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Are we still elligible for refund?

Hello! I'm just wondering if we are still elligible for a refund since the game is currently unplayable for most of us.

Always getting unknown error and having major lag issues.

Since this is only happening to 5-10% of the population, I figured that zenimax/bethesda wont be allocating their resource into fixing such minor bug. They've already acknowledge the no zoom bug in character creation and made it their priority over the lagging issues that some players are experiencing. Which for me, is a stupid decision. The character zoom in creation screen doesn't even affect the quality of gameplay that the players will experience and yet they made it their priority over the lagging and disconnection issue.

Since this is a monthly-sub game, I figured that this is not worth it. We pay to play and if we can't play then why pay?

So my question is, can we still ask for a refund? since where only in early access stage and not yet the official release.
  • Siegfried_Greymane
    Take heart. They'll fix it. Malacath does not favor the timid. Like you, I was ticked off, but you must remember they are designing a huge game that has to be as big as WoW is now from the start. WoW/etc. had a decade to grow.
    Lord, I was born a ramblin' man,
    Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can.
    And when it's time for leavin',
    I hope you'll understand,
    That I was born a ramblin' man
  • blackwolf7
    I was being patient at first, but when I saw that they have acknowledged the character creation zoom bug and made it as their priority vs this bug which makes 5-10% of the population unable to play the game at all, it made me assume that they dont know how to set their priorities.

    So yeah, I know this is just the 1st day of early access and of course, *** ups will happen. No mmo was released perfect. All MMO had problems during their release and almost all of the new mmo's problem is the connecting/disconnecting issue and server overloading/crashing.

    But this is the first MMO who prioritized something as minor as character zoom in character creation screen over the fact that some of the players can't play the game at all.

    Being a pay to play game, they should always make their number 1 priority to deliver the game to their customers.
  • ipkonfigcub18_ESO
    Like every game the has come out the past 5 years, they won't fix it. I have yet to see any developer company actually address issues in their games, no matter how large or small. If an employee gets upset by the bug/issue THEN they fix it, otherwise it never does.
  • blackwolf7
    I disagree. FFXIV no matter how crappy their game is, acknowledged their server problem the first day of early access (although the fix only went live after 1week) they did acknowledge the problem. Same thing with diablo 3, Guild Wars 2. etc etc.
  • DanBlackfyre
    They should have known this would happen... Ever since february I have been talking to customer support about this very issue. They blamed the ISP. Now we have people from 10 different ISPs with the same issue and they still have not even said they are working on it.
  • blackwolf7
    That's exactly my point sir danblackfyre. I know issues like this takes time specially this being a connection issue. I understand if it takes a week before they can fix it.

    What disappointed me is the fact that they still havent consider this as a problem. They actually posted that they are working on the character zoom bug but not a word about this lagging issue.

    It is upsetting for a paying customer to hear their stupidty wherein they focos more on fixing a minor bug instead of this gameplay hindering bug.

    The fact that it's been 12hours and they still havent take a look at it or accepted it as a problem will only delay the fix more. It's really really easy to make a post that says theyre working on it and yet they cant even do it.

    So yeah it would be great if a dev or an admin can reply to this thread wether i can get a refund or not. If not, its fine by me as well, i enjoyed beta and pre purchased this game without knowing that devs doesnt know how to prioritize things so it is kind of my fault.

    I just want to make sure so atleast i can also tell my entire guild to wait for new mmo for this isnt worth it. Dont want them to make the same mistake as i did.
  • ZOS_MichelleA
    Hello, @blackwolf7‌. We apologize for the frustration! Have you contacted our Customer Support Team about this issue yet? If not, we would be happy to create a ticket for you to discuss this matter.
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  • Zelus
    Well I can confirm the "unknown error" is there server side... since I am now able to play the game again after watching multiple Netflix movies and waited many hours to play again... runs very smooth the server must have gone to troll someone else
  • DanBlackfyre
    Hello, @blackwolf7‌. We apologize for the frustration! Have you contacted our Customer Support Team about this issue yet? If not, we would be happy to create a ticket for you to discuss this matter.

    I have and I received the response that its my ISPs fault. BUT apparently it is not only MY ISP the one having the issue Virgin media and some people in time warner are having the exact same issue.

    That is why am here. My ISP confirmed they have no play in the issue... the connection is having problems further up the foodchain.

