First of all, if I forget something please comment and I'll add it, if you can put a solution Ill add it too if I find it not to be about *** the other half of the community.. so here we go..
(All my solutions will go towards a more balanced play without losing on the fun aspect, with an emphasis on the game not being the same for everyone, not all builds being the same, having actual choice and having skill and practice matter)
1) Power creep.. Oh baby we start strong here with one of the worst things happening to the game, Ill proceed to explain why this is happening and propose a solution for every one of them.
a) One Tamriel.
I love it, I like playing with my friends wherever I want, but One Tamriel carries with it the absolute realization that at the end of the day, if all content is "scaled" then you cant do much progression in the form of rewards for harder experiences. This is somewhat defeated by trials, but needs more work put into it to differentiate stuff... so here come my proposed solutions
- Make vet dungeons part of the item progression (for example, perfected versions of normal dungeon sets), give us a reason to farm in vet instead of in normals (except for the fact that vet drops purples), the vet dungeons being more difficult already is in place, so lets take advantage of that. Ill go into item progression later which will explain how this progression can and should not affect power creep.
- Make CP matter again, CP 2.0 was a step in the right direction but too limiting, when you limit options you dont leave much choice right? Which is why almost every build will use the exact same nodes, I propose a limit of 6 stars to give more wiggling room but nerfing the points required to unlock them, players would be immediately nerfed but they would feel the progression for far longer, having to spend more points to unlock stuff but being able to use more of it.. I find that being able to fill all 6 stars with 600cp is a good investment of time for that reward, so around 80cp instead of the currect usual 50cp for a normal star. Progression is important, rewarding players for their continued effort matters, and when players are told that "once you reach 1200 cp you just dont progress anymore on it" is not good
- Make DLC zones more difficult, sort of a vet version of normal zones, all of them balanced the same, like a "vet one tamriel", players will be able to do that content pretty fast, like they can do vet dungeons, and make those zones rewarding for all styles of play.. Let crafters have a bit more of materials from nodes, increase the gold drop a bit, little stuff like that, rewarding for those who put in the effort but not game changing (dont just go 50% more materials.. a 5 to 10% would be more than high enough for players to justify a lil bit more effort)
- Quest progression.. I get it, lets all play together.. But why do all quests need to have the same difficulty? Why the start of a quest that needs me to collect some materials from a crab leads to killing some dremora that die just as easy as the crab? Introduce a difficulty spike on questing, balanced around 160CP. Most players can reach 160CP in a couple days, hell, a dedicated one with all the exp boosts that you give can do it in a day... But for new players, those couple days are important, and the feeling of being defeated to then come back stronger, is important. It also teaches them to try their hardest to learn the mechanics, cause maybe if they did, they could defeat that boss 10 levels prior.. And they will try it, and they will be rewarded for it. Then once they reach 160cp they have at least an understanding on game mechanics that they wouldnt have if they could just rush through it all by pressing left click.
So a map of progression would look like this: Tutorial (with a proper combat mechanics tutorial) > First zone balanced like usual OT > Some questing > Main quest (With the difficulty spike previously mentioned) > Other zones > Other zones main quest (with the difficulty spike) > Normal Dungeons > Vet Zones (accessible by anyone at any point in time, but balanced around 300cp or so) > Vet zones main quest (with the difficulty spike) > Vet Dungeons (giving the perfected version of normal equipment) > Trials > Vet Trials > New mysterious step that I will mention later
b) Gear.
The other half of power creep. Why? Because every new expansion, new sets are introduced and for them to matter you had to make them stronger than things before.. Thats power creep by design just to sell an expansion... So here are my proposed solutions:
- Stop putting out new sets for a while. Yup.. Thats it.. Thats one of the first things that could be done to alleviate this problem.. STOP. PUTTING. ***. OUT. When you introduce a trial, yeah, of course, give us a new set (with some considerations that I will mention next), but you dont have to introduce new sets all the time, you can instead start introducing perfected versions of UNDERUSED stuff. BUT WAIT! you say.. Wouldn't that increase the power creep too? Making those perfected craftables more powerful than already present stuff? Well, here comes my solution number 2 that ties this up nicely
- Stop putting insane stats on sets. In a game about choice, putting out a set that outperforms everything is not choice. I get it, youve got to sell the expansion or the dlc.. So you want people to WANT to buy it, so they have access to it.. But what if, and hear me out here because this will sound insane, what if you put out FUN *** instead of powerful ***? I know right? Its crazy, but its a solution.. Lets cover one example:
Shalidors curse, a couple stats and the 5 piece bonus? You heal with LA if under 50% health.. I love the concept of this set, the potential it has for solo players..But no one would use it, because its ***. But its really not my dudes! Its a fun set, another option for low self healing classes, a real choice to be made! And why? Because it doesnt try to be more than it needs to be, a couple stats on 1-4 and a game changing 5 piece bonus...
