What system addition to the game would truly excite you and/or bring you back to the game?

  • Shara_Wynn
    So many cool ideas here!!!

    Wandering beasts to be tracked and hunted down - YES!

    Randomly generated wandering quests in each zone - YES!

    AI is here so there really is no excuse for not having more randomly generated spur of the moment overland content!

    Pet leveling/evolution - YES!

    Would love to be able to level my pets in some way, customize their look (skins/body markings/colorings) and skills etc. Have them behave more like mini companions.

    Even just more choice of pets please, the warden at least could use something other than a bear.

    Customization of mounts - being able to amend their saddle and speed/stam/inv graphics in the outfit station (and yes I would be very tempted to buy fancy costume items for my mount in the crown store - such as saddles, saddle blankets, ear nets, bridles, and all the constituent parts of barding that a warhorse would wear (shaffron, crinet, peytral, crupper, tail guard, caparicon etc).
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    Sarannah wrote: »
    What would excite me are some things:

    1: Raidfinder. To quickly find and complete raids. This would open up a part of the game many players do not(or can't) take part in.

    2: Pet leveling/evolution. As a huge fan of the pokemon games(yes I'm weird that way) and the MMO Rappelz, both games where we catch, level, and evolve pets/creatures. I would love to have something like this in-game. Doesn't even have to be versus other players, but more like growing and evolving PvE companions. (ofcourse pet battles could also be a part of this)

    3: Companion dungeonqueueing. Being able to queue up for a random dungeon with three of my own companions.

    4: Rebirth, available only at level 50. Where we can rebirth our character as level one(we keep our skillpoints and quest progress) and are allowed to choose one skillline from another class to add to our own base three skilllines. We can rebirth as often as we want, to change the skillline we choose(or just for fun). This would both keep the game fresh, as we can re-level the same character as often as we want. And it would keep the game's balance always shifting/fresh, as there would be so many skillline combo's possible.

    Just my thoughts.

    I have some good news! There is a premade group finder coming in update 40 which will essentially serve as your raid finder of sorts! No more standing in belkarth or joining countless guilds. Youll be able to just post a group that you're starting for trials for instance and people can apply to join :) AFAIK.
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    Danikat wrote: »
    1. More branching quest chains based on the players choices. Quests are one of the main things I want to do in this game and having more variety based on choices would give me more incentive to do them multiple times.

    2. A looking for group tool that lets you choose groups for any activity - not just dungeons and trials. I'm thinking something where someone could advertise that they want help with a group boss, or they're going to farm dolmens or anything at all and players can choose to join them. (It's important that you choose the group to join, it would be useless if it just dumps you into a random group in whichever area of the game you choose like the dungeon finder does.)

    That's what the group finder is for thats coming in U40! :) (your #2 option)
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • BahometZ
    In-game crownstore gifting would be exciting to be able to do.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Warhawke_80
    I would like to see a quest system involving your houses and house guest...like a world quest system something that take a very long time to complete and takes you all across Tamriel.
    ““Elric knew. The sword told him, without words of any sort. Stormbringer needed to fight, for that was its reason for existence...”― Michael Moorcock, Elric of Melniboné
  • Jaimeh
    Now we can add crown gifting to this thread... oh man... :sweat_smile:
  • gariondavey
    So many times DM oriented teams get into a game where 1 of the teams wants to end the game in less than 5 minutes by avoiding the fight after 30 minutes of sitting in queue.
    If we could organize ourselves into premade bg matches, people could play the way the want to (as zos clearly won't listen to player pleas to bring back modes you can queue for).
    If only zos would have removed dm from the "solo random" queue. Our bg population would be so much higher...
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • fizzylu
    New weapons, I'm so bored of the current options. The recent changes to the destruction staff passives at least don't make them feel close to useless anymore.... but they're still so meh. I've always wished there were staffs for all the schools of magic like in other TES games or a proper spellsword weapon, not just the hybrid nonsense we have now.

    Also want to see more combat focused guild/world skill lines or current ones expanded to have more in them. I'm really starting to get scared that next chapter will give us another class after having the realization that in order to follow the 2 companion per chapter setup, they'll either have to repeat a class or release another one. I'm hoping they just repeat one so they can focus their resources on something for all characters.

    Oh, and appearance options for sorcerer pets. It would probably make me hate this game significantly less if I didn't feel forced to drag around a massively annoying pet that's bigger than my own character.

