If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
Why should templar be buffed in any way if it's already one of the strongest classes in the game(both pve and pvp vise) and nightblade is a weakst class pve vise and one of the weakest pvp wise? In general class balance is better then it ever was in this game, but ZOS still need to buff NB and change necro and arcanist. Nightblade atm is the worst class in game, necro is fine in pve but bad at pvp and arcanist is insanely good in pve but bad in pvp. Also warden is the best class in pvp but allmost worst class in pve.
I only mentioned templar more as a joke, but I will disagree with your assessment of the class within PVP. That is really for another thread though.
I personally don't believe that a class that already has the potential to deal 17-21k+ damage with one ability needs to receive a damage buff to that degree within PvP and the ability in question is not really used within PvE if you are within a DPS role. Pulling back for a moment away from damage and looking at things from the healer side if the coin, what classes would be receiving a comparable buff to their healing ultimate that would come close to what the set would do should the adjustment be altered?
That is more than significant increase in healing. Continuing to zoom out farther, what healers are commonly using Soul Siphon to heal over the Restoration Staff ultimate or something like Barrier? The logs I'm sure can provide alot of data, but my guess is slim to none.
Zooming out just one more time, this ultimate receiving the buff from the set would mainly effect PvP nb bombers and there are more than enough tools to allow them to do what they do. A 34% increase would be overtuned to say the least.
If the issue is damage output in pve, a unique buff to abilities that behaves like major/minor slayer would be wholly more appropriate compared to buffing an entire skill line that disproportionally takes one of the hardest hitting classes in pvp and makes it heal for so much more while still hitting hard, all.while giving their bombing potential to be even more dangerous.
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »1. They never said this was a known issue they were working on fixing, just that it didn't work as the tooltip implied. My guess is they left it ambiguously open for interpretation intentionally to look at feedback.
2. The reason balorg works on ultimates is because of the delay on ultimates. Balorgs procs when you press the button and therefore is active once the delay is ended and the damage goes off. This set does not for the same reason, you press the button, bonus is remove, so no bonus after the delay.
Adding 34% damage to an already strong ultimate, and one used by bombers none the less, is just begging for a nerf to the ultimate or the set or both.
I'm a nightblade main, I have plans to try this set on a PvP healer build. I am 100% ok with the set not working on ultimate.
"Adding 34% damage to an already strong ultimate, and one used by bombers none the less, is just begging for a nerf to the ultimate or the set or both." - why? It's not buffing corrosive or any other strong ultimate, it's buffing soul tether.
If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
Why should templar be buffed in any way if it's already one of the strongest classes in the game(both pve and pvp vise) and nightblade is a weakst class pve vise and one of the weakest pvp wise? In general class balance is better then it ever was in this game, but ZOS still need to buff NB and change necro and arcanist. Nightblade atm is the worst class in game, necro is fine in pve but bad at pvp and arcanist is insanely good in pve but bad in pvp. Also warden is the best class in pvp but allmost worst class in pve.
If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
Why should templar be buffed in any way if it's already one of the strongest classes in the game(both pve and pvp vise) and nightblade is a weakst class pve vise and one of the weakest pvp wise? In general class balance is better then it ever was in this game, but ZOS still need to buff NB and change necro and arcanist. Nightblade atm is the worst class in game, necro is fine in pve but bad at pvp and arcanist is insanely good in pve but bad in pvp. Also warden is the best class in pvp but allmost worst class in pve.
I only mentioned templar more as a joke, but I will disagree with your assessment of the class within PVP. That is really for another thread though.
I personally don't believe that a class that already has the potential to deal 17-21k+ damage with one ability needs to receive a damage buff to that degree within PvP and the ability in question is not really used within PvE if you are within a DPS role. Pulling back for a moment away from damage and looking at things from the healer side if the coin, what classes would be receiving a comparable buff to their healing ultimate that would come close to what the set would do should the adjustment be altered?
That is more than significant increase in healing. Continuing to zoom out farther, what healers are commonly using Soul Siphon to heal over the Restoration Staff ultimate or something like Barrier? The logs I'm sure can provide alot of data, but my guess is slim to none.
Zooming out just one more time, this ultimate receiving the buff from the set would mainly effect PvP nb bombers and there are more than enough tools to allow them to do what they do. A 34% increase would be overtuned to say the least.