So.. What to do? Well, make them better. When more things become viable, then we have more choice. So the first step?
-Rebalance EVERY. SINGLE. SET. Make them all viable but with a catch.. No more "You just do X more damage and thats it".. bahseis is a perfect example on how this can be done.. Risk and reward, you want that damage? work for it, learn the mechanics for it.. Plenty people still use False, why? Because its easier, you can just spam like crazy because your sustain is amazing.. Does it bring less DPS? Yes it does.. Does it still see use? Yes it does! Because for some people its just more fun and they dont mind losing 5k dps.. People in end-game are not even as close to obsessed with high numbers as most people think they are and the main reason they are mad about this update is because its just nerfing for no reason and making the game BORING. So, introduce a deviation in power on all sets, of course, but let them all fall under a bell curve.. With the most demanding skill wise sets on the top of it, while the others, WHILE STILL VIABLE, may be less demanding for a similar output in effectiveness. And make the fun sets, the niche sets, the "this build could use this" sets, better. No craftable set should have no use in this game, and if it does not have it, then it needs fixing.
-New trials progression.. We've been talking for years about class identity, so this is what you do, you start putting out trial sets that are not just a number pump, but actually do something for your play style instead.. What am I talking about? Im talking about skill modifying gear, we have a couple of those but not nearly enough.. I'm talking about Maelstrom staff being basically the meta for who knows how long already.. Well, new trials are a good place to start correcting this.. Trials centered around a faction to start, for example, a trial centered around the fighters guild.. With a set that modifies (NOT JUST A BUFF IN NUMBERS) the way abilities work. Its important to note the distinction of "make X ability do X more damage" and "make X ability behave wildly differently, with the potential for some wacky combos, some new buff uptimes, some new form of sustain, etc.." I will give an example that Im just making up so dont take it seriously..
New 5 piece set, heavy, thought for tanks of course, gives some health, maybe some hp regen, but then a 5 piece bonus: Circle of protection.. A skill not used too much, used sometimes.. Now? Instead of a rune on the ground its an AoE centered around the player, friendlies in that area receive the buffs already given by the ability (which if im not mistaken are minor protection and endurance, PLUS a shield of, I dont know, lets say 8k, for 0.5 second. Now your tank has a way to protect the team from an area attack that he sees is about to connect, and between the reduced damage and the shield, a well timed, well orchestrated circle of protection with this modification, could be amazing for fights in which you have, for example, a heal check. Its just an example and you dont have to take it seriously, but I believe the future of ESOs identity is in making more ability modifying stuff instead of just pumping numbers.. And people will want it anyway, even if its not "THE BEST", because in some situations it will be, something like this would be amazing for SS for that healing check on the third boss... (which with current changes to hots is going to be a pain in the ass so big i may get hemorrhoids).. Then you just do the same with class abilities.. But why start with guild abilities if I'm talking about class identity? Ill talk about it in 3..
So.. What would the gear progression look like? Well, it would stop being about the new sets released overpowered to justify sells and it would be about collecting the right set for the right place, for your build.. It would be about how you want to play the game instead of everyone running the same 3 sets in every build.. And how do we do this? We leave trial sets as they are (as in, giving stats) and rebalance the underused ones to be useful, if they need a new mechanic that just "gives more numbers" then lets give it to it. Then we balance dungeon gear to give less stats than trial gear, but be useful enough to do trials, again, more rebalancing so they are all usefull or at least a vast mayority of them, the ones that would have no place just because there are too many of them doing the same ***, rebalance them for pvp or for pve exclusively, using slayer or aegis, a new healing buff for pve, or introducing a new minor buff for pvp that can be gotten from dugeons, to start a pvp build, while the Major pvp buff comes only from gear gotten by pvp. That way you have an entry level for pvp but you also have progression within it. No pvp gear should be BiS or even close for pve.. Im looking at you deadly.. Change that ***, all pvp 5 piece bonuses should reward pvp, not pve. And I say that as a templar who is absolutely glad he has deadly for his cast of sweeps, but its a sacrifice ill gladly take for the health of the game. And then, lastly, overland and craftables.. Overland should be, in my opinion, thematic to their zone. Overland sets should have a 5 piece bonus that reflects the zone they drop in, again, not just a stat pump, leave only trial sets as stat pumps, because you dont need stat pumps anywhere else thanks to one tamriel.. And finally craftables.. They are the easier sets to get your hands on, so they SHOULD NOT BE SO GOOD. Orders wrath is an atrocity to the games variation, there is not a single reason for any dd that is playing this game, to run anything but orders wrath as soon as their character is created and up until they either have the money/pvp skills for deadly, or they start farming kinra/trial gear. So, craftable gear should be ALL ABOUT IDENTITY. We have so many zones with craftable gear that we could have 10 sets per class, each one of them modifying a skill for their class.. And because they are craftable, there would be no fighting over the "class locked equipment" because everyone would have access to it.. (different than trial sets class skill modifying in which the same set would modify different abilities, there should not be a set for every class, cause that would be a really stupid grind).. I'm serious, there is so much potential in craftable sets to have some wacky builds.. They could also be used in a pinch after changes *** up some class or another (im looking at you stamplar), in which if there is 5 stamplar craftables, there is plenty of chance to fix it for the time being with a little buff here and there, while the devs take time to put out a proper patch with fixes for the class..)
