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PTS Update 40 - Feedback Thread for Combat & Classes

Community Manager
This is the official feedback thread for any combat or class change. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance and changes.
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 18, 2023 11:07PM
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • ESO_Nightingale
    I suppose this was the thing that had to be sacrificed this patch.

    It's actually crazy to me that there's literally no other comments in here. Every other patch has so many people in this post, posting feedback.

    Anyways, i was wondering if there was any kind of chance that because permafrost did more dps than northern storm, if northern storm could recieve some love? We warden dps would love to use it in pve but the bear is just too damn strong. A suggestion i saw skinnycheeks suggest that i liked was extending the duration to 30 seconds but reducing the tick frequency to every 2 seconds. You'd probably need to make permafrost the only morph that can apply major protection to group though.

    That's the only feedback i can give that's related to the extremely few changes we did get.

    Everything else that is more important is in here:
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on September 19, 2023 1:33AM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • Entaro
    Couldn't the team look at buffing sets like Morkuldin, Unfathomable Darkness, and the other 30+ sets like this that are just unusably bad, rather than give a % nerf to the meta set like Pillar to drive balance changes? It's so boring just seeing whatever meta set get taken down a peg but still be one of the best options.
  • Poss
    So DKs have dominated PvP for too long now and you go and give them major and minor heroism with their new set? Whyy? DKs are already ridiculously broken
  • LukosCreyden
    When can we expect some fixes for Necromancer?
    Will they ever happen?
    I won't list them here, as there are good and detailed posts on the subject all over the forum.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • RicAlmighty
    The nerf to Pillar was completely unnecessary. It has been in the game for years, but suddenly it needs a nerf NOW? Meanwhile there are dozens of other dungeon sets in the game that are completely useless. Why not buff those so they are usable instead of constantly nerfing things? It seems like this is the only tool that you have, and honestly it's getting a little tiring.

    Can't wait until next year when Necrom isn't selling any more so the Arcanist can be nerfed into oblivion too. If you keep removing the things that people find fun in your game, then they will no longer find any fun in your game and move on. Other games have learned this lesson the hard way.
    As of 2-10-25 I will no longer be posting on these forums.
  • UNSeki
    Pillar of Nirn was slightly nerfed. I still see no reason to use most of the other hundreds of sets.
  • Finedaible
    I was hoping that Reaper's Mark would at least get something useful instead of remaining a completely dead skill morph till next year sometime.
  • Skullstachio
    The nerf to Pillar was completely unnecessary. It has been in the game for years, but suddenly it needs a nerf NOW? Meanwhile there are dozens of other dungeon sets in the game that are completely useless. Why not buff those so they are usable instead of constantly nerfing things? It seems like this is the only tool that you have, and honestly it's getting a little tiring.

    Can't wait until next year when Necrom isn't selling any more so the Arcanist can be nerfed into oblivion too. If you keep removing the things that people find fun in your game, then they will no longer find any fun in your game and move on. Other games have learned this lesson the hard way.

    And No Man's Sky is looking real good despite it's caveats.

    On a major point: If Inferno Staves are gonna have a 20 second flame DoT on fully charged heavy attacks, is there a chance that Two-Handed Battle axes can get the bleed back from before it was removed in TU 29 in the heavy weapons passive?
    If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...

    If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    99% of the time I only do PvE, that said I loved my Plaguebreak and they gutted it to be useless in that game mode, not even introducing a replacement that only worked in PvE. Move forward 6 months and I farmed Pillar of Nirn. Although I hate dungeons, they decided to, AFTER YEARS, now gut it also by 22%. If the past is any indicator nirn will go live this way too.

    At this point I might just make a set of white training gear and not bother doing any real damage as any set I want to use will be nerfed to hell, or better yet just find another game.

    Balance changes are something that requires a delicate touch, but it seems the only tool in their toolbox is a sledgehammer!

    If I could ask the devs one question it would be this.

    Exactly who was I hurting by having strong gear in PvE?
    Edited by Toxic_Hemlock on September 19, 2023 4:23AM
  • acastanza_ESO
    My only feedback here is that we were promised adjustments to address the (lack of) viability of no-pet builds for (magicka focused) sorcerer. After 3 (4?) patches of nothing, that appears to have been a false promise.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on September 19, 2023 3:51AM
  • Mizael
    Pillar Nerf is a bad move, all classes use it as Best In Slot except Templar (which are niche in damage) and Arcanist, which is the problem. Arcanist is already top tier damage dealer in PvE, by nerfing Pillar you are adding even more gap between Arcanist and the other classes. You should revert the change and probably buffs other proc sets as you noticed it does more damage then most of them.
  • RicAlmighty
    UNSeki wrote: »
    Pillar of Nirn was slightly nerfed. I still see no reason to use most of the other hundreds of sets.