If the issue is damage output in pve, a unique buff to abilities that behaves like major/minor slayer would be wholly more appropriate compared to buffing an entire skill line that disproportionally takes one of the hardest hitting classes in pvp and makes it heal for so much more while still hitting hard, all.while giving their bombing potential to be even more dangerous.
"The class that already has the potential to deal 17-21kk damage with one ability" - not a singlee NB is going to do 20k+ damage hit on a good player now, and what is more important, this skill is the only thing you can deal damage with. I mentioned in this thread how nightblade burst works compared to warden, if you haven't seen it here is the text:
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail.
While my signature does say Templar main, I do play other classes and that does include Nightblade. I'm aware of how the class works. I am aware of how all the classes work as I have over 20,000 hours played on this game, every class mag/stam level 50 and regularly update each one of them to remain updates as to how they preform.
As I had mentioned earlier, I was not intending to have anything on the lines of a class comparison as it would just devolve into something thats off topic. I stated my reasons and know them to be correct. I'll leave a youtube short of a nightblade friend of mine doing what you just said is impossible. If you're unable to reach those numbers, that is not the reality for alot of players within PvP right now.
If you'd like to respond more directly to what I've mentioned, I'm happy to continue a more specific on topic conversation, but I personally don't have an interest in class comparisons. I already said that it makes sense for the set to have the adjustment made with this weeks pts and to better address damage disparities, adding a unique buff that adds additional damage like major/minor slayer more thoughtfully addresses those disparities without causing a class that, as you can see in the complication, is capable of doing without being a ganker.
If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
Why should templar be buffed in any way if it's already one of the strongest classes in the game(both pve and pvp vise) and nightblade is a weakst class pve vise and one of the weakest pvp wise? In general class balance is better then it ever was in this game, but ZOS still need to buff NB and change necro and arcanist. Nightblade atm is the worst class in game, necro is fine in pve but bad at pvp and arcanist is insanely good in pve but bad in pvp. Also warden is the best class in pvp but allmost worst class in pve.
[Snip] One of the weakest classes in PVP? Are we even playing the same game? I got two clips today in the span of like 10 minutes of me hitting 18k+ bows in duels
If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
Why should templar be buffed in any way if it's already one of the strongest classes in the game(both pve and pvp vise) and nightblade is a weakst class pve vise and one of the weakest pvp wise? In general class balance is better then it ever was in this game, but ZOS still need to buff NB and change necro and arcanist. Nightblade atm is the worst class in game, necro is fine in pve but bad at pvp and arcanist is insanely good in pve but bad in pvp. Also warden is the best class in pvp but allmost worst class in pve.
[Snip] One of the weakest classes in PVP? Are we even playing the same game? I got two clips today in the span of like 10 minutes of me hitting 18k+ bows in duels
I'll say the same thing to you, go log a nightblade and try to do this to a good player on a good class. You will not be able to do anything and he will just destroy you. If you play at PC EU I would gladly fight you tho ^^ So you show me these 18k+ hits of yours not against a newer players but against experienced one. Sad point is even if you will hit 18k bow proc it will not do anything since you can't do anything right after it, your enemy will just hold block and outheal all of your damage in 1 or 2 seconds.
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »1. They never said this was a known issue they were working on fixing, just that it didn't work as the tooltip implied. My guess is they left it ambiguously open for interpretation intentionally to look at feedback.
2. The reason balorg works on ultimates is because of the delay on ultimates. Balorgs procs when you press the button and therefore is active once the delay is ended and the damage goes off. This set does not for the same reason, you press the button, bonus is remove, so no bonus after the delay.
Adding 34% damage to an already strong ultimate, and one used by bombers none the less, is just begging for a nerf to the ultimate or the set or both.
I'm a nightblade main, I have plans to try this set on a PvP healer build. I am 100% ok with the set not working on ultimate.
"Adding 34% damage to an already strong ultimate, and one used by bombers none the less, is just begging for a nerf to the ultimate or the set or both." - why? It's not buffing corrosive or any other strong ultimate, it's buffing soul tether.
I don't understand why you act like soul shred is some meme ability. In fact all of your class and ability rankings throughout the thread seem way out of left field. I see your account was just created this morning which makes me wonder how long you've been playing and what content you do.
