Maintenance for the week of January 20:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 20
• NA megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)

I wish there were something we could do about quitters.

I'd have to estimate about 90% of the DLC dungeons I get on random normals, someone quits at the very beginning. Then we end up in queue to replace them the entire run, usually three manning the dungeon without the role that quit. If we're lucky, we'll get a replacement by the last boss on the longer dungeons. Even DPS replacements probably won't be replaced by the end of the run. It's like we get put in the back of the queue or something.

Just now, we got Moonhunter keep and the DPS quit. Then the healer logs off. Leaving me and the remaining DPS just deciding to quit and take our 15 minute punishment since that seems to be the thing to do.
  • ProudMary
    Nucklez wrote: »
    I'd have to estimate about 90% of the DLC dungeons I get on random normals, someone quits at the very beginning. Then we end up in queue to replace them the entire run, usually three manning the dungeon without the role that quit. If we're lucky, we'll get a replacement by the last boss on the longer dungeons. Even DPS replacements probably won't be replaced by the end of the run. It's like we get put in the back of the queue or something.

    Just now, we got Moonhunter keep and the DPS quit. Then the healer logs off. Leaving me and the remaining DPS just deciding to quit and take our 15 minute punishment since that seems to be the thing to do.

    This is a problem for sure. But the other side of the argument is that much of the time people que for a random normal just to use up their enlightenment and aren't interested in spending 30 minutes to do it. They're looking for a non-DLC dungeon they can complete in 5-10 minutes. And, occasionally, the player gets disconnected while entering the dungeon and they just walk away from the computer to cool down over the frustration.
  • ForzaRammer
    Be careful what u wish for, punishment for quitting will result in more trash talk towards incompetent players and more doing nothing wait for kick
  • El_Borracho
    Because you got MHK for your daily random. March of Sacrifices, Lair of Maarselok, Scalecaller, and Mazzatun are others where players will commonly quit at the outset because they are long dungeons.

    I'm guessing your group had at least one very low level member, maybe even a double-digit level player. Its not worth the risk of limping along in a group where the experienced player(s) will spend more time rezzing than killing. I'll usually give a low level player a chance up to the first boss in a dungeon like that. Sometimes, I've been pleasantly surprised. Most of the time I end up taking the penalty.

    I'm 100% with @ForzaRammer. Its bad enough that low level players can get around the CP300 wall to get into DLC dungeons. I shouldn't have to get stuck dragging an anchor around because I lost the group finder lottery.
  • SilverBride
    This is a good reason to have separate queues for base game and DLC dungeons. Players generally want a quick run for the random daily and DLC dungeons are usually longer and more time consuming. I don't blame anyone for leaving a dungeon they know is going to take 2 or 3 times as long as others.
  • Necrotech_Master
    theres 3 things that i would do in a situation with 2 people leaving:
    1. continue the dungeon anyway, if i queued for the dungeon, i wanted the gear drop from the dungeon lol, i can solo a majority of the dungeons on normal anyway unless they have lockdown mechanics
    2. ask in guilds for people to fill group if i wanted a faster run
    3. use the new group finder, list the group and get new people in faster that way

    i think there is something wrong with the queue when you are already in a dungeon in progress, but theres a lot of options for how to continue

    the only times i leave the dungeon and eat the penalty is when you get speedsters that ignore running as a group, i would rather play as a team than deal with trolls/jerks
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • AvalonRanger
    Simplest solution here.

    Divide random queue non DLC and DLC. Then it solved.
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Simplest solution here.

    Divide random queue non DLC and DLC. Then it solved.

    no it wouldnt, if i wanted to queue specifically for a dlc dungeon, i would likely have a queue that never pops because people would never be doing those

    it would give me even less incentive to even bother with the queue at all (i dont normally queue with randoms because of all the other issues, namely speeders and jerks)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • kojou
    The best way to solve this issue IMO, is if ZOS would buff the rewards on the final boss of DLC dungeons. That way players would be happy to go through the longer dungeons because they would know there was a good reward. As it is, it is the same reward as any other base game dungeon that is easier and faster.

