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What class could use a rework? - poll

If we look at Pve Gameplay, animations, visuals, how good the class is on each role, etc

What class feels the worse right now and could use a rework?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 30, 2023 6:21PM
I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!

What class could use a rework? - poll 155 votes

BlueRavenmajulookBenTSGMudcrabAttackhelixblackAnifaasSir_HammockLykeionCelticmagick 9 votes
SolarikenKikazarubalthasars_darksideb16_ESODTStormfoxhans.johansson1958b16_ESOqwaurckAurielleDUTCH_REAPERphaneub17_ESOTheDarkRulerIndorilArwynLlethranSilverBrideRomoOtarTheMadADarkloreGaelethonOhtimbarAnkael07Toxic_HemlockAnti_Virus 76 votes
dcam86b14_ESOningauble_7b14_ESOmmtaniacSleep724fakingfocusedIcy_WafflesUdrathMyceliusZama666Athyrium93monkiiehuskandhungerFunjacMesitedeejayveemoo_2021Its_MySniffBillium813wilykcatTyrant_Tim 22 votes
IdinusehondelinkAsysathekaAces-High-82RebornV3xmeekmikoSilverIce58derpy_mushroomKatlefiyaFinrodMacBeornPixiepumpkinMidniteOwl1913fourbitsvalenwood_veganZhuJiuyinBraffinNotoriousBTKAerinNixxie 20 votes
element1123johnjetauFelisCatus 3 votes
MuizerkojouVoidCommanderAstironStarlight_KnightSilverStreekmiguelcuraSandandStarsRetPing 9 votes
chessalavakia_ESOBelegnoleAdernathDestaiAVaelhamAznoxspartaxoxoFour_FingersDreamyLuOsUfiDrNukensteinTurtle_BotPanderbanderESO_player123erdYrrsonautocookies 16 votes
  • merpins
    Not gonna vote because I have some opinions.

    Templar has already been touched, and feels bad to play since it was touched. The change to the jabs animation was an objective downgrade; as a professional animator, I can say it's worse than it was before and you can feel it when you use it. I could explain why, but I'm not motivated to do so for the 10th time.

    I do not want to see what happened to templar happen to all the other classes. There are skills in every class that I think could use a rework or revamp, and there are entire skill lines that should too. From a theme perspective to some skills just not being good or feeling bad to use, there's a lot ZoS could do to really patch up their classes. Arcanist proved they can do actually good, NEW animation in this game and make a class unique and good looking, but if it goes the same way as templar, I'd rather them leave the classes alone.
    Edited by merpins on December 30, 2023 3:27AM
  • Erickson9610
    This thread is an excellent resource to justify why Necromancer should be given more attention. It also links to many more threads where people ask for Necromancer changes.
    Edited by Erickson9610 on December 30, 2023 3:38AM
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • spartaxoxo
    None of the above. I think some individual skills could use tweaks but I wouldn't want to see an overhaul to the identity of any class.
  • FelisCatus
    Dragonknight feels so clunky and outdated.
  • DreamyLu
    I'm not interested in a class rework. If there is a budget available, there are other things I would prefer to see added/improved before that.
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • phaneub17_ESO
    It's weird because it has a lot of resource recovery, but I'm always out of Stamina to the point I'm wasting two slots for the tether beams not with the morphs that I actually want. It's a clunky class to use, the pets are stupid and underwhelming, but are also essential to it if you want to get the most out of it.
  • Kisakee
    Necro is in an odd spot right now. It's insanely good as a Tank or Healer but lacks as a DD as you're forced to use Blastbones to be any good when using class skills while Flame Skull is nothing you would ever look at twice (except maybe for PvP).

    I don't mind using specific skills if they work very well together (looking at you, Arcanist) but playing Necro as a reliable full damage / non-support DD within the class is next to impossible.
    Edited by Kisakee on December 30, 2023 5:13AM
    I'm but a sarcastic beef jerky. Irony and cynicism are my parents. You've been warned.
  • Turtle_Bot
    I picked other because there's currently 3 classes that need it.

    1. Necro - the obvious pick. Needs a complete overhaul. Many threads on this already.
    2. Sorcerer - this is for no-pet sorc specifically that is in a worse state than even necro. Necro is ahead in terms of overall need since technically sorc has pet builds that it can use and those find a spot in groups exclusively due to atro synergy, but no-pet sorc has been in such a bad state for so long that it really needs something done for it as well.
    3. Plar - Doesn't need much, an adjustment to jabs damage to give it some of its damage back that it lost from the animation change would go a long way for plar.

    Plar is probably the least needed of the 3 (not that it's not needed), but plar is suffering more from the overall state of ESO and the unfinished hybridization changes where DK fills plars niche of providing 'insert minor damage buff here' for the group while also being a much stronger class overall for majority of rolls (Tank/DD) and warden is better in the remaining role of Healer.