Soul Siphon morph is incomparably the strongest heal in the game. My current unbuffed tooltip heals for 12,068 health upfront plus 31,456 over four seconds. This is an AoE heal without a player cap that also grants major vitality for the duration increasing the HoT further.
Soul Tether morph does almost as much upfront damage as incap (my current unbuffed tooltips; Tether 12,042, Incap 13,140). This is again an AoE without a player cap that also stuns and has an 8 sec HoT @2,098 per second.
Both morphs also have a synergy worth 11,033 single target damage from an ally.
I can't picture anyone looking at the whole picture thinking these numbers need buffing. Especially not by 34%, or even 20% as someone else suggested. The set as is does a great job of addressing pain points to Nightblade without causing additional issues.
PS: if this is a troll thread it's a good one you definitely wooshed me.
If nightblades get a 34% dmg/healing increase on their ultimate, can templars jabs get the old animation and old damage?
Imo the adjustment makes sense and keeps things from spiraling out of control given what nightblades are capable of in pvp especially.
More major/minor slayer like buffs on the class abilities should solve the lack of damage in pve issues
Why should templar be buffed in any way if it's already one of the strongest classes in the game(both pve and pvp vise) and nightblade is a weakst class pve vise and one of the weakest pvp wise? In general class balance is better then it ever was in this game, but ZOS still need to buff NB and change necro and arcanist. Nightblade atm is the worst class in game, necro is fine in pve but bad at pvp and arcanist is insanely good in pve but bad in pvp. Also warden is the best class in pvp but allmost worst class in pve.
[Snip] One of the weakest classes in PVP? Are we even playing the same game? I got two clips today in the span of like 10 minutes of me hitting 18k+ bows in duels
I'll say the same thing to you, go log a nightblade and try to do this to a good player on a good class. You will not be able to do anything and he will just destroy you. If you play at PC EU I would gladly fight you tho ^^ So you show me these 18k+ hits of yours not against a newer players but against experienced one. Sad point is even if you will hit 18k bow proc it will not do anything since you can't do anything right after it, your enemy will just hold block and outheal all of your damage in 1 or 2 seconds.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTueQoMgTjk
okay lol. over 2k cp and is also a templar, which according to you is one of the strongest classes. [Snip]
acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Of course I'm not, while wardens and DKs are able to hit 30K+ combos nightablades don't even have any burst skills... All you can do is use your incap and pray that your enemy will be unexperienced enough to not roll dodge your bow proc(and most of the experienced players dodge is easily), while warden's burst will still deal more damage and is harder to aviod since you can't dodge it. If you get hit by warden's DB and shalks at like 65% of health and had no crowd control immunity you will die no metter what(unless you have a tanky build), if you get hit by nightblade's incap you just break free and roll dodge his bow proc... It's allmost impossible to outplay good DK, warden, templar or sorc as nightblade.
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail. NBs have excelent sustain and literally best mobility among other classes but NB's damage is low comparing to other classes
acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Of course I'm not, while wardens and DKs are able to hit 30K+ combos nightablades don't even have any burst skills... All you can do is use your incap and pray that your enemy will be unexperienced enough to not roll dodge your bow proc(and most of the experienced players dodge is easily), while warden's burst will still deal more damage and is harder to aviod since you can't dodge it. If you get hit by warden's DB and shalks at like 65% of health and had no crowd control immunity you will die no metter what(unless you have a tanky build), if you get hit by nightblade's incap you just break free and roll dodge his bow proc... It's allmost impossible to outplay good DK, warden, templar or sorc as nightblade.
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail. NBs have excelent sustain and literally best mobility among other classes but NB's damage is low comparing to other classes
Nightblade has literally the strongest burst in the game. Nerf Spec bow by literally 50% and only then can we even begin to have a rational conversation about the state of Nightblade. This whole post is pants-on-head.
acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Of course I'm not, while wardens and DKs are able to hit 30K+ combos nightablades don't even have any burst skills... All you can do is use your incap and pray that your enemy will be unexperienced enough to not roll dodge your bow proc(and most of the experienced players dodge is easily), while warden's burst will still deal more damage and is harder to aviod since you can't dodge it. If you get hit by warden's DB and shalks at like 65% of health and had no crowd control immunity you will die no metter what(unless you have a tanky build), if you get hit by nightblade's incap you just break free and roll dodge his bow proc... It's allmost impossible to outplay good DK, warden, templar or sorc as nightblade.
