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The difficulty is insane!

I can't even beat the group of two scamps in doshia's lair. After level-grinding for literally hours, I went back and was still crushed by the stupid scamps! Is this a problem with the game or am I doing something wrong?
  • Shimond
    Do they cast fire? I know the ones I've fought you really need to interrupt their casts or you'll take a beating.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Difficulty is about right in my book. Having problems, that's what friends are for, good luck.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Khandi
    Difficulty is about right in my book. Having problems, that's what friends are for, good luck.

    Oh! Did they make it grouped?? Used to be solo!

    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • Sihnfahl
    Their big damage casts are interruptible AND can stun them so you open up increased damage.

    What class / spec are you?
  • Melian
    The difficulty is fine. There's something wrong with your build, your gear, your level or your technique. Those guild quests are a good place to see what needs improvement.
  • Stienbjorn
    Scamps hurt, bash them anytime you see them flashing red lights, or move if it is a ground target ability. Standing in fire hurts in real life too...
  • jambam817_ESO
    Dark elf Fire Resistance trait for the win... my templar laughs at scamps while i burn them to a crisp with the power of the sun!
  • Mulk
    trick number one to dealing with any daedra is the skill Silver Bolts from the Fighters Guild tree. It's the first skill available, take it, slot it, profit from it.

    I know the pull you are talking about and it sucks if you're not well set up to handle caster pulls. You want to interrupt big casts unless they are doing their channeled ring on the ground thing. With that, let them cast away and use the time to chew one of them up.
  • Hawke
    Sorcrater wrote: »
    I can't even beat the group of two scamps in doshia's lair. After level-grinding for literally hours, I went back and was still crushed by the stupid scamps! Is this a problem with the game or am I doing something wrong?

    Welcome to TESO!

    This is not the game where you go blow for blow. When they say active combat, they mean it literally. When they do a power move, block (right mouse button) then hit them with your own power attack, it does more damage and knocks em to the ground.

    When they do a channeled ability or spell, hold right mouse and left mouse to interrupt, then power attack em.

    Don't stand in the red circles.

    Classes do not matter in this game one bit.

    It's all about skill in basic combat in the first teen of levels. Equipment tends to matter more by then, but never the class.
  • mcatchlovb16_ESO
    What level are you?
  • tawok
    Don't forget to dodge. Double tap any directional and you'll roll that way. Also, be very diligent about interrupting.

    For the people saying "Bring friends": You can't take friends into Doshia's lair, its a solo only.
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

    Find me online @Tawok
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    Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
    Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Well... You're doing it wrong.

    CC in all forms is king in this game. If you are faced with 3 hairy little scamps, try to reduce their strength in the initial attack by taking away 1 of them. Nightblades for example got an awesome 12s stun, Templars can spear throw one back. Once you do that, debuff the other two and focus on one of them. If they do power attacks, disrupt them. If they are stunned, power attack them.

    I did Doshia the last thing before quitting for the evening (and obviously coming here to brag about it), the 3 scamps didnt even bring me below 90% HP. No silver bolts either. Doshia herself isnt a threat, it was just annoying because I had little in the form of AoE so she healed up a couple of times before I got her.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    change up your weapons and tactics. I've typically found if something is in my level range and handing me my backside using different weapons/tactics usually works.
  • mithrendiel
    Sadly this encounter is still solo only. No friends allowed. And if you think the scamps are painful, just wait until you meet Dorshia. That encounter is one I highly recommend you out level before trying. Level 12 might be about right.

    However, since you are asking about the scamps, there has been a lot of great advise here, but I'll add these suggestions:

    1. Tab target one scamp at range, and start your fight at max distance. Open with your biggest attack. Focus down one scamp at a time. If you can kill even one, then you still win even if you die, because you'll only have two to fight when you get back.
    2. After one is dead, focus on #2.

    As a cloth wearing Templar, I tried that quest at level 8. I think I killed two scamps my first attempt, died, then ran back and killed the last. It wasn't pretty, but it got the job done.

    As others have said, and you probably already know, be ready to doge the aoe rain of fire they cast as well as the elemental attacks that slide along the ground towards you.

