay and if ESO is going to keep up it needs to address the fact you can't change platform or play with friends on other platforms. The biggest selling point of an MMO is the social space and right now ESO has six separate ecosystems of players split between platforms and regions. Both console and the EU regions would greatly benefit from there being just one NA server and one EU server for all platforms.
    Edited by Twohothardware on January 12, 2024 11:21PM
  • Jimbru
    1. The single biggest complaint I see from people leaving ESO is the clunky "everything must be aimed and clicked" combat. Light attacks should be replaced by an autoattack, and aiming needs to be replaced by a hybrid tab-target. Look at the combat in Guild Wars 2 for how to do it right.
    2. ESO is long overdue to adopt a central trading system like most other MMOs, and an in-game crowns-gold exchange. Again, look at Guild Wars 2's Trading Post for systems that work.
    3. Before anyone says anything about how "people manipulate central trading systems": last year, some big trading guild or another was having some kind of contest and it mucked up trading across the entire game for weeks. So I don't want to hear anyone pretending that economic manipulation doesn't happen in ESO. This game needs a trading system that doesn't require add-ons and data farming to manage.
    4. I am convinced that whoever is in charge of the housing system at ZOS either has never seen a real house, and/or has tryptophobia. At best, the whole system needs an aesthetic overhaul; at worst, it needs demolished and started over.
    - Real houses have symmetry, with patterns that visually match up with the surface edges, windows centered and joints that meet properly (examples: mezzanine in Ravenhurst house is totally crooked, High Isle apartment is just plain chaotic).
    - Real houses have flat walls and floors, without multiple levels of recessed edges (floor in Pariah's Pinnacle) and pillars sticking out of the walls reducing the useful space (Mara's Kiss room is the worst offender among too many to list).
    - Furniture in most styles is drastically oversized and bulky. Some styles (Wood Elf and Redguard are two) have tables, counters, and other "horizontal surfaces" that aren't even flat.
    - Snugpod has a wall decoration that is permanently stuck in place, obviously crooked and clipped into the wall.
    - Wood Elf and Argonian house floors aren't even flat. Don't even get me started on structures with curved walls.
  • Nihilr
    Jimbru wrote: »
    1. The single biggest complaint I see from people leaving ESO is the clunky "everything must be aimed and clicked" combat. Light attacks should be replaced by an autoattack, and aiming needs to be replaced by a hybrid tab-target. Look at the combat in Guild Wars 2 for how to do it right.

    The only combat fix needed in ESO is that we need to force players to finish animations except when blocking (for mechanics reasons), and blocking animation can only be cut by bashing/interrupt. [Funny enough, I bet this would also improve server performance in Cyrodiil most of all with reduced data pings from high player density areas].

    ESO is an Elder Scrolls game first. If you remove the elements that make it Elder Scrolls, this entire game fails and dies. If you remove the MMO aspects to ESO, the game will attract even more players than ever. Just my experience for playing 4+ years.
  • Elsonso
    Jimbru wrote: »
    1. The single biggest complaint I see from people leaving ESO is the clunky "everything must be aimed and clicked" combat. Light attacks should be replaced by an autoattack, and aiming needs to be replaced by a hybrid tab-target. Look at the combat in Guild Wars 2 for how to do it right.

    World of Warcraft has this, too. It is one of the reasons I am here. :smile:
    Jimbru wrote: »
    2. ESO is long overdue to adopt a central trading system like most other MMOs

    This is another reason why I am here and not playing World of Warcraft. :neutral:
    Jimbru wrote: »
    3. Before anyone says anything about how "people manipulate central trading systems": last year, some big trading guild or another was having some kind of contest and it mucked up trading across the entire game for weeks. So I don't want to hear anyone pretending that economic manipulation doesn't happen in ESO. This game needs a trading system that doesn't require add-ons and data farming to manage.

    I used to play the auction house game in WoW. Nothing here is anything like that.

    My main trading complaint here is that on console, it is not possible to easily see what things are selling for at your own trader. This is an addon for PC, but it should be base game for all platforms.

