It should not be possible to get so much damage with so little effort as by holding down one button while also gaining unlimited resources. Abilities that actually cost resources should be the main source of damage
I have mixed feelings about it. It is true that heavy attack builds are too strong but if they're nerfed there would be a lot of complaining and displeasure and no easy "just use a heavy attack build" way into endgame, which not saying I agree with but I don't think the game can handle another riot. Heavy attack builds do add a new style of play but it is true that it's less effort than non heavy attack builds and thus shouldn't have the same damage and more survivability.
It should not be possible to get so much damage with so little effort as by holding down one button while also gaining unlimited resources. Abilities that actually cost resources should be the main source of damage
An optimized one-bar build can hit 80K on the trial dummy with the right gear/skills/rotation. An optimized two-bar build can easily hit 30K-40K higher on the trial dummy. Scale that down and we're looking at 40K vs 60K. It's not the same damage for less effort, and quite frankly if you don't like that play style then carry on with your two-bar build and for the love of the Nine, stop asking ZOS for nerfs. It literally has no bearing on your gameplay, so let it be.I have mixed feelings about it. It is true that heavy attack builds are too strong but if they're nerfed there would be a lot of complaining and displeasure and no easy "just use a heavy attack build" way into endgame, which not saying I agree with but I don't think the game can handle another riot. Heavy attack builds do add a new style of play but it is true that it's less effort than non heavy attack builds and thus shouldn't have the same damage and more survivability.
Once again, it's not even remotely the same damage, and more survivability is questionable as well.
I'm assuming that when people complain about heavy attack builds, that they're referring to one-bar builds, right?
People just need to be honest say that they don't like one-bar builds. You don't like it? Don't use it. The bottom line is that one-bar builds have opened up the ability for more people to play more content, and more people playing more content is not a terrible thing for the game. Think of it is a stepping stone, and possibly the impetus that people need to learn more about the game, and ultimately transition to a standard two-bar build.
While I will agree that there are places where heavy attack builds excel (e.g. trash pulls in dungeons), "seeing" 90k+ isn't really relevant to anything. For comparison, I've seen 135k+ non-HA parses which means objectively they 100% do not do the same damage. That they do enough damage to clear content shouldn't be a problem for you.Uhhh no, it definitely is the same damage. How do I know this? I've seen 90k+ parses, I've seen people do same dps as me in-content on a HA build, I've seen several endgamers switch TO HA because its just easier with the same damage, to the point that those same players are hosting all HA trifecta runs. There's nothing wrong with having fun but objectively an easier build shouldn't have the same damage as one that is more difficult. And yes, they have more survivability, at least from what I've seen with oakensoul HA sorcs. I know this because I've seen them solo vet dlc bosses right in front of me and they just won't die. I do not care one bit if someone is using a one-bar build, but I do care that those same people rush ahead in dungeons and that people are switching to it just because it's easy. I don't think that one-bar shouldn't be viable nor do I think that ha should be obliterated, but I do think it needs to be toned down just a little bit.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Is this the monsters preservation society of Tamriel? 😅
Sorry ... 🤭
The change to "monsters only" is the single most reasonable thing ZOS has done the entire last year.
And survivability of Oakensoul HA Sorcs has to do with Sorcerer class and Oakenaoul Ring, not heavy attacks.
The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Is this the monsters preservation society of Tamriel? 😅
Sorry ... 🤭
The change to "monsters only" is the single most reasonable thing ZOS has done the entire last year.
And survivability of Oakensoul HA Sorcs has to do with Sorcerer class and Oakenaoul Ring, not heavy attacks.
Well yeah, obviously we can’t have an 80% increase to heavy attack damage to players, but the value never used to be 80%. The original buff it granted was a % increase in damage to your next attack, yet it’s gone on this crazy journey to becoming useless in PvP, now you have skills that were built around it, that weren’t updated with the changes, that have become useless.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »"Endgamers" are not switching to heavy attacks. The heavy attack build may not be as bad as it was previously, but it is far from competitive. Probably a good balance tbh, the reduced effort results in reduced damage, but still able to clear most non-HM content.
