Change of forum name

So I made my name then created the char that will actually be my main. I was wondering, is there any way for me to change my name on the forums to reflect this?
As I was going out one day,
My head fell off and rolled away.
And when I saw that it was gone,
I picked it up and put it on.

  • NeeScrolls
    So I made my name then created the char that will actually be my main. I was wondering, is there any way for me to change my name on the forums to reflect this?

    If you click your 'profile' tab and then 'edit profile' , you should be able to change it yourself...ONCE (permanant one-time change, i believe) .

    Otherwise, you may notice that the box holding your "Forum user name" is non-clickable, non-highlightable, and essentially *locked* from any further personal editing.

    Therefore, i suspect it's no longer possible to change it yourself...BUT you could try PM'ing one of the ESO forum-mods and requesting (if you haven't already? ) .

    If that doesn't work, another option could be to simply re-register [for the Forums] with an entirely new/different email address. Since technically your Forum account & Game account don't necessarily have to be under the exact same email (as far as i'm aware) .
    Edited by NeeScrolls on April 3, 2014 3:34AM
  • Unsanctified
    I haven't PMd any of the forum mods. Do you know any of their names? Unfortunately the name change option is already greyed out. Thanks for the info!
    As I was going out one day,
    My head fell off and rolled away.
    And when I saw that it was gone,
    I picked it up and put it on.

  • Dita
    I've filed a similar clam to change my forum name via Customer Support. They send an e-mail asking for the answer to my secret question along with the 3 prefer names for the forums (in case some have been taking), did it today about 5 hours ago - waiting on the results. Hope it helps.
    "Begun the Bot Wars has"
  • LadyChaos
    So I made my name then created the char that will actually be my main. I was wondering, is there any way for me to change my name on the forums to reflect this?

    submit ticket from website. They helped me quickly and gave me no stress. I only asked once, though so no idea policy on multiples.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
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