    I do agree that this encounter in particular feels a bit too difficult for the stated level (it is still listed as level 8, isn't it?), but it is doable with enough persistence. Believe it or not, they have even toned it down a bit. It was much harder when I first attempted it in beta.
  • SirAndy
    Hawke wrote: »
    Don't stand in the red circles
  • Taeko
    I think it would help with answers if we knew what class, weapon, skills u have. 2 or 3 scamps is tough, even when u're the same level-u have to experiment w/diff techniques to try to slow down or get rid of the others while u're actively dealing with one. Look at what u have for skills that can help interrupting casters and for aoe. Imps don't really move so snares, etc don't really help. From what I remember they do die rather quickly w/ melee attacks and the fighters guild skills really do help w/any daedra situation-they do a lot of damage. Like Mulk said, Silver Bolts is really great.
    And like everyone else said u have to move and dodge.
  • tawok
    The most important part of Doshia is popping the bubbles. You need the heals to get through it on level.
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

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    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
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  • Taeko
    Damage dealing Ultimates really help w/Doshia too-lots of DPS in a short period of time before u accidently let another bubble get past u. Take a deep breath and remember that the bubbles will heal u too. Worse come to worse the fight will just start over again; she's healed up, u're healed up-okay, start again.
  • frogturtle6b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    tawok wrote: »
    The most important part of Doshia is popping the bubbles. You need the heals to get through it on level.

    You also need DPS. I attempted this quest more than I should've at level 8. I died about 16 times.

    I came back when I was level 11 and destroyed her because of higher DPS. And no, it wasn't the bubbles that was causing me to die. I killed every one of them each time four were spawned.

    I think that a bug also contributed to my experience. Whenever I got Doshia to half health (at level 8 ), she would heal to full, with no bubbles in sight.

    Being level 11, I was prepared to burst damage her to death, which worked, and the healing bug seemed to disappear.
    Edited by frogturtle6b14_ESO on April 1, 2014 9:55PM
  • Sorcrater
    Thanks you guys! I didn't expect so many replies! When I tried Doshia's lair I was a heavy armor sword and shield wielding Templar.(lvl. 6)
  • mandrakethebard_ESO
    Oh my, you were definitely too low level to comfortably deal with Doisha. She's difficult enough when you out-level her, and you were 2 levels below. :)

    BTW, on the Scamp strategies. Everything you've just been told is excellent info, but let me just add/clarify something about those little buggers specifically. They like to hit you with a fire spell that drops a circle of fire around your current position. I prefer to play 1st person, but I often pull out my view to 3rd person to deal with them so I can be certain to see when this happens... you need to get out of the circle of fire quickly or you're gonna be toast... literally.
  • Bloodsip
    Also, if you kill the bubbles you get the health....
  • Xilo
    I feel quite the opposite. Its quite easy.
  • Tarkus
    I use to paralize one monster(scamp) of a pack and kill another.
  • Seraseth
    I think I find the scamps worse. Came out of that fight with 35% health, came out of doshia with 85% :p
  • YourNameHere
    tawok wrote: »
    The most important part of Doshia is popping the bubbles. You need the heals to get through it on level.

    The problem is, at least in the Ebonheart version, the bubbles spawn on TOP of her. Everytime.

    One bubble heals ALL the damage I do to her. I have no trouble getting past the scamps, and I don't get injured fighting her at all. But I can't get the bubbles before they are on TOP of her in 2 seconds.

    The environment to fight her is cramped, full of boxes and places to get stuck on. It is NOT a fun fight. It is frustrating as heck.

    And yes, it is a solo fight.

    Edited by YourNameHere on April 2, 2014 3:59PM
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • JD_Douglas
    I've been enjoying the difficulty myself. Mind you I try to avoid death as I'm able. Am simply saying I think its nice to find a MMO that will kill you at level 1 without qualms. I've not played an MMO that killed me so early since EQ1.
    "No One May Make You Feel Inferior Unless You Allow Them To Make You Feel Inferior." ~ E. Roosevelt

    "Artificial Intelligence is No Match for Natural Stupidity." ~A. Einstein

  • lfseeney_ESO
    Of 4 of us I was the only one at 8th that was able to do this one.
    Templar with the Spear Morphed into the one that hits multi helped a lot.
    Heals were good as well, and used a couple of healing potions.

    Rough fight, but survived.

    Was the first content that was really a challenge, as we were in a 4 person party we were bummed that we had to solo, as everything else we did was group allowed to that point.
  • eirimuilb14_ESO
    The combat is very tactical. Better gear and weapon is a must. Secondly, avoiding mob major attacks, which you can gauge by watching them. After that I just run all over, casting cc's when I need a breather, which is fairly often :)
  • Sarenia
    Game is too easy already.

    Too many people joining who are used to mindlessly following a glittering trail to point 'N' and killing enemy 'Y' to collect item 'Z' without even thinking about optimizing their gear or using tactics.

    Have you even crafted new equipment, and a weapon? Have you used food to buff your stats and put potions in your quickslots? Are you using your skills in a sensible order?
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