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail. NBs have excelent sustain and literally best mobility among other classes but NB's damage is low comparing to other classes
Nightblade has literally the strongest burst in the game. Nerf Spec bow by literally 50% and only then can we even begin to have a rational conversation about the state of Nightblade. This whole post is pants-on-head.
Tell me what exactly nightblade have to burst a good player and compare to what warden or dk can do. Using your incap and then bow proc is not a burst because any decent players will just roll dodge your bow proc. I'm waiting. If you can't do this then your statement is straight up not right.
I would like to talk about a change that soulcleaver received in second week of PTS(9.2.1 patch).
According to 9.2.0 patch notes it was stated that siphoning ultimates not gaining bonuses from soulcleaver was an issue:
Siphoning Ultimate and its morphs do not currently gain the correct bonuses from Soulcleaver.
However, in 9.2.1 patch notes there is a this change:
Soul Cleaver: Updated this set’s tooltip to mention that the Siphoning Ultimate does not gain the damage or healing increase since you spend your Ultimate upon activation, putting you under its requirement of 20 Ultimate to gain the set’s effects.
Why shouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates? "since you spend your ultimate upon activation, putting you under it's requierement of 20 ultimatee to gain the set's effect" - there are other sets that work in a simmilar way, for example if you cast siphoning ultimate(or any ultimate) with balorgh equipped the ultimate WILL receive balorgh's buff! It was stated that this is an issue that siphoning ultimates do not gain "correct bonuses from soulcleaver", so I thought there will be a patch next week that will fix the problem that siphoning ultimates don't gain any damage and healing buff from soulcleaver, but instead we have a change that makes this set allmost useless. It makes no sence for soulcleaver to not affect ultimates both balance wise(because this set is not overpowered this way, it forces you to use different skills that you would never use without it, like swallow soul, but makes them a good alterantive to a regular builds, which is just perfect!) and logic wise(why wouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates if balorgh does? Not to mention that balorgh's requierement is to SPEND your ultimate points, but it still affect your ultimate, but soulcleaver's requierement is just having 20+ ultimate points, which you obisuously have while casting your siphoning ultimate)
Among all of the other class sets soulcleaver was the most unique and interesting one since if you decide to wear it will absolutely change your nightblade's playstile, adding soo much of variativity to this class since all of the nightblaes use one the same build structure unline DKs or wardens whos playstile can be completely different but equially good depending on the build(even magicka and stamina nightblades are barely different from each other...). Magicka warden feels soo much different from stamina warden but if you see a nightblade it's hard to tell if it's magicka or a stamina one(also about stamina nigthblades, if soulcleaver will not affect ultimates then stamina nigtblades are absolutely left behind since they allmost don't benefit from it). There is a one change that can turn another useless set that nobody is going to use into a verry interesting set that has a unique mechanic and gives nightblades a completely new playstyle while keeping the current one at the same time. This change is letting soulcleaver to affect ultimate.
QuasiGumbo wrote: »I would like to talk about a change that soulcleaver received in second week of PTS(9.2.1 patch).
According to 9.2.0 patch notes it was stated that siphoning ultimates not gaining bonuses from soulcleaver was an issue:
Siphoning Ultimate and its morphs do not currently gain the correct bonuses from Soulcleaver.
However, in 9.2.1 patch notes there is a this change:
Soul Cleaver: Updated this set’s tooltip to mention that the Siphoning Ultimate does not gain the damage or healing increase since you spend your Ultimate upon activation, putting you under its requirement of 20 Ultimate to gain the set’s effects.
