Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
That's a shame. I get that people don't want to lose what they currently have. It seems part of human psychology. For example Oakensoul / heavy attack builds have been a one way street. Once ZOS opened that pandora's box, people became extremely resistant to going back.Credible_Joe wrote: »...and so far the consensus has been that the base experience as it stands now has to have equal incentive to any alternative.
Yeah, but does it include this particular idea?
That's a shame. I get that people don't want to lose what they currently have. It seems part of human psychology. For example Oakensoul / heavy attack builds have been a one way street. Once ZOS opened that pandora's box, people became extremely resistant to going back.Credible_Joe wrote: »...and so far the consensus has been that the base experience as it stands now has to have equal incentive to any alternative.
I increasingly find these attitudes entitled. I have met (mostly older) players with physical difficulties or disabilities. For one of them the Oakensoul heavy attack meta boosted his confidence and opened up the world of vet trial progression groups. Without that he would have left the game. It's very hard to argue with that, but for players like him there are others for whom that meta dilutes their accomplishments in trials and who have outgrown overland so much that new zones have become meaningless to them. It seems the latter is not just felt by veteran players. It's also been the sticking point of a recent Josh Strife Hayes video as far as I can see:
While PvP is largely it's own reward for me, I personally play for tangible rewards in PvE. That's been the stickerbook or things of high gold value, which feeds into build-crafting and housing. Achievements don't really cut it for me. Being rewarded for my combat prowess keeps me going in PvE. Farming DLC dungeon monster style pages is an option, but I'd love for there to be a solo one. Perfected veteran trial sets are another case in point. However small their combat value is, there has to be a difference over normal for me personally to justify doing the content. Unfortunately I find many (newer) players fixate overly on gold perfected gear, not appreciating how little extra you get from that.
Yesterday I came across a streamer tackling veteran dungeons with a group of noobs. They completed vet Vaults of Madness. They had to drop down to normal In Icereach as far as I could see. Now he's asking what the easiest vet DLC dungeon is. Watching them was fascinating. Their playstyle was suboptimal, their aptitudes those of true beginners. One of them spammed DK chains over and over in the segment I watched. Yet they completed Vaults of Madness on vet. If new players can do that and have a ball, that just shows how badly overnerfed overland content is:
That may be true for you and me. I would steamroll the place solo, with only the harvester mechanic being a pain. Nonetheless, have you watched a bit of the video? I was amazed that group completed it in 1hr 20min, given their obvious lack of experience.Base game dungeons are not terribly difficult even on vet. I think Banished Cells 2 is the only one with a true DPS check.
Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
The only problem is how to implement this. The game is instanced, true. Even overland zones are, except this is hidden from view. This idea would mean having instances with different difficulty. If you've experienced Craglorn during the trading festival, a time when it gained more instances, you know what a population disaster that can be. Craglorn is the hub for forming (trial) pickup groups. Fragmenting the population made this nearly impossible during the festival.
Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
The only problem is how to implement this. The game is instanced, true. Even overland zones are, except this is hidden from view. This idea would mean having instances with different difficulty. If you've experienced Craglorn during the trading festival, a time when it gained more instances, you know what a population disaster that can be. Craglorn is the hub for forming (trial) pickup groups. Fragmenting the population made this nearly impossible during the festival.
That may be true for you and me. I would steamroll the place solo, with only the harvester mechanic being a pain. Nonetheless, have you watched a bit of the video? I was amazed that group completed it in 1hr 20min, given their obvious lack of experience.Base game dungeons are not terribly difficult even on vet. I think Banished Cells 2 is the only one with a true DPS check.
The only way I could see ZOS bringing a "vet" overland experience to the game that wouldn't split the playerbase and/or cause zoning/instancing issues would be for them to look into expanding the poison crafting system.
Create a new category within the poison crafting system where we could craft "self" debuffing poisons.
There could be a whole realm of options that debuff all the various combo's we already see in-game in the potions/poisons category. i.e. One that debuffs Health and Stamina for X amount of time. Or Tri-pot ones, Or a Mag/Stam regen, Mag/Health one, etc. There'd need to be ones that do each item individually as well though (see stacking thought below).
