I like her.
annhalaub17_ESO wrote: »[The graphic detail is a result of my husband connecting the PC to a TV screen. At least, I think that's why. I can play at the ultra-high setting but keep it at high. On my Mac I have to reduce the settings down to low and get to play blobs.
My two toons. Madoras - Sorc and Maada - Nb
CirithValaria wrote: »
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Egine Guardian head and shoulders
Xivkyn light robe
Aylied light gloves
Daedric Fire Staff / Dwemer Resto staff
Rev Rielle wrote: »
That's really nice. I like the way you've melded the the head and shoulders together colour-wise with the rest of your outfit. It matches quite closely.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Thanks, I used Regicide Red for the cloth and Transliminal Violet for the plate which turns out gold with a violet shine. The head and shoulders dont respond well to Transliminal Violet so I dyed them gold to match the plate.
It's a difficult decision. Traditionally I like styles that blend in with the world that our characters are a part of, and as a result I would say the lower style as it's softer coloured. But the top picture does have more of a classic Elder Scrolls 'glass' look about it (and you seem to have used the Transliminal Violet spoken about above), so... *hops up on fence*Unsure if I should go with the upper pic or lower pic dye Setup, what do you guys think?
Rev Rielle wrote: »
Great choices. How wonderful is the Transliminal Violet colour. I think it's probably the single best dye in the game right now, and I never thought I'd say that with such great dyes as Mundus Blue and Celestial Violet. Though it's golden/violet combination does make it a little limiting at times when matching with the rest of the outfit, but looks great how you have it. Very nice indeed, well done again!
It's a difficult decision. Traditionally I like styles that blend in with the world that our characters are a part of, and as a result I would say the lower style as it's softer coloured. But the top picture does have more of a classic Elder Scrolls 'glass' look about it (and you seem to have used the Transliminal Violet spoken about above), so... *hops up on fence*
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Thanks, I used Regicide Red for the cloth and Transliminal Violet for the plate which turns out gold with a violet shine. The head and shoulders dont respond well to Transliminal Violet so I dyed them gold to match the plate.
It seems like they weren't going for cute and cuddly because they pulled the pic from the thread