- DPS was lower, so more things were challenging
- The game wasn't as casual in general
isadoraisacat wrote: »From what I understand “classic” eso had no identity and didn’t feel like an elder scrolls game. Even the devs stated it did not please elder scrolls
Fans or mmo fans. At least now this feels like an elder scrolls game with an mmo skin on it and not the other way around. We need to remember they have been carrying the IP and the lore for the last decade as bgs hasn’t put out any real games since Skyrim.
In other words I do not see the point to having something like this.
That would be strange, because I cannot think of much that's been added that actually brings it closer to an Elder Scrolls game, and a lot that has been added detracts from it. I'm mainly talking about all the pointless bling that's been added in the form of weird skins, costumes and preposterous mounts that now litter this otherwise very nice artistic rendition of Tamriel.
isadoraisacat wrote: »You know those are all optional and you aren’t forced to use or pay for them right ?
isadoraisacat wrote: »You also know that’s how MMOs make money and comes with the territory.
isadoraisacat wrote: »You can’t think of much ? People have already listed in that threads the things that were added and it was a lot.
Still have to look at them.
But above all people have the right to expect ZOS to show some respect to the series.
That's beside the point. The question was whether they contributed to making the game feel more like an ES game. I don't see many additions that did.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »What did Pre-One Tamriel have.
- No Furniture Interactions
- No Housing,
- No DLC content
- No Outfit station
- No Transmute Station
- No Custom Personalities
- No Warden
- No Necromancer
- No Crafting Bag
- No Battlegrounds
- Veteran Ranks instead of Champion Points making it take an extremely long time to level a character
- Level based zones which made lower level content irrelevant
- Inability to play with anyone from another alliance outside of Craglorn
Are you really sure you would want to play that again?
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »What did Pre-One Tamriel have.
1- No Furniture Interactions
2- No Housing,
3- No DLC content
4- No Outfit station
5- No Transmute Station
6- No Custom Personalities
7- No Warden
8- No Necromancer
9- No Crafting Bag
10- No Battlegrounds
11- Veteran Ranks instead of Champion Points making it take an extremely long time to level a character
12- Level based zones which made lower level content irrelevant
13- Inability to play with anyone from another alliance outside of Craglorn
Are you really sure you would want to play that again?