Just needs to have a host of variations so that a player can debuff themselves in a myriad different ways that they wish too. They would also ideally be stackable, so that each player could (through experimentation) find the right amount of debuffing of whatever stat(s) that will provide the perfect amount of challenge that they're looking for!
This system would be adjustable, expandable and non-permanent. It also means no changes to gear/weps, rewards, xp, etc. would need to be written into the code. Players could continue to wear all the great gear (no need to run around naked or with off weapons, etc.) they've made/earned and enjoy playing in. This would also allow for self adjusting of different characters/builds separately, providing a different "vet" experience per character, etc.
This also doesn't affect anyone else but the players who wish to use these poisons and engage with the system. Players who don't, won't see their gameplay experience change in the slightest. Those who do, can use this to fine-tune their own experience until the "fit" is right. Everyone continues to play in the same space and none are the wiser or affected in any adverse way they don't wish to be.
Of course this wont do anything for mechanics, etc. But we're talking about overland here and there really are none in this space anyway. Also, for the really sadistic players that want an even harder challenge then "hard mode" in a dungeon, they could take this system into those spaces if they wish to really push themselves.
A side benefit of this system would be the creation of a new market that crafters could go after by providing these new "renewable" items to market!
Could this be the way? Thoughts?
Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
The only problem is how to implement this. The game is instanced, true. Even overland zones are, except this is hidden from view. This idea would mean having instances with different difficulty. If you've experienced Craglorn during the trading festival, a time when it gained more instances, you know what a population disaster that can be. Craglorn is the hub for forming (trial) pickup groups. Fragmenting the population made this nearly impossible during the festival.
although it wouldnt really be necessary to split the players... changing how scaling works for people on vet difficulty would only make it harder for them meaning they would have to try harder to keep up with people on lower difficulty and letting them go all out with their builds..
this way it becomes sort of a necessity after you've acquired enough power as a player as if you just used youre max level OP build then bullying bosses and such without giving others much of a chance to fight probably isnt giving you the gear that you need.... its seems controvertial to incentivise doing making the game more difficult for yourself but you could always choose not to play on a higher difficulty... and its not like they would have to add extra rewards just the higher difficulty would be enough for most people..
adding a damage cap to enemies on normal could remedy the feeling like you did some unrealistic back jump in skill.. (so there is a damage limit on normal and the cap is realeased on hard mode makeing those players capable of doing the most damage) So vet mode players could have more potential to deal damage than normal players at the cost of ease.. long gone are the days of 10 second overland/delve boss kills before you had a good chance to get there lool.
there is probably so many other things to factor in though so of course it doesnt seem likely we will ever get a system like this..
Necrotech_Master wrote: »Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
The only problem is how to implement this. The game is instanced, true. Even overland zones are, except this is hidden from view. This idea would mean having instances with different difficulty. If you've experienced Craglorn during the trading festival, a time when it gained more instances, you know what a population disaster that can be. Craglorn is the hub for forming (trial) pickup groups. Fragmenting the population made this nearly impossible during the festival.
although it wouldnt really be necessary to split the players... changing how scaling works for people on vet difficulty would only make it harder for them meaning they would have to try harder to keep up with people on lower difficulty and letting them go all out with their builds..
this way it becomes sort of a necessity after you've acquired enough power as a player as if you just used youre max level OP build then bullying bosses and such without giving others much of a chance to fight probably isnt giving you the gear that you need.... its seems controvertial to incentivise doing making the game more difficult for yourself but you could always choose not to play on a higher difficulty... and its not like they would have to add extra rewards just the higher difficulty would be enough for most people..
adding a damage cap to enemies on normal could remedy the feeling like you did some unrealistic back jump in skill.. (so there is a damage limit on normal and the cap is realeased on hard mode makeing those players capable of doing the most damage) So vet mode players could have more potential to deal damage than normal players at the cost of ease.. long gone are the days of 10 second overland/delve boss kills before you had a good chance to get there lool.