    Playing since beta...
  • Braffin
    Double the transmutes for DLC dungeons and the problem is solved.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • peacenote
    Wow, is this really a regular issue even with normals?? That is a bit sad. The difference between a longer and shorter dungeon on the normal setting is pretty negligible in most cases, with most groups.
    ProudMary wrote: »
    But the other side of the argument is that much of the time people que for a random normal just to use up their enlightenment and aren't interested in spending 30 minutes to do it. They're looking for a non-DLC dungeon they can complete in 5-10 minutes. And, occasionally, the player gets disconnected while entering the dungeon and they just walk away from the computer to cool down over the frustration.

    This really is the issue because there is a divide between player expectation and dev design/intent for the functionality.

    I'm not going to chase down old posts, but it's been discussed many times how the random queues were intended to entice people to run dungeons to be "fills" for those in queue for specific dungeons. How do you fill that 4th spot for Scalecaller? Add a nice, juicy reward to queuing up for a random.

    Somewhere along the way, the community has gotten "used" to quick randoms being the rule, not the exception. This of course is partly due to power creep, such that many of the older dungeons are really fast to run, and partly due to the fact that non-subscribers don't have all the newer dungeons in their queue. In fact, people will purposely queue with a non-subbed account to limit which dungeons can pop, further driving the number of easier instances in the random queue. Then of course there is the fact that the floor and ceiling of skillsets is still wide, such that it can be really difficult to get through harder content expediently, especially with low dps team mates.

    But if we think logically, why would ZOS want a feature where players can get a bunch of XP once per day per character for barely any effort? Literally everything else added to the game is aimed at getting players to spend more time in the game. This is the way of MMOs. They've released collectibles with a 50 piece requirement! They have events that give extra XP and scrolls, which are sold in the Crown Store. There is zero benefit to a queue limited to "quick" dungeons that gives the rewards the current random queue gives. It's not good for ZOS, and it's not good for the community, because most people are going to pick the quick option which means less people to be fills for the folks wanting specific dungeons.

    So for the folks who are saying the answer is to split the queues... if the rewards stayed the same for the "quick" queue... what would be an appropriate time to reward ratio be such that people would ever pick the "longer" queue? I roughly get 1.5 - 2 levels with a scroll and event XP on. What would be appropriate. 4 levels? 5? Doesn't that seem a little ridiculous? Obviously the reward is decent now or else we wouldn't even have this problem. Plus, even within the "longer" queue there are definitely faster and slower dungeons. LoM is still super long but some of the newest DLC dungeons with the hidden bosses, which you can skip, can be quite fast. So all that would happen is there still would be a subset of dungeons where certain people drop the dungeon if they think it isn't worth their time. And I'm fairly certain that this is why ZOS hasn't split the queues, despite many, many suggestions to do so.

    People are always going to gravitate towards the best use of their time. Some people are also always going to game the system if they can.

    So what's the solution?

    I don't know; it's a tough problem honestly. I do think splitting the queues is the wrong answer, and changes that bring back the usual experience closer to "20 - 30" minutes, and reward the point of the queues, would be best. Things like:
    • Opening up all dungeons except for the latest DLCs to non subscribers, so that all players get a fair mix of dungeons, normalizing the experience.
    • Adding a couple of bonus bosses to the older, quicker dungeons, only accessible to the random queues, and required to complete the random queues if everyone in the party is above a certain level, so they aren't so ridiculously fast. Put some new achievements in so it's "exciting" to get the new boss.
    • Removing the abandonment penalty altogether, but making the dungeon instance "sticky" so that if you re-queue on any character on your account with the same role you end up back in the group you abandoned, until they beat the dungeon, so quitting for another is not a quicker prospect than the penalty. (I know this could open up other problems, but thinking of it did make me laugh.)
    • All dungeons with an unlock level below 35 require running two random normals to get the random reward. If you get one dungeon under 35 unlock, the next one you queue will also be under 45. Obviously this probably isn't practical from a coding perspective. (Note, while the split is not DLC / non DLC, it does seem pretty clear to me that the quick ones are all below 35 on this list. The ones intended for people to level with, if you look at this list of original levels from 2017.)
    • There are 52 dungeons overall in ESO. 15 of them unlock before level 35. Only 15 are really skewing the experience to make randoms "quick." Perhaps they should be removed from the queue, and put in their own queue which doesn't count for the "random daily" xp and other bonuses, but can be run for people who just want a normal xp grind of easy dungeons. People who queue specifically for these dungeons will be filled from the quick queue. Because there is no extra reward, this is likely to be more balanced. It still isn't great, though, because it will still divide the community. It could help a little with the fake roles though because people might be less likely to do a fake role when they know the easy ones are filtered out. And for the easy ones, who cares if the roles are fake? Also, perhaps individuals who are under level 35 get the daily xp reward, but everyone else does not, since leveling in those dungeons actually makes sense for them.
    • The last boss of all dungeons that unlock after level 35 have a chance to drop a lead for wearable mythic pieces, regardless of where the leads are supposed to drop, when run through the random queue. For random vets, the drops are curated to mythics you haven't unlocked once yet. For normals, they are not curated. I think this might be better than throwing more transmutes or xp at the problem, because mythics are the biggest grind in the game, and could be done via a drop rate as opposed to splitting the queue and having different rewards based on that split. It would also give PvE'ers who are stuck in lockbox hell another way to grind. Or, maybe if you complete a random leveled about 35, you get a buff that doubles (normal) or triples (vet) your mythic drop chance for wearable mythic pieces.
    • New achievements could be added to "run <insert dungeon name here> in the random queue." Add "x times" to that achievement to give it more staying power. Or also have an achievement of x unique dungeons through the random queue. As we learned from AwA, many people feel they have to do all of the achievements so it might keep people from abandoning groups as much, at least for a while. Incentivize the behavior you want.