    This is a problem with over 5 ISPs now.

    Further discussion on this forum.

    This issue bigger than a single QA consult.
    Edited by DanBlackfyre on March 31, 2014 5:54AM
  • blackwolf7
    Yes. I have created a ticket for both.

    1 for the refund but I still havent got a reply yet. Also 5 of my friends, they have not yet received a response as well.

    The other ticket, the one regarding my lag issue. I received a response but the dev seemed like a parrot who only knows a few words because he keeps on repeating his reponses using generic sentences like i should talk to my isp i should check my firewall , i should check my connection, if i have viruses, if im using any vpn, if my anti virus is blocking eso. They keep on insisting these statements despite me already explaining clearly to them that the problem isnt on my side but on theirs.
  • DanBlackfyre
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    I received a response but the dev seemed like a parrot who only knows a few words.

    You could not have said it better... How can it be that so many people >50 different POSTERS and countless more who have not posted, have the same issue with different ISPs.

    It is time to accept the blame ZOS... fix this, we really want to play your game.
  • xtago
    I still can't log in, I'm going to try a second connection but it's via the same ISP in Australia, and the login still times out.

    The mega server can't keep up with the amount of packets, or something else is badly broken like the auth server.

    I'd have to say this has been far worse than the GW2 launch. at least that worked but would drop when swapping servers or the packets going that bit too slow.

    But this is just flat out broken, Even the clinet has problems trying to show up the error codes.

    I did see the ESO devs saying they expected problems due to the amount of sales done, but the betas were working and could get in.

    So I don't understand why the server's can't handle the load after the betas.

    Also I updated to the newest version before the launch, and I've tried a repair it's downloading stuff at 400 Kb/s even going to 800Kb/s yet still can't get into the game.
    Edited by xtago on March 31, 2014 6:45AM
  • Saerydoth
    Um, I just played for about an hour and a half, and I didn't have any issues whatsoever.
  • DanBlackfyre
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    Um, I just played for about an hour and a half, and I didn't have any issues whatsoever.

    I think it is because it is late at night and the server load is less.. Try it at 7pm tomorrow and let me know how long can u play without punching through your screen.
  • DanBlackfyre
    Its not their fault your PC is crap.

    If you don't know what you are talking about please stay quiet. This is either server lag or packet drops. It will happen whether you are running it on a supercomputer on minimum settings or on a laptop from 2009.
  • blackwolf7
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    Um, I just played for about an hour and a half, and I didn't have any issues whatsoever.
    I think only 5-10% of the population are experiencing this problem. A lot of people also say they play without issues.

    @Ragnar_Lodbrok‌ with all due respect sir, i dont think it's my crappy pc's fault. I play the beta test just fine with maximum settings and i dont experience fps lag but connection lag.
  • AngryNord
    Its not their fault your PC is crap.

    If you don't know what you are talking about please stay quiet. This is either server lag or packet drops. It will happen whether you are running it on a supercomputer on minimum settings or on a laptop from 2009.

    Don't feed the troll.. Use the Flag button and report the post to the moderators instead.
  • DanBlackfyre
    I really dislike the stance the QA team has taken. They keep giving the same cookie cutter answers instead of talking to a dev about what is really going on in the code. I expect this will be something that needs patching.

    God knows when and if that patch is going to come.
  • syeates
    this happens to me alot also, and ive been reading alot about it. It seems that were the minority since were not getting a response out of this, I experience lag thats unbearable. Beta was better, then I get kicked out with this error
  • syeates
    And id have to disagree that this is a ISP problem since im located in the Philippines and i am experiencing this, whats funny is that during Beta gameplay was better than this.
  • Kyosji
    Just remember, if you do get your refund, you lose all your bonus items. They will have to lock your account, which means you lose your beta involvement items, you lose any items you got for the early launch, and anything else. So if you DO come back at a later time, you get none of that back.
  • Krysune
    I can barely play the game for 5-10 minutes without getting disconnected like this. What makes it bad is if I fast travel or anything I get rolled back, and I lose the money of course.
  • zbcole
    The other ticket, the one regarding my lag issue. I received a response but the dev seemed like a parrot who only knows a few words because he keeps on repeating his reponses using generic sentences like i should talk to my isp i should check my firewall , i should check my connection, if i have viruses, if im using any vpn, if my anti virus is blocking eso. They keep on insisting these statements despite me already explaining clearly to them that the problem isnt on my side but on theirs.