    Will also agree that being able to customize our mounts would be pretty cool. I end up not using a lot of them simply because their saddle or armor don't match with my character, so being able to dye them would open up a lot of options.
    Edited by fizzylu on September 1, 2023 7:29PM
  • KS_Amt38
    I would love a little bit back to the roots with extreme class diversity.

    They should separate Magicka/Spell Dmg from Stamina/Weapon Dmg again. Magicka should use inferno Staffs again and Stamina Daggers. You should not get any Crit Bonus with Daggers for Magicka.
  • Ishtarknows
    Being able to sort items at a guild store into learned and not learned
  • FeedbackOnly
    Group finder for world events and trails
  • M0ntie
    Fix the bugs, fix the servers. There is content I still want to complete, but the bugs and server issues (people getting kicked, cant get back in) just take the heart out of the game. FFS ZoS dont ruin your new content by having it so buggy it can't be completed or used.
  • Tyrant_Tim
    Still waiting on Spellcrafting. I bought ESO on Xbox after seeing it in the Quakecon 2014 showcase under the premise it would be added to the game, it is now 2023, approaching 2024.

    Where is it? Or our PvP justice system?
  • Muizer
    I'd like more multi-faceted PvP. I.e. more factions, not all of which are just about conquering Cyrodiil (though that would be the setting). Mortals vs Undead especially, with a fighters guild overhaul.
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • me_ming
    FBS94 wrote: »
    ALL of the activities in the game being soloable, from beginning to the end. Pve, pvp, everything.

    In terms of playing this game, or any game for that matter, the last thing that i want to do is needing another human player for any reason.

    No more needing a third party program such as Discord, or a team of players with coordination, tactics, strategy, and communication in mind, just to do the Trials for example.

    Even the pvp could have an "AI teammate and enemy only" option.

    A single player approach, to an mmorpg. Before anything else, this is what i want.

    Ummmm why not just play a single player game? Just doesn't make sense that you want an MMO-RPG to be a single player game. There ARE single player games out there-- and TES definitely has single player games. Also PvP stands for Player v Player, it's another stupid thought that you want an AI when it's called PvP.
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
    -Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

    -Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
  • me_ming
    TaSheen wrote: »
    Sleep724 wrote: »
    FBS94 wrote: »
    ALL of the activities in the game being soloable, from beginning to the end. Pve, pvp, everything.

    In terms of playing this game, or any game for that matter, the last thing that i want to do is needing another human player for any reason.

    No more needing a third party program such as Discord, or a team of players with coordination, tactics, strategy, and communication in mind, just to do the Trials for example.

    Even the pvp could have an "AI teammate and enemy only" option.

    A single player approach, to an mmorpg. Before anything else, this is what i want.

    Sir, this is an mmo.

    Why not just play modded morrowind, oblivion or skyrim in that case?

    For the same reason I play this MMO - because (unlike the single player games) the world is NOT static. That's the only thing MMOs are good for.

    Then don't ask for it to be a single player game. The reason why it's not static is because it has other people around it. Otherwise the game IS static. Quests don't change. It's very naive of you to say that the only reason why MMO-RPGs are played because they are not static. When the reason why they are not static is because there are other people playing it. Seriously, just go back to playing a single player game.
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
    -Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

    -Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
  • prof-dracko
    Some kind of pokemon-esque creature capture system. I know it's niche as hell, but I want to make my own zoo. Tamriel has so many creatures.

    Tamriel Zoo Tycoon for 2024.
  • Mascen
    Personally I've always wanted a guitar hero button masher, I'd call it bard hero.

    That and also the ability to sync up songs when playing on different instruments or at least the ability to pick and choose songs instead of doing random tunes whenever you use a musical instrument emote
  • FantasticFreddie
    In no particular order:

    Cow pet
    Companion gear crafting table, where you can create, decon, and upgrade companion gear.
    Cow pet
    Bottomless furniture storage
    Cow pet
    Mundane runes added to enchanting surveys
    A fourth undaunted quest giver specifically for the dungeons with multiple hardmodes, and a overhaul of the rewards system to reflect the relative difficulty of the various options
    Cow pet
    Spikeball added to pvp modes.
    Also I'd really like a cow pet.
    Im still playing this game but not as much as I used to due to other games.

    But except for the new endless dungeon heres some things i would like to see added to ESO.

    - Mythic/Sets that gives you buffs in other content then combat example farming mythic.

    - The Mother of world bosses that spawns 2 times a day/ server

    - New Crafting content

    - Make Arena, trial, dungeon weapons sellable for a new currency called exctraction points in a exctraction vendor, making it more fun to farm example maelström arena after you get weapons you need.