    These are just a few ideas. Not all of them may be great, but to give an idea of what I mean by resetting the experience expectation of a random queue.

    For the life of me, I don't understand why people just can't be happy when they get one of the 15 quick dungeons, and not be jerks when they get a longer one... but sadly this is human nature. Those quick easy runs are mucking up the whole system. And I hate to say it, but sometimes things do need to be nerfed. Rewards for running a Fungal Grotto I may need to be one of those things, if this is what is driving people's behaviors. More and more and more dungeons will be added, leveled appropriately for the current game's strength. It's not a good state of affairs if there are not enough incentives to run dungeons with any kind of challenge via the random queues because the same "good" reward can be obtained with no challenge at all.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Braffin

    Interesting thoughts.

    I completely agree with you, that splitting queues wouldn't solve the issue at all, but even worsen the experience for those, which are looking forward to run a specific dlc-dungeon or simply want to do a truly random run, while at the same time reward those which are causing those problems in the first place. So, that's clearly out of the question.

    I also agree, that older DLC dungeons should be available for non-subscribers. The most important thing needed for healthy queues is a big enough number of participants, so that's almost a "no-brainer" imo. I've no idea tho, how to connect this move to their sales strategy, but thankfully that's not my job.

    Finally I want to adress the elephant in the room: Currently the rewards aren't properly tied to the content, because regardless of dungeon we always get the very same reward. That's exactly what should be changed.
    While some of your ideas are definitely charming imo (I especially like the addition of new bosses to older dungeons of course, as I enjoy running them anyways.), there is a far simpler solution: Tie the amount of earned transmutes to the average length of the corresponding dungeon. So, getting (and playing) FG 1 as rnd would earn the participants 3-5 transmutes, while running MoS under the same conditions grant for example around 15 transmutes.

    I'm quite sure, that would do the trick and only the farmers, which are currently abusing the system had a reason to complain.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • El_Borracho
    How about this:
    1. Absolutely no players under CP 300 are allowed in DLC dungeons. I know the game says this exists, but we all know it does not. Make a hard wall that prevents the super lowbies from entering the dungeon. For all of the times I have seen a sub-CP 300 be able to run a DLC, there are 10 who could not. While high CP is not a guarantee of success, low CP is typically an indicator of inexperience and a squishy build.
    2. If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement
    3. Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.
    Not perfect, but I know these would keep me interested with a group that struggles but shows promise. Plus, under #3, you get a real reward instead of more transmutes, XP, or gold, which most experienced players do not need.
    Edited by El_Borracho on November 15, 2023 4:55PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    How about this:
    1. Absolutely no players under CP 300 are allowed in DLC dungeons. I know the game says this exists, but we all know it does not. Make a hard wall that prevents the super lowbies from entering the dungeon. For all of the times I have seen a sub-CP 300 be able to run a DLC, there are 10 who could not. While high CP is not a guarantee of success, low CP is typically an indicator of inexperience and a squishy build.
    2. If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement
    3. Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.
    Not perfect, but I know these would keep me interested with a group that struggles but shows promise. Plus, under #3, you get a real reward instead of more transmutes, XP, or gold, which most experienced players do not need.

