This is the DPS ranking of VSE HM. Hide names and IDs for privacy. It is not difficult to see that DK and Arcanist can obtain more DPS in actual combat.
This is the Sorc with the highest DPS among current VSE HM, and it is a stam Sorc, which does not even reach 100K.
Therefore, sorc still needs more "AOE" damage, otherwise sorc's DPS in PVE will still lag behind most classes
Of course, it would be better if there is a "no pet build", sorc needs to get rid of pets, and buff Dark Magic and Storm Calling skill lines
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »I want to see build variations for the class that hits good numbers. Do you not? Would you rather keep them completely dependent on this again? Prey is a big part of what makes pets viable and it is not nearly as useful in content as it actually has to fall off to get good damage.
gariondavey wrote: »From a pvp perspective, 1 bar for pets would be an incredible QoL change
I said it before, Sorc needs to get out of the shadow of pet.
Sorc does need "no pet build" and needs to buff other skill lines to get a better source of damage.
I believe our appeal is the same, isn't it?
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »
That would be awful for the matriarch. Its whole purpose is as sorc's on-demand burst heal. Turning it into some kind of slow ticking HoT would make sorc healers pretty much nonviable in any group content.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »The stam sorc is already the highest damage class in the game, bar none breaking 140k, something no other class gets close to. Opening those two spots for more damage skills? You cant be serious.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
Opening up the two slots to other abilities could be paired with a nerf to Daedric Prey or lowering the damage of the pets slightly. Think big picture.
Having more slot freedom would make the class more enjoyable to play.
Yep, there's just never enough nerfs to sorc to please those who are opposed to the class being made viable outside of pets (for PvE) or procs (for PvP) or they simply get ignored...MashmalloMan wrote: »
Agreed. Not sure why people would assume Sorc mains asking for 1 bar pets wouldn't come hand in hand with a heavy nerf to them to balance it properly. We're not dumb.
Also to the original comment, Sorc and NB are currently single target heavy, it makes perfect sense they would deal more dummy DPS than classes that have innately high AOE DPS. In the hierarchy of the 4 original classes, the game was designed around Templar being the best healer, DK being the best tank, Sorc being the best ranged DPS and NB being the best melee DPS, both focussing on high priority targets. That's changed over time with the play as you want mantra, but the bone works are still present because the core skills remain.
If every class was compared 1:1 for the dummy, then we better start homogenizing the game to offer them more AOE. Arcanist is almost entirely AOE and beam pierces up to 22m away.
It's okay for the classes to be different. Any other MMO doesn't rely on purely DPS ceilings, but a combination of what those classes bring to the table for AOE, single target, utility, etc. ESO does a pretty bad job at this and the community is to blame for focussing too much on dummy potential.
I would happily sacrifice 10k DPS to get 70k more AOE DPS. Much more useful for 99% of content.
All I can really speak on is Clannfear from a PvE tank perspective. From that perspective, I will say, please no. If Clannfear became 1-barrable it'd be nothing more than a glorified burst heal the same as most other tanks have (reducing the distinctness in playstyle of a sorc tank). Having to sacrifice two slots means tanks have to put some thought into it and live on the edge a little to maximize barspace at times, thus not all sorc tanks run clannfear all of the time. 1-bar clannfear would also probably come with a nerf of its healing power... which I would not appreciate as I use clannfear only in instances where I'm taking a looot of damage. I like clannfear as-is.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »
I dont believe so. The ability to have them as one bar would make it as a must for all builds as it provides significant damage with the ability to run other skills to boot. It would be mandatory to run for all pve builds because of that. What could you replace it with in this situation that would get similar damage? There really isnt anything as it stands. There would have to be significant buffs to several other skills to make it a choice rather then a necessity.
Its just another pet buff That would make them even more important. Im not interested in being forced to run pets forever. Skills that were powerful enough to take 2 bars now only take up space on one. Why would anyone not add to that damage and run four less powerful skills. If that were the case it would be happening now but it is the bis even with 4 spots taken with 2 it would become exponentially more important.
