Tyrant_Tim wrote: »Anyone else get anything awesome?
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »Here were a few things my girlfriend got me.
Anyone else get anything awesome?
ESO_CenturionPlayer wrote: »Also, Happy Hanukkah to the religion not getting love in this post. If we are going to start allowing it.
I will create a star of David in my house and post it to make it game related I suppose.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Christmas is celebrated both secularly and by Christians. In other words, many non-Christians celebrate Christmas. It's not a purely religious phrase.
Hannukah had already ended 10 days prior to this post. This post was made on Christmas Day to wish others celebrating a nice holiday. It was not being excluded.
Every year around this year, the devs and the community come together and celebrate the various holidays. There's the annual gift giving thread, that one guild puts together a play each year (ZOS livestreamed it this year, check it out!), there's the holiday post. It just a way to spread cheer and good will during this time of year. If you'd like to decorate your house for Hannukah, I'd like to see it! That would be pretty cool. There's a holiday thread for sharing your best decorations pinned to the top of the forums.
Happy Belated Hannukah!
ESO_CenturionPlayer wrote: »
Can we post a new thread “Happy _________” for every religious holiday we find important? I am aware that Hanukkah has passed. I would love to start posting every Jewish holiday throughout the year to bring more attention to that community here in the forums. Or does it have to be a religion/holiday that only ZOS considers legitimate? I am secular but have started to celebrate many Jewish holidays as have others due to their constant mistreatment in the world.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I posted about not wanting maintenance during Juneteenth just fine. Just don't use overtly religious messaging and keep it about ESO or the general Elder Scrolls community.
ESO_CenturionPlayer wrote: »Also, Happy Hanukkah to the religion not getting love in this post. If we are going to start allowing it.
I will create a star of David in my house and post it to make it game related I suppose.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
Feel free, although nobody created that Christmas tree I posted a picture of. It’s a memento you can get in-game, it was put there by ZOS to celebrate the holiday.
Never really understood the negativity of people around this time of year, even on years when I got absolutely nothing and spent the holiday alone.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
Feel free, although nobody created that Christmas tree I posted a picture of. It’s a memento you can get in-game, it was put there by ZOS to celebrate the holiday.
Never really understood the negativity of people around this time of year, even on years when I got absolutely nothing and spent the holiday alone.