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Rapport sources for Sharp-as-Night

Share rapport sources for Sharp-as-Night here!

+1 - harvest alchemy mat
+5 - visiting vvardenfell
+1 - fishing (5 minute cooldown?)
+1 - trophy fish (no cooldown?)
+4 - visiting blackwood (leyawiin)
+4 - visiting shadowfen
+4 - visiting Hew's Bane
+125 - Ashlander Hunt Daily
+1 - repair gear
+5 - heavy sack

-1 outfit station
-10 - pay a bounty to guard
-5 - pickpocket beggar
-5 - Destroying item ("You could've sold that you know")
(?) gear breaks
(?) enchant running out
Edited by BerylBones on April 18, 2023 10:38PM
  • JMadFour
    .....he doesn't like Fashion?
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Explains why going to deshaan and rivenspire gave him ups, I thought it was my homes. He likes travelling.
  • lillybit
    So you can't give him an outfit without losing rapport? Not impressed :D
    PS4 EU
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    You get positive rapport for repairing and you lose rapport if your gear breaks.
  • BlueRaven
    BerylBones wrote: »
    Share rapport sources for Sharp-as-Night here!

    +1 - harvest alchemy mat
    +5 - visiting vvardenfell
    +1 - fishing (5 minute cooldown?)
    +1 - trophy fish (no cooldown?)
    +4 - visiting blackwood (leyawiin)
    +4 - visiting shadowfen
    +4 - visiting Hew's Bane
    +125 - Ashlander Hunt Daily

    -1 outfit station
    -10 - pay bounty to guard
    -5 - pickpocket begger

    -1 for outfit station???? What?
  • wolfie1.0.
    Well this companion is going to really hate me
  • BerylBones
    JMadFour wrote: »
    .....he doesn't like Fashion?

    When you talk to him, one of his dialogue lines is something about not caring if you want to dress up but to do it on your own time lol
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Wonder if he will react positively to visiting Dark Brotherhood sanctuary / Thieves Guild HQ / Outlaw Refuge.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 18, 2023 8:42PM
  • Caligamy_ESO
    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.
    Edited by Caligamy_ESO on April 18, 2023 9:19PM
    love is love
  • BerylBones
    Wonder if he will react positively to visiting Dark Brotherhood sanctuary / Thieves Guild HQ / Outlaw Refuge.

    No rapport change for visiting any of those
  • Wolf_Eye
    Does he care about murder or stealing? Pickpocketing?
  • Gadamlub14_ESO
    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.

    He…doesn’t like deconstructing items?
  • Wolfchild07
    I'm just disappointed that the warden is a lizard. They should just let us choose which class we want the companions to be, even if we have to level each class up on them.
  • BerylBones
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    Does he care about murder or stealing? Pickpocketing?

    So far I've only seen a rapport decrease for pickpocketing a beggar. He has a dialogue line about only stealing from those who deserve it, not from those who work for it (or something like that. Not on PTS to check it right now)
    And he loses rapport if you pay a guard, but not if you pay a fence.

    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.

    He…doesn’t like deconstructing items?
    I haven't tried actual deconstruction, but he doesn't like when you right click an item from your inventory and destroy it.

  • Gadamlub14_ESO
    Ah okay. That doesn’t sound too bad then
  • Jusey1
    BerylBones wrote: »
    -5 - Destroying item ("You could've sold that you know")

    This one needs to go... Like, that totally could kill the companion for me because I use the add-on to automatically destroy worthless items (junk that costs 0 gold and has absolutely no use at all).

    This is assuming that he can still be triggered by the add-on itself deleting useless items and if it triggers on item that costs 0 gold. If the latter is true, at least make that untrue ZOS. What's the point of "You should've sold that!" when the item has no cost?
    Edited by Jusey1 on April 19, 2023 5:24AM
  • Jusey1
    lillybit wrote: »
    So you can't give him an outfit without losing rapport? Not impressed :D

    I am assuming using an Outfit Station inside of a player house will bypass this.
    Edited by Jusey1 on April 19, 2023 3:00PM
  • remosito
    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.

    That's a total dealbreaker. I destroy a lot stuff every session.. dont have eso+ and no merchant companion.

    like hell I gonna interrupt my session to run to the nearest town to sell 100 slots of stuff netting me 1000gold...

    seriously zos?
    ShutYerTrap (selectively mute NPC dialogues (stuga, companions); displayleads (antiquity leads location); UndauntedPledgeQueuer (small daily undaunted dungeon queuer window)
  • Wolf_Eye
    BerylBones wrote: »
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    Does he care about murder or stealing? Pickpocketing?

    So far I've only seen a rapport decrease for pickpocketing a beggar. He has a dialogue line about only stealing from those who deserve it, not from those who work for it (or something like that. Not on PTS to check it right now)
    And he loses rapport if you pay a guard, but not if you pay a fence.

