Having done all antiquities in game to this point[...]
method__01 wrote: »i finally found my last lead from DSA after many tries and im done with grind-at least for mythic items-
stil have some pages to go
try not to have many gold leads open while you try for others,check and make sure before farming
cause game wont drop them if many active
good luck
Pitterpatter69 wrote: »Don't know if this will help but I didn't find the lead for the pool in Moonlit Cove. I found it looking through containers in the dock area in the big city (Senchel?)
Monte_Cristo wrote: »
It's official location is backpacks and urns in Southern Elsweyr, and any container inside Moonlit Cove. I found my only lead for it in a backpack somewhere overland.
I got my third lead for it (not on the same account - one each on 3 different PC accounts, 2 NA and 1 EU) from the same overland backpack: the one in a tent near the ballista tower eastish of Black Heights Wayshrine. Those were a while back now. And just a couple weeks ago I got a fourth one (on a second PC EU account) from an urn in Senchal Harbor.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
i got all 3 of my leads for this from moonlit cove urns, i recently got another lead for it from the other delve in a container but theres far less containers to really farm (i was also aware it could come from the overland area as well, but again for me it was too few containers to really farm so i always used moonlit cove lol)
ErianaSagewing wrote: »UPDATE - Just completed my 70th run of Imperial City Prison and still no luck with the Twitching Eyeball lead
I'm currently missing codex entries for 3 of the Ancestral Daedric motif chapters, but after burning hundreds of maps I finally threw in the towel. At 40K+ per map for a minuscule chance at a lead, which may or may not be the correct lead, I just reached a breaking point. It shouldn't cost 10mil+ to complete 14 codex entries. This is just absolutely terrible lead implementation from ZOS, and don't even get me started on the DSA lead. Absolute rubbish. Clearly nobody on the dev team had to farm that lead, or else they might be more sympathetic to our plight, and might even perhaps consider freshening up DSA to be a more compelling experience, rather than a 40 minute mindless grind.
ErianaSagewing wrote: »UPDATE - Just completed my 70th run of Imperial City Prison and still no luck with the Twitching Eyeball lead
ForzaRammer wrote: »The whole antiquity sys is stupid.
1. It adds more gold into circulation which increases inflation
2. It significantly restricts certain motifs supply and they are not even in crown store or event box
3. unnecessary and painful grind for mythic items (the topic of these post)
Zos could’ve just added some achievements vendors instead this
I'm almost 100% certain that you can get the Twitching Eyeball lead from ANY Watcher, not just the ones in Imperial City Prison. I say this because I've gotten the lead from killing a Watcher in the Deadlands.
MikeSkyrim333 wrote: »Lead of Gaze of Sithis that you can get from Dark Brotherhood quest causes me physical pain. It's even worse than a treasure map lead. Actually, almost all mythics are pay to win, because they give a great advantage, but in order to get them, you must have ESO PLUS or buy DLC. And a whole life to farm them all
Buying DLCs is not, has never been, and will never be pay to win. The idea is nonsense and would essentially relegate new content to being worthless gear wise in order to live up to the fantasy.
The minimum expectation of a video game, to experience all content, is to buy DLCs.
Pay to win is the direct purchase of advantageous gear for money. This game does not have that.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
the closest thing i would say is that level of pay 2 win is making a brand new toon, buying skyshards and skill lines, and then going into the under 50 pvp knowing you have more than enough skill pts and all the relevant skill lines
"light" pay to win is like jewelry crafting, you cannot craft your own jewelry without summerset (either through eso+ or buying it), obviously there are ways around this by paying a crafter to make gear for you, but you cannot even use the jewelry station to decon for mats without summerset either
Even with that first example, players can do that manually, with some time and care. My first PVP sorc, back in the days when I ran under 50 pvp to learn, I had skill points and Meteor by level 20 to spec out a full build. Nothing as satisfying as dropping meteor in under 50 cyrodil back in the day. All the crown store does for these is speed up the process to get there. It's convenience more than anything.