    22% is not "slightly"
    As of 2-10-25 I will no longer be posting on these forums.
  • System_Data
    Pillar of Nirn was clearly overperforming among its peers, doing almost as much damage as some trials sets. It was due for a nerf even if it took awhile to do so. Most players didn't use Pillar Of Nirn because they wanted to, but only because it was that strong.

    Hopefully with them looking to adjust older sets that they'll keep at it. Having most sets around the same baseline but different flavor is how it should be.

    Some easy ones come to mind are Venomous Smite which could have 3 or so seconds removed from its 15 seconds cooldown, and Icy Conjuror could have its stats line adjusted and have its 5th piece bonus adjusted to include Major Debuff for ease of use.

  • gariondavey
    Templar and necro need some buffs. This has been a discussion point for several patches. Many very detailed recommendations from extremely competent, knowledgeable and experienced players have been put forth.
    You can't keep putting of fixing these classes. It is just not fair.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Entaro
    UNSeki wrote: »
    Pillar of Nirn was slightly nerfed. I still see no reason to use most of the other hundreds of sets.

    22% is not "slightly"

    Pillar on trial dummy is around ~8k DPS. So with 22% nerf should expect to lose in the ballpark of ~2K DPS. However it also added a crit line which is a pretty big deal.

    Which is comical because it nerfs the proc damage which is just static for everyone, and adds the crit which will reward better players at higher CPM that can pump out abilities on cooldown. On top of probably still being one of the strongest options to wear anyway. The nerf doesn't hardly change the meta at all, except that players will be using Aegis call more often when it is viable for the situation, and they are using a 2H backbar with stampede since that also got the crit line buff.

    It's just kind of a meme to keep these 2 meta sets in the meta, while all the other stuff continues to rot away without any attention.
  • OtarTheMad
    Show on the doll where the Necromancer… well you get it.

    Even after a good amount of Necromancer threads popped up after U39 you still ignore the class. Are you planning a huge overall or something? It’s very obvious that other classes get way more buffs, fixes and adjustments.

    I legit just don’t get it. I know you don’t hate the class, I figure you clearly understand what it’s weak points are… maybe it’s just that you don’t know how to go about fixing the offensive abilities? Idk.

    Even the one part of this update, the class set and it’s Beautiful Corpse mechanic is in the known issues part so I can’t even see if that would change the class.
  • ZhuJiuyin

    Some easy ones come to mind are Venomous Smite which could have 3 or so seconds removed from its 15 seconds cooldown, and Icy Conjuror could have its stats line adjusted and have its 5th piece bonus adjusted to include Major Debuff for ease of use.

    This is a great suggestion! And I recommend changing Icy Conjurer's set Bonuses to
    2 items Weapon and Spell Damage
    3 items Critical Chance
    4 items Critical Chance

    This will increase the influence and general power of Icy Conjurer, and light armor has always lacked the 5 items set Bonuses similar to Pillar of Nirn.
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • Alaztor91
    Can you throw Necromancers a bone? but not a Blastbone because it might not be able to reach us.
  • i11ionward
    I'm disappointed that DK still gets the skill buff. I'm disappointed that DK gets the best class set. DK is currently the best class in all aspects of the PVP and PVE game (with the exception of maybe healing), should he really get that much?
  • RoxyPhoenix
    guys don't be delusional, you know they won't listen to anything we say. Once in a blue moon, they hop on some of the ideas we provide but patch after patch, year by year, most of our suggestions are being blatantly ignored. I am sick and tired of them destroying every little bit of fun we manage to squeeze out of this game while simultaneously completely ignoring things that are truly broken and need adjustments. It's another slap in the face for the long-time players who love and care about this game.

    They ask for combat and class change feedback, but just like after every patch they do whatever they want anyway. It's like talking to a 90-year-old, partially deaf guy with dementia.
  • birdik
    NBs, until next pts cycle
  • Sikon
    Well, I watched your Stream on twitch and you all were so happy to implement the new "endless archive". Okay, I understand it's new content it's new hype but for me the most important changes for the game are again not addressed!

    Endless Archive is for me just another "Arena mode" and again you add some "Class" Specific new sets over the 1.000.000 Sets existing already in the game.