    - New food/drink recipes with new buffs for endgame

    - A new potion type for endgame

  • Suna_Ye_Sunnabe
    A system where zos acknowledges and fixes the concerns Templar mains have had for over a year, and a system where we can have a crowns for gold exchange again :|
    Angua Anyammis Ae Sunna
  • FantasticFreddie
    Seriously tho zos I would pay 5000 crowns for a furnishing pack with a cow pet, a matching calf pet, a little barn to put them in, cheeses of tamriel book, and some odds and ends like buckets and wheat stacks. I would buy crowns and buy that so dang fast.... just money on the table
  • Kappachi
    FBS94 wrote: »
    ALL of the activities in the game being soloable, from beginning to the end. Pve, pvp, everything.

    In terms of playing this game, or any game for that matter, the last thing that i want to do is needing another human player for any reason.

    No more needing a third party program such as Discord, or a team of players with coordination, tactics, strategy, and communication in mind, just to do the Trials for example.

    Even the pvp could have an "AI teammate and enemy only" option.

    A single player approach, to an mmorpg. Before anything else, this is what i want.

    This is an MMORPG, it is not meant to be solo'd and it needs to do things to encourage group play, such as the new endeavors that have come out and force specific trials/dungeons/etc. No MMORPG should ever take a completely solo approach because that isn't the point of this genre.

    As for what I want... Just bring on the Endless Dungeon. I've been waiting for something similar in concept to this since Phantasy Star Online 2 was rendered dead.
  • Lozeenge
    • (already mentioned in this thread oops) Class Change Tokens. Leveling in this game is a pain no matter how many scrolls or ambrosia you throw at me. And it's more free money for ZoS. Win-win.
    • Mythic item that buffs your unarmed attacks. Don't care about actual viability, have it be good enough to do base game dungeons or something. Velothi's Ur-Mage's Amulet already provides opportunities for goofy builds like bashing. Break up the monotony for a bit.
    might update this list later
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • Anumaril
    Spellcrafting, hands down. There's a bunch of other things I'd like to see in the game (and the absence of which bother me a lot), but Spellcrafting has the single greatest potential to multiply the replayability of the game a thousandfold.

    Don't like the playstyle of your class? Make some custom skills themed around the class that play the way you prefer. Do you like the playstyle of a class like sorc but prefer the aesthetic of fire magic? Remake the same skills with a fire gfx. Want to create a whole unique playstyle like spell-knight? Just make custom abilities around having a sword and using magic.

    While it would be difficult to implement, I'm confident it is possible. Whenever Spellcrafting gets added I think a lifetime subscription to ESO+ is in order for me.
  • muscle_witch
    Unfortunately, I was asked a while back what it would take to bring me back to the game and my answer was "For ZOS to stop being so untrustworthy".

  • Nightowl_74
    I enjoy antiquities a lot, so additional content in that vein would be great, like a fishing or gathering related skill line.

    An update to screenshot mode that adds zoom and camera angle functions, along with the ability to capture emotes, mementos and some lighting settings.

    Hide armor slots for each piece, or the equivalent.

    Any new system that I can work at alone, at my own pace, and earn decent rewards.
  • WiseSky
    well ofc now... bring back crown store gifting would be revolutionary
  • BahometZ
    FBS94 wrote: »
    ALL of the activities in the game being soloable, from beginning to the end. Pve, pvp, everything.

    In terms of playing this game, or any game for that matter, the last thing that i want to do is needing another human player for any reason.

    No more needing a third party program such as Discord, or a team of players with coordination, tactics, strategy, and communication in mind, just to do the Trials for example.

    Even the pvp could have an "AI teammate and enemy only" option.

    A single player approach, to an mmorpg. Before anything else, this is what i want.

    How could we improve this milk?
    Make it taste like orange juice please.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • boi_anachronism_
    FBS94 wrote: »
    ALL of the activities in the game being soloable, from beginning to the end. Pve, pvp, everything.

    In terms of playing this game, or any game for that matter, the last thing that i want to do is needing another human player for any reason.

    No more needing a third party program such as Discord, or a team of players with coordination, tactics, strategy, and communication in mind, just to do the Trials for example.

    Even the pvp could have an "AI teammate and enemy only" option.

    A single player approach, to an mmorpg. Before anything else, this is what i want.

    Is this...a joke? Its an mmo. Massive online multiplayer game..the point is to play with other people

    Pvp is player vs player. Thats the entire point.

    People come to games like this for things like trials the require coordination and strategy. Communities are built around it.

    I can't even begin to fathom this. [snip]

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 4, 2023 4:16PM
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