    Edited by Elsonso on January 13, 2024 2:17AM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • moo_2021
    Fata1moose wrote: »
    I don’t think it will unless they improve combat. I see the general public complain about how bad the combat feels, floaty, lack of impact, etc and that the overland is too easy and they’re not engaged with it.

    what other MMOs have better combat for pvp? Tried new world, didn't like as it feels too simplistic.
  • Fenris_Arainai
    While I agree with others that ESO doesn't need to imitate other MMOs, more content is not a bad thing.

    The thing is that ESO cut content last year. They dropped Autumn story and moved "system" to that time slot.

    So I don't know what to tell you. It's not just not "keeping up", it's actually slowing down.
    Glory to you and your Dunmer House!
  • AzuraFan
    Braffin wrote: »
    The story zone is exclusively made for new players and give veterans nothing to do, so why pay for it?

    The story zone isn't just for new players. For players like me (and I suspect there are quite a few like me), the annual story zone is the highlight of the year. It brings the largest content drop for us.
  • Warhawke_80
    While I agree with others that ESO doesn't need to imitate other MMOs, more content is not a bad thing.

    The thing is that ESO cut content last year. They dropped Autumn story and moved "system" to that time slot.

    So I don't know what to tell you. It's not just not "keeping up", it's actually slowing down.

    This exactly....I have brought this up several times...but was told I was imagining things or not to to worry about it....and honestly I just didn't like the the the tone of the producers letter this year...I'm worried about more cuts....I don't think the game will do well if that happens.
    ““Elric knew. The sword told him, without words of any sort. Stormbringer needed to fight, for that was its reason for existence...”― Michael Moorcock, Elric of Melniboné
  • Elsonso
    AzuraFan wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    The story zone is exclusively made for new players and give veterans nothing to do, so why pay for it?

    The story zone isn't just for new players. For players like me (and I suspect there are quite a few like me), the annual story zone is the highlight of the year. It brings the largest content drop for us.

    I mainly pay attention to content when they actually give us story content. Infinite Archive is rather "meh" and, after testing, I really haven't been back because I am not looking for Arena/Leaderboard content to play. I can tell they put a lot into it, and what I have seen looks very nice, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I was able to take longer breaks from ESO in 2023 because the story content was mainly put into the Chapter. That worked out well due to the number of new games that came out and games that had new content to play.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • svendf
    As Eso cater towards different player´s. Eso will never get a community like FFxiv - not to say there aren´t nice people in Eso, for sure there are, they mostly keep to them self and out of the way.

    In FFxiv as a new player you are seen as something very important, and the community know, if you treat people well it will carry over to the next person.

    FFxiv have systems in place and at the same time balanced the game in a way, that it doesn´t matter what job/role you play you are needed. In Eso it´s mosty reverse, and depends on content - do we need a healer ? Do we need a tank ? The community seems very divided and ends in something like - what gains me or as long I have an anvantage I keep playing.

    After 12k hours in Eso I feel, I pretty much know, whats going on and have seen many bad things happen as well in gameplay and out of gameplay in Eso - it´s a shame.

    In post Shadow Bringer the last trial, Seat of Sacrifies is a real pug killer (MSQ). I went in with tree different pugs and got handed every time. I went to the NN Network to get a picture after been over the web to find info. After a brief conversation a player asked me if I needed any help, and answere I need all the help I can get. Within 5 sec she grouped with me and with in 20 sec we had a full group ( a player with contacts). When we had zooned in I discovered the group contained of mentors with Ultimate weapons. That group was crazy skilled. Healers was on time in first fase, tank swap was crazy fast and on time as well, same for the tank LB on last fase. My first time playing with raiders and It was impressive. After ending the trial she DM me as told me to contact her if I need any help in the future.

    Something from my FC I am in. In End Walker I fell in love with a mount and asked about it in chat. My GM showed me a picture and asked if it was the one, and yes was my answer. I ended up getting all the five mounts from ARR Exstream Trials within two days - seven mounts including the quest one, which I only could get if had all the trials mounts collected.

