SeaGtGruff wrote: »Crow lovers, unite! Everyone form a line behind me; I get first shot at buying those Crow cards.
As I mentioned in another thread, Hlaalu and Crow are the two decks I always pick during a match, unless my NPC opponent picks one or both of them first. Crow in particular can be a good counter to other patrons.
Please, do not nerf Crow.
El_Borracho wrote: »
Totally agree. Its the only deck I've found that can reliably squash an Orgnum spammer. And when you pair it with a deck like Ansei or Celarus, you can overwhelm you opponent. But it takes building the deck, not mindless, "See card, buy card."
Haven't played Druid King yet (console) but I hope nothing happens to Crow. Its fine the way it is
Ye_Olde_Crowe wrote: »I don‘t want to be nerfed…?
Why would you want to nerf the funniest way to counter Orgnum spammers?
I agree with you that it is the easiest decks, the reason I rarely pick it. But it's more fun than the dumb Orgnum deck which still is for me "most braindead cheap tactic in ToT".
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »While I agree that Crow cards often feel like auto-picks because they're so naturally synergistic, I think playing them offers interesting strategies. I just finished a game where I only had 7 cards in my deck, 5 of which were Crow cards. It was fun to carefully pick when to draw and which combos to activate for a burst of prestige. They're by far my favorite way to win.
They've already doled out some cost nerfs to Crows, so maybe they could hit them with another one for the more expensive cards.
You need to add a ban deck from each player at the beginning of the game. I would ban this deck every game. It is practically impossible to play if the player is lucky with the opponent with purple cards. The whole deck is played every turn.
The game is supposed to have winners and losers and not last forever. Sometimes the way the deck stacks up that's going to be you, and there is nothing you can do about it. If you can't handle that fact without coming in here to ask for nerfs because you are frustrated its probably time to take a break or reevaluate your mindset.
Druid and Rajhin although being combo decks in their own right can mess with or synergize with crow strats so next time you see a crow first pick try those maybe to see if they help?
Alternately Hlallu and Reach king or Orgnum can help enable patron victory strats which is my favorite. so you can out race them with that?
You can also try Pelin and Ansei/reach and just go aggro power strat to win/lose quick get the games over with.
Maybe with Necrom there will be a new anti combo deck?
The PTS pretty much has all the planned changes locked in so you wont be getting your wish so do what you can to improve your own quality of life regarding the game. You are unfortunately "screaming into the void" here.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »Crow is one of my two go-to decks, the other being Hlaalu. Please don't nerf it!
I play exclusively against the Expert NPCs, and about the only time I ever lose a match is when the NPC is able to buy a few good Pelin cards during the first several moves and no matter what I try to do after that I can't seem to ever catch up. Not that I'd ever ask for Pelin to be nerfed, because I think it's fine the way it is.
AnduinTryggva wrote: »Absolutely. We have at the moment two decks (Orgnum and Crow) for which early picks are decisive.
Of course with other decks this can happen but this is much much rarer while with Orgnum and Crow this is consistently the case.
I don't spam Orgnum as it is the least fun strat unless Orgnum is enforced on me by my opponent.
When I am out for an easy win I always pick Crow and from two or three picks either by me or by my opponent I know what outcome the match will have.
As I said Orgnum needs a nerf in terms of power generation and/or cost so that players don't have an incentive to spam it early on.
Crow needs a nerf on the added card synergy and ideally reduce power output from Crow.
WitchyKiki wrote: »
I wouldnt waste your time trying to argue this further, truth is crow/red eagle spammers found a braindead RNG tactic and it can ignore all other mechanics, so they will continue to push for it to not be nerfed. Its why I have a jolly good laugh when my cards align, and I spam the hated cat.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
My general pick is Druid King, Red Eagle, and Hlallu. I also think obviously Druid King needs a nerf but I enjoy the deck. I don't think Crows needs a nerf. It's got really obvious counterplay and I seldom see it in competitive games. I mostly see it unranked and last I checked I won against it more often than other decks.
I do see a lot of Pelin and Rahjiin. Rahjiin seems to dominate the leaderboards. It seems rare I play comp without running into these decks. It makes me think it's the decks most in need of nerfs. But, only the devs can confirm that suspicion.
Anyway, I do think Crows+Red Eagle are an important counter to Rahjiin spam, and if they nerf Crow they'll need to also change Rahjiin.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
My general pick is Druid King, Red Eagle, and Hlallu. I also think obviously Druid King needs a nerf but I enjoy the deck. I don't think Crows needs a nerf. It's got really obvious counterplay and I seldom see it in competitive games. I mostly see it unranked and last I checked I won against it more often than other decks.
I do see a lot of Pelin and Rahjiin. Rahjiin seems to dominate the leaderboards. It seems rare I play comp without running into these decks. It makes me think it's the decks most in need of nerfs. But, only the devs can confirm that suspicion.
Anyway, I do think Crows+Red Eagle are an important counter to Rahjiin spam, and if they nerf Crow they'll need to also change Rahjiin.
AnduinTryggva wrote: »
I don't think that you play a lot of competitive matches. Crow is the most picked deck in competitive matches and I play several ones per day. Each day.