    We have on and on repetitive content (mostly linked with dailies) - I mean what about the "Bastion Nymics"? Weren't they similar to a "Endless Archive". Yes, they were, but they had much more potential than you made them and you let them be. You could have make an "Endless Archive" out of them. Now we will have to semi-repetive content types in the game and I bet Bastion Nymics will die completely. They will be just another dead content part in the game without any interest to do them (and they were just brought into the game with last patch!)
    What I also bet is that Endless Archive will have dailies linked to it, because you need to hold the players attention to do them...

    Another Problem of this game is that you change or implement Sets in the game every patch cycle.
    We have already like 500.000 Sets in ESO and 90% of them are totally USELESS. Now you think with "Class sets" this will be changed?
    Maybe you make class sets this OP that you just need 1 Classset and 1 Trial Set for every build and you will be fine. Delete all other sets from the game. The flood of sets is just overwhelming and not useful for the game at all if you cannot make a real balance between the sets. The constant adding and changing on sets is only annoying and no more fun really.

    But the most important and big problem in this game right now is class balance.
    Sorry but these patchnotes are disappointing again "class balance" wise.

    Basically said, play Dragonknight or Arcanist if you want to outperform everyone else (Class sets show this already. You have real trash class-sets but DKs Set is again so unbalanced OP)...

    Other classes are just toys and sweating to catchup with the imbalance you give to the DKs and the "new" Class Aracanist.

    The patchnotes show it again. Personally I think it's funny that there are also ZERO NB changes but you were asking constantly for community support especially for the Nightblade class in the last months.

    Well... my subscription will stay frozen. I am more than disappointed.
    "Both light and shadow can be deadly, though only one chases the other.""Eyes open and walk with the shadows."
  • ESO_Nightingale
    UNSeki wrote: »
    Pillar of Nirn was slightly nerfed. I still see no reason to use most of the other hundreds of sets.

    22% is not "slightly"

    it's not really as much as 22% either as for magicka builds, it got a good little bit better with the stamina bonus being changed. it still lost dps though.
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • ESO_Nightingale
    ZhuJiuyin wrote: »

    Some easy ones come to mind are Venomous Smite which could have 3 or so seconds removed from its 15 seconds cooldown, and Icy Conjuror could have its stats line adjusted and have its 5th piece bonus adjusted to include Major Debuff for ease of use.

    This is a great suggestion! And I recommend changing Icy Conjurer's set Bonuses to
    2 items Weapon and Spell Damage
    3 items Critical Chance
    4 items Critical Chance

    This will increase the influence and general power of Icy Conjurer, and light armor has always lacked the 5 items set Bonuses similar to Pillar of Nirn.

    i still think winterborn should recieve some better bonuses and that winterborn's pillar should apply chilled 3 times over it's duration.
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • Galagladi Dragonblood

    I think it is for solo content but it need buff or change like 20% more damage, heal, damage reduction or that those buffs are at 7% but it just block out other 2piece bonuses. Something like that.

    I think on English would be the text of this set so:

    If you have no 2piece bonus or higher activ, your Damage Done and Healing Done are increased by 15% and your Damage Taken is reduced by 15% (You take 15% less damage). This set won't work when a 2piece bonus or higher is activ.

    i don't play in english so i hope its correctly translated. I know this thread is just for combat but i dont know where else to put it.

    Edited by Galagladi Dragonblood on September 19, 2023 12:46PM
  • master_vanargand
    Doesn't Nightblade skills change?
    The new garbage nb set will only be a pain.
    To be honest, I'm tired of being given despire.
  • SkaraMinoc
    DK gets 12% crit and 300 wd/sd on backbar now. That's a huge buff.
    PC NA
  • SkaraMinoc
    The DK set and buffs seem excessive given how strong the class already is.

    Edited by SkaraMinoc on September 19, 2023 9:42PM
    PC NA
  • Arthtur
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    DK gets 12% crit and 300 wd/sd on backbar now. That's a huge buff.

    DKs already were getting that 300 WD/SD on backbar. That change is just QoL as we wont have 4 slots on front bar locked because we have to put all skills here to activate that buff. Now we can activate it from front AND back bar. Thats the change.

    12% crit chance is only for PvP i guess. No comment on that.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • Ellander
    Soul Shriven
    i11ionward wrote: »
    I'm disappointed that DK still gets the skill buff. I'm disappointed that DK gets the best class set. DK is currently the best class in all aspects of the PVP and PVE game (with the exception of maybe healing), should he really get that much?

    Im sorry, but u probably overslept last few patches :D DK in pve is no where near arcanist's - they have higher burst, better sustain, better cleave - not to mention about the range they have.
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