Why shouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates? "since you spend your ultimate upon activation, putting you under it's requierement of 20 ultimatee to gain the set's effect" - there are other sets that work in a simmilar way, for example if you cast siphoning ultimate(or any ultimate) with balorgh equipped the ultimate WILL receive balorgh's buff! It was stated that this is an issue that siphoning ultimates do not gain "correct bonuses from soulcleaver", so I thought there will be a patch next week that will fix the problem that siphoning ultimates don't gain any damage and healing buff from soulcleaver, but instead we have a change that makes this set allmost useless. It makes no sence for soulcleaver to not affect ultimates both balance wise(because this set is not overpowered this way, it forces you to use different skills that you would never use without it, like swallow soul, but makes them a good alterantive to a regular builds, which is just perfect!) and logic wise(why wouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates if balorgh does? Not to mention that balorgh's requierement is to SPEND your ultimate points, but it still affect your ultimate, but soulcleaver's requierement is just having 20+ ultimate points, which you obisuously have while casting your siphoning ultimate)
Among all of the other class sets soulcleaver was the most unique and interesting one since if you decide to wear it will absolutely change your nightblade's playstile, adding soo much of variativity to this class since all of the nightblaes use one the same build structure unline DKs or wardens whos playstile can be completely different but equially good depending on the build(even magicka and stamina nightblades are barely different from each other...). Magicka warden feels soo much different from stamina warden but if you see a nightblade it's hard to tell if it's magicka or a stamina one(also about stamina nigthblades, if soulcleaver will not affect ultimates then stamina nigtblades are absolutely left behind since they allmost don't benefit from it). There is a one change that can turn another useless set that nobody is going to use into a verry interesting set that has a unique mechanic and gives nightblades a completely new playstyle while keeping the current one at the same time. This change is letting soulcleaver to affect ultimate.
The set buffs healing and damage of siphoning abilities at the cost of ultimate, when you pop soul tether guess how much ult you got? 0. It never was supposed to work with the skill to begin with. Lets go back over the original text in the tool tip.
Based on this. "Casting a siphoning ability drains you of 1% of your current ultimate, with a minimum of 1." Please explain, how you can drain 1% of 0 ultimate after casting Soul tether.
QuasiGumbo wrote: »I would like to talk about a change that soulcleaver received in second week of PTS(9.2.1 patch).
According to 9.2.0 patch notes it was stated that siphoning ultimates not gaining bonuses from soulcleaver was an issue:
Siphoning Ultimate and its morphs do not currently gain the correct bonuses from Soulcleaver.
However, in 9.2.1 patch notes there is a this change:
Soul Cleaver: Updated this set’s tooltip to mention that the Siphoning Ultimate does not gain the damage or healing increase since you spend your Ultimate upon activation, putting you under its requirement of 20 Ultimate to gain the set’s effects.
Why shouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates? "since you spend your ultimate upon activation, putting you under it's requierement of 20 ultimatee to gain the set's effect" - there are other sets that work in a simmilar way, for example if you cast siphoning ultimate(or any ultimate) with balorgh equipped the ultimate WILL receive balorgh's buff! It was stated that this is an issue that siphoning ultimates do not gain "correct bonuses from soulcleaver", so I thought there will be a patch next week that will fix the problem that siphoning ultimates don't gain any damage and healing buff from soulcleaver, but instead we have a change that makes this set allmost useless. It makes no sence for soulcleaver to not affect ultimates both balance wise(because this set is not overpowered this way, it forces you to use different skills that you would never use without it, like swallow soul, but makes them a good alterantive to a regular builds, which is just perfect!) and logic wise(why wouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates if balorgh does? Not to mention that balorgh's requierement is to SPEND your ultimate points, but it still affect your ultimate, but soulcleaver's requierement is just having 20+ ultimate points, which you obisuously have while casting your siphoning ultimate)
Among all of the other class sets soulcleaver was the most unique and interesting one since if you decide to wear it will absolutely change your nightblade's playstile, adding soo much of variativity to this class since all of the nightblaes use one the same build structure unline DKs or wardens whos playstile can be completely different but equially good depending on the build(even magicka and stamina nightblades are barely different from each other...). Magicka warden feels soo much different from stamina warden but if you see a nightblade it's hard to tell if it's magicka or a stamina one(also about stamina nigthblades, if soulcleaver will not affect ultimates then stamina nigtblades are absolutely left behind since they allmost don't benefit from it). There is a one change that can turn another useless set that nobody is going to use into a verry interesting set that has a unique mechanic and gives nightblades a completely new playstyle while keeping the current one at the same time. This change is letting soulcleaver to affect ultimate.