    in my experience, most people who are running random dungeons are doing it explicitly for the transmutes or xp lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • El_Borracho
    How about this:
    1. Absolutely no players under CP 300 are allowed in DLC dungeons. I know the game says this exists, but we all know it does not. Make a hard wall that prevents the super lowbies from entering the dungeon. For all of the times I have seen a sub-CP 300 be able to run a DLC, there are 10 who could not. While high CP is not a guarantee of success, low CP is typically an indicator of inexperience and a squishy build.
    2. If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement
    3. Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.
    Not perfect, but I know these would keep me interested with a group that struggles but shows promise. Plus, under #3, you get a real reward instead of more transmutes, XP, or gold, which most experienced players do not need.

    in my experience, most people who are running random dungeons are doing it explicitly for the transmutes or xp lol

    I guess that's true, but upping them from 10 to 20 isn't going to make me stick around with a dud group.
  • Necrotech_Master
    How about this:
    1. Absolutely no players under CP 300 are allowed in DLC dungeons. I know the game says this exists, but we all know it does not. Make a hard wall that prevents the super lowbies from entering the dungeon. For all of the times I have seen a sub-CP 300 be able to run a DLC, there are 10 who could not. While high CP is not a guarantee of success, low CP is typically an indicator of inexperience and a squishy build.
    2. If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement
    3. Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.
    Not perfect, but I know these would keep me interested with a group that struggles but shows promise. Plus, under #3, you get a real reward instead of more transmutes, XP, or gold, which most experienced players do not need.

    in my experience, most people who are running random dungeons are doing it explicitly for the transmutes or xp lol

    I guess that's true, but upping them from 10 to 20 isn't going to make me stick around with a dud group.

    for me i would rather help carry an inexperienced group through than play with a speedster lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Veinblood1965
    Braffin wrote: »
    Double the transmutes for DLC dungeons and the problem is solved.

    Good idea or at least something extra. I used to run PUG's all the time and the long dungeons where just such a pain as the rewards are just the same as non-dlc.
  • El_Borracho
    How about this:
    1. Absolutely no players under CP 300 are allowed in DLC dungeons. I know the game says this exists, but we all know it does not. Make a hard wall that prevents the super lowbies from entering the dungeon. For all of the times I have seen a sub-CP 300 be able to run a DLC, there are 10 who could not. While high CP is not a guarantee of success, low CP is typically an indicator of inexperience and a squishy build.
    2. If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement
    3. Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.
    Not perfect, but I know these would keep me interested with a group that struggles but shows promise. Plus, under #3, you get a real reward instead of more transmutes, XP, or gold, which most experienced players do not need.

    in my experience, most people who are running random dungeons are doing it explicitly for the transmutes or xp lol

    I guess that's true, but upping them from 10 to 20 isn't going to make me stick around with a dud group.

    for me i would rather help carry an inexperienced group through than play with a speedster lol

    LOL. I guess it depends. I'll speed through FG1 any day but it is fun carrying a decent but inexperienced group through a place like Frostvault
  • Necrotech_Master
    How about this:
    1. Absolutely no players under CP 300 are allowed in DLC dungeons. I know the game says this exists, but we all know it does not. Make a hard wall that prevents the super lowbies from entering the dungeon. For all of the times I have seen a sub-CP 300 be able to run a DLC, there are 10 who could not. While high CP is not a guarantee of success, low CP is typically an indicator of inexperience and a squishy build.
    2. If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement
    3. Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.
    Not perfect, but I know these would keep me interested with a group that struggles but shows promise. Plus, under #3, you get a real reward instead of more transmutes, XP, or gold, which most experienced players do not need.

    in my experience, most people who are running random dungeons are doing it explicitly for the transmutes or xp lol

    I guess that's true, but upping them from 10 to 20 isn't going to make me stick around with a dud group.

    for me i would rather help carry an inexperienced group through than play with a speedster lol

    LOL. I guess it depends. I'll speed through FG1 any day but it is fun carrying a decent but inexperienced group through a place like Frostvault

    ive been in a vet darkshade 1 on a tank doing 75% of the group dps and that was still more fun than a normal scalecaller and getting pulled into the first boss by a speedster and wiped by mechanics because of the join encounter in progress lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • disintegr8
    "If a group repeatedly fails on a boss, members are allowed to leave without a penalty. Thinking 3 times is the baseline. If the group wants to continue, they can, but people shouldn't be punished by a fake/bad tank who can't handle the first boss of MOS by getting the quitter penalty or by kicking the tank and having to find/wait for a replacement"
    Considering your 15 minute timer starts when you start the dungeon, by the time you've had multiple failures on a boss, you can leave and re-queue anyway as the 15 minutes would be over.