    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.

    He…doesn’t like deconstructing items?
    I haven't tried actual deconstruction, but he doesn't like when you right click an item from your inventory and destroy it.

    Thank you for all this fantastic information and help! :)
  • lillybit
    Jusey1 wrote: »
    lillybit wrote: »
    So you can't give him an outfit without losing rapport? Not impressed :D

    I assuming using an Outfit Station inside of a player house will bypass this.

    Can you change companions outfits in a house? They aren't active there so assumed it wouldn't work
    PS4 EU
  • Snamyap
    remosito wrote: »
    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.

    That's a total dealbreaker. I destroy a lot stuff every session.. dont have eso+ and no merchant companion.

    like hell I gonna interrupt my session to run to the nearest town to sell 100 slots of stuff netting me 1000gold...

    seriously zos?

    Unsummon him for a moment?
  • Jusey1
    lillybit wrote: »
    Jusey1 wrote: »
    lillybit wrote: »
    So you can't give him an outfit without losing rapport? Not impressed :D

    I assuming using an Outfit Station inside of a player house will bypass this.

    Can you change companions outfits in a house? They aren't active there so assumed it wouldn't work

    Yes you can. As long as you have an active companion before entering your home. I do it all the time because I forget where the outfit station is in towns so I just use my own in my house.
    Edited by Jusey1 on April 19, 2023 3:00PM
  • remosito
    Snamyap wrote: »
    remosito wrote: »
    He doesn't like your enchantments running out either, or destroying items without selling them.

    That's a total dealbreaker. I destroy a lot stuff every session.. dont have eso+ and no merchant companion.

    like hell I gonna interrupt my session to run to the nearest town to sell 100 slots of stuff netting me 1000gold...

    seriously zos?

    Unsummon him for a moment?

    My addon automatically shreds incoming crap (as defined by me) as soon as it hits my bag...

    so that temporary unsummon would have to be permanent..
    Edited by remosito on April 19, 2023 4:10PM
    ShutYerTrap (selectively mute NPC dialogues (stuga, companions); displayleads (antiquity leads location); UndauntedPledgeQueuer (small daily undaunted dungeon queuer window)
  • Necrotech_Master
    to me decon and destroy are 2 different things

    destroy you get nothing, decon you still get items back, not sure if it matters for this companion

    are there any other dailies that give the rapport? it has the ashlander hunt daily, but that would be abyssmal if he only had 1 daily for big rapport gains

    honestly could care less about the other "small" rapport gains and losses because they are so negligible
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • ghastley
    Isobel and Ember had rapport boosts from High Isle dailies, so I expect the new companions will have home zone ones too. So far I have only determined that Sharp does not get anything from the Necrom daily delve. Need to test WB daily once my character can handle them.
  • ADarklore
    Well, reading this, I'm glad I have addons that automatically repair my gear and recharge enchants. Also nice to hear that deconning material doesn't bother him, I rarely 'destroy' items except some of those worthless daily rewards we get that we cannot sell. One would think if something has a price of ZERO, that we shouldn't get any decline in rapport due to them not having any value for selling (if we could even sell it).

    I'm glad that neither of the new companions have an issue with killing or thieving (that I've seen so far), which makes them usable for Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood quests. I had planned to use Ember for these, but honestly I find her extremely annoying, WAY too 'excited' for my taste. However, Sharp seems like he will be a great DPS companion for all content... depending on his attitude. :) Azander, I'm not sure where he will fit into my Companion ranking.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Serenez
    I got Rapport increase for drinking Hissimir Fish Eye Rye but may have been on cooldown when, I tested the Artaeum Fish Bowl and nothing (need confirmation on these)

    Going Fishing

    For every trophy fish (no cooldown)

  • Jusey1
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I had planned to use Ember for these,.

    Ember hates it when you're caught which is why she is hard to use during TG since the detection system in ESO is very buggy (plus I swear if pickpocket isn't 100%, it's 0%).
  • NeuroticPixels
    Jusey1 wrote: »
    BerylBones wrote: »
    -5 - Destroying item ("You could've sold that you know")

    This one needs to go... Like, that totally could kill the companion for me because I use the add-on to automatically destroy worthless items (junk that costs 0 gold and has absolutely no use at all).

    This is assuming that he can still be triggered by the add-on itself deleting useless items and if it triggers on item that costs 0 gold. If the latter is true, at least make that untrue ZOS. What's the point of "You should've sold that!" when the item has no cost?

    Same. I’m irritated by this.
    Check out the ReShade I made: Crispy Sharpness
  • Phoenixotica
    JMadFour wrote: »
    .....he doesn't like Fashion?

    He's a lizard. They don't like human fashion, especially wearing it over the human skins they have to wear as they take over the world.
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