The set buffs healing and damage of siphoning abilities at the cost of ultimate, when you pop soul tether guess how much ult you got? 0. It never was supposed to work with the skill to begin with. Lets go back over the original text in the tool tip.
Based on this. "Casting a siphoning ability drains you of 1% of your current ultimate, with a minimum of 1." Please explain, how you can drain 1% of 0 ultimate after casting Soul tether.
Please read my post first, I wrote about it in there. It ALREADY affects ultimate, making it cheaper, but don't increase it's damage. At the same time balorgh will affect soul tether, why shouldn't soulcleaver do it as well?
QuasiGumbo wrote: »I would like to talk about a change that soulcleaver received in second week of PTS(9.2.1 patch).
According to 9.2.0 patch notes it was stated that siphoning ultimates not gaining bonuses from soulcleaver was an issue:
Siphoning Ultimate and its morphs do not currently gain the correct bonuses from Soulcleaver.
However, in 9.2.1 patch notes there is a this change:
Soul Cleaver: Updated this set’s tooltip to mention that the Siphoning Ultimate does not gain the damage or healing increase since you spend your Ultimate upon activation, putting you under its requirement of 20 Ultimate to gain the set’s effects.
Why shouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates? "since you spend your ultimate upon activation, putting you under it's requierement of 20 ultimatee to gain the set's effect" - there are other sets that work in a simmilar way, for example if you cast siphoning ultimate(or any ultimate) with balorgh equipped the ultimate WILL receive balorgh's buff! It was stated that this is an issue that siphoning ultimates do not gain "correct bonuses from soulcleaver", so I thought there will be a patch next week that will fix the problem that siphoning ultimates don't gain any damage and healing buff from soulcleaver, but instead we have a change that makes this set allmost useless. It makes no sence for soulcleaver to not affect ultimates both balance wise(because this set is not overpowered this way, it forces you to use different skills that you would never use without it, like swallow soul, but makes them a good alterantive to a regular builds, which is just perfect!) and logic wise(why wouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates if balorgh does? Not to mention that balorgh's requierement is to SPEND your ultimate points, but it still affect your ultimate, but soulcleaver's requierement is just having 20+ ultimate points, which you obisuously have while casting your siphoning ultimate)
Among all of the other class sets soulcleaver was the most unique and interesting one since if you decide to wear it will absolutely change your nightblade's playstile, adding soo much of variativity to this class since all of the nightblaes use one the same build structure unline DKs or wardens whos playstile can be completely different but equially good depending on the build(even magicka and stamina nightblades are barely different from each other...). Magicka warden feels soo much different from stamina warden but if you see a nightblade it's hard to tell if it's magicka or a stamina one(also about stamina nigthblades, if soulcleaver will not affect ultimates then stamina nigtblades are absolutely left behind since they allmost don't benefit from it). There is a one change that can turn another useless set that nobody is going to use into a verry interesting set that has a unique mechanic and gives nightblades a completely new playstyle while keeping the current one at the same time. This change is letting soulcleaver to affect ultimate.
The set buffs healing and damage of siphoning abilities at the cost of ultimate, when you pop soul tether guess how much ult you got? 0. It never was supposed to work with the skill to begin with. Lets go back over the original text in the tool tip.
Based on this. "Casting a siphoning ability drains you of 1% of your current ultimate, with a minimum of 1." Please explain, how you can drain 1% of 0 ultimate after casting Soul tether.
Please read my post first, I wrote about it in there. It ALREADY affects ultimate, making it cheaper, but don't increase it's damage. At the same time balorgh will affect soul tether, why shouldn't soulcleaver do it as well?
Based on the video you've posted if that's you, it just sounds like you want a buff to your playstyle as shown in the video. Just be honest.
QuasiGumbo wrote: »QuasiGumbo wrote: »I would like to talk about a change that soulcleaver received in second week of PTS(9.2.1 patch).
According to 9.2.0 patch notes it was stated that siphoning ultimates not gaining bonuses from soulcleaver was an issue:
Siphoning Ultimate and its morphs do not currently gain the correct bonuses from Soulcleaver.
However, in 9.2.1 patch notes there is a this change:
Soul Cleaver: Updated this set’s tooltip to mention that the Siphoning Ultimate does not gain the damage or healing increase since you spend your Ultimate upon activation, putting you under its requirement of 20 Ultimate to gain the set’s effects.