    Just some words of advice here.

    In troubleshooting, you first have to rule out the environment (Your PC/Network) before you go into the actual code.

    You've already indicated that this is likely an environment factor on your end by the very nature of the problem - i.e. only experienced by 5-10% of the population.

    The trouble for the Zen - is they have to find the common thread of what that problem is, and its generally done best if the support person actually has empathy for your scenario rather than acting like a scolding parent.

    Good news is if the issue is on your machine, as tweaks are easiest to fix. Bad news is if its a flaw on your ISP's network. Those can be the hardest to fix, especially if you are limited in your ISP choices.
  • blackwolf7
    @zbcole the thing is, the problem is neither in my personal computer nor my internet service provider. Ive clearly indicated that despite only a minor portion of the game's population who are experiencing this, we all come from different locations around the world. If it is only happening to the people on certain part of the world then I would agree the problem lies on my Isp. But a lot of people are experiencing this and from different location. Based on that, i can intelligently assume that the problem isnt on our isp or pc but on the server side.

    What pisses me off is that zenimax keeps on ignoring this problem and would not admit they fked up their release. I was not experiencing this during beta weekends so I think my ISp and pc are both fine.
  • Distrobomb
    blackwolf7 wrote: »

    What pisses me off is that zenimax keeps on ignoring this problem and would not admit they fked up their release.

    Game releases on the 4th so technically they haven't. Also, many people are enjoying the game so :|

    I survived the great ESO launch disaster 2014 B)
  • Pyatra
    Try setting the eso.exe process priority to high... that fixed a lot of issues in beta... also close the launcher after you launch the game... see if that helps with anything.
  • blackwolf7
    Distrobomb wrote: »
    blackwolf7 wrote: »

    What pisses me off is that zenimax keeps on ignoring this problem and would not admit they fked up their release.

    Game releases on the 4th so technically they haven't. Also, many people are enjoying the game so :|

    Exactly. A lot of people are enjoying the game so they instead choose to ignore the small amount of population who btw are also paying for their services. We, despite being the minority, have the full right to get refund because we are being denied of the service we paid for. Also, early access is already part of the release if not then they should another wipe on april 4 for it to be considered as official release.

    All zenimax need to do is to accept the fact that their devs made an error that affects a small but good amount of population of their subsribers.

    All im suggesting is that instead of focusing a stupid zoom in character creation bug, they should focus on this more gameplay hindering issue.

    Anyway I already gave up on the devs of this game. All I want to know is if I can get a refund. (Already filed a ticket but zenimax is also ignoring it)
  • blackwolf7
    Pyatra wrote: »
    Try setting the eso.exe process priority to high... that fixed a lot of issues in beta... also close the launcher after you launch the game... see if that helps with anything.

    Already did that. I will try the close the launcher thing though im not sure how will that affect the issue. But thank you for suggestimg that
  • DanBlackfyre
    Pyatra wrote: »
    Try setting the eso.exe process priority to high... that fixed a lot of issues in beta... also close the launcher after you launch the game... see if that helps with anything.

    How do you do this?
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Distrobomb wrote: »
    blackwolf7 wrote: »

    What pisses me off is that zenimax keeps on ignoring this problem and would not admit they fked up their release.

    Game releases on the 4th so technically they haven't. Also, many people are enjoying the game so :|

    Exactly. A lot of people are enjoying the game so they instead choose to ignore the small amount of population who btw are also paying for their services. We, despite being the minority, have the full right to get refund because we are being denied of the service we paid for. Also, early access is already part of the release if not then they should another wipe on april 4 for it to be considered as official release.

    All zenimax need to do is to accept the fact that their devs made an error that affects a small but good amount of population of their subsribers.

    All im suggesting is that instead of focusing a stupid zoom in character creation bug, they should focus on this more gameplay hindering issue.

    Anyway I already gave up on the devs of this game. All I want to know is if I can get a refund. (Already filed a ticket but zenimax is also ignoring it)

    For one, none is paying for a service yet. The game isnt even launched yet. And as with any mmo dev, they arent likely to apply much priority to performance issues of an extreme minority. They will work on issues that affect most first. Obviously you don't have much experience in mmos. This has to be the smoothest launch Ive ever seen.
This discussion has been closed.