Is the Spindleclutch quest fixed yet?

  • brucemtl
    I was able to do spingle clutch today on first attempt. Now im wondering abouts the banished cells.
  • jezebel
    Still broken, any official word?
  • Astasi
    Still broken
  • madmacb16_ESO
    how can this be so broken realy sad
  • madmacb16_ESO
    managed to reset it by

    exiting the dungeon then
    go to another starter zone
    shut down the game
    then start the game up again and
    go back to the dungeon

    well worked for me
  • Booshy
    Just tried right now - Spindleclutch and Banishing Cells quests still buggy as all hell. Tried each 3 times and couldn't get either to finish.
  • Redwaller66
    Still broken, along with that banishing cells dungeon.
  • plain.ryanb14_ESO
    still broken : (
  • rglavinicb14_ESO
    still broken
  • hawke21
    Soul Shriven
    Still broken as of last night. Spindleclutch I mean. Cant clear first area.
    Edited by hawke21 on April 11, 2014 7:32PM
  • Buckeye
    Soul Shriven
    Still broken. There is no excuse for this. As these are the first dungeons players encounter they should have been fully debugged and working prior to release.
  • Icy
    It's not broken. I did this with a guild group just a few hours ago. No problem at all.
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________Greetings, Outlanders from -Icy (@IcyIC) ZOS_Icy)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • stormriderjj
    Run through no problem got the objective 'clear the third cave' but nothing happens so what a waste of time that was ... took ages to find a group and this happens.

    I look forward to all the patches to come so game play can improve i've spent more time troubleshooting than playing since I bought the game
    Even if I get killed by a monster, I don’t want to lose to this game…to this world… No matter what!
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