3) Class Identity...
It doesnt exist. Most builds are all the same, hell, sometimes even across classes they are the same.. for example, most magika dds will have the 6 skills that are the same, no matter the class.. the main culprits being wall and ball, followed by trap and light, sometimes beast, sometimes harness some meteor and dawnbreaker too, definitely dwing daggers.. And so on.. Thats bad and if you think about it, if more than half your skills come from non class lines, then your class doesnt really matter that much at the end of the day does it? I mean, whats the thing that makes a templar dd a templar dd? Sweeps. Thats it.. They are not known for something else, just for one ability.. Yeah, they have other useful abilities like radiant or light, some living dark for pvp.. But mainly they are a sweep spamming class. No matter if they are stam or magika, no matter if pvp or pve.. They. just. spam. sweeps. So.. How do we solve this?
- Non-class lines should be used to patch holes in classes, not as an ever present big boom. Specially ultimates, no class should ever feel the need to put an ultimate just because its better than all of its ultimates.. As a magplar, it pains me that I can use my ults only when im healing, but when dding, dawnbreaker and meteor are just the better option, like in many other classes, with notable exception being the necro who can slot 2 of his ults and be perfectly fine
- If possible, don't give us a new skill line.. Many people will not like what I'm saying here.. But with quantity, comes similarity.. if we get a new class line on every class, there will probably be much overlap.. So instead of that I think the skill modifying gear is the way to go to create unique options and actually have some choice.. Why? Because it could be about the most underutilized skills in a class, giving them new life..
4) Skill Identity..
First every skill goes to 20 seconds.. now the divide between stickies and statics.. we dont like this.. and there is no reason for it.. here is how you solve it:
- All skills should fall under a bell curve, like I said before, skills with higher risk and technical skill required should output more damage, NOT ALL SKILLS SHOULD FOLLOW THE SAME POTENCY
- Skills do not need to have the same duration, duration can be a factor of damage, buffing, static or sticky, secondary effects, cost, etc.. Real diversity should be important..
- Introduction of cd's. I know people wont like this, but hear me out.. Be it by means of a "specific" cd (on the same target, like a debuff that wont let you use that ability on that one you just did, but it will let you use it on another target) or by using ultimate charge, so.. NOT A REAL CD. This would allow you to use a strong ability, with high power coefficient at the expense of your sustain, on packs, or every now and then on a boss, for a big hit. Its just an example.. What I'm getting at is that there needs to be difference between damaging skills, some skills should cost more and do more, some others should cost less and do less.. Some skills should cost normal and do more, but with a caveat of circumstance.. All of them should be viable at the end, again, the bell curve I like to talk about, but SKILL SHOULD BE REWARDED, and then on either side of skill, you got low sustain high output and high sustain low output, buffs should be considered here..
- Introduction of a utility slot... Just let us pop gallop there, or light there, or something like that... Its one slot that is always present, no matter the bar.. That will free up some space, and not force people to have the same skill buffing by passive on 2 bars, limiting their versatility.. Just one is enough.. One little slot for that omnipresent *** we always put somewhere, to give us access to 2 more slots that could be filled with class specific abilities or guild/weapon/armor ones, tho, most likely, the utility slot will have the non class ability that buffs...
- Skills SHOULD NOT BE BORING.. Spamming a skill forever is boring. Dont force us to do so.
