Zams Guide To Everything ESO

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Thanks ZOS For the fantastic game!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the forums!

This guide is meant to help you navigate the forums and the game better! It has questions, answers and links to everything you need to know, weather you are new or a veteran this guide will help! Everything from excellent crafting guides, to resources for the elder scrolls online!

(Note: If you have questions that are not answered in this thread please post them in the comments and I will get back to you ASAP!)

Hi there Zam, I’m a completely new player and I don’t understand to much about this game, can you help me?
- Of course! If you read this guide you will get lots of knowledge about the forums and the game itself. We also have the New Player Guide Which teaches you all the key bindings and basic information about well the basics!

What are the payment methods for the subscriptions?
- You can pay with credit card, PayPal, or prepaid time cards!

- Calm down, this is a common issue! Use /Reloadui to reload your ui! It helps if you are stuck in conversation with an NPC and other UI related issues! Remember, if the command does not fix it, use /bug and report it!

How do I change my name on the forums?? It says my real name/email name HELP! Currently does not work, waiting for fix
- Go to your Profile click the big edit button on the top right! Shortcut to the edit button "HERE!" Then change the Username Field!

What are the little things I see below each forum post?
- These are a way to give kudos to someone based on their post. They show up on their profile also! If something made you laugh hit LOL and so on and so forth!

What are the community rules?
- All the community rules are avalible HERE! Make sure you read these and abide by them at all times!

If I didn’t pre order can I play any race in any alliance?
- Unfortunately at this time you cannot. But in the future ZOS may allow us to purchase the ability to do so.

What are the roles we have on our profile?
- Its a system Zenimax uses to categorize people into. Not much is known other than that.

Where can I find information about whats happening currently?
- Well there are a few places. We Have Official News And Discussions In this section we have patch notes (Updates to the game are posted here), Developer Discussion (Threads created by the Developers inviting you to discuss and give feedback about parts of the game) and server status!

Will I keep my character if I don’t pay the sub fee for a month? How about 2?
- If you forget to pay the sub fee or just simply cannot pay it you will keep your characters and all the progress you have made on them. If you don’t pay for 2 months it’s okay! All of your character information will be saved!

Help I ran into a bug and cant report it with the in game /bug command!

I want to see this at this place in the game and I think it would be great can you add it?
- Slow down there turbo! We know that you have great ideas and suggestions, if you want to make one use the /feedback command in game to make suggestions and provide your feedback!

What is this badge Zam?
- You will get a badge on the forums for doing various things! Mentioned someone in a post with the @ command? You get a badge! Change your picture? You get a badge! Post a few times? You get a badge!

Zam I have questions you didn't answer HELP!
- Its okay! Just post them on this forum post and the community will help you out with them. This post will also be updated with new questions and answers! If you have questions that were not answered in this thread use the New Player Questions Thread! (The link is for the English thread)

OMG x is broken!
- That’s okay! Things will be broken and the best thing we can do is report it with the /bug command! Or if you can’t use /bug post it on the forums as stated above!

Zam! How did you color your text? I cant figure it out!
- By using the BBC Code enabled on these forums! Visit The BBC Code Wikipedia Page and search for color!

What are all the emote commands?

Zam what are these stars next to my name and how do i get them?
- The stars are your current rank on the forums! Your rank increases each time someone likes agrees thinks your post is awesome or insigtful! You lose points for being marked as spam abuse or as a troll!

is below 50 points,
✭✭ is 50-99,
✭✭✭ is 100-499,
✭✭✭✭ is 500-999 and
✭✭✭✭✭ is 1000+!

I really like this feature of the game and it shouldn't be changed! How can I let the devs know?
- Simple! If you are in game use the /feedback command in game and let them know!

Zam, I have some questions about guilds, please help!
How do I find a guild?

- The ESO Forums is a great place to look for guilds, right under The Guild Headquarters Section!

Why would I want to join a guild?

- Guilds are a common social aspect of mmos and help you find groups for dungeons and pvp/pve easier then spamming chat! They also bennifit you by operating guild stores where you can exchange items to and from other player!

How do I join a guild?

- By simply asking for an invite and meeting the guilds pre-requisites that they may have!

How do I choose one to join?

- Do your research! Make sure you know what the guild is looking for and if its important to you that they have a chat server!

If none of them suit my taste and i start my own what should I do to be successfull?

- Basically everything in this section of the guide! Dont spam zone chat advertising as these guilds usually only last so long. Make a recruitment post here and get a website set up so you can more easily get recruits into your guild. Also if it is important to have a chat server you can use raidcall for a free chat service which works great!