there is probably so many other things to factor in though so of course it doesnt seem likely we will ever get a system like this..
the way your describing it here, it sounds like you basically want some configurable battle spirit-like self debuff
this wouldnt affect anyone else, but it would make the game harder if say, you had -% amount of dmg, healing, recovery, shields, etc
the current battle spirit is -50% dmg, shield size and i think -healing and health recovery is about -55%, which those are much more noticeable when your playing say solo in imperial city
thats the only way i could see that really working, some kind of self debuff akin to battle spirit that only affects yourself
not exactly.. im pretty sure overland scales with the players level.. so even though me and a level 10 are fighting a boss we are technically not... veteran difficulty would just scale the enemies difficulty to an even higher level.. so the level 160 on normal is hitting level 160 boss and the level 160 on vet is hitting a level 300 boss so to speak.. even though we are hitting the same guy the difficulty of the fight is different for both of us..
Necrotech_Master wrote: »Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
The only problem is how to implement this. The game is instanced, true. Even overland zones are, except this is hidden from view. This idea would mean having instances with different difficulty. If you've experienced Craglorn during the trading festival, a time when it gained more instances, you know what a population disaster that can be. Craglorn is the hub for forming (trial) pickup groups. Fragmenting the population made this nearly impossible during the festival.
although it wouldnt really be necessary to split the players... changing how scaling works for people on vet difficulty would only make it harder for them meaning they would have to try harder to keep up with people on lower difficulty and letting them go all out with their builds..
this way it becomes sort of a necessity after you've acquired enough power as a player as if you just used youre max level OP build then bullying bosses and such without giving others much of a chance to fight probably isnt giving you the gear that you need.... its seems controvertial to incentivise doing making the game more difficult for yourself but you could always choose not to play on a higher difficulty... and its not like they would have to add extra rewards just the higher difficulty would be enough for most people..
adding a damage cap to enemies on normal could remedy the feeling like you did some unrealistic back jump in skill.. (so there is a damage limit on normal and the cap is realeased on hard mode makeing those players capable of doing the most damage) So vet mode players could have more potential to deal damage than normal players at the cost of ease.. long gone are the days of 10 second overland/delve boss kills before you had a good chance to get there lool.
there is probably so many other things to factor in though so of course it doesnt seem likely we will ever get a system like this..
the way your describing it here, it sounds like you basically want some configurable battle spirit-like self debuff
this wouldnt affect anyone else, but it would make the game harder if say, you had -% amount of dmg, healing, recovery, shields, etc
the current battle spirit is -50% dmg, shield size and i think -healing and health recovery is about -55%, which those are much more noticeable when your playing say solo in imperial city
thats the only way i could see that really working, some kind of self debuff akin to battle spirit that only affects yourself
not exactly.. im pretty sure overland scales with the players level.. so even though me and a level 10 are fighting a boss we are technically not... veteran difficulty would just scale the enemies difficulty to an even higher level.. so the level 160 on normal is hitting level 160 boss and the level 160 on vet is hitting a level 300 boss so to speak.. even though we are hitting the same guy the difficulty of the fight is different for both of us..
"This makes vet difficulty a fun option for more hardcore gamer experiences.."
If fun is the goal you shouldn't care about better rewards.
I would like a way to make overland content more difficult but I see no reason to reward a player for choosing a higher difficulty in overland activities.
For quite a while I was pushing the food/potions debuff option. Eat some food and get a combo of negative affects. Really all this would do though is make the same fights simply last longer. To really give us a more difficult overland that gives us an interesting fight instead of just a longer fight would be to rework the mechanics of the creatures we find in overland then place those in a different instance. That solution is not feasible for a variety of reasons that have been discussed to death in the above mentioned thread.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »Necrotech_Master wrote: »Yeah, but does it include this particular idea? I actually really like it. Especially if "Craglorn difficulty" meant Craglorn as it was before One Tamriel, e.g. seriously hard for newer players. Going back to even before my time in the game, dolmens were once considered difficult.valenwood_vegan wrote: »There is already a 169 page thread on this...