5) New players, old players, the duality of the player base and the solutions to their issues:
- New players want to do content.. Nerfing them to hell and back is not the way to help them, and you just did that.
- Older players want the game to be better, to grow, and we know that you just *** new players over FAR MORE than you *** us.. So when you tell us you changed things because of accessibility and for new players sake, we feel insulted, disrespected, lied to.. because we understand how the game works.. [snip] The community is losing any faith it had, and while some of us reacted badly (i admit it, I did.. because im *** pissed at spending so much time and effort into getting better at the game for the devs to tell me "*** your effort, you should not be rewarded for putting the time into getting better") the truth of the matter is, we have been saying the same *** for years now.. We are tired of being in a beta in which the devs never hear our feedback, and only when there is an outcry and people start blowing their *** minds, only then you listen but just enough to say "yo, we hear you" and you just do a small change like the timers, and ignore everything else.. We are tired, annoyed and there is so much pushing against your community that you can do until the community gets pissed. I'm not saying "knee jerk" reactions are the way, but come on, how many times you want to put the finger in our blisters without us just saying enough is enough? if you were at least honest with us and say "we are trying to fix powercreep" then maybe, just maybe, the community would not be so angry.. Because dishonesty is something we are starting to get pretty *** tired of.
- New players had it fine with oakensoul.. It was a really good item for them, a mid point between normal gear and trial gear.. It was still part of the progression and just needed a bit of adjusting, the easiest way would have been to take off some buffs, the overperforming ones, and turning them into slayer and aegis.. Thats it.. That way youve got a good pve item without the pvp component of.. well, being absolutely op.. We all know you wanted to sell your expansion, with a cardgame no one asked, without the changes we have been asking FOR YEARS, so you put some op *** in there, oaken, orders wrath, and call it a day (shout out to the questing and zone team, they outdid themselves with high isle, its amazing and im not saying otherwise) because you knew that people would buy it even if they didnt want to, because they would get *** in pvp, because EVERY SINGLE ONE BAR BUILD. would get updated to oakensoul and be far better.. You knew it.. How you knew it? Because we told you so.. And you did it anyway.. We know you have to keep the lights on, but if you keep trying to keep the lights on (after selling us the game AND the subscription) while destroying the balance of the game, then nerfing it so you can do it all over again and even lying to us that you are doing it "for the new guys"... yeah no, we are not gonna take that *** calmly, people have put thousands of hours, passion, effort, and you are *** them over cash.. of course we are going to react.. I hope to be able to react better from now on, but the dev team needs to do a mea culpa here and start being honest with the community that got you this far.
- Weaving.. You had to do something about this 8 years ago, you didnt do it.. Now do not. ***. touch it. We've put so much *** effort into getting good at it, you owe it to use to not *** on us. On our effort.. Besides, it may look a bit wonky, I admit it, but its fun, its a skill to be learned by the player, not something you can buy, not something you can take from others, but your own effort shows.. What did you expect would happen when you messed with that? And its not like the nerf makes any sense, weaving light attacks is still very necessary and the new players who didnt do it consistently are going to do even less damage now.. You helped no one. Skill should be rewarded, its an MMO, it has progression, why are you so scared of differences between players? Im mediocre at best but I want to get better.. I dont think that my guild leader who has 5k hours in this game should deal less damage for no reason other than to get him closer to me.. And you can not balance the game around people with disabilities.. It may sound *** but thats the truth, for people with disabilities you can, maybe, not *** with an oakensoul big ass nerf.. But if you make the game less reactive to help those with disabilities, instead of giving them a choice to help them, then you basically force all of us to lower our ceiling.. You can make both of us happy, or you can use the prior as an excuse to fix your power creep *** up while *** them too.. Your choice. But I insist, even tho this doesnt sound good, the truth is you cant balance this game around people who cant click, its a *** pc game, im so sorry people have difficulties playing it, but where do you draw the line? Whats next? Make it so the game plays with just one button because there are people paralized who can only click once on one location? Come one, we are not stupid, we dont believe a word about this accessibility thing, you are just using them as an excuse so that if we go against it, we are just ***..Yet even the disabled community is telling you, "you *** us up" which I think is something to consider.
6) Healing.
Honestly this is one of the most problematic parts of this update..(and has been a problem for long) Im glad its been addressed a little bit with the changes to HoT (static).. but still there is much that needs to be done for healing to be more reactive..
- Right now healers are DDs who heal.. so basically they dont feel much difference in their gameplay other than.. keep dots, keep hots, do a rotation.. I think they should be reworked a bit with some reactive gameplay like the tank.. mechanics that, again, reward skill and effort put into getting better.