    I don´t have a single trial mount in Eso - skins yes - not a single mount. I have tried many times getting people together, but no, not a chance. Am I a bad player in Eso ? No I am actually a good player, so I just gave up. Do I want to run around with God Slayer in my title. No just as little as I will run around with Ultimate Legend in FFxiv. It was all about mounts, and in one Mmo I gave up and in another one I got those I wanted without any fuzz.

    Some years back in Eso. There was some discussion in guild chat about GS, and it didn´t take long before a main tank did pop up and told us it´s an easy one and he could carry us. I responted with "Looking for one healer, two tanks and eight dd´s for vSS HM no death run". He just disappeared from chat.

    The guild I am part of in Eso have mighty fine people in it. That said they can´t change anything that will bring Eso in a more inclusive and positive direction, when the balance in Eso is as it is, and ZoS is part of that problem.

    There is a reason, why the player quality is much higher in FFxiv compared to Eso. If a game can´t uphold the trinity it will divide the community and so will an imbalanced game - Eso have both problems and I haven´t seen any indications, that will change.

    I had my struggle moving from voice acting to a game with less voice acting. That changed the more I got into FFxiv and saw a total different community. The devs in FFxiv are being treated like gods, and there are a reason for that. I don´t know why Zos still maintain the same direction - a direction, where people, who have the advantage own the game play ( look at normal dungeons).

    If the community in Eso want a more inclusive community. You need to put more pressure on ZoS. That said, that´s not the only frontline you have to attent to. You also have to engage with the player base, who have the advantage and therefore dislike any change, which will deminish that advantage, which can be boild down to balance and trinity, but that´s not all, will leave it there though. ZoS seems to be on their side so good luck
  • tgrippa
    ESO will never be the biggest MMO, but it fills a niche for people who specifically like the type of game it is, and it is one of the big MMOs out there and is doing fine. If it tried to be more like another MMO it would fail either due to technical issues (flying and shared mounts are impossible with the current engine) or because it would be an inferior copy of another MMO (no WoW clone has overtaken WoW as the biggest).

    ESO should stick to what makes it unique and that’s what they have done. The rumoured spellcrafting would be a good addition, and it has one of the best housing systems.

    ESO is no longer my main MMO as I am a raid and dungeon focused player, but I don’t want to see it trying to copy WoW. It is fine as it is and the dev team is doing a good job with the resources they have. It would be nice if they could squeeze more performance out though for a better high level PVE and PVP experience, and relax a bit on the cash shop monitization elements.
    Edited by tgrippa on January 13, 2024 9:11PM
  • Kendaric
    If I wanted to play FF XIV or WoW, I'd do so but I'm not. While I do take frequent breaks from playing ESO, it's the one MMORPG I always keep returning to.
    I like ESO as it is mostly, except for the over the top flashy vfx. There's absolutely no reason to become yet another WoW clone in all aspects.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Four_Fingers
      Older PCs hold game back just as much as consoles, so that is a cop out considering they could upgrade and add to PC and leave console as is as they are separate program updates and separate servers.
      They don't want to lose revenue from either group by turning ESO into a rich man's game.
      Not everyone can afford a $1000 graphics card or the latest console in this day and age.
      Edited by Four_Fingers on January 13, 2024 4:45PM
    • TaSheen
      Older PCs hold game back just as much as consoles, so that is a cop out considering they could upgrade and add to PC and leave console as is as they are separate program updates and separate servers.
      They don't want to lose revenue from either group by turning ESO into a rich man's game.
      Not everyone can afford a $1000 graphics card or the latest console in this day and age.

      Quoting myself from earlier in this thread:
      TaSheen wrote: »
      Well.... also antique PCs (in my case 9 years old - which yes, I am replacing). New gaming rig downstairs in the basement, waiting for me to get through husband's RAFT of doctors' appointments this month so I have time to actually think about how I'm going to set the new one up etc. I KNOW I'm low level formatting the SSD to get rid of win11 and the attendant bloatware, then installing win10 (bought the latest version available last month). After that.... well, installing the number of programs I use all the time will take a while....

      Game should be a treat once I'm up and running though! NVIDIA GeForce 4060 TI, on my 2 4k screens, yum....

      I think I'm years behind how often most people replace their machines....

      "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

      PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
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