    Another problem you find is that you'll get a long dungeon with a player who is actually doing the quest. Doing the quest can slow the group down due to character interactions and/or the need kill additional side bosses/mobs to progress the quest.

    The problem with getting a replacement when someone leaves is out of the players control. Fortunately, you can complete most normal dungeons with 2 or 3 people faster than waiting for a replacement.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • peacenote
    Braffin wrote: »

    Interesting thoughts.

    I completely agree with you, that splitting queues wouldn't solve the issue at all, but even worsen the experience for those, which are looking forward to run a specific dlc-dungeon or simply want to do a truly random run, while at the same time reward those which are causing those problems in the first place. So, that's clearly out of the question.

    I also agree, that older DLC dungeons should be available for non-subscribers. The most important thing needed for healthy queues is a big enough number of participants, so that's almost a "no-brainer" imo. I've no idea tho, how to connect this move to their sales strategy, but thankfully that's not my job.

    Finally I want to adress the elephant in the room: Currently the rewards aren't properly tied to the content, because regardless of dungeon we always get the very same reward. That's exactly what should be changed.
    While some of your ideas are definitely charming imo (I especially like the addition of new bosses to older dungeons of course, as I enjoy running them anyways.), there is a far simpler solution: Tie the amount of earned transmutes to the average length of the corresponding dungeon. So, getting (and playing) FG 1 as rnd would earn the participants 3-5 transmutes, while running MoS under the same conditions grant for example around 15 transmutes.

    I'm quite sure, that would do the trick and only the farmers, which are currently abusing the system had a reason to complain.

    I think maybe a mix of both? Changes to reward different behavior and reward adjustment? I agree the rewards aren't properly tied to content. And I do think the rewards for those 15 super easy dungeon are too great, which is feeding the bad behavior and causing people to have no patience for longer dungeons. If those dungeons remain in the queue, I do think some tweaks to make them longer, or give less rewards, are necessary.

    The reason I feel that it's not just transmutes is because I am not clear that they are the only driver for doing a random. For me personally, I prefer to get my transmutes through Tier I's, which also unlocks skill points for all of my alts, since I PvP less than I PvE. When I queue for a random, I consider the transmutes a bonus but it's almost never my main reason for doing it. (I suppose an increase to the amount gained could change that!). It can't be just me who primarily uses randoms for the XP, to level a character or to level abilities. I also like the extra xp to continue to unlock cp. People who are there for XP won't care if the longer dungeons give more transmutes - they will just want the faster experience. Especially if the dungeon is longer because there is a lot of running that doesn't grant xp.

    It might be worth considering, too, whether the solution should be the same for normal vs. vet. Right now the whole system is very simple, queue for random normal or vet and you get the matching reward for each, regardless of dungeon. But while 15 transmutes might make people think twice before leaving a normal March of Sacrifices... if a group is struggling clearing it on Vet is likely to take much, much longer than what 15 transmutes are worth. But make it too high, and talented groups will be able to farm for high amounts of transmutes easily. Once they hit the currency cap, then the incentive is gone.

    I'm not one of their sales people either but I was kind of thinking that adding the DLC dungeons to the random queue would be its own type of carrot. Non subscribers would get a chance to see these dungeons, start their stickerbook, and start working towards achievements, but they wouldn't get to complete the dungeon unless they went ahead and bought the DLC, because they could never choose to target the dungeon specifically. And people who have never set foot in them might find they actually enjoy some of them! So I see it as a teaser, like when ESO has the ESO Plus Free Trial. A teaser for the greater good, which also helps with sales as people won't drop subs out of frustration because they can never get fills for their dungeons. :)

    The last thing, which I feel is important, is that the rewards for a running a random which ends up being a "tougher" dungeon can't be so high that it disincentives doing pledges or targeting specific dungeons. I know already that it's pretty hard to fill a spot if the dungeon isn't a pledge and isn't FG I. I wonder if some kind of team sharing mechanism, where all members of the party get extra transmutes, a chance for a lead, a higher chance for a monster motif, etc. if the party finishes with a fill from the random queue, would help change the culture such that dropping is less acceptable?
    How about this:

    Allow anyone who made it all the way through the dungeon from the beginning to choose the loot they want from the final boss. [/b] You want the Nirn daggers in Falkreath, you get them. With one caveat, you have to have been one of the original 4 who started the dungeon and you can not trade the loot you choose at the end, so you don't encourage the loot sellers or kicking someone right before the last boss to get someone guaranteed loot.