Zam, i have questions about guilds you didnt answer what do?

- Well just pm me and i will update this section with the questions and the answers!

Is there a location command in game?
- Sadly there is not a location command or a way to find out your current location with commands. If you encounter a bug be sure to use /bug in game and it will send a picture, your current location in game and your description with it!

Zam, how is the looting system? Are the chest relative to me or everyone?
- Most* Containers are openable to everyone. If someone opens something ahead of you, chances are you can open it also! With the exception of lock picking chests and some containers, everything is relative to you!

ZAM! How do i view my plethora of achievments?!?
- Its simple! Go in game and open your journal (Default key binding is J) then look at the top bar of the journal and you will see a tab marked achievments, simply clicking this will allow you to browse that plethora of achivments you have!

Zam, is there quick slots and if there are how do i use them?
- Of course there is! This is an elder scrolls game after all! Check out the short pictorial guide to quick slots and it will teach you everything you need to know!

Zam, I’m wondering about crafting, how do I craft and what can I craft?

- We have a multitude of crafting skills available to you, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Clothing, Enchanting, Provisioning and Woodworking. Below I will provide known guides to the skills that have them thus far!

Note: If you have a guide you think belongs on this list please message me on the forums with a link to your guide and I will add it where it belongs!

Note : Interested in simulating your crafting experience? Try using ESO Heads Crafting Simulator!

Or are you interested in simulating your alchemy recipes? Try Tamriel Journals Alchemy Simulator!


Zam, what are some builds for the classes?

- As I do not have any personal builds for the classes I recommend you use The ESO Head Skill Calculator!
If you message me skill builds and character builds I will add them to the list below!

Builds Needed


Zam, i want to just read up on the skills and see what all of them do where can i do that at?
- You can do it at the ESO head skill calculator if you want, but you can also do it at the Skills Section of the ESO Fextralife Wiki!

Zam, how do i become a vampire/werewolf? I wanna be one so badly!
- There is not to much information on this but from what info there is it goes like this. Either have someone who is already a vampire/werewolf bite you (A player can only bite 1 other player every 7 days) or attempt to find the werewolfs/vampires in cyrodiil and fight them to get infected. They are rare spawns so good luck!

(Note, This section will be updated as more info becomes available!)

OMG Zam! I messed up my spec and im wondering how do i re spec? (Reskill)
- Dont worry! You CAN respec anytime you want! Take a look at This Guide To Help You Out!

Zam, I want to install addons to my game, where can I download these and how can I install them?

Sites To Get Addons From:
Installing Addons:
Navigate to the ESO Directory (Usually in your documents)
- Windows: C:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\
- Mac: ~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/Live/

Locate the addons folder, if it does not exist create one

Drop your desired Addons into the folder

Log in, navigate to the addons menu under options and enable!

Zam, where are all the Skyshards at?

I personally dont know where all of them are, but the maps below should have all the answers you seek!


How does the sneaking system work? Does it work in pvp also?
- The sneaking system works great! It works similar to skyrim’s sneaking system. You use left ctrl (Default Key Binding) to crouch down and begin sneaking, when the eye is closed you are sneaking!

- In pvp if the eye is closed you are invisible to players of the opposing factions. But beware, if you get to close they will detect you!

-Patch Updates

- Currently Not Available

Read all the changes and get the full list of patch notes Here

- Guide Updates
11/19/2013 Fixed all links in guide, updated some questions.
11/19/2013 Added the "Whats New?" Section
11/19/2013 Add the "Current Test Goals Section
11/20/2013 Updated the list of emotes with a new link
11/22/2013 Added new question.
11/22/2013 Removed the *NEW tag from old questions
01/07/2014 Updated Patch Updates and current test goals
02/4/2014 Patch Notes And Current Test Goals Updated
02/4/2014 Updated Links to take you to the proper areas
02/7/2014 Added new questions, Marked with NEW! Tag!
02/8/2014 Added UI help
02/25/2014 Updated links and Disclaimer
03/11/2014 Updated Links, test goals, patch updates and added test faq
03/11/2014 Updated Disclaimer and added a little something at the very bottom ;)
03/30/2014 Complete overhaul of guide from beta to release also removed the something at the bottom
03/31/2014 First Round Of Updates With User Generated Content! :D Also Spoiler'd ALL sections to allow quick access to questions!
03/31/2014 Also adjusted spacing and updated people who have contributed
04/02/2014 Added questions and answers, and guides to their respective categorys
04/16/2014 Added guild questions and answers
04/23/2014 Added DK Tank Guide + Updated Questions

Remember, if you have any more questions please post them here and I will do my best to get back to you on it!

