New to ESO, issues navigating the UI (using PC)

I’m completely new to ESO, been playing the past few days and level 20. I’m on a MacBook running ESO on max graphics without issue. I am strictly using the trackpad, no mouse but I don’t think it matters since the UI would be the same for Windows.

Anyways, I’m having an issue with setting a destination on the map. It tells me to press ‘5’ to set destination but there is also a ‘5’ next to legend. It’s the same number for both and only the legend will pull up. There’s also other interfaces in the game where ‘5’ is the same number for two different options such as when wanting to purchase more bank space.

The other issue is for information boxes within the game for certain abilities and items where there is an ‘8’ with a ^ above it and a ‘2’ with a v beneath it as indicators for scrolling. When I press 8 or 2, nothing happens.

I also noticed there is a second chat box on the left side, different from the one on the right that comes up when you press ‘enter’ in which you can open tabs in. It popped up when I was playing around with the settings in social, but after a while it won’t come up after hovering my curser on the left side.

In certain YouTube videos, when people pull up their inventory, it looks completely different from mine because it has tabs for the character, map, etc.. For me it just comes up as a list with supplies, slottables, main hand, offhand, etc. I have to use a separate key to see the map or character info.

Any help is appreciated, thx.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on August 9, 2022 4:07PM
  • Nyseto
  • Maitsukas
    You may have accidentally activated the Accessibility Mode when you launched the game, it forces you to use Gamepad UI across everything (Gamepad UI is basically the PS & XBOX UI). Here's how to fix it:
    1. Press ESC
    2. Click on Settings
    3. Click on Accessibility
    4. Turn Accessibility Mode "OFF"
    PC-EU @maitsukas

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  • Nyseto
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    You may have accidentally activated the Accessibility Mode when you launched the game, it forces you to use Gamepad UI across everything (Gamepad UI is basically the PS & XBOX UI). Here's how to fix it:
    1. Press ESC
    2. Click on Settings
    3. Click on Accessibility
    4. Turn Accessibility Mode "OFF"

    Wowwww that fixed everything! Lmfao. I was struggling this entire time, thanks a lot!
    Edited by Nyseto on August 7, 2022 4:38PM
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Bill
    Thanks for the update letting us know turning off accessibility mode fixed the issue. With the issue now resolved, we will go ahead and close the discussion.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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