    I like this one or a version of it. Creative ways to reward the behavior we want as opposed to punishing the behavior we don't want. A twist on this, which I think I've floated elsewhere, would be to introduce a new currency (I know, I know) that you could earn at the final boss of randoms, which would allow you to buy weapons and jewelry from any dungeon via stickerbook periodically. Would be less of an immediate gratification but would add a layer of choice such that, it might be worth it to you to not abandon a random dungeon even if it's not the place where you need the gear. It also would bypass having to make extra rules about trading.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • ProudMary
    Braffin wrote: »

    Interesting thoughts.

    I completely agree with you, that splitting queues wouldn't solve the issue at all, but even worsen the experience for those, which are looking forward to run a specific dlc-dungeon or simply want to do a truly random run, while at the same time reward those which are causing those problems in the first place. So, that's clearly out of the question.

    I also agree, that older DLC dungeons should be available for non-subscribers. The most important thing needed for healthy queues is a big enough number of participants, so that's almost a "no-brainer" imo. I've no idea tho, how to connect this move to their sales strategy, but thankfully that's not my job.

    Finally I want to adress the elephant in the room: Currently the rewards aren't properly tied to the content, because regardless of dungeon we always get the very same reward. That's exactly what should be changed.
    While some of your ideas are definitely charming imo (I especially like the addition of new bosses to older dungeons of course, as I enjoy running them anyways.), there is a far simpler solution: Tie the amount of earned transmutes to the average length of the corresponding dungeon. So, getting (and playing) FG 1 as rnd would earn the participants 3-5 transmutes, while running MoS under the same conditions grant for example around 15 transmutes.

    I'm quite sure, that would do the trick and only the farmers, which are currently abusing the system had a reason to complain.

    Good ideas, but some of us already have several hundred unopened boxes of transmutes. I have over a hundred boxes with 50 transmutes in them, about 50 boxes with 10 transmutes in them, and about 150 boxes of uncracked transmutes with 4-25 transmutes in them. I've gotten to where I am deleting the uncracked boxes now. (from PvP and running random norms to burn up enlightenment)

    So while I agree the harder the dungeon the more rewards should be given, transmute stones might not be the route to go with. In general, ZOS should be a lot more generous with their in game rewards, especially for the harder dungeons and trials. Less emphasis on the crown store and more emphasis on in game rewards would go a long way to improving customer satisfaction.
  • Nucklez
    These are all interesting thoughts on it. Maybe there is something to removing the 15 original dungeons from randoms once you hit a certain level. I'm not sure myself, though I've thought of this a few times. Other MMOs phase out the beginner dungeons as you level up, while it's true that ESO scales so technically FG1 should match my level, that dungeon can't stand up to a high CP Solo/DPS build at all. I can solo vet FG1 hard mode fairly easily, do I really need to be thrown in there on a random normal with three true level 20s who are probably IRL friends trying to learn the ropes? I can't imagine what new players think about that, other than some have said "chaotic." I've recently started "learning" to tank, and truthfully leveling a tank was "chaotic." I was hoping to use leveling via dungeons as a good way to learn the basics of tanking, and it kind of just taught me that nobody needs a tank in normals anymore since every role can do it.
  • AvalonRanger
    I wish there were something we could do about quitters.

    I saw almost fake tank in the nDSR.
    Actually say, DD act like tank, because tank was almost fake.
    Combat going more than 1 hour till the end of trial, because of that.

    OP is half correct but half wrong.
    Punishment against quitters is not real solution.

    ...We can find "almost" fake tank and "almost" fake healer at the first combat moment.
    Especially in 12 men trial or normal 4 player Scrivener's Hall dungeon of first boss fight.
    Maybe we can't do dangerous group mission without decent tank or healer.

    Should we punish reasonable quitters? I always feel something unfair business.
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • svendf
    No reason to punish. This is how ZoS have designed it.

    They are pretty good at doing things up and down. You can´t change people, when they have access to a design like that.