Once again welcome new players and enjoy the game!


P.S: Although my nickname is Zam, I am not affiliated with the ZAM network of games.

If you experience a bug or need technical support use this link to quickly start a thread in the Customer Support ForumClicky! If you are in game make sure to use /bug! Make sure to state Bug Report in the tittle!!

Special Thanks To The Contriibuters With Their Guides And Their Resources: @Kijima @Myrron‌ @Atalle @Halmur @Fexelea @kstauthamerb16_ESO‌ @NeeScrolls
Edited by Zameri on June 7, 2014 9:56PM
Arkay Beta Tester
  • kijima
    A big thankyou Zameri, this is exactly what this forum needs. ;)
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Zameri
    @Kijima This is a revised version of my beta forums guide :p Also thank you for the list of emotes!
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • kijima
    Hehe, yeah I know. It went missing which I expected during the wipe. :s

    It's what this forum needs though, should be a sticky I reckon.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Zameri
    @Kijima maybe, im not sure if i have enough information to make it into a sticky yet
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Zameri
    Added Note at the beginning of the thread post to inform readers that they can ask questions in this thread.
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Rissq
    I really want to know if you can view your achievements somewhere.
  • psychounz
    Rissq wrote: »
    I really want to know if you can view your achievements somewhere.

    You can; in the journal tab, click on the icons in the upper right listed after the journal icon. You can see collected achievements as well as ones that you don't have yet :3

  • Ysissiryl
    Rissq wrote: »
    I really want to know if you can view your achievements somewhere.
    Ingame or offgame?

    Ingame, it is one of the three "tabs" of your journal (I think the right sign).
    Offgame, I don't know/think so.

    ~~~ This message is written entirely with recycled electrons. ~~~
  • Stautmeister
    Since you dont have any build guides yet i can advise my templar levelling build.
    (currently level 24 and had no issues whatsoever)

    Weapon 1. 2 handed
    Weapon 2. Restoration staff

    2 Handed weapon:
    Critical charge (Upgrade for more dmg on longer range)
    Reversed Slash (Upgrade for whatever preference :))

    Aedric spear:
    Javalin toss (upgrade for increased knockdown)
    Puncturing strike (Upgrade for aoe)

    Dawns Wrath:
    Sunfire (upgrade for aoe)

    On your second bar
    You want from the restoration staff:
    Mutagen and from the restoring light Rushed ceremony.
    Fill up with other aoe heals.

    How this works: Against group: Charge in, punctering strikes/ sunfire, finish of with reversed sweep. Against single targets Critical charge> Javalin toss> Critical charge> Javalin toss is amazing. You keep knocking them down/away from you.
    Fighting a hard boss? knock them away, switch to resto staff and heal yourself up!

    Armor. Personally i went for 5 Heavy and 2 light (wearing warlock set which gives me loads of magica regen) But i can see a combination of medium/light or heavy/medium work as well. Depends on which skill you like more.

    In groups this offers amazing utility because when you see people dropping to fast, switch to resto staff, heal them up, back to 2 handed and use stamina to do dmg again.

    Passives pick based on whatever you like. I personally went for my racials (usefull in any situation since im a high elf) And then into 2 handed for more dmg.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Zameri
    Since you dont have any build guides yet i can advise my templar levelling build.
    (currently level 24 and had no issues whatsoever)

    Weapon 1. 2 handed
    Weapon 2. Restoration staff

    2 Handed weapon:
    Critical charge (Upgrade for more dmg on longer range)
    Reversed Slash (Upgrade for whatever preference :))

    Aedric spear:
    Javalin toss (upgrade for increased knockdown)
    Puncturing strike (Upgrade for aoe)

    Dawns Wrath:
    Sunfire (upgrade for aoe)

    On your second bar
    You want from the restoration staff:
    Mutagen and from the restoring light Rushed ceremony.
    Fill up with other aoe heals.

    How this works: Against group: Charge in, punctering strikes/ sunfire, finish of with reversed sweep. Against single targets Critical charge> Javalin toss> Critical charge> Javalin toss is amazing. You keep knocking them down/away from you.
    Fighting a hard boss? knock them away, switch to resto staff and heal yourself up!

    Armor. Personally i went for 5 Heavy and 2 light (wearing warlock set which gives me loads of magica regen) But i can see a combination of medium/light or heavy/medium work as well. Depends on which skill you like more.

    In groups this offers amazing utility because when you see people dropping to fast, switch to resto staff, heal them up, back to 2 handed and use stamina to do dmg again.

    Passives pick based on whatever you like. I personally went for my racials (usefull in any situation since im a high elf) And then into 2 handed for more dmg.