    Finishing off hybridization properly would go a long way to helping plar since you could remove the double up of minor sorcery/brutality and give plar something else unique to make it a good inclusion for group content.

    Doing the same for minor prophecy/savagery for NB/sorc would help those classes find their spots in groups too.
    And to any ZOS employee reading this, NO! Silence is not a unique effect that is as generically useful as what the other classes bring to the group such as toughness, crit chance, damage, armor, mitigation etc or even what pet sorcs bring with berserk on atro. You have already proven this yourselves by altering negate into being an actual hard stun in PvE content because silence is so mediocre.
  • ESO_player123
    I'm honestly afraid of any major reworks seeing how some changes damaged the classes I play.
  • Braffin
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    Sorcerer - this is for no-pet sorc specifically that is in a worse state than even necro. Necro is ahead in terms of overall need since technically sorc has pet builds that it can use and those find a spot in groups exclusively due to atro synergy, but no-pet sorc has been in such a bad state for so long that it really needs something done for it as well.


    I also think, that necro and templar need some love, but what was done to no-pet-sorc (both, a very efficient and popular playstyle back in the days) by zos is the most urgent matter imo.

    And when they are it, they should get rid of the flapping abomination and change the appearance of the scamp to be more in line with their npc-counterparts.

    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • Soarora
    Necro DPS and healer, tank is great. I've seen and known people of all kinds of DPS classes and yet the only one I do not see anymore is Necro. Ever. They're extinct outside of EC Cro.
    Edited by Soarora on December 30, 2023 6:07AM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Udrath
  • Tyrant_Tim
    Voted Templar because I already knew Necro would dominate this thread.

    While Necromancer needs a rework most, Templar isn’t far behind. Every class should excel at something, and Templar doesn’t.

    Simply put, there are better options everywhere else.
  • RebornV3x
    Sorcerer needs it bad being that its a base game class its just a clunky class most of class skills have some drawback or are useless unlike other class skill by other classes. Sorc should be more elemental battle mage than the kinda weak summoner class its morphed into over the years. The Sorcerer is more Summoner than anything its just a strange class its like 1/4 battle mage and like a 3/4 summoner class

    I wish I could give Necro the pets in exchange for better skills the Deadric Summoning skill line just feels out of place especially now that Necromancer exists I get that Conjuration is a school of magic but idk... all the Sorcerer has is lighting based abilities wheres the frost, and fire spells and abilities not much of a magic user if all we can use is lighting based attacks.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • KlauthWarthog
    While I think all classes need a tweak here or there, with some of them needing more than others (non-pet sorc being a prime example of something that needs a lot of them), Necromancer is the only one I think needs a major shakeup.

    Necromancer is just... clunky and awkward to play. Changing the scaling of any of their skills will not make any of the skills any less clunky. Even the class spammable, a single-target, instant-cast skill, is clunky because it has three distinct animations, each of which has its own timing to weave.
  • erdYrrson
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    Arcanist. It needs a rework to be (a) a bit less powerful and (b) not so ridiculously flashy.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Tyrant_Tim
    Can I re-vote?

    I want to choose Warden because I absolutely hate how it’s design is tethered to Vvardenfell and Dunmer culture.

    How does it make sense that my Nord Warden is in Summerset calling Cliffracers, Fetcherflies, Shalks, a Netch, and all kinds of mushrooms to aid me?
  • Mesite
    I only picked Templar because I like all the others as they are.

    Necro needs more power, but I like the way it works so no rework, just a buff.

    I've never really been able to persevere with playing DK for long, but it seems to be in a good place.
  • Mesite
    Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
    Can I re-vote?

    How does it make sense that my Nord Warden is in Summerset calling Cliffracers, Fetcherflies, Shalks, a Netch, and all kinds of mushrooms to aid me?

    I look at this in the same way I look at an elves pointed ears. It's the way they are meant to be, regardless of their country of origin. Or like Meridia's followers (Lustrant?) Like the light and carry crystals, even if they live in the dark swamps of Shadowfen.
    Edited by Mesite on December 30, 2023 1:49PM
  • Four_Fingers
    None until the performance is finally fixed and you can actually tell how a class performs with all skills working.
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    Ive been playing my templar since BETA...let me tell you they did us so dirty for so many years.
    At least they can do is upgrade our visuals to be more "divine" looking
  • thegreeneso
    All of them except for Arcanist. Warden and Necromancer still hold up visually but could use some gameplay improvements. The base game classes, however, need both visual and gameplay changes.