Why shouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates? "since you spend your ultimate upon activation, putting you under it's requierement of 20 ultimatee to gain the set's effect" - there are other sets that work in a simmilar way, for example if you cast siphoning ultimate(or any ultimate) with balorgh equipped the ultimate WILL receive balorgh's buff! It was stated that this is an issue that siphoning ultimates do not gain "correct bonuses from soulcleaver", so I thought there will be a patch next week that will fix the problem that siphoning ultimates don't gain any damage and healing buff from soulcleaver, but instead we have a change that makes this set allmost useless. It makes no sence for soulcleaver to not affect ultimates both balance wise(because this set is not overpowered this way, it forces you to use different skills that you would never use without it, like swallow soul, but makes them a good alterantive to a regular builds, which is just perfect!) and logic wise(why wouldn't soulcleaver affect ultimates if balorgh does? Not to mention that balorgh's requierement is to SPEND your ultimate points, but it still affect your ultimate, but soulcleaver's requierement is just having 20+ ultimate points, which you obisuously have while casting your siphoning ultimate)
Among all of the other class sets soulcleaver was the most unique and interesting one since if you decide to wear it will absolutely change your nightblade's playstile, adding soo much of variativity to this class since all of the nightblaes use one the same build structure unline DKs or wardens whos playstile can be completely different but equially good depending on the build(even magicka and stamina nightblades are barely different from each other...). Magicka warden feels soo much different from stamina warden but if you see a nightblade it's hard to tell if it's magicka or a stamina one(also about stamina nigthblades, if soulcleaver will not affect ultimates then stamina nigtblades are absolutely left behind since they allmost don't benefit from it). There is a one change that can turn another useless set that nobody is going to use into a verry interesting set that has a unique mechanic and gives nightblades a completely new playstyle while keeping the current one at the same time. This change is letting soulcleaver to affect ultimate.
The set buffs healing and damage of siphoning abilities at the cost of ultimate, when you pop soul tether guess how much ult you got? 0. It never was supposed to work with the skill to begin with. Lets go back over the original text in the tool tip.
Based on this. "Casting a siphoning ability drains you of 1% of your current ultimate, with a minimum of 1." Please explain, how you can drain 1% of 0 ultimate after casting Soul tether.
Please read my post first, I wrote about it in there. It ALREADY affects ultimate, making it cheaper, but don't increase it's damage. At the same time balorgh will affect soul tether, why shouldn't soulcleaver do it as well?
Balorgh takes the ult spent at cast, whereas soulcleaver drains like the vampire toggle, that is why.
acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Of course I'm not, while wardens and DKs are able to hit 30K+ combos nightablades don't even have any burst skills... All you can do is use your incap and pray that your enemy will be unexperienced enough to not roll dodge your bow proc(and most of the experienced players dodge is easily), while warden's burst will still deal more damage and is harder to aviod since you can't dodge it. If you get hit by warden's DB and shalks at like 65% of health and had no crowd control immunity you will die no metter what(unless you have a tanky build), if you get hit by nightblade's incap you just break free and roll dodge his bow proc... It's allmost impossible to outplay good DK, warden, templar or sorc as nightblade.
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail. NBs have excelent sustain and literally best mobility among other classes but NB's damage is low comparing to other classes
Nightblade has literally the strongest burst in the game. Nerf Spec bow by literally 50% and only then can we even begin to have a rational conversation about the state of Nightblade. This whole post is pants-on-head.
Tell me what exactly nightblade have to burst a good player and compare to what warden or dk can do. Using your incap and then bow proc is not a burst because any decent players will just roll dodge your bow proc. I'm waiting. If you can't do this then your statement is straight up not right. While I'm giving you facts you just say "oh, nightblade has a good damage, it needs to be nerfed"
acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Of course I'm not, while wardens and DKs are able to hit 30K+ combos nightablades don't even have any burst skills... All you can do is use your incap and pray that your enemy will be unexperienced enough to not roll dodge your bow proc(and most of the experienced players dodge is easily), while warden's burst will still deal more damage and is harder to aviod since you can't dodge it. If you get hit by warden's DB and shalks at like 65% of health and had no crowd control immunity you will die no metter what(unless you have a tanky build), if you get hit by nightblade's incap you just break free and roll dodge his bow proc... It's allmost impossible to outplay good DK, warden, templar or sorc as nightblade.