The only problem is how to implement this. The game is instanced, true. Even overland zones are, except this is hidden from view. This idea would mean having instances with different difficulty. If you've experienced Craglorn during the trading festival, a time when it gained more instances, you know what a population disaster that can be. Craglorn is the hub for forming (trial) pickup groups. Fragmenting the population made this nearly impossible during the festival.
although it wouldnt really be necessary to split the players... changing how scaling works for people on vet difficulty would only make it harder for them meaning they would have to try harder to keep up with people on lower difficulty and letting them go all out with their builds..
this way it becomes sort of a necessity after you've acquired enough power as a player as if you just used youre max level OP build then bullying bosses and such without giving others much of a chance to fight probably isnt giving you the gear that you need.... its seems controvertial to incentivise doing making the game more difficult for yourself but you could always choose not to play on a higher difficulty... and its not like they would have to add extra rewards just the higher difficulty would be enough for most people..
adding a damage cap to enemies on normal could remedy the feeling like you did some unrealistic back jump in skill.. (so there is a damage limit on normal and the cap is realeased on hard mode makeing those players capable of doing the most damage) So vet mode players could have more potential to deal damage than normal players at the cost of ease.. long gone are the days of 10 second overland/delve boss kills before you had a good chance to get there lool.
there is probably so many other things to factor in though so of course it doesnt seem likely we will ever get a system like this..
the way your describing it here, it sounds like you basically want some configurable battle spirit-like self debuff
this wouldnt affect anyone else, but it would make the game harder if say, you had -% amount of dmg, healing, recovery, shields, etc
the current battle spirit is -50% dmg, shield size and i think -healing and health recovery is about -55%, which those are much more noticeable when your playing say solo in imperial city
thats the only way i could see that really working, some kind of self debuff akin to battle spirit that only affects yourself
not exactly.. im pretty sure overland scales with the players level.. so even though me and a level 10 are fighting a boss we are technically not... veteran difficulty would just scale the enemies difficulty to an even higher level.. so the level 160 on normal is hitting level 160 boss and the level 160 on vet is hitting a level 300 boss so to speak.. even though we are hitting the same guy the difficulty of the fight is different for both of us..
the enemies were never set up to scale past cp160, and like others said they are basically hard set at cp160, so as a low lvl player your actually effectively scaled up, which is why you feel weaker as you approach level 50 and return to normal scaling
with the way the game works, scaling the enemy to a higher lvl just wouldnt work, because that would influence how other people are fighting it, a cp300 enemy would be quite stronger than cp160 enemy, and both you and the low lvl would feel it
applying a self debuff is the only way to "self contain" difficulty scaling, and idk how it would be different honestly, back in the old says when you were fighting an enemy over your level, you were taking a flat hit to your effectiveness of everything (thats why a lvl 1 item for a lvl 50 cp160 has a much much lower value than a lvl 1 sees on a lvl 1 item)
so taking how it does in other games and fighting something +5 of your lvl reduces your effectiveness on the enemy by say 80%, if you had a battle spirit like debuff on yourself that is -80% to all of your effects (dmg, shield, healing, etc, or if you want it more hardcore, a -% to max stats too, heck even include stuff like armor, pen, dmg, everything if you want it more difficult, or even a unique +dmg taken from monsters)
this would provide the same "challenge" without it affecting how anyone else is playing
"This makes vet difficulty a fun option for more hardcore gamer experiences.."
If fun is the goal you shouldn't care about better rewards.
I would like a way to make overland content more difficult but I see no reason to reward a player for choosing a higher difficulty in overland activities.
For quite a while I was pushing the food/potions debuff option. Eat some food and get a combo of negative affects. Really all this would do though is make the same fights simply last longer. To really give us a more difficult overland that gives us an interesting fight instead of just a longer fight would be to rework the mechanics of the creatures we find in overland then place those in a different instance. That solution is not feasible for a variety of reasons that have been discussed to death in the above mentioned thread.
well its not like they would HAVE to add increased rewards..