    But with that said, I don't think these classes are conceptually bad, they just don't have a strong class identity and look outdated, especially when compared to the newly released Arcanist.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Reworks tend to be playing with fire.
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Combat & Character Mechanics section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • OsUfi
    As a necro main, I still don't believe a rework is needed. Like others have said, some minor tweaks, and that's it.
  • DrNukenstein
    Every class should have a good melee spammable that fits their theme.

    Necro: Rework scythe to do bonus damage after a full heavy attack, or after killing an enemy with anything
    Warden: There's something there. Either DK whip but frost, or fitting with the animals theme: D-swing but it's a wolf!
    Templar: Give it back the 4th hit
    Sorcerer: Turn crystal weapon into crystal sword or something that can't be stacked into the next GCD. They already have like 5 skills that can be lined up to hit at the same, just give them something that looks cool.

    Then instead of reworking classes, adjust universal skills in ways that make them useful to classes that seem left behind by balance/meta changes.

    For example: minor courage is all the rage right now and your class either has it or it doesn't. What if rapid regeneration gave minor courage?
  • meekmiko
    Sorcerer. Pets. Finally reworking the crowded bar situation would be fantastic.
    🌟PC/NA CP2050+ [Been playing since 2016]
    ✨🐪JUSTICE FOR APEX CAMELS 🐪✨ Bring 'em back, ZOS!
    vMA / vVH / vDSA / vBRP / vAA HM / vSO HM / vHRC HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS+1 & +1 / vCR+2 / vSS / vKA/ vRG
    • 🌩️ 🏹 EP - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer / Bosmer StamSorc (DPS) -Main DPS-
    • ☀️ 🛡️ EP - Mihi'Mai-Ra, Plague of Peryite / Khajiit StamPlar (Tank) -Main Tank-
    • ☀️ ✨ EP - Lady Lapa'au, The Magnanimous / Khajiit MagPlar (Healer) -Main Healer-
    • 🌩️ ☄️ EP - Ra'venk, Style Master / Khajiit MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ EP - Bird gra-Shuzgub, Forge Breaker / Orc StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ✨ EP - Blades-at-the-Ready, Witch / Argonian MagBlade (Healer)
    • ☀️ ⚔️ EP - Lady Fortuna the Blessed, Grand Champion / Imperial StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🔥 🛡️ EP - Plays-in Volcanoes, Mystic / Argonian StamDK (Tank)
    • 💀 ☄️ EP - Ko'shamari the Doomweaver, Dovahkriid / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 🌱 ✨ EP - Sorvete, Countess / Khajiit StamDen (Healer)
    • 🔥 🏹 EP - Falora Veloth, The Merciless / Dunmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 🌩️ 🛡️ AD - Shimmers-with-Static, Spark of Vengeance / Argonian StamSorc (Tank)
    • ☀️ ⚔️ EP - Amarri-do the Magnificent, Clan Mother / Khajiit StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ⚔️ EP - Z'majii-dar the Quick, Battlegrounds Butcher / Khajiit StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🔥 ⚔️ EP - Habasi the Glamorous, Seeker of Artifacts / Khajiit StamDK (DPS)
    • 🗡️ 🛡️ EP - Yana-la the Iron Lotus, Silver Knight / Khajiit StamBlade (Tank)
    • 👁️ ☄️ EP - Mog gra-Ushug the Scholar, Master Historian / Orc MagCanist (DPS)
    • 👁️ 🛡️ EP - Mamaea the Sledgehammer, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamCanist (Tank)
    • 👁️ 🏹 EP - Elsyiir Lichenhollow, Lady / Bosmer StamCanist (DPS)
    • 💀 🛡️ EP - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamNecro (Tank)
    • & I only dabble on the PC/EU server sometimes:
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ AD - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun / Bosmer StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ⚔️ EP - Sings-a-Song-of-Storms / Argonian StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ☄️ DC - Helainie the Shadebringer / Breton MagBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ☄️ EP - Steals-Many-Hearts / Argonian MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ AD - Pashet the Nimble / Khajiit StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🔥 🏹☄️ EP - Furoni the Ember / Dunmer HybridDK (DPS)
    • 👁️ ☄️ EP - Am-Kesh / Argonian MagCanist (DPS)
    • 🔥 ⚔️ AD - Eldrinthr the Flame-Heart / Bosmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 👁️ ☄️ AD - Bajaa the Blackened Beast / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 💀 ⚔️ AD - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt / Khajiit StamNecro (DPS)
  • autocookies
    Edited by autocookies on March 13, 2024 3:18PM
  • Araneae6537
    I love my templar healer; please no reworking of any healing skills (more powerful or extra buff are cool though :D ) but templar jabs no longer fits the rest of the skill line so the last thing I want is to see more skills get the vampire shovel or equivalent. :(
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