Uhhh no, it definitely is the same damage. How do I know this? I've seen 90k+ parses, I've seen people do same dps as me in-content on a HA build, I've seen several endgamers switch TO HA because its just easier with the same damage, to the point that those same players are hosting all HA trifecta runs. There's nothing wrong with having fun but objectively an easier build shouldn't have the same damage as one that is more difficult. And yes, they have more survivability, at least from what I've seen with oakensoul HA sorcs. I know this because I've seen them solo vet dlc bosses right in front of me and they just won't die. I do not care one bit if someone is using a one-bar build, but I do care that those same people rush ahead in dungeons and that people are switching to it just because it's easy. I don't think that one-bar shouldn't be viable nor do I think that ha should be obliterated, but I do think it needs to be toned down just a little bit.
I don't think it's fair or right to say that because something is PvE or PvP that it somehow doesn't matter. A lot of issues have been let through in PvP because predominantly PvE players didn't care, and vice versa.sneakymitchell wrote: »Can we all agree it doesn’t matter cause this is just pve related and pve it’s not something to get worked up about than pvp cause you know being one shotted by a player isn’t fun compared to pve where you can melt a npc boss in different ways
They did the same with Mist Form and most people don't care that it was gutted and made completely useless (as in, using it in PvE content will kill you; the ability is useless). I doubt you'll get much traction with that request because "it was deserved." People don't like getting one-shot by someone doing a heavy attack for 40k crits.The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Can we get at least some utility back for PvP? They stripped the ability from that side of the game completely without a second thought.
Agree with this. I can do 98k on a trial dummy with an Oakensoul heavy attack build, and I can do ~130k with my magicka dragonknight using a "proper" rotation. It shouldn't need to be said but, like stamplar of old, while easy to reach its ceiling that ceiling is a hard cap. I'd expect a beginner to be doing around 75k. The lower end is around 80k, while the upper end is around 100k (it does require pets and it does require using them; i.e. Tormentor needs to be activated prior to 50%). If ZOS wanted to close the gap between floor and ceiling, this would actually be a good start if it was intentional. There's basically no excuse for people to be doing 5k DPS in content when all you need to do is hold down your mouse button.MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »I'd like to point out that the people who can pull 90k+ with the one-bar build are also likely people who can do much better with that on a two-bar build.
Personally, I don't get anywhere near 90k with my HA build. If the HA builds get nerfed just that the big nerf of U35 it's the mid to lower level players who get hurt the most.
Completely agree. Sorcerer Oakensoul HA builds are currently hitting over a 100k with ONLY heavy attacks and casting none of your skills. You can't tell me that is not absolutely broken.
Wrong, an really optimized one bar build even can hit up to about 100k. Just non optimizes pure heavy attack builds hit for 80k, its the minimum they get if they dont do something totally wrong on an oakensoul one bar build.An optimized one-bar build can hit 80K on the trial dummy with the right gear/skills/rotation.
Wrong again! You cant just scale both values the same way. At least not in unoptimized situations like dungeons. The one bar build wastes some buffs on the trial which become relevant, if they arent already present in the group (like dungeons) + the two bar build will miss plenty buffs from the trial dummy that make him really strong. So in the end, both will do similar damage in unoptimized groups (like dungeons), while one takes literally no effort but the other does take plenty effort just to get to the same level. It can even happen that the one bar build, just because of the oakensoul ring alone is even stronger than a build that does 30-40k more damage on a trial dummy.An optimized two-bar build can easily hit 30K-40K higher on the trial dummy. Scale that down and we're looking at 40K vs 60K.
Wrong, its not questionable, its fact. Just look at the buffs the oakensoul ring gives.Once again, it's not even remotely the same damage, and more survivability is questionable as well.
You could say the same argument about literally anything broken or even about cheats and it might be valid as long as it just affects ones solo play / experience but in an multiplayer game like ESO this argument is absolute invalid.People just need to be honest say that they don't like one-bar builds. You don't like it? Don't use it.
True, but the thing is that I doubt that this will happen often in reality.Think of it is a stepping stone, and possibly the impetus that people need to learn more about the game, and ultimately transition to a standard two-bar build.