Main problem is low quality of players. They:
- don't observe battlefield fast enough to see what's coming
- they don't hold block/dodge
- they don't use obstacles, more know as LOS - line of sight
- they don't use speed buff
- zergs follow ballgroup for unknown reason and then die *
And most important: they will never read this post and will continue to do all that mistakes.
* just one death of PUG player can generate 20k+ damage from procs. Thats why friendly ballgroups mostly ignore enemy balls when there are lot of zerg players around, cuz they generate too much "death proc" damage.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »The pulls into them annoy me because I appear well away from the crowd but yet go flying in to Squishies that are already exploding when I get there. Lately it's pulling me around said objects, even back up on the wall because maybe the game disagrees with where I was, seemingly never in my favor.
WreckfulAbandon wrote: »No set will ever counter ball groups as if it's good they can just find a way to use the set themselves.
If battle spirit removed the same heal type from stacking how would that give an unfair edge to the 1 person in a 1v12?
They would just have to use some other heals rather than crutch on game mechanics favoring using the most convenient and efficient heals for mobility.
If a solo player had a chance against a group of 12 wouldn't that be unbalanced? Literally?
Aren't RoA, VD, and OO designed to counter ball groups?
Recommending isn't the same as blaming.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »I think everyone that hates fighting ball groups should just not fight them. Just move to different objectives. Even if it means losing scrolls. Hard part is getting the randoms to do it, and they are the content that most the ball groups want. But if everyone does it enough; ball groups will take care of themselves by disbanding out of boredom or put their money where their mouth is, and go look for each other
The issue that I have with this is that it doesn't work. Ballgroups exert enough pressure to be able to hold the entire map hostage under their influence; if there's suddenly a fight somewhere else, one (or two or three) of them often roll up to take it over. Or they'll concentrate every single player in a campaign around a keep or two in trying to deal with them, killing off PvP elsewhere. I'm sure you can remember the pressure my smallscale exerted on the map by farming DC in Glademist for a few patches and the reactions we got in zonechat. We'd take a sizeable pug zerg hostage for however long until we eventually wiped or flipped the keep. Ballgroups do that but with entire factions, and god forbid there's 2-3 of them on the same side pushing the same keep against a defending faction. There's absolutely no chance for the pugs to win, whereas with a smallscale it's a matter of when a mistake is made by the smallscale.
Here's an example, though. My duo and I moved from Sej to Arrius literally today after not playing for almost a month to avoid a Ballgroup who rolled up and ruined our fights there today. We cut the keep, started sieging FD to get inside to force an EP response, and who comes barreling into the door once we get it down? That same Ballgroup. Oh, they tried ultdumping us several times too-- a duo, instead of fighting the 20 or so EP pugs or another Ballgroup that eventually came over to check out what was going on. They were really trying, too. I don't know if we pissed them off or something, but christ. It was weird.
I'm frankly getting sick of PvP being nothing but Ballgroups, Tanks, Healers, Gankers, and DK's running mDW + Vate staff. There's reasons why I don't play a ton anymore-- I'm hoping the meta gets shaken up soon. Ballgroups are a definite issue that've gotten out of control and crosshealing needs to be hard capped to TWO instances of the same-morph heal on you at one time.
WreckfulAbandon wrote: »Main problem is pugs arent coordinated enough to spam finesse rapid regen and echoing vigor so that they all have 5+ instances of each ticking on them at all times.
I get it, I get it, don't hound me ball group enthusiasts. It takes a lot of skill to spam adeptly coordinate these skills and a lot of patience to endure being yelled at by your hive mind charismatic leader. Also a lot of self control to suspend all independent thought while part of the group. Props! 💪💯
As someone who used to lead ballgroups, I gotta say I got a good laugh from reading this lol well said
Another evening of PvP, another evening dealing with ball groups at back keeps, only this time AD and EP decided they'd team up and both run around inside Glade, only hitting each other long enough to charge ults knowing they won't actually kill each other without an ult dump. My normally rock-solid pvp experience went to complete garbage while they were doing this, and they basically had free reign to farm until they got bored and jumped out.
I think it's time for me to drop my sub and take another game break because this pvp meta is utter crap and only fun for the ball-groupers.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
Sounds like a Tuesday
Another evening of PvP, another evening dealing with ball groups at back keeps, only this time AD and EP decided they'd team up and both run around inside Glade, only hitting each other long enough to charge ults knowing they won't actually kill each other without an ult dump. My normally rock-solid pvp experience went to complete garbage while they were doing this, and they basically had free reign to farm until they got bored and jumped out.
I think it's time for me to drop my sub and take another game break because this pvp meta is utter crap and only fun for the ball-groupers.
Sadly it’s a simple situation: PvP in ESO is great but ball groups are simply ruining it.
I really hope ZOS will do something about it sooner rather than waiting for ‘normal PvPers’ to just lose interest.
Ball groups are mostly a burden to normal players who are fan of having the freedom to control their own and the abilities of group mates.
Overpowered groups as ball groups are causing desyncs by spamming their load to farm AP in the shortest period.
It is boring, tiring and no challenge to fight as a normal player.
As a leader of a causal guild I wish to have some changes that go beyond gear implementations, and comprises fundamental changes in pvp areas, as during the test with the cooldown timers on skills, or should include a try to reduce the range of healing skills to stimulate self heal.
A shift in balance to bring chances more in favor of the majority of players instead of a small group that can destroy the game.
1- We are normal players too
2- You play(ed ?) in Decimation Elite, the biggest zerg ever known in PC EU.
please stop trying to make sense.
(By the way, i'm still looking for that sweet video you guys had of a 24 man meteor spam on 10 Banana Squad member, if you find it again, gimme)
1) If you're normal, shouldn't you just come and join us? But anyway, most players aren't in ballgroups by which I meant the average pvp player.
2) I am still playing in Decimation Elite. Still running groups but not as big as in the past. We were famous for our groups that coordinated very well. You call them zerg but ok so be it. We gave a place for every player and were just very good at recruiting. We also needed to play like that to counter the Banana Squad ballgroup. They were one of the first groups that developed this adverse effect in pvp.
Nowadays we are more focussing on our reputation and individual playstyles on Ravenwatch EU that still is the purest pvp zone. Would like to see an alliance lock there as well. To have more connection with our faction.
WaywardArgonian wrote: »
Even as a casual group, there is a lot you can do to counter ballgroups, especially if you coordinate between guilds as EP Ravenwatch does.
The sad reality is that people in casual groups tend to put out a minimal amount of healing and damage regardless of their group's composition. A group that runs better builds and does many more actions per minute will always win, no matter if it is a ballgroup or something else. Especially on Ravenwatch, where all of the usual carry sets (Snow-Treaders, Rush of Agony, etc.) do not work, guilds should be a lot more introspective in regard to what they can do better themselves before they call for nerfs of entire playstyle.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
Ravenwatch is not really where ball groups are strong. I'm not even sure why it would be discussed missing the mass pulls and bombs.