- A healer only stat in a bunch of sets, as previously mentioned, some class sets with this heal stat would be amazing for crafting.. (and then in trial equipment) Make heals better, make healers feel less of a hybrid between damage and healing, they can increase the damage overall by clever utilization of buffs, letting dds use less place holder abilities just for their buffs, while healers can concentrate on just healing and buffing.. Of course im not saying you take away what we have now, but that you give healers the option to go balls deep into a healer buffing beast. Reactivity is good, skill is good...
Lastly but still very important.. Not everything is numbers, sometimes you need to hear to anecdotal experience, because some *** wont show up in numbers, for example, the loss of dps on numbers is just that, numbers.. but wont tell you about the fact that we are pissed cause that dps comes at the expense of fun. It wont tell you that longer fights with harder healing make for a bad match, for a boring match.. You have great fights with good mechanics, well differentiated and with a good distance between them so they dont get boring and the rotations dont get boring also.. Don't mess with that, the amount of dps we do is perfect, new players need a bit of a buff (oakensoul was a step in the right direction there, even tho it was a bit OP on some classes, fixed by the aforementioned changes) and a tutorial that explains to them GCDs, weaving and the importance of using buffs alongside skills..
PvP is also something to consider, even if it is a small part of the game, for many its the endgame as much as trials are.. Stop *** up PvP to sell stuff.. First of all, either remove mythics completely from PvP or make them accessible to everyone, no pay wall, no nothing. Mythics at this point are p2w and its sad that we have a p2w mechanic in such a great game, I'm all up for you guys getting money from stuff, but things that give stats and are not accessible without credit card usage, should not have a home. A good example is jewelry.. You may not have the dlc, may not pay the +, but you can still go and ask others to craft you some jewelry.. You are not able to do that with mythics. Another solution would be to give free players plus access every month, just one day, so they can slowly but surely progress through some stuff.. At the end of the day you are just getting free marketing of the features of +.. And they would be able to farm those mythics with enough dedication.. I still believe the best way forward considering how important and game changing they are (again, with the personality of builds stuff which I find incredibly important for the future of the game) is to just.. give it for free.. make it part of the base game.. But if you dont want to, at least a middle point can be achieved by either a free day per month (different days so that people with jobs can still make use of them) or introduce lesser versions via crafting, available to all, which would still be kind of p2w because more money=more stats, but at least they would have access to the change in gameplay, which again, for me is a much more important factor than better stats, and considering how the progression works, I think that we have reached a good cap in dps, in which top players can output +100k dps with a lot of effort, technique and time.. Thats 30% more than what a mediocre player like me can do with my 70k dps, (or, if you want to be pedantic about how percentages work, its a 42% increase), I think a player with all perfected gear, an amazing rotation and skill/awareness should be rewarded by being 40% better than me, with my non perfected, still learning ass.. And I dont find that to be bad, actually I find it to be awesome, because I know I can do better and when I do, I feel great, I feel like I've achieved something.. We should celebrate our differences, not try to make it the same for everyone.. Imagine if you were to change chess so that pawns could only move one square on their first move, because top players are able to move them far better than low rating players.. Everyone would say thats insane.. Its the same thing you are doing here, taking the ceiling down but also crashing it on the low end players who still have room to grow.. No one wins.
Please, start listening to your community.. What I gave here are just things that come out of my imagination, some may be wrong and I dont think everything I say will be good for everyone, but I'm pretty sure they are far better than what you are doing now.. And if not, I will be corrected by the community, by players who know the game better than I do.. And I wont be mad.. Because that happens, sometimes you are just wrong.. And I understand that as developers you think you know best.. But sometimes you don't.. Sometimes the hundreds of players experiencing something like a player, instead of like a developer, is worth something.. Because you dont make this game for yourselves, for the developers.. This is a product, a product for the players.. So start treating your customers with some respect and maybe, just maybe, the customers will stop having knee jerk reactions.. You could learn a lot from the PoE developers and how they treat their players, and also, what the players response is to that treatment, that fairness, that "not getting the hand on my wallet" thing..
Either start doing *** correctly or the game will end up losing its top end players, then there will be no one to carry the new players into the hard content, so you will end up buffing everything again but having lost a part of your community.. [snip]
Do better and your community will answer better.. Do better and the players will appreciate it and will want to support this game further, there is many ways to money, what you are doing is one of them, yeah.. But at what cost? You are gaining money but losing one really precious resource for a game.. Players.
[edited for bashing]
Edited by ZOS_Icy on July 24, 2022 3:36PM