All I can really speak on is Clannfear from a PvE tank perspective. From that perspective, I will say, please no. If Clannfear became 1-barrable it'd be nothing more than a glorified burst heal the same as most other tanks have (reducing the distinctness in playstyle of a sorc tank). Having to sacrifice two slots means tanks have to put some thought into it and live on the edge a little to maximize barspace at times, thus not all sorc tanks run clannfear all of the time. 1-bar clannfear would also probably come with a nerf of its healing power... which I would not appreciate as I use clannfear only in instances where I'm taking a looot of damage. I like clannfear as-is.
Turtle_Bot wrote: »So much this, also, I am yet to see a (reputable) video of these mythical 140k+ parses from a sorc...
MashmalloMan wrote: »
Same cheese it's always been... using Overload at 500 ult before the fight even begins, saving a GCD and boosting DPS for 20s before dumping for Atro. It's not representative of actual content, sometimes you'll be able to pull it off in a trial with maybe 200-300 ult because a fight was ending shortly, but it's not much of a benefit over giving your team Major Berserk earlier just to boost your own DPS for 5 seconds potentially missing the Atro dump target by accident.
For reference, overload gave him +5.5k free DPS.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
One idea I had was that the pets would periodically do their ability with either a cooldown or on time intervals similar to the Bear ultimate, sacrificing your use of them on-demand at the expense of needing to two-bar them.
This would be more than fair coupled with a hefty enough nerf to Daedric Prey, to make slotting them comparable to other options for DPS, while fixing the necessity to run pets that we have currently.
Although, I’m a bit bias because I’ve always enjoyed Conjuration in prior Elder Scrolls games and over the years we’ve drifted away from Overload Sorcs to Pet Sorcs and I’m here for it. It just doesn’t feel great having a fraction of the bar space other classes have.
Just wanted to add, very strange that someone who claims to play Sorc would be opposed to opening up options to improve their gameplay experience. Especially seeing how horrendous it is trying to find room on your bars for the important things, like Restraining Prison, Frost Pulsar or Bound Aegis. You can’t help but feel like you need just one more spot on your bars as a Sorc Tank, and it’s extremely unenjoyable.
Especially on console where we can’t click a button and swap our entire skill loadouts.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
We already make these decisions any time you choose to take 1 skill over another. The only reason you don't always slot your HP% heal every time like other tanks is because it takes 2 skill slots which isn't interesting game design, it's shoehorning you into sacrificing a core tanking ability because you can't justify wasting 2 slots for a self heal.
Also Clanfear is pretty weak for costing 2 slots. If you use a build editor, it appears it heals for 32% while Warden's Polar Wind heals for 30%, gives a HOT, and heals a second target for the same amount. Clanfear does nothing for your team besides healing itself for half, except oh wait, pets don't take damage in group PvE content.
I'm sorry, but how does Clanfear as a burst tank heal even make sense in the power budget? Tormentor and Familiar deal good passive and active damage, thus it's like using 2 skills as 1, 2 slots makes sense.
Nothing Clanfear or Matriarch does passively benefits tanks and healers at all. The damage they deal is inconsequential because it starts with a low tooltip and tanks have low damage stats to begin with.
Matriarch is only decent because it heals a second target for the full amount with no conditions, while other class burst heals can't or in the case of Necro's costs a corpse. Still not worth 2 skill slots for something that can be killed.
If it’s just one slot for a burst heal through block why not run it all the time? Make sorc feel more like any other tank then.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
I'm not sure why you describe it this way, that's like saying using a spammable as a damage dealer or a burst heal as a healer makes you like every other class.. uh yes, it's a core building block to how these roles function in ESO. There isn't anything unique to Clanfear besides being a pain in the butt
Again. Clanfear is not a good ability for 2 slots, it's not even great for 1 slot. Polar Wind does practically the same burst, gives a HOT, can't be killed, and heals an ally. If anything Clanfear needs a buff do something auxillary.