    Would you mind putting your skill set into a skill builder, saving it and sending me a link to it via private message on the forums? I will implement this to the guide ASAP! :D
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Atalle
    Edited by Atalle on April 2, 2014 2:16PM
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • trahe
    I need information on the different places where we start off such as how many are there, how do you get to them, and in some cases, how do you get off them? For instance, some of my characters have "arrived" in Daggerfall, while my last character "arrived" in some God-forsaken hell hole with lava everywhere. In case you couldn't tell... that character hated the location.
  • Poetic_Undead
    Hi Zam, would it be okay if you added information about becoming/finding Vampires and Werewolves? :)
  • Stautmeister
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Zameri
    Hi Zam, would it be okay if you added information about becoming/finding Vampires and Werewolves? :)
    Atalle wrote: »

    All these will be added into the guide this evening! Thanks for the content everyone! You all rock! :D
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Woogawoman
    The username is read only for me when I go to edit my profile. So how can I really change it to the one I had when these were beta forums?
    Aetherium Oblivion Alliance - 40+ Mature Gamers Guild (NA)
  • Zameri
    The username is read only for me when I go to edit my profile. So how can I really change it to the one I had when these were beta forums?

    @Melifoonub18_ESO If you can not change your username and it has been reset since the beta forums, i reccomend messaging customer support for assistance. The method stated above works for the first time you change your user name it seems. I will attempt to contact an Admin to get some information on it.
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Woogawoman
    Thanks. I actually submitted a ticket a few days ago but haven't heard anything back (not even an acknowledgement).
    Aetherium Oblivion Alliance - 40+ Mature Gamers Guild (NA)
  • Stautmeister
    Thanks. I actually submitted a ticket a few days ago but haven't heard anything back (not even an acknowledgement).

    I had the same issue, but contacted customer support and it should be fixed asap.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Zameri
    Guides for the classes are Despratly needed! Please message me or post here if you have a guide for a class or anything that you feel should be added!
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Fexelea
    Since class guides are almost impossible given the variations in builds, I'd like to beef up a comprehensive build index with forum ideas.

    I've been adding what people are submitting to here:

    It's a slow process but if anyone has builds to share, please respond here/add them to wiki directly/message me!

    I'm finding the overall option spectrum overwhelming so would really love some more expert advise

    Things I'm working on atm:
    Building up a quest index here (video walkthroughs by AyinMaiden):

    We added Treasure Maps here (trying to source screenshots of view/in game map):

    And we have the Afflictions page as a Work in Progress for Vampirism/Lycantrophy
    Edited by Fexelea on April 6, 2014 10:44AM
    Join the fan-powered community wiki for Elder Scrolls Online. All Eso Sets
    or check out the Dark Souls Wiki. We also have a Sekiro Wiki Bloodborne Wiki, Elden Ring Wiki and Dark Souls 3 Wiki

  • Reno666
    nice post!
  • Zameri
    Reno666 wrote: »
    nice post!

    @Reno666 Why thank you very much! Im glad you like it!

    Arkay Beta Tester
  • generalbreezy
    Soul Shriven
    Fantastic post! This was a great help :smile:
  • NeeScrolls
    Hey there Zam , just wanted to post a quick *THANKS* for all of your many guides & clickys & such.

    Also PM'd you something else to maybe add as a 'clicky' too. Depending on whether or not you deem it worthy or necessary.

    Anyways, see ya round in-game sometime! --- regards, Nee
  • redwall
    @zam great guide mate
  • chriss23
    Hi Zam, thanks for your helpful guide. There is one thing I still can't seem to do on the forum and that is change my profile picture. I may just be doing something wrong but it's not obvious! :\
  • NeeScrolls
    chriss23 wrote: »
    Hi Zam, thanks for your helpful guide. There is one thing I still can't seem to do on the forum and that is change my profile picture. I may just be doing something wrong but it's not obvious!

    You should be able to do it by clicking 'profile' then 'EDIT profile' and then its listed on the leftside options area.

    BUT: as far as i'm aware, you're only allowed to use the ESO-themed forum *provided* (approved) pics.

    p.s. Zam: don't forget to post/include that "GUILD Guide" thing we PM'd about, whenever you have time np yep. Thanks again and take it easy dude. --- Nee

    Edited by NeeScrolls on April 16, 2014 6:35PM
  • Zameri
    @NeeScrolls I am currently working on it, i have been busy with work these past few days and will hopefully update it by the end of the day!
    Arkay Beta Tester
  • Hisuiko
    Thanks Zameri, great guide!
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