Last boss in Vateshran Hollows.
Cleared my first Vet Maelstrom yesterday and this felt unfair - at the spiders' arena.
The funny thing is that after 3 times fighting for long and dying right at the end of the Boss fight, last time the fight barely lasted 30 seconds when I accomplished it. It felt somewhat RNG on how the Boss wanted to destroy me or letting me win...
Why does everyone use Rush of Agony now, my recaps are literally Lotus Fan > Light Attack > Spin to Win > Agony and I'm on the ground getting bagged.
Cleared my first Vet Maelstrom yesterday and this felt unfair - at the spiders' arena.
The funny thing is that after 3 times fighting for long and dying right at the end of the Boss fight, last time the fight barely lasted 30 seconds when I accomplished it. It felt somewhat RNG on how the Boss wanted to destroy me or letting me win...
It's not RNG, the boss gets more powerful at regular intervals and you need to clear the webs off the obelisks to bring her back down to normal power. I'm guessing you didn't do that if she spat on you for 40k damage.