This deck and the Orgnum deck are the worst decks, both lack finesse, both are tedious, both make for extremely boring matches.
I don't find any deck unfair, because both players can use them.
IncultaWolf wrote: »They are nerfing crow cards on the pts, which was needed, and buffing orgnum haha
IncultaWolf wrote: »They are nerfing crow cards on the pts, which was needed, and buffing orgnum haha
IncultaWolf wrote: »They are nerfing crow cards on the pts, which was needed, and buffing orgnum haha
Do you have any specifics? I deinstalled pts
What???? Buffing Orgnum more? It's already the dumbest deck... Looks like they really want to kill ToT.
Personofsecrets wrote: »The nerfs are good, but not enough. Both Tolls should cost 5.
spartaxoxo wrote: »The nerfs are already pretty big. 3 card combos are much harder to come by in early game.
WitchyKiki wrote: »
If they make them more expensive at the very least, you will get less successful red eagle/crow spammers since they will need the gold in order to be able to purchase crow.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
The idea was to nerf it not kill it. Pilfer already got a cost increase. And they both went to combo 3. That's a big change.
IncultaWolf wrote: »Sorceror-King Orgnum
Storm Shark Wavecaller: Increased Power of base effect from 1 to 2.
Serpentguard Rider: Added +1 Power to Combo 2.
Duke of Crows
Increased the cost from 5 to 6.
Moved Combo 2 Draw to Combo 3.
Plunder: Moved Combo 2 Draw to Combo 3.
I was thinking a lot about crow deck... and you know what confuse me the most ? Why the hell it able to generate raw power so easy if not at all ? Hlaalu deck has no access to power so he should invest in power cards if he wish to use a patrons like Reachman or Pelin, Orgnum has pretty low and hard generation of both - gold and power.
And here the crow that can put 4 gold card mainly for a combo extending yet got more raw power than most expensive psijic cards.
My solution: change power on all crow cards to prestige. May be except Blackfeather Knight and 3 row combo of Murder of Crows.
This will prevent Reachman patron spam, endless tavern refresh and immortal agents
I was thinking a lot about crow deck... and you know what confuse me the most ? Why the hell it able to generate raw power so easy if not at all ? Hlaalu deck has no access to power so he should invest in power cards if he wish to use a patrons like Reachman or Pelin, Orgnum has pretty low and hard generation of both - gold and power.
And here the crow that can put 4 gold card mainly for a combo extending yet got more raw power than most expensive psijic cards.
My solution: change power on all crow cards to prestige. May be except Blackfeather Knight and 3 row combo of Murder of Crows.
This will prevent Reachman patron spam, endless tavern refresh and immortal agents
AnduinTryggva wrote: »
WHOOOT? You want direct prestige gain for Crow? This would make it even more powerful and your opponent would be forced to pick rajin to stand a decent chance at all.
If so power output of Crow should be much reduced.
The only difference would be is that crow wouldn't be able to wipe an opponent agents and use patrons: Hunding, Pelin, Druid and Reachman without investments to other decks
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Taunts would also no longer work as counterplay to crow spam, which would weaken Pelin as a counter to Crow.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Taunts would also no longer work as counterplay to crow spam, which would weaken Pelin as a counter to Crow.
I have no Idea how you gonna counter crow spam as Pelin's 7,9 taunts if the most problematic crow's cards are 4, 5 and 6. And the main problem of deck itself is draw and huge power+gold generation.
On PTS they changed 6 and 5 to longer combo but consider it like this: crow plays any card + Pool of Shadow or Claw and always can draw another card (by reachman) for combo because crow patron hasn't any use with own deck until very end.
Typical crow play: get some 4 draw card and start spam. When you got a 2 in a hand - you draw next, take another crow card from tavern (they are cheap) or draw card, if u are unlucky - use reachman patron because you almost always have some power. And if crow a bit lucky it will get a treasure card in tavern and since a gold is not a problem for this deck you will know that it will be another reachman tap. On certain step it's just a full deck recycle since there always opportunity to tap reachman coupled with extremely cheap removal of undesired cards in deck. Power is a reason why Rajin works poorly against crow: there not much agents but a lot of power for removal early shadows wich needed for Rajin combo
I have no Idea how you gonna counter crow spam as Pelin's 7,9 taunts if the most problematic crow's cards are 4, 5 and 6.