    You need to go after ZoS and outside the public forums, if possible, or like other people have done - just leave the game for a better one.

    Design change people not people.
  • Szalord
    The title of the thread automatically implies the blame is on the players, which i find ironic considering the main culprit is the fact that the dungeon finder has been broken for YEARS with close to no fixes. Can we please stop blaming people when the problem is solely a byproduct of unfinished and bugged systems for which ZOS is the only responsible?

    In every other MMORPG that i've played that had a similar system (take World of Warcraft's dungeon finder for example) puts the currently running dungeon groups on top of the priority in the system, and whenever someone leaves the dungeon, a replacement should be assigned INSTANTLY. It's absolutely abnormal for example that you can instantly queue as a tank and end up in a fresh dungeon, but you cannot get a replacement tank assigned to you instantly (or within a minute or 2) whenever your tank leaves the currently running dungeon, and most of the time, in fact, you either won't get any replacement at all, or you'll get one after like 15-20 minutes.
  • Nucklez
    That's a big part of my mentioning this issue. Not necessarily to punish the quitters, but I do get frustrated at them when it keeps happening over and over and I do not feel pity for them whatsoever.

    The queue for a replacement DPS is like we are put at the end of the queue and have to wait on all the other DPS to run through their queues instead of giving us the first available. Even a replacement DPS can take 15 or more minutes. One would think that so many DPS are waiting in queue that one should be instantly available, but nope our group appears to be put into the back of the queue just like we all queued for a new dungeon. That is equally as annoying as quitters.
  • Nharimlur_Finor
    I always ignore the request to use the dungeon finder or form my own group and strangely queue for a random pug.

    I leave immediately when I arrive in a dungeon that is known for players grinding gear. Moongrave Fane comes to mind.

    Some I'll persevere with, until it becomes clear that someone isn't playing their role properly. If I don't see any healer activity, I'll ask the question "who's healing?" Various responses include "doesn't need one"; "3dd" or " ".

    I wear the existing 15 minute re-queue penalty.

    Play the role you queued for.
    Play to best of your ability.
    Stand around waiting for a 4th player.

    These are the choices.
  • Orbital78
    Maybe ZoS can implement a system where players are required to submit a parse, roleplay background story and resume before joining a random queue. >:) Random gonna be random, it is what it is. You have to accept what you get. There is a 15 min cool down for a reason. In a perfect world everyone would be able to setup a build and perform well, but this is not the case.
  • autocookies
    Edited by autocookies on September 13, 2024 3:57PM
    PC NA (Tank/DPS) - [PVE]
    Started ESO - Oct 2020

    Necro Main
    Tank main from 300cp - 1200cp at which point I switched to DPS - I was 100k on every class including werewolf and vampire. I cleared 115k on necro, but I am almost done with parsing. My hands won't let me as much anymore. Lucky there is still heavy attack, arcanist, and werewolf options available. Otherwise I would possibly have to give up eso entirely.

    [My toons]
    Note: Armory slots are separated by "|" below.
    • (Libitina Khalida) Dark Elf Necromancer: Off Tank | EC DPS
    • (Fresh Gator Meat) Argonian Dragonknight: Main Tank | ZK DPS
    • (Electro-Meowster) Khajiit Sorcerer: HA Solo | MK DPS
    • (Blood of Death) Dark Elf Nightblade: SPC/PA Healer
    • (Arctic Mist) Dark Elf Warden: ROJO Healer
    • (Affah Beta Gamma) Breton Templar: Mag DPS.
    • (autocookies) Imperial Arcanist: Stam DPS
    • (Aeriegil Forestbranch) Wood Elf Warden: PVP
    Thank you,
  • AvalonRanger
    OP I wish there were something we could do about quitters. Bookmark

    On the contrary, developer should remove "quick leaving penalty".

    Fake roler even exist in the group finder. (Meaning is bad people are doing fake role
    intentionally. Not about education for the beginners, but CP over 300 player
    still doing too much bad fake tank or fake healer.)

    Most of fair role player keep suffering too much unreasonable penalty by role cheaters.
    Not good at all even in random. I don't want to waste my time with fake tank and
    fake tanking style weak damage DD.

    This is not FAIR at all.


    I want "friend channel" for my chatting tab. If one of my friend list player is vacant,
    then I want to go with them.
    Edited by AvalonRanger on September 14, 2024 9:39AM
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
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