I've been playing Eso for over 8 years. I've seen farming bots for almost as long. They are getting worse. There are more of them today than ever, and they are picking up everything.
I understand this is a huge task to try to get rid of them. I have been thinking of things that could be done to stop them, or at least make it harder on them to farm.
Reporting bots don't seem to help. They are right back the next day on a new bot or the same exact bot for a long time. Eight years of reporting bots....it's not working.
First thing would be better detection software that shows the exact path a "bot" is traveling on. Bots follow the exact same path and never deviate. A human player would have imperfect movement as they were farming.
Next thing, and the best way I can explain this...imagine you have several children, and you have a 3 year old who is eating all of the cookies. The other kids would love to have some cookies, but every time a cookie is put in the jar, the 3 year old instantly grabs it. What should a parent do? Put the cookie jar on a higher shelf to where the 3 year old can't reach it. The older kids can, but not the the level 3 farming bot.
When you have a new character, it doesn't cost much resources to craft anything, so this will not hurt the players at all. This will only slowdown / stop the bots....
Zos could add a Harvesting feature to the game to where you have to be a certain level before you can pick up resources, OR add a feature to an already existing thing. Under crafting passives, we will use metalworking as an example. You can put up to 10 skill points into this. If Zos made it to where you have to put skill points into this to be able to start collecting resources, it would help.
At level 1 ( in metalworking for example ) the amount of resources you get from a source would be 1 and will go up as you put more skill points into it. This will not hurt human players for two reasons. The amount of resources needed to craft low level stuff is very low to begin with and a human player will level up fast and be past this pont anyway. A bot will not.
Another thing would be to add some steps before you can begin harvesting a resource. Zos could make it to where you have to talk with your crafting certification people.
There are no steps to stop the level 3 bot from going straight to the kitchen and eating cookies. All I'm suggesting is to put some stuff in game that will not hurt the players, but would stop the bots.
The thing farming bots all have in common is they are low level 3-4. Target this commonality to stop them. Make it so that it doesn't affect human players. It's doable.
If you all have any helpful ideas, please share them. That way we can all get back to playing the game we love...without the bots.
I made a video video on this. I go into more detail on these ideas and I go though some of the zones to show what is going on.