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail. NBs have excelent sustain and literally best mobility among other classes but NB's damage is low comparing to other classes
Nightblade has literally the strongest burst in the game. Nerf Spec bow by literally 50% and only then can we even begin to have a rational conversation about the state of Nightblade. This whole post is pants-on-head.
Tell me what exactly nightblade have to burst a good player and compare to what warden or dk can do. Using your incap and then bow proc is not a burst because any decent players will just roll dodge your bow proc. I'm waiting. If you can't do this then your statement is straight up not right. While I'm giving you facts you just say "oh, nightblade has a good damage, it needs to be nerfed"
"Nightblade has no burst if you don't count it's burst abilities"
If you don't think those abilities should count, then you shouldn't object to them being brought down to par with other similar abilities.
Literally not a single word of your reply makes sense. How in the hell is incap+bow proc burst if it's impossible to do against a good player? Since he will just roll dodge bow proc....i feel like you are trolling me. That's the same thing if I'd say that necro has amazing burst because he can just use dizzying swing 5 times. Well why not, who cares that everyone will just outheal/dodge/block it yea?
acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Of course I'm not, while wardens and DKs are able to hit 30K+ combos nightablades don't even have any burst skills... All you can do is use your incap and pray that your enemy will be unexperienced enough to not roll dodge your bow proc(and most of the experienced players dodge is easily), while warden's burst will still deal more damage and is harder to aviod since you can't dodge it. If you get hit by warden's DB and shalks at like 65% of health and had no crowd control immunity you will die no metter what(unless you have a tanky build), if you get hit by nightblade's incap you just break free and roll dodge his bow proc... It's allmost impossible to outplay good DK, warden, templar or sorc as nightblade.
To be clear you can just compare what warden can do if he got lucky with one gcd: dizzying swing/wrecking blow ~7k damage, shalks ~11k damage, DB ~11k damage, execute(while you are stunned after DB) = rest of your health. Dizzying swing and DB comes at one gcd because it has 0.8 cast time and gcd is 1 second, so you can use your DB right after 0.2 second after you hit someone with dizzying swing.
What NB can do if he got lucky with one gcd: incap ~14k damage, concealed ~8k damage. If he tries to use bow proc instead of concealed it will be dodged since it's a projectail. NBs have excelent sustain and literally best mobility among other classes but NB's damage is low comparing to other classes
Nightblade has literally the strongest burst in the game. Nerf Spec bow by literally 50% and only then can we even begin to have a rational conversation about the state of Nightblade. This whole post is pants-on-head.
Tell me what exactly nightblade have to burst a good player and compare to what warden or dk can do. Using your incap and then bow proc is not a burst because any decent players will just roll dodge your bow proc. I'm waiting. If you can't do this then your statement is straight up not right. While I'm giving you facts you just say "oh, nightblade has a good damage, it needs to be nerfed"
"Nightblade has no burst if you don't count it's burst abilities"
If you don't think those abilities should count, then you shouldn't object to them being brought down to par with other similar abilities.
Literally not a single word of your reply makes sense. How in the hell is incap+bow proc burst if it's impossible to do against a good player? Since he will just roll dodge bow proc....i feel like you are trolling me. That's the same thing if I'd say that necro has amazing burst because he can just use dizzying swing 5 times. Well why not, who cares that everyone will just outheal/dodge/block it yea?
Can we really stop with this poor argumemantation that somehow nb is weak because more experienced players can dodge his burst? Guess what more experienced players can mess up burst combo of almost every setup. And what should we do with the fact that bow proc can be dodged? Make it undodgable? A hit that can deal as much dmg alone as other classes full combos made out of 3-4 abilities? Yeah sure at that point lets also make it unblockable because someone will later complain that it can be blocked.
Is it really being dodged all the time, left and right to make it a valid argument? Does nb lack sustain, defense, mobility, evasiveness or healing to repeat the same combo again and again until it lands? It's kinda ridicolous to see people complaining about PvP nb, possibly 2nd or 3rd strongest setup atm, only because out of all extremly strong